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Topic: Learner with Difficulty Seeing
Lesson Planning Table YOUR DESCRIPTION
Capture their attention TOUCH ME – TELL ME (Challenge)
Lead into the lesson in a way that sets
thetone for the next hour:
In groups, students cover their eyes with a handkerchief and
 Tell a story
 Ask a provocative question
let one person describe the object by touching it, while others will
 Present a challenge try to guess what object is being described.
 Share a current news item
 Show a short video Last time, we discussed how we can aid our students having
 Review a concept from last class difficulty communicating. What are the strategies effective in
and explain how it relates to today’s teaching these learners?

Now, we will learn the nature of children who have difficulty

Lead through the outcome Today, you are expected to:
Share the day’s learning outcome(s) or 1. Describe the nature and learning characteristics of
guiding question(s) with the students to
students with difficulty seeing.
givethem the big picture for the day.
2. Discuss general instructional and classroom management
strategies that work best to address visually challenged
3. Show appreciation for learning the suggested strategies
through reflection.
Assess previous knowledge Ask:
Find out what (some) students may 1. How can you help students with difficulty seeing?
already know about the topic. You can
2. What do you think teachers should do when they have this
use this as a base to gauge a shared
starting point. It is a way to involve learner in his/her classroom together with his/her regular
students and lead them from the familiar to class?
the unfamiliar.
Activate new knowledge 1. Give an overview of Visual impairment as a challenge in
Present a manageable amount of learning.
information at a time (one concept/idea).
2. Present the educational description of visual impairment.
Make sure material is logically organized,
clarify links to previous or upcoming 3. Have a productive deliberation among students on the
material, identify transitions, and use characteristics of learners with visual impairment.
questions to get students speaking. a. What are the common characteristics we need to
observe from learners with visual impairment?
b. From the stated characteristics, identify the ones that
can be managed in class.
c. Do you know someone with visual impairment? What
are the learning challenges and struggles they have
4. Discuss what inclusive education has done to address this
a. How can inclusive education address the learning
difficulties of learners with visual disabilities?
b. What should a teacher consider in teaching a class
with a visual disability mixed with regular students?
5. Illustrate research-based strategies for teaching learners
Topic: Learner with Difficulty Seeing
with difficulty seeing.
a. Show learners a video documentary about how other
schools address inclusive education to learners with
visual disability. Provide learners ample time to do
research on effective classroom strategies for teaching
learners with difficulty seeing.
b. What strategies for teaching should we practice in
class to make sure learners with visual disability could
follow through lessons?
c. What should teachers avoid in dealing with learners
with visual disability?
d. How should we make sure the classroom is a safe
place for every learner including those with visual
6. Ask:
a. Are there provisions like educational gadgets and
services needed for successful inclusion?
b. What are the appropriate infrastructures and
equipment we could suggest our campus should have
to support learners with visual impairment?
c. What do you think is the most accessible to Philippine
d. As a pre-service teacher, how can you maximize these
accessible provisions in an inclusive classroom?
Solidify with assessment Group Activity.
You can motivate students through a. In five groups, students will design activities for inclusive
engaging activities. In this portion of the
education for the Grade 1 topic Parts of the Body. The
class, give students the chance to apply
what you have just explained. There are leader will pick an envelope with the part of the lesson, and
many ways to evaluate whether the the materials in it.
learning outcome and content have been b. Students will present their work.
understood. You can use individual or c. Teacher processes the activity presented.
group activities. It can be written work or
d. Teacher solicits suggested activities for each part of the
accomplished through a discussion. Making
sure they have learned this material will lesson.
help prepare them for the next lesson.
Summarize Pass the ball
Summarize the key points of the lesson in In a big circle, students will use the thread-tied-ball, to facilitate
an engaging way. Connect the lesson with
the key takeaway session by taking turns in asking and answering
what comes next and leave them with a
question for the next class. essential questions using the ball thrown from one student to
We have explored how visually impaired learners can be
accommodated in an inclusive classroom with research-based
strategies, educational provisions, and appropriate teaching
materials. With these accommodations in mind, please make a
reflection using different platforms to show appreciation for
learning the suggested strategies and upload it to google
Topic: Learner with Difficulty Seeing
Ask: How would you offer inclusive education to a learner with
difficulty moving and walking?

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