God's Masterplan

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South Harvest Church

IDMC Leaders Training

God’s Masterplan

God has a plan for you.
As we continue to to live as believers the aim is to be what God designed and planned us to be.

 The overarching principle and purpose of God’s masterplan is His glory and the realization of His kingdom
 This masterplan of God was planned even before the foundation of the world. Eph. 1:4
 This masterplan was carried, accomplished and will be brought to its full completion by the Trinity.
 This is God’s blueprint, grand design, masterplan for you
 This is God’s wonderful plan for your life.

God’s masterplan includes:

Your salvation-
that is your being reconciled back to God, saved from the power and penalty of sin, to be forgiven, accepted in the beloved,
adopted, justified and later glorified, eternal life.
This salvation was purchased by Jesus through His death on the cross and resurrection; was delivered to you through the gospel
message and by the regenerating power of God you understood and received it by faith.
It required that you transfer your dependence from your religion, good works and self-effort to the finish work of Jesus Christ on
the cross and by asking him to save you.

Your Sanctification, 1Thes. 4:3, Rom. 8:29

By sanctification we mean your growth into Christlikeness. To be conformed to the image or likeness of His Son.
It means heart or character transformation, changed life, doing good works, spiritual maturity, integrity/blameless life, holiness and
godliness, choosing not to give in to temptation…
It requires learning and practicing the teachings of Jesus/the Bible, to be fully governed by Biblical principles and total surrender to
the Lordship of Jesus Christ- and responding to the working of the Holy Spirit.
When God saved you, He wants to make you a better person, in fact, a brand-new person. So that when people see your good
works they will glorify God who is in heaven.
This is one of the things that we strive and make every effort to, we work out until we are taken up to glory.

Your Service, Eph. 4:12, Matt. 28:19-20

By service we mean your involvement in the gospel ministry through making disciples of all nations.
It includes evangelism- sharing the gospel message (it involves talking and walking), baptizing and discipling (teach to obey)
helping another person grow in sanctification and training them for service.
It requires training, equipping and going.
-The church is a training camp for advancing the kingdom of God through making disciples of all nations.

This is God’s overall design and plan for you.
The beauty and joy of Christian living is in the realization and fulfillment of this masterplan. This is the plan, this is the aim. Your
Christian living is not fully realized and not lived to its full potential if we only settle on the fact of being saved and going to church.
As much as we want to see external and physical improvements in our existence as a church, we would rather see and pursue and
strive to aim for the realization of God’s masterplan for each individual believer.
South Harvest Church

God’s Masterplan

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