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Speaking Practice

Class Name

Unit 01. Beatrix Potter, A Friend of Nature

1. Why are children’s books important? Explain.

2. JK Rowling is considered one of the most influential people. What do you know about the

*editorial credit: Everett Collection,

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 02. Ebonics, A New Controversial American Language

1. Do you think one standard language should be taught in schools? Explain.

2. In your country, are there different dialects used? Give an example.

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 03. Magma and Lava: Fires from Within the Earth
1. Where are some active/inactive volcanos around the world?

2. Yellowstone National Park sits atop one of the largest super-volcanoes, which is thousands
more powerful than a regular volcano. What would happen if it erupted?

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 04. Desert Plants

1. How do these plants adapt to the desert environment?

spinifex grass



2. What are some ways that the limited water may impact the animals living in the desert?

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 05. Salmon

1. What are some other interesting fish?

clownfish mudskipper peacock flounder


2. Salmon can migrate for hundreds of miles and return to the exact location where they were
born. How do other animals find their way without maps or GPS?

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 06. From Wild Wolf to Lovable Dog

1. List the similarities and differences between wolves and dogs.

Dogs Wolves

2. Here are some other animals that have been domesticated. How do they benefit people?

Sheep Cat

Cows Pig

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 07. Chocolate, More Than Just Taste

1. Why do you think people love chocolate? Explain.

2. In the movie “Forrest Gump” (1994), Forrest says, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never
know what you're gonna get." Explain what this quote means.

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 08. Triathlon: One Sport, Born of Three

1. List some reasons why a person would want to compete in a triathlon.

2. Do you think triathlons are dangerous? Explain.

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 09. Pirates: The Menace of the Seas

1. Describe a fictional pirate from a book or film that you know, or a real pirate from history.

2. Why is it difficult for the government to stop the pirates even in modern times? Explain.

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 10. Culture vs Culture

1. Is your culture a homogeneous or a heterogeneous culture? Explain.

2. How is your culture similar or different from others?

*Editorial credit: Tupungato / *Editorial credit: Ksenia Lev /

European American African

3. How has your culture changed through history? Explain.

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 11. Bio-Fuels: The Answer to the Energy Crisis?

1. Is renewable energy the answer to the energy crisis? Explain.

2. With the advances in technology, what will be the next alternative energy? Explain.

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 12. The Lungs of the Earth

1. How are the indigenous people affected by the changes in the Amazon Forest and the Amazon

2. What can we do to bring more awareness to the problems in the Amazon? Explain.

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 13. Body Language, Silent Speaking

1. Look at these pictures. What do their body languages tell you?
Body language and its message Positive/ Negative/Neutral

2. Describe the body language to give the best impression in situations such as a job interview,
giving advice, congratulating someone, etc.

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 14. Happiness, More than a State of Mind

1. Write your definition of happiness.

2. The Free Hugs Campaign involves offering hugs to strangers in public places. What are some
other spontaneous acts of kindness that people can do?

*Editorial credit: David P. Lewis /

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 15. The Penny Black

1. The modern method of sending messages is convenient, but it has its downs too. What are
some advantages and disadvantages?
Advantages Disadvantages
- -
- -
- -

2. How do you prefer to send and receive messages? Explain.

Speaking Practice
Class Name

Unit 16. All Quiet on the Western Front

1. Why do countries go to war? Explain.

2. What kind of weapons could be used in wars in the future?


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