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Prepared by:









I hereby declare that the report of the project titled House Rental System Using TOPSIS

is based on my own investigations based on information from sources that stated. I also

declare that my work was never be produced by any student of Sultan Zainal Abidin.


Name : ..................................................

Date : ....................................................


I have read this report and in my point of view, this project fulfils the condition and

requirements to be awarded as Bachelor of Computer Science (Software

Development) with honor. I also confirm that the research conducted and the writing

of this report was under my supervision.


Name : ..................................................

Date : ...................................................


Thanks to Allah, the most Merciful and the most Gracious. First and foremost, I

would like to thank my parents who give me inspiration and being supportive

throughout my studies. Special thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Wan Suryani Binti Wan

Awang for her professional guidance and support in academic and in real life. I am

very indebted for her patience and invaluable advices that inspired me to see things

positively and felt honoured with her confidence and trust on my ability.

Last but not least, special thanks to my beloved friends for providing moral

support during my studies. Not forgetting those who have directly or indirectly helped

me on this thesis. May Allah rewards your kindness in abundance in this world and



There are an abundance of hotel recommendation system available on the Internet

such as Trivago, Trip Advisor and Expedia. For rental house, it is very difficult to find

the same recommendation system and usually the owner not advertise their house on

Internet but, promote it to the resident. Problem arise when it is hard to find the nearby

house rental with the University. Usually, the student will go out and ask for the

resident. It will take so much time for student to find their shelter for the whole

semester. To solve this problem, we need a platform that will help student to find the

house. The owner also can promote their house on the platform as it can attract the

student. The system will find the nearby house rental that available and it will make

comparison with other house for the student to make their choice according to the

features requirement.





1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Objectives 2
1.4 Scope 3
1.5 Limitation of Work 3
1.6 Expected Result 4


2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Research On Different Technique 5
2.2.1 Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution
2.2.2 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) 6
2.2.3 Content-based 7
2.3 Table of Comparison 7

2.4 Implementation TOPSIS In This System 8
2.5 Conclusion 9


3.1 Introduction 10
3.2 Iterative And Incremental Model 10
3.2.1 Initial Planning Phase 11
3.2.2 Planning Phase 11
3.2.3 Requirements Phase 12
3.2.4 Analysis and Design Phase 12
3.2.5 Implementation Phase 12
3.2.5 Testing & Evaluation Phase 13
3.2.6 Deployment Phase 13
3.3 System Requirement 14
3.3.1 Software Requirement 14
3.3.2 Hardware Requirement 15
3.3 System Design 16
3.3.1 Context Diagram 16
3.3.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 0 17
3.3.3 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 1 18 DFD Level 1 Process 1.0 18 DFD Level 1 Process 2.0 19 DFD Level 1 Process 3.0 20 DFD Level 1 Process 4.0 21
3.4 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 22
3.5 Data Model 23




2.1 Table Of Comparison 7

3.1 Table Student 22

3.2 Table Owner 22

3.3 Table House 22

3.4 Table Booking 23



2.0 Iterative And Incremental Model 10

2.1 Context Diagram 15

2.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 0 16

2.3 DFD Level 1 Process 1.0 17

2.4 DFD Level 1 Process 2.0 18

2.5 DFD Level 1 Process 3.0 19

2.6 DFD Level 1 Process 4.0 20

2.7 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 21


CD Context Diagram

DFD Data Flow Diagram

ERD Entity Relationship Diagram

FYP Final Year Project

TOPSIS Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution

AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process



1.1 Background

As a student that study far away from home and don’t get hostel, we have to find a

nearby house to rent. House rental that are nearby to the University are usually

become student choice. The student that want to rent a house will hardly find a

suitable with them. Not all house rental on the website are available and some of them

are located very far from the University. The owner usually not advertise their house

as they just spread the house to the resident mouth to mouth. The student have to ask

the resident around to find the available rent house and it will takes so much time. The

purpose of this system is to help the student to find rent house easily. This system will

show the available house to rent and make comparison to help the student in making

their choice. This system is using Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an

Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to solve multi-criteria decision making problems.

