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Classical Era: Symphony

What is symphony? When were they around? Etc…

A symphony is simply an expanded musical composition. This means that the piece is very
lengthy. Symphonies, according to European history were around during the classical period
of music. This music form was played typically by a traditional orchestra. The sections
symphonies would move to were called movements, that usually shows up about several

What was the Time and Place for symphonies?

As mentioned before symphonies were brought up during the Classical period, therefore were
present during 1750 to 1830s or so. Allegedly Joseph Haydn was the creator of symphonies
due to his significant amount of pieces composed. These symphonies where composed
traditionally in Milan, Vienna, and Mannheim.

The piece I have chosen

Symphony No.40

Created my Mozart

I chose this piece because Mozart is a very well-known and incredible composer. This piece
on YouTube is cut down to eight minutes; however the actual piece is much longer.

In my opinion I think symphonies have impacted the length of pieces in our modern say
orchestras. Yet, some aspects still apply to the modern age of music.

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