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Answer Key for Group 5’s Questions

1. It is the “Act” prohibiting public officials and employees from engaging in dishonest
behavior and to improve the tone of public service morals.
a. Republic Act No. 3019
b. Republic Act 3109

2. What is R.A. 9262?

a. Anti-Violence Act Against Women and Their Children
b. Violence Act Against Women and Their Children

3. : Legal Ethics refers to __________.

a. The part of moral conscience that deals with the obligations that an attorney has
to the court, his client, and his colleagues in the profession, and the general public.
b. The part of moral science that deals with the obligations that an attorney has to the
court, his client, and his colleagues in the profession, and the general public

4. What is Legal Medicine?

a. This discipline of law is concerned with the application of medical knowledge to
legal issues and the administration of justice. It involves the use of basic and
clinical sciences, as well as medical and paramedical sciences, to clarify legal
b. The application of legal knowledge to the practice of medicine. It is concerned with
the study of a medical practitioner's rights, duties, and obligations, with a focus on
those emerging from the doctor-patient relationship.

5. Which among the two statements is correct?

a. Elements of the Law deals with the concepts which are material to the legal
ordering of society, namely: State, Sovereignty, Legal relations, Legal persons,
Legal facts, Legal things
b. Elements of the Law deals with the general philosophy of law, which is the nature
and elements of law. It is concerned with the theoretical and technical aspects of
law as a discipline.

6. According to Abad’s Fundamentals of Legal Writing, a Legal Dispute is__________.

a. Similar to a cause of action in a civil dispute where the defendant denies the claim.
b. The central theme of every case.

7. Political Law’s scope are _____________.

a. Political law, Constitutional law, Administrative law, Law on municipal corporations,
Law on Public Officers, Election Laws, Public International Law
b. Temperate law, Moral law, Actual law, Exemplary law, Liquidated law, Nominal law

8. There was no Philippine state during those periods when we were under the Spaniards.
a. True
b. False
9. Batas Pambansa Bilang 881 of 1985 is also known as_________.
a. Omnibus Election Code
b. Local Government Code

10. It is the branch of international law which regulates the comity of states in giving effect in
one to the municipal laws of another relating private persons, or concerns the rights of
persons within the territory and dominion of one state or nation, by reason of acts, private
or public, done within the dominion of another, and which is based on the broad general
principle that one country will respect and give effect to the laws of another so far as can
be done consistently with its own interests.
a. Private International Law
b. Public International Law

11. It is a government entity that has rule-making or quasi-judicial capabilities but is neither a
court nor a legislative body (Senate, for example).
a. Administrative Body
b. Police Force

12. What is the main regulatory bank of the Philippines?

a. PNB
b. BSP

13. It is an act strengthening the insurance industry, further amending presidential decree no.
612, otherwise known as “The Insurance Code”, as amended by Presidential Decree nos.
1141, 1280, 1455, 1460, 1814 and 1981, and Batas Pambansa Blg. 874, and for other
a. RA No. 10607
b. RA No. 10608

14. It is the body of law that applies to the rights, relations, and conduct of persons and
business engaged in commerce, merchandising, trade, and sales.
a. Commerce Law
b. Commercial Law

15. It is the law of the place where the contract is entered into.
a. Lex loci celebrationis
b. Lex loci delictus

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