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Eye and Orbit

Bones of the Orbit

Roof (superior
wall) – Formed by
the frontal bone
and the lesser
wing of the
Floor (inferior
wall) – Formed by
the maxilla,
palatine and
zygomatic bones.
Medial wall –
Formed by the
ethmoid, maxilla,
lacrimal and
sphenoid bones.
Lateral wall –
Formed by the
zygomatic bone
and greater wing
of the sphenoid.
Extraocular Muscle
Extrinsic Muscle of the
Levator palpebrae superioris
Origin- Roof of the orbit
Insertion-Skin of the upper
Action- raises the upper
Nerve-Superior division of the
Sympathetic fibers to
the smooth muscle
Extrinsic Muscle of the
Superior rectus
Origin- Common
tendinous ring on
Insertion- Superior sclera
Action on Eye- Elevation,
Adduction, Intorsion
Nerve-Superior division
of the oculomotor
Inferior rectus
tendinous ring on
Insertion- Inferior sclera
Action on Eye- depression,
Adduction, Extorsion
Nerve- inferior division of
the oculomotor
Medial rectus
Origin- Common
tendinous ring on
Insertion- Medial sclera
Action on Eye- Adduction
Nerve- Inferior division of
Lateral rectus
tendinous ring on
Insertion- Lateral sclera
Acton on Eye- Abduction
Nerve- Abducens
Superior oblique
Origin- Body of the
insertion- superior
portionof the
posterolateral sclera
Actionon Eye-Depression,
Abduction, Intorsion
Nerve- Trochlear
Inferior oblique
Origin- Maxilla (lateral to
the lacrimal groove)
Inferior portion of the
posterolateral sclera
Action on Eye- Elevation,
Abduction, Extorsion
Nerve- inferior division of
the oculomotor
Cranial Nerves of the
(cranial n.III)
Innervates 4 of the extraocular
rectus,inferior rectus, medial
rectus, and the inferior oblique
mm.—as well as the levator
palpebrae superioris m.Also
provides parasympathetic
innervation to the intrinsic
muscles of the eye Passes
anterior on the lateral wall of the
cavernous sinus immediately
superior to the trochlear n.
Immediately before entering the
orbit, it divides into superior and
inferior divisions; both enter the
orbit through the superior
orbital fissure
Superior division of the oculomotor
Enters the orbit via the superior orbital fissure
Travels superior to the optic n. to enter the inferior
border of the superior rectus m.
Passes through the superior rectus to give rise to a
branch that enters the inferior surface of the levator
palpebrae superioris m.
Inferior division of the oculomotor
Enters the orbit via the superior orbital fissure
of the Immediately divides into 3 muscular branches
that enter:
● The lateral surface of the medial rectus
● The superior surface of the inferior oblique
● The superior surface of the inferior rectus
Gives rise to the parasympathetic root of the ciliary
(Cranial n. IV)
Innervates the superior
Passes anterior on the
lateral wall of the
cavernous sinus
immediately inferior to
the oculomotor n.
Enters the orbit via the
superior orbital fissure
and immediately enters
the superior oblique to
innervate it
(Cranial n. VI)

Travels anteriorly within

the cavernous sinus
beside the internal
carotid a.
Enters the orbit via the
superior orbital fissure
Travels anteriorly to enter
the medial surface of the
lateral rectus to innervate
Structure of the Eye

• The eye is the specialized sense organ

that helps us to understand our
• It is well protected by bony walls of
the orbit.
• The eye is a specialized sense organ
that helps us to understand our
environment. It is a sensory unit
composed of three parts: receptor,
sensory pathway, and a brain center.
• The eye allows us to see and interpret the
shapes, colors and dimensions of objects in the
world by processing the light they reflect
• Eyes are sense of organs that detect and
respond to light stimulus giving us sense of sight.
• They contain photoreceptors; rods and cones
located in the retina.
• Rods and cones detects light stimuli and
converts light energy to nerve impulses which
are transmitted to the brain for interpretation.

