AI Important Questions

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Artificial Intelligence


UNIT-I(Introduction to AI)
1. Define Artificial Intelligence. Explain in detail the applications of Artificial
2. What is intelligent System ? Discuss categorization of intelligent systems.
3. What are the foundations of AI? Write about some of the cross domains of Artificial
4. Explain about Tic-Tac-Toe game problem by assuming one player is X the other
one can be either human or a computer by taking 3Χ3 grid space.
5. What is Turing test ? Explain whether a machine can think like a human or not

UNIT-II(Problem Solving & Reduction)

1. Explain the characteristics of a problem? And outline its importance for problem
2. State Water Jug problem & Describe its solution with appropriate example.
3. Explain heuristic search techniques? Outline different Heuristic search techniques in
4. State and explain A* algorithm? Describe how A* algorithm is better as compared
to best first search method?
5. Discuss the eight-puzzle problem & it’s search tree?
6. What is alpha-beta pruning? Explain the steps
7. Outline the idea about hill climbing search space method.

UNIT-III Logic Concepts:

1. What is Logic ? Explain the Truth table methods for proving a logic.
2. What is predicate logic? Explain the predicate logic representation with reference to
suitable example.
3. Explain the syntax and semantics of propositional logic. And outline WFF( Well-
formed formula)
4. With example Define Natural Deduction System.
5. Give a brief idea on Axiomatic System

UNIT-IV Knowledge representation:

1. What is knowledge representation? Why it is required for AI based Application.
2. Explain about semantic networks for KR
3. Discuss about Knowledge Representation using Frames.
4. What is meant by Script? Write a script for Restaurant automaton system.
5. Explain conceptual dependencies(CD) for knowledge representation with example
UNIT-V Introduction to Expert Systems (ES)
1. With the help of a neat diagram, explain the Expert System Architecture. And List
out and explain the characteristics features of expert system.
2. Explain Bayesian belief method of reasoning
3. Explain the Issues in black board systems for problem solving.
4. . Explain Truth maintenance system(TMS)
5. Define the need of Uncertainty measure in AI Based Application
6. With example explain certainty factor theory
7. What is fuzzy sets, explain about fuzzy set operations.?


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