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This report is made under the purpose of gaining knowledge of the plant’s cycle and their life.

We may do this by growing plants and see how they function in different environments.We

can see how they act differently through photosynthesis and growth. Depending on the

environment they are in, it could affect the plants in some way, either from a lack of

requirements that is important for the plant or something that could bring harm. We will see

what are the effects if the plant goes out without one of its essential needs. This can include

water, sunlight, or carbon dioxide. So in theory, I have hypothesized that a plant needs

sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to do photosynthesis, then a plant with less sunlight would

die faster than a plant with more sunlight if they both have the same amount of water.

In order to see the functions of the plant and to find as well as their growth or life

cycle, an experiment will be conducted.Two of the same plants will be given the same

amount of water each day. However, plant A will have be placed in a more sunny

environment than plant B. The seeds will be planted and the height will be recorded each day

and must be watered the same amount. After a span of 21 days, we will be able to see the

results of different the plants that were put in areas without one of their essential needs than

one put in their place of comfort with everything they would need.

- Learn about gardening and life cycle of plants

- Conduct a science experiment from beginning to end, and draw conclusions based on their

data. Includes: Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Data and Observation, and Conclusion

- Make an accurate measurement (measure the heights) once they are sprouting. Record the


- Take a picture on Monday and Thursday for every week

- Recommend and design follow-up experiments.


1. 2 pots

2. 2 lettuces

3. water

4. soil
5. A place with sunlight

6.water sprayer


1. Put planting soils into each pot. Keep around 1 cm soil for the next step.

2. Put around 5 seeds into each pot. Make sure the number of seeds is equal between two pots.

3. Spray your soil

4. Add some soil (around 1 cm) to cover the seeds. Spray them one more time.

5. Put a label on your plant accordingly.

6. To care for your plants:

- Keep it in the place that gets enough access to sunlight (but not dried in direct sunlight)

and also with good air circulation.

- Spray it with water once a day every morning and observe the growth. If it is already

sprouting, measure the height daily.

- Write down on which date does the seed start to sprout : 11 September 2022

A plant needs sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to do photosynthesis, then a plant with less

sunlight would die faster than a plant with more sunlight if they both have the same amount of


Independent variable

Independent variable is the amount of sunlight that the plants get.

Dependent variable

For the dependent variable, we will be looking at how less or more sunlight can effect the growth

of the plant, specifically there height.


The control of this experiment is the water that we use in equal amounts.
Data and Observation

Date 1st pot (cm) 2nd Pot (cm)

Day 1 9 September 2022 0 0

Day 2 10 September 2022 0 0

Day 3 11 September 2022 0.6 0.4

Day 4 12 September 2022 0.9 0.5

Day 5 13 September 2022 1.1 0.8

Day 6 14 September 2022 1.6 1.1

Day 7 15 September 2022 2 1.6

Day 8 16 September 2022 2.4 1.8

Day 9 17 September 2022 2.9 2.1

Day 10 18 September 2022 3.4 2.6

Day 11 19 September 2022 3.9 3

Day 12 20 September 2022 4.1 3.4

Day 13 21 September 2022 4.7 3.8

Day 14 22 September 2022 5.3 4.3

Day 15 23 September 2022 5.7 4.7

Day 16 24 September 2022 6.1 5.9

Day 17 25 September 2022 6.8 6.2

Day 18 26 September 2022 7.5 6.5

Day 19 27 September 2022 8

Day 20 28 September 2022 8.4

Day 21 29 September 2022 8.3

Analysis: Plant A, was able to grow more higher than Plant B and also survive a month

after it has been planted. Plant B died on the 18th day after it was planted and had a

smaller growth than Plant A. They had both sprouted on the same day.

Plant A was able to grow much more because it was in a more sunny environment while plant B

was only able to grow a little and later died because of the environment they were in. The only

reason that plant B died was because I have placed in under a more shady environment with

less sunlight for the plant to do photosynthesis. Therefore, the plant was not able to produce a

lot of food and later died. I placed plant A in an area with more sunlight and it was able to do

photosynthesis for itself to gain food and grow all the way to the 21th day.

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