1.) External Structure

of the Eye

2.) Internal Structure

of the Eye
• Colored part of the eye
• Controls light entering
• Iris is the anterior most part of the uveal tract. It is a think
and circular structure which forms a crystalline lens.
• The word “iris” has originated from a Greek word. In greek
mythology the iris is the name of Greek Goddess of
• The iris is located in front of the lens and ciliary body and
behind the cornea. It is bathed in front and behind by a
fluid known as the aqueous humour.

Ø The iris controls the amount of light that enters the eye by
opening and closing the pupil. The iris uses muscles to
change the size of the pupil.
• Rounded opening of the iris through which light passes
• Are the black center of the eye.
• Pierces the iris diaphragm slightly below and nasal to its
centre, but lying on the optical axis behind the cornea.

Øto let in light and focus it on the retina (the nerve cells
at the back of the eye) so you can see.
ØThe iris and the pupil control how much light to let into
the back of the eye. When it is very dark, our pupils are
very large, letting in more light.
• A tough white skin (made of tissue) that covers all of the
eyeball except the cornea.
• Is the thickest posteriorly and gradually becomes thin when
traced anteriorly.
• Forms posterior 5/6th of external tunic, connective tissue of
the eyeball.
• It continues with durameter and cornea.
• Anteriorly covered by bulbar conjunctiva
• Inner Surface lies in contact with choroid
• With a potential suprachoroidal space in between.

Ø Supports eyeball and provides attachment for the muscles
• Thickness varies with individual, with age
• Thinner-children, elder, F>M
• Thickest posteriorly
• Gradually becomes thinner when traced anteriorly.
• Think at insertion of extraocular muscle

• Sclera sulcus- It is an indentation

(furrow) on the inner surface of the
anterior most point of the sclera near
the limbus.

• Sclera spur- It is a circular flang of the

anterior most part of the sclera which
lie deep to schlemm’s canal. It appears
wedge in section.

• Tenon’s Capsule
Ø Fascial sheath of the eyeball
Ø Also known as fascial bulbi, capsul
of tenon, bulbar sheath.
Ø It’s a thin fibrous membrane
envelops the eyeball from optic nerve
to limbus.
• Lamina Cribrosa- It is a sieve-like sclera from which the fibres of the topic
nerve pass.

• Scleral Apertures (Emissaria):

Sclera has three sets of appertures:
1.) Posterior Aperture: situated around the optic
2.) Middle Apertures: situated 4-7 mm posterior to the equator.
3.) Anterior Apertures: situated 3-4 mm away from the limbus.



Thin, dense
Avascular stucture- dense Innermost blends with
vascularised layer of
bundles of collagen fibers suprachoridal and supraciliary
connective tissue-
laminae of the uveal tract.
Brownish in color
Macrophages and
Presence of pigmented cells
• The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane of the 
eye. It lines the inner surfaces of the eyelids or 
palpebræ, and is reflected over the forepart of the 
sclera and cornea. The conjunctiva helps lubricate 
the eye by producing mucus and tears, although a 
smaller volume of tears than the lacrimal gland.

Ø The conjunctiva of the eye provides protection and
lubrication of the eye by the production of mucus and
tears. It prevents microbial entrance into the eye and
plays a role in immune surveillance. It lines the inside of
the eyelids and provides a covering to the sclera.
• Secretes oil that prevents lid from sticking
• Are attached to the free edges of the
eyelids; they are short, thick, curved hairs,
arranged in a double or triple row: those
of the upper eyelid, more numerous and
longer than those of the lower, curve
upward; those of the lower eyelid curve
downward, so that they do not interlace
in closing the lids.
ØThey function to protect the eye from
• An eyelid is a thin fold of skin that
covers and protects an eye. The levator
palpebrae superioris muscle retracts the
eyelid, exposing the cornea to the
outside, giving vision. This can be either
voluntarily or involuntarily.
ØThe human eyelid features a row of
eyelashes along the eyelid margin,
which serve to heighten the protection
of the eye from dust and foreign debris.

