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ધોરણ 12 કૉમર્સ/આર્ટ્સ ENGLISH
Date : 30-12-2022 chapter - 7 Monkey's Paw
Time : 0 Minute Total Marks : 42

Section - A
* Write whether the sentences are True or False: [11]

1. Sojourner was an orator und freedom fighter.

2. Sojourner passed her childhood in slavery.

3. ‘Ain't I a woman’ is her world famous speech.

4. Sojourner says that the Christ was not a woman so women are not given equal right with men.

5. Sojourner favours freedom for woman.

6. Mr. White saved further loss by his third wish.

7. Sergent Morris put a spell on the paw.

8. Interfering with fate only caused deep sadness in the life of the whites.

9. Herbert is alive at the end of the story.

10. Mr. Whites first wish was to give him 200 pounds.

11. It was very cold season when Mr. Morris visited Whites.
* Select the most appropriate language functions from the brackets and write them


against the given sentences:

(Doer is not important, Showing contrast, Comparing, Reporting)

12. In spite of working sincerely, Aslam does not get good salary
13. The car is being moved away from the ditch slowly.
14. Hezal is better than many other leaders in the school.

(Comparing people, Expressing result, Expressing choice Talking about person in relation to
15. Mona is too short to reach shelf.
  Q.2.  Mr. Shah would rather prefer coffee than tea.
16. Like Sardar Lokmanya Tilak, was a brave man
* Select and write the most appropriate responses (Focusing given functions): [4]

17. Raghu Will you come with me to the market?

Suraj : No,.................................................(Expressing alternative choice)

(A) I'm tired. (B) I'm not interested.

(C) I will either take rest or watch TV. (D) I have nothing to buy from market.
18. Teacher: Why are you late today?
Rohan:........................................................... . (Giving reason)

(A) Since I went to bed late last night, I couldn't (B) I missed my bus today.
wake up in time.
(C) I woke up late.

(D) Sorry ma