1.2 Problem Statement

The Unisza’s student will face difficulty to find house rental as they does not know the

nearest house that available in Tembila. Some of them that search on certain website

will find the house rental that are far from the university and rarely to find the nearest


There are different house rental that are owned by different owners and have their own

advantage and disadvantage. It will make the student hard to make a wise decision to

choose the best house that suitable with them. As a customer, we want to know the

comparison for the each house rental. So that we can make our mind to choose house


Besides that, the student need to ask the resident to help them to find the house rental.

Not all the resident know the house that available and the owner not advertise their

house. They only spread mouth to mouth about their rent house to others.

1.3 Objectives

1) To design a system that can generate a list of places of user’s preferences.

2) To develop a system based on algorithm.

3) To test the developed and implemented system.

1.4 Scope

The scopes for this project are identified to make the application development process

easier. The scope will be explained from user aspect of view and system function.

1. Admin

• Manage and monitor the whole system

2. Owner

• Register and login to the system

• Edit and update house description

• Receive details from student

3. Student

• Register and login to the system

• Insert the criteria of the house

• Search for house

• Booking the house

1.5 Limitation of Work

There are several limitation and constraint that occurred throughout the development

of the system. These problem and limitations in conducting this study are:

1. This system only applied to Unisza’s student.

2. This system needs an Internet connection.

1.6 Expected Result

The expected results of the project are the student can easily find a suitable house

rental using this system. By using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to

an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), this system can help the student as a user to make a

choice of the house rental by making rank.



2.1 Introduction

In this chapter provides the literature review for the system that will be developed.

The literature review is a process of reading, analysis, evaluating and summarizing

scholarly material about a specific. It can be a guideline to develop a new system

so that the new system can provide better or more functional than existing system.

The main objective of literature review is :

• It presents the literature in an organize way.

• It surveys the literate in area of the study.

• It synthesis the information in that literature into a summary.

2.2 Research On Different Technique

A few researches on different techniques system aim to compare which technique that

most suitable for the system. On this project, there is a few researches with different

algorithm have been reviewed.

2.2.1 Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution


The TOPSIS method was developed by Hwang and Yoon to solve multi-criteria

decision making problems (Chen, 2000). The method sorts alternatives based on the

relative closeness to the optimal solution and the relative distance to the worst solution

(Zanakis et al., 1998). In this method, the values of the alternatives must be

measurable or converted to be measurable in order to be able to perform the

calculations. Since the calculations are simple and the method is useful, it is possible

to see many applications in the literature.

2.2.2 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multi-criteria decision making

approach and was introduced by Professor Thomas L. Saaty (1977 and 194). AHP

solves the problem using the pairwise comparison method to rank order alternatives of

a problems that are formulated and solved in a hierarchical structure (Edward C. S. Ku

and Yi Wen Fan, 2009).

The primary goal (objective) is located at the top of the hierarchy while the

decision alternatives at the bottom. In between there are selection of criteria. The

complexity of the criteria will determine the level of hierarchy.

2.2.3 Content-based

Content-based recommends items based on a comparison between the content of the

items and a user profile. The content of each item is represented as a set of descriptors

or terms, typically the words that occur in a document. The user profile is represented

with the same terms and built up by analyzing the content of items which have been

seen by the user. Items that are mostly related to the positively rated items are

recommended to the user.

2.3 Table of Comparison

Table 2.1 shows a review on comparison system.