• Upper eyelid extends • Lower eyelids- inferior

from eyebrow to superior boundary of parapebral
boundary of palpebral fissure to merge into cheeks
• The palpebral commissure (Canthus) is the corner of the eye where the
upper and lower eyelids meet.
• The lateral palpebral commissure (commissura palpebrarum lateralis;
external canthus) is more acute than the medial, and the eyelids here lie
in close contact with the bulb of the eye.
• The medial palpebral commissure (commissura palpebrarum medialis;
internal canthus) is prolonged for a short distance toward the nose, and
the two eyelids are separated by a triangular space, the lacus lacrimalis
• Also known as the choroidea or choroid coat, is the vascular
layer of the eye, containing connective tissues, and lying
between the retina and the sclera. The human choroid is
thickest at the far extreme rear of the eye (at 0.2 mm), while in
the outlying areas it narrows to 0.1 mm.
• The choroid supplies the outer retina with nutrients, and
maintains the temperature and volume of the eye.
The choroidal circulation, which accounts for 85% of the total
blood flow in the eye, is a high-flow system with relatively low
oxygen content.

ØPrevents internal reflection light and nourish
• Is the transparent part of the eye that covers the front portion of
the eye. It covers the pupil (the opening at the center of the eye),
iris (the colored part of the eye), and anterior chamber (the
fluid-filled inside of the eye).
• The word cornea has come from “Kerato”. It means horn or
shield like. Ancient Greek used to beleive that cornea is derived
from same material like that of thibly sliced horn of animal.

Ø Bends incoming light focusing it on the retina.
Ø The cornea acts as the eye's outermost lens. It functions like a
window that controls and focuses the entry of light into the eye.
The cornea contributes between 65- 75 percent of the eye's
total focusing power.
• The retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines
the back of the eye on the inside. It is located
near the optic nerve. The purpose of
the retina is to receive light that the lens has
focused, convert the light into neural signals,
and send these signals on to the brain for
visual recognition.

Ø The purpose of the retina is to receive light
that the lens has focused, convert the light
into neural signals, and send these signals on
to the brain for visual recognition.
• Color: Pale Pink
• 1.5 mm diameter, well defined circular area
OPTIC DISC • At the optic disc-All retinal layers terminate except nerve fibers, which pass
through the lamina cribrosa to run into optic nerve.
• Physiological Cup: Depression seen it. Central retinal vessels emerge through
the centre of this cup.

• Yellow spot-due to presence of carotenoid pigment Xanthophyll.

• Dark area:5.5 mm in diameter
MACULA LUTEA • Siruated in posterior pole of the eyeball, temporal to optic disc.
• Correspondents to 15 degrees of the visual field, accurate diurnal vision and
color discrimination are primary functions.

• Increases the field of vision

• Divided into 4 regions:
I. Near Periphery- 1.5 mm around centralis.
II. Mid Periphery- 3mm wide zone around near periphery.
III. Far Periphery- From optic disc- 9-10 mm on temporal side and
16 mm on nasal side in horizontal meridian
IV. Ora serrata- Serrated peripheral margins where retina ends and
cilliary body starts.
• In the eye, a tiny pit located in the macula of the retina that
provides the clearest vision of all. Only in the fovea are the layers
of the retina spread aside to let light fall directly on the cones, the
cells that give the sharpest image. Also called the
central fovea or fovea centralis.
• The word "fovea" is the Latin word for "small pit." The fovea is
literally a small depression (in the retina).

Ø A tiny area densely packed cones for detailed and coloured vision.
Ø The fovea is responsible for sharp central vision (also
called foveal vision), which is necessary in humans for reading,
driving, and any activity where visual detail is of primary
• Is where the optic nerve and blood vessels leave the
eyeball. The optic nerve is connected to the brain. It
carries images to the brain, where they're processed. This
is how we know what we're seeing. Our eyes see the
object or image, and our brain interprets it.
• Is an area in your range of vision that you cannot see
properly but which you really should be able to see. For
example, when you are driving a car, the area just behind
your shoulders is often a blind spot.

