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Romans 8 TRUTHS:

UNDERSTANDING WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE HAVE IN CHRIST The Holy Spirit and His ministry in the life of a believer.
Jesus promised to his disciples that he will send another comforter. He will
Intro: teach us and guide us into all truth; He will remind us of what Jesus taught…
There’re so many things in Christianity that Christians do not understand and He started to dwell in us at the moment of our salvation. V.11, “The Spirit of
therefore do not appropriate and appreciate. God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.”
Many would consider Christianity as a bunch of rules and regulations; rigid He is the seal that we belong to God.
and rough; always makes you feel guilty. Sometimes you think others are just
pretending to be a good person and happy in the Lord. The evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit in us and His working is
shown in the kind of life and thinking that we are manifesting.
Theme: “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in -When there is putting to death the deeds of the sinful nature; when there is
Christ Jesus.” constant victory over sin; when there is conviction of sin; when there is
Definition of terms: greater desire for the things of God; when the fruit of the Spirit is being
“Condemnation”- opposite of justification. It refers to a verdict of guilty and manifest in us- that is the evidence of the Holy Spirit in us. v.14, “For all who
the penalty that verdict demands. are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.”
No condemnation means, no sin a believer can commit – past, present, future The Holy Spirit is the guarantee that we can live according to the
– can be held against him, since the penalty was paid by Christ and standards of God and please God. Obeying God is possible, victory over sin,
righteousness was imputed to the believer. saying no to temptation is possible because of the Holy Spirit. Apart from
-not guilty Him, it is impossible to obey God.
“In Christ”- united with Christ; refers to genuine believers -So, do not say that Christian living is impossible, or you can’t do it. Many
-This refers to the security of the believer Christians thought that the words and commands of God are too high a
standard and too much to obey. You have the Teacher, Helper and the
The ministry of the Holy Spirit. How do you know that you are in Christ? Enabler.
The proof of being in Christ.
v.2, ________________________________________________________________________ Our struggle: Spirit vs. flesh/sinful nature
v.5-8, _____________________________________________________________________ Genuine Christian struggles with sin and can commit and fall into sin. We
You know you have the Spirit because of your thinking and living is struggle with impure thoughts, improper emotions, dishonesty, immorality,
according to the Spirit. etc.
v.9-11, ____________________________________________________________________ -That happens when v.5 we allow the sinful nature to dominate our thinking.
v.13, _______________________________________________________________________ When we chose to listen to our selfish, evil desire, when we allow it to take
v.14, ______________________________________________________________________ over our mind and heart, we fall into sin, we commit mistakes, regrettable
-The proof that you are sons of God is because you are led by the Spirit of mistakes, we suffer the consequence. The Bible says that the flesh is still at
God. work in us, seeking its way into our heart and mind.
v.16, ________________________________________________________________________ -That’s why the Bible teaches us to be led by the Holy Spirit. To listen to his
In Roman culture, for an adoption to be legally binding, 7 reputable reminders when he brings to your remembrance that truths and principles
witnesses have to be present, attesting to its validity. The presence of the that you have learned from the Bible and to consider it and follow it. “If you
Holy Spirit in the life of the believer shown in His working in us, attest to the walk by the Spirit you will not fulfill the works of the flesh.”
validity that we are children of God. JMA What makes our life heavy, messy and weary is sin in our life. But if you want
to live a happy life, stay away from sin. Obey the Spirit’s leading.

Take heart! Be of good cheer! Praise the Lord!
The fact that the Holy Spirit is working in you, giving you godly desires,
producing holy and godly characters is a clear evidence that you are son or
daughter of God.
-If you struggle with sin, it’s a good sign that you have the Holy Spirit in you.
You must be afraid if there is no struggle and you easily give in to temptation
and fall into sin.

-If you are a Christian, do you see the Holy Spirit working in you? Is there any
indicator that the Spirit of God is in you?
Romans 8
If you do or there is, then take heart because it confirms that you are in Christ UNDERSTANDING WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE
and the promise of “there is therefore now no condemnation to those in HAVE IN CHRIST
Christ Jesus” applies to you.



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