Author Title Method Description

Tülin Durukan, Selection Of E- TOPSIS, This system is to
Serhat Karaoğlan, Commerce AHP suggest a solution for a
Cihat Kartal Entrance Channel SME who wants to
(2017) By AHP And enter ecommerce.
TOPSIS Methods Criteria are weighted
by the AHP method and
alternatives are
evaluated by the
TOPSIS method.
Consequently, establish
its own web page and
software is the
recommended solution
in accordance to expert
opinions and own
decision makers'
Carlos Luis HealthRecSys: A Content- This study
Sanchez semantic content- Based demonstrated that a
Bocanegra, Jose based semantic-based
Luis Sevillano recommender recommender
Ramos, Carlos system to algorithm can provide
Rizo, Anton Civit, complement relevant education
Luis Fernandez- health videos health
Luque (2017)

websites as further
reading for a given
health video.
Srikrishna, A New Car TOPSIS To overcome confusion
Sreenivasulu Selection in the state TOPSIS is used to
Reddy. , Vani Market using adopt for the problem
(2014) TOPSIS Technique where there are limited
numbers of choices but
each has large number
of attributes. Some cars
are considered with
different attributes and
select the best car using
TOPSIS technique.

2.4 Implementation TOPSIS In This System

Selection criteria

Rent a house is a big decision-making problem and reflection of customer preference.

Customer choice must be made among several house for a given application, it is
necessary to compare their characteristics in proper manner. Some of the main
criteria‘s of the house rental are price, location, type of house, number of tenant,
number of room and home furniture. The importance of these criteria is commonly
known and thus not elaborated.

Rank the preference order

Ranking of the preference in descending order thus allows relatively better

performances to be compared.

Criteria Weight Rating Scale

Price 8 10 very good – 1 none
Location 6 10 very good – 1 none
Type 3 10 very good – 1 none
Number of Tenant 7 10 very good – 1 none

2.5 Conclusion

This chapter discusses the collected literature review that had been reviewed during

feasibility studies. The literature review helps developer to discover the problem of

previous research or system which needs to be improve and overcome in this system

development. Furthermore, it also help to gain understanding about the system that

undergo the development process.



3.1 Introduction

Methodology is the process, step or stages used to collect information and data

for the purpose of making decisions. The methodology is chosen from the software

development life cycle model. The system development life cycle SDLC that will be

used for this project is Iterative and Incremental Model. In this chapter, it will explain

more detail about every phase that involve on this project development.

3.2 Iterative And Incremental Model

Iterative method is a mathematical procedure that generates a sequence of improving

approximate solutions for a class of problems. It is an act of repeating a process with

the aim of approaching a desired goal, target, or result.

Figure 2.0 : Iterative And Incremental Model

3.2.1 Initial Planning Phase

The phase starts with brainstorming the ideas of current problems and system

requests. Then, continue the discussion with the supervisor to choose a project to be

implemented. Literature reviews with the current similar system are studied to find the

problems of the systems

3.2.2 Planning Phase

After deciding the title of the project and the approach to be used, the discussions

continue on defining the problem statements, decide an objectives and define scope

for the system. In order to get a better understanding, existing systems are reviewed,

observe and the constraint and limitation are gathered.

3.2.3 Requirements Phase

During this phase, existing systems are analysed and all the requirements that are

needed to develop the new system are identified. In this phase, the information

regarding House Rental System either in the form of journal, articles or research

papers are gathered and studied. All source that found was analysis and observe the

advantage and disadvantage. The information obtained about the House Rental

System and TOPSIS method is crucial in producing the end product and achieve the

system objectives.

3.2.4 Analysis and Design Phase

In this phase, the design of the system is created and the development of the prototype

based on the functionalities that will be built such as add house, update house and

delete house. The data or requirement obtained during the requirement phase is

transformed into a design. Examples of diagrams that will be builds are Context

Diagram (CD), Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). All

of these diagrams are built as a guideline of the flow of the system.

3.2.5 Implementation Phase

The phase also known as code generation phase. Developer writes codes based on the

previous phase. The system will build using PHP language and MySQL as the

database platform. User interfaces are also included in the phases as they are

important in delivering information and messages to the user.