ØExit point of the optic nerve cutting through the retina so
no rods or cones.
• The optic nerve is located in the back of the eye.
It is also called the second cranial nerve or cranial
nerve II. It is the second of several pairs of cranial
• The optic nerve is made of ganglionic cells or
nerve cells. It consists of over one million nerve
fibers. Our blind spot is caused by the absence of
specialized photosensitive (light-sensitive) cells, or
photoreceptors, in the part of the retina where
the optic nerve exits the eye.
ØThe job of the optic nerve is to transfer visual
information from the retina to the vision centers
of the brain via electrical impulses.

• Optic nerve divided in topographic

1.) Intraocular portion
2.) Intraorbital portion
3.) Intracanalicular portion
4.) Intracranial portion
• The ciliary body is a part of the eye that includes
the ciliary muscle, which controls the shape of the
lens, and the ciliary epithelium, which produces the
aqueous humor. The aqueous humor is produced in
the non-pigmented portion of the ciliary body.
• The ciliary body includes the ring-shaped muscle that
changes the size of the pupil and the shape of the
lens when the eye focuses. It also makes the fluid
that fills the eye.
ØOne of the essential roles of the ciliary body is also
the production of the aqueous humor, which is
responsible for providing most of the nutrients for
the lens and the cornea and involved in waste
management of these areas.
Blood Supply of the Eye
ØThe arterial input to the eye is provided by several branches from the
ophthalmic artery, which is derived from the internal carotid artery in
most mammals.

