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Jan 21, 2023


Currently the Indian Constitution accounts for different rights and mandates for different
communities, especially based on religion.The current status of separate codes is largely
observed between Islam and Hinduism, which is very intuitive given the history and
demographucs of India. Muslims in India are governed by the Sharia board for the Civil code of
conduct while all other religions have a separate mandate. Polygamy is banned for Hindus
while not for Muslims. Hindus can create a Hindu Undivided Family, while Muslims cannot.
These differences have persisted despite Secularism, a foundation principle of the Constitution.
These differences exist mainly as an extension of the British rules and their relevance in society
as observed by the drafting commitee. However, given the modernisation and homogenisation
of society, the relevance of separate mandates is contentious.

A Uniform Civil Code would lead to a reduction in social friction among religious groups. Same
set of rules governing all sections of the society would create a sense of satisfaction and
fairness among the citizens. For example, instances like the Sabrimala Case, entry of women to
Mosque case will reduce significantly because no religious group could be pitched against the
other, for the same instance would be challenged to them as well. This would also de-root the
demagouges and polititions who weponise religion and the differences to fulfil their interests.

One might say that this would eleminate the space for the social and cultural principles of
religions in India, but the societal peace and stability are too much to be compromised for these
principles, when in reallity they can anyways be preserved as the character of the religion is
something that is not tampered with and rather conserved.

A Uniform Civil Code will not just extend the growth and development opportunities available to
one religion to all religions but also discard the irrelevant and old norms which inhibit progress
and lead to conservatism.
Jan 21, 2023

Courtesy is not desirable in decisions related to business

When we show courtesy towards someone, a sense of goodwill is created. An unacknowledged

rapport is created with the other person. It also creates a display of goodwill to those who
witness it. This might seem virtuous in personal life, but business is not about creating goodwill
among others. It is about profit or loss. In case of a business breakdown, the same person will
never come back to take you through, without any self-interest.

When courtesy takes up rationality, the key to decision-making in a business, you are driven by
outside influence. What is presumed as a courtesy, might actually be a rival trick to
manipulation and emotional blackmailing. Therefore, rationality must never be compromised for

What is a courtesy to some, may be unacceptable to others. This may simply lead to a biased
treatment towards some, creating more enemies than friends. This in turn invites rivalry to
business interests.

It is often said, Countries do not have eternal enemies or friends, they are just driven by
Economic interests. When all geopolitics is driven by economic interests, how can courtesy take
up an economic interest in business?
Jan 21, 2023

Cost of Social Media

Twitter, Youtube, Whats App, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok all have become an indispensable
means of entertainment for all of us today. Wherever we have a phone in hand and a minute to
spare, we teleport to a world created by these social media platforms. However, the only good
they do is to the shareholders of these social media companies. The following are some
examples of influences they have created in our lives.

In terms of the political sphere, they have created a nuisence of fake news. The authenticity of
what we find at any social media platform is not trustworthy. People with mal-intentions,
demagouges pursue their interests leveraging the huge accessibility and userbase of users.

In the social sphere, it has a huge impact on the amount of time available for people to engage
in productive tasks. In the absence of social media, people would spend majority of their time
upskilling and with family and friends. The addictive nature of social media has altered the past
time and entertainment completely.

In the health and medical sphere, with the surge in usage of social media, there is a surge in
cases of depression and lonliness. There is also an increase in physical health issues like
vision problems and poor posture.

On the legal front, the cases of cyber crime have surged given the anonymity social media
provides. Cases of frauds and honey traps have become more common than reported.

These are just a few examples of the cost we pay as users of social media. There certainly are
goods that these platforms have done, like connecting people, displaying and learning talents,
boost for businesses etc. But, one must measure for oneself if the kind and intensity of usage is
costing more than what is giving back.
Jan 21, 2023

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