3.2.5 Testing & Evaluation Phase

I. Testing Phase

Every sub-module needs to be tested before it will implement into the system.

Any changes of the coding, error, functionality or upgrades are also will be

tested. User interface will be checked to ensure they are connected to database

and appropriate with the system.

II. Evaluation Phase

System will be evaluated to check for bugs or errors. Any best

practices and techniques that will be used in the first iteration then can

be used for the next requirement changes and needed in the next


3.2.6 Deployment Phase

Once the evaluation is done, the system is deployed in the environment so that

the targeted user can use the system. The system will be released to end user to

implement whether the application correct functioning or not.

3.3 System Requirement

In order to develop a system properly that hassle free, a list of of complete software

and hardware tools are required. Without complete list of requirements, the system

will be in the state of troublesome.

3.3.1 Software Requirement

• Windows 10 Pro

Operating system used to house all the applications and


• Microsoft Office 2010

Tools of writing and editing documents.

• Xampp Server

Server used to process data together with management of data using


• Edraw

Tools to draw diagram.

• Google Chrome

Web browser used to display the data to end user.

• Dropbox

Cloud storage for backup data files.

3.3.2 Hardware Requirement

• Laptop

To develop the system and make the documentation.

• Pendrive / External Hard Disk

Used to store and act as a backup for the project.

• Printer

To print the document.

3.3 System Design

This chapter describes the design that explain more about the system implementation.

The design of a system is a model plan for the system includes Context Diagram

(CD), Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

3.3.1 Context Diagram

Figure 2.1 shows the Context Diagram for this system. This system involve three main


Figure 2.1 : Context Diagram (CD)

3.3.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 0

Figure 2.2 shows the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 0 for this system. This system

will need four data stores which are D1 for OWNER and that stores data about owner

information, D2 for STUDENT that store about student information, D3 for HOUSE

that store about house information and D4 for BOOKING RECORD that store about

booking details.

Figure 2.2 : Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 0

3.3.3 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 1 DFD Level 1 Process 1.0

Figure 2.3 shows the DFD Level 1 Process 1.0 for this system. This stage involve two

users (OWNER and STUDENT).

Figure 2.3 : DFD Level 1 Process 1.0

18 DFD Level 1 Process 2.0

Figure 2.4 shows the DFD Level 1 Process 2.0 for this system. This stage involve one

users (OWNER).

Figure 2.4 : DFD Level 1 Process 2.0

19 DFD Level 1 Process 3.0

Figure 2.5 shows the DFD Level 1 Process 3.0 for this system. This stage involve one

users (STUDENT).

Figure 2.5 : DFD Level 1 Process 3.0

20 DFD Level 1 Process 4.0

Figure 2.6 shows the DFD Level 1 Process 4.0 for this system. This stage involve one

users (ADMIN).

Figure 2.6 : DFD Level 1 Process 4.0

3.4 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 2.6 shows the ERD which contains four entities which are STUDENT,

BOOKING, HOUSE and OWNER. This ERD will shows the relationship between

entities. Each entities have their own attributes.

Figure 2.7 : Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

3.5 Data Model

In this section, the basic structure of the tables composing the database for the project

are shown along with information about primary and foreign keys.

Table 3.1 : Student

Table 3.2 : Owner

Table 3.3 : House

Table 3.4 : Booking


1. Tülin Durukan, Serhat Karaoğlan, Cihat Kartal (2017), Selection Of E-

Commerce Entrance Channel By AHP And TOPSIS Methods.

2. Carlos Luis Sanchez Bocanegra, Jose Luis Sevillano Ramos, Carlos Rizo,

Anton Civit, Luis Fernandez-Luque (2017), HealthRecSys: A semantic

content-based recommender system to complement health videos.

3. Srikrishna, Sreenivasulu Reddy. , Vani (2014), A New Car Selection in the

Market using TOPSIS Technique.


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