ØThese branches include the central retinal artery, the short and long
posterior ciliary arteries, and the anterior ciliary arteries.
ØVenous outflow from the eye is primarily via the vortex veins and the
central retinal vein, which merge with the superior and inferior
ophthalmic veins that drain into the cavernous sinus, the pterygoid
venous plexus and the facial vein.
Ø In some species (e.g., rodents and lagomorphs), the orbital veins
form a sinus.
§ Internal carotid artery is first intracranial branch of the internal carotid just as the artery exits from the cavernous sinus .
It is the optic foramen below and lateral to the optic nerve. It Pass over the optic nerve to its medial side and terminates
by dividing into dorsonasal and supratrochlear Ophthalmic artery:
§ The retina is supplied by the central retinal artery and the short posterior ciliary arteries. The central retinal artery
travels in or beside the optic nerve as it pierces the sclera then branches to supply the layers of the inner retina (i.e., the
layers closest to the vitreous compartment).There are marked species differences in the inner retinal vascularization,
with primates having a complex 4-zone arrangement and an avascular zone at the fovea, lagomorphs having a rather
simple narrow band of superficial vessels, rodents having a wagon-wheel spoke-like arrangement and guinea pigs having
no inner retinal vessels
§ The short posterior ciliary arteries (typically 6-12) pierce the sclera around the optic nerve then arborize to form the
arterioles of the dense outer layer of conduit vessels of the choroid . The arterioles the give off roughly perpendicular
terminal arterioles that supply lobules of choriocapillaries that comprise the sheet-like layer of the choriocapillaris
adjacent to Bruch’s membrane, the retinal pigment and the outer segments of the photoreceptors
§ The vascular supply of the optic nerve is complex. The optic nerve has three zones referenced to the lamina cribosa, the
connective tissue extension of the sclera through which the optic nerve axons and the central retinal artery and vein pass.
The prelaminar (i.e., inside the eye relative to the lamina cribosa) optic nerve is supplied by collaterals from the choroid
and retina circulations. The laminar zone is supplied by branches from the short posterior ciliary and pial arteries. The
post laminar zone is supplied by the pial arteries.
• The central retinal vein runs through the optic nerve. From here it drains into the cavernous sinus
or superior ophthalmic vein. The superior ophthalmic vein is usually the largest and is the principal vein. It is
formed when the supraorbital and angular veins unite just behind the trochlea (pulley like structure). The
veins that drain into it are named as the arteries of the region (medial palpebral, lacrimal, anterior
ethmoidal, inferior ophthalmic, central retinal and muscular).
• The inferior ophthalmic vein runs over the surface of the inferior rectus muscle, and drain to the cavernous
sinus or the superior ophthalmic vein. It drains the inferior rectus muscle, inferior oblique muscle, lacrimal
sac and lower lid.
• The retina is drained by the retinal veins and venules, which run from the peripheral retina toward the optic
nerve head. The venous circle they form at the optic disc may be complete or incomplete in the dog. The
venous circle drains posteriorly through the sclera via the posterior ciliary veins to a dilation in the orbital
vein, the superior (dorsal) ophthalmic vein.
• The choroid is drained by approximately four vortex veins, which leave the globe near the equator and join
the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins. The ciliary body is drained by the anterior ciliary veins to the
same superior and inferior ophthalmic veins that drain to the orbital venous plexus at the apex of the orbit.
• This plexus drains to the cavernous venous sinus within the cranial vault. The cavernous sinus drains via
the vertebral sinuses, external jugular vein, and internal maxillary vein. Venous blood thus passes
posteriorly from the orbit via this route. It may also pass anteriorly via anastomoses between the
ophthalmic veins and the malar, angularis oculi, and facial veins to the external maxillary and external
jugular veins.
• Lens, in anatomy, a nearly transparent biconvex structure suspended behind the iris of the eye, the sole
function of which is to focus light rays onto the retina.
• . By changing shape, it functions to change the focal length of the eye so that it can focus on objects at
various distances, thus allowing a sharp real image of the object of interest to be formed on the retina. This
adjustment of the lens is known as accommodation. Accommodation is similar to the focusing of a
photographic camera via movement of its lenses. The lens is flatter on its anterior side than on its posterior
• . The lens is made up of unusual elongated cells that have no blood supply but obtain nutrients from the
surrounding fluids, mainly the aqueous humour that bathes the front of the lens. Waste products are
removed through these fluids as well. The shape of the lens can be altered by the relaxation and contraction
of the ciliary muscles surrounding it, thus enabling the eye to focus clearly on objects at widely varying
distances. The ability of the lens to adjust from a distant to a near focus, called accommodation, gradually
declines with age (a condition called presbyopia), often requiring correction. Clouding or opacity of the lens,
called a cataract, may also occur with age. Cataracts that interfere with vision can be corrected by surgery,
during which the clouded lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens
ü The cornea is the transparent part of the eye that covers the front portion of the eye. It covers the pupil (the
opening at the centre of the eye), iris (the coloured part of the eye), and anterior chamber (the fluid-filled
inside of the eye). The cornea’s main function is to refract, or bend, light. The cornea is responsible for
focusing most of the light that enters the eye.
ü Although the cornea is clear and seems to lack substance, it is a highly organized group of cells and proteins.
Unlike most tissues in the body, the cornea contains no blood vessels to nourish or protect it against
infection. Instead, the cornea receives its nourishment from the tears and aqueous humor (a fluid in the
anterior portion of the eye) that fills the chamber behind it. The cornea must remain transparent to refract
light properly, and the presence of even the tiniest blood vessels can interfere with this process. To see well,
all layers of the cornea must be free of any cloudy or opaque areas.
ü The cornea is comprised of five layers: the epithelium, Bowman’s layer, the stroma, Descemet’s membrane,
and the endothelium.
1. The first layer, the epithelium, is a layer of cells covering the cornea. It absorbs nutrients and oxygen from
tears and conveys it to the rest of the cornea. It contains free nerve endings. It also prevents foreign matter
from entering the eye
1. Bowman's Layer - Lying directly below the basement membrane of the epithelium is a transparent sheet of
tissue known as Bowman's layer. It is composed of strong layered protein fibers called collagen. Once
injured, Bowman's layer can form a scar as it heals. If these scars are large and centrally located, some
vision loss can occur.
2. Stroma - Beneath Bowman's layer is the stroma, which comprises about 90 percent of the cornea's
thickness. It consists primarily of water (78 percent) and collagen (16 percent), and does not contain any
blood vessels. Collagen gives the cornea its strength, elasticity, and form. The collagen's unique shape,
arrangement, and spacing are essential in producing the cornea's light-conducting transparency.
3. Descemet's Membrane - Under the stroma is Descemet's membrane, a thin but strong sheet of tissue that
serves as a protective barrier against infection and injuries. Descemet's membrane is composed of collagen
fibers (different from those of the stroma) and is made by the endothelial cells that lie below it. Descemet's
membrane is regenerated readily after injury.
4. Endothelium - The endothelium is the extremely thin, innermost layer of the cornea. Endothelial cells are
essential in keeping the cornea clear. Normally, fluid leaks slowly from inside the eye into the middle
corneal layer (stroma). The endothelium's primary task is to pump this excess fluid out of the stroma.
Without this pumping action, the stroma would swell with water, become hazy, and ultimately opaque. In a
healthy eye, a perfect balance is maintained between the fluid moving into the cornea and fluid being
pumped out of the cornea. Once endothelium cells are destroyed by disease or trauma, they are lost
forever. If too many endothelial cells are destroyed, corneal edema and blindness ensue, with corneal
transplantation the only available therapy.
• Iris, in anatomy, the pigmented muscular curtain near the front of the eye, between the cornea and the lens,
that is perforated by an opening called the pupil. The iris is located in front of the lens and ciliary body and
behind the cornea. It is bathed in front and behind by a fluid known as the aqueous humour
• The iris consists of two sheets of smooth muscle with contrary actions: dilation (expansion) and contraction
(constriction). These muscles control the size of the pupil and thus determine how much light reaches the
sensory tissue of the retina.
• The sphincter muscle of the iris is a circular muscle that constricts the pupil in bright light, whereas
the dilator muscle of the iris expands the opening when it contracts.
• The amount of pigment contained in the iris determines eye colour. When there is very little pigment, the
eye appears blue. With increased pigment, the shade becomes deep brown to black
• Inflammation of the iris is termed iritis or anterior uveitis, a condition that commonly has no determinable
cause. As a result of inflammation, the iris sticks to the lens or the cornea, blocking the normal flow of fluid
in the eye. Complications of iritis include secondary glaucoma and blindness; treatment usually involves
topical steroid eyedrops
Ocular Chamber
• The inside of the eye is divided into three sections called chambers
1. The anterior chamber (AC) is the aqueous humor-filled space inside the eye between the iris and
the cornea's innermost surface, the endothelium. Hyphema, anterior uveitis and glaucoma are three main
pathologies in this area. In hyphema, blood fills the anterior chamber as a result of a hemorrhage, most
commonly after a blunt eye injury. Anterior uveitis is an inflammatory process affecting the iris and ciliary
body, with resulting inflammatory signs in the anterior chamber. In glaucoma, blockage of the trabecular
meshwork prevents the normal outflow of aqueous humour, resulting in increased intraocular pressure,
progressive damage to the optic nerve head, and eventually blindness.The depth of the anterior chamber of
the eye varies between 1.5 and 4.0 mm, averaging 3.0 mm. It tends to become shallower at older age and
in eyes with hypermetropia (far sightedness). As depth decreases below 2.5 mm, the risk for angle closure
glaucoma increases.
2. The posterior chamber is a narrow space behind the peripheral part of the iris, and in front of
the suspensory ligament of the lens and the ciliary processes. The posterior chamber consists of small
space directly posterior to the iris but anterior to the lens. The posterior chamber is part of the anterior
segment and should not be confused with the vitreous chamber (in the posterior segment).Posterior
chamber is an important structure involved in production and circulation of aqueous humor. Aqueous
humor produced by the epithelium of the ciliary body is secreted into the posterior chamber, from which it
flows through the pupil to enter the anterior chamber.
3. Vitreous chamber: The vitreous chamber is between the lens and the back of the eyeThe back two-thirds of
the inner wall of the vitreous chamber is lined with a special layer of cells (the retina): millions of highly
sensitive nerve cells that convert light into nerve impulses.Fluid fills most of the inside of the eye. The
chambers in front of the lens (both the anterior and posterior chambers) are filled with a clear, watery fluid
called aqueous humor. The large space behind the lens (the vitreous chamber) contains a thick, gel-like fluid
called vitreous humor or vitreous gel. These two fluids press against the inside of the eyeball and help the
eyeball keep its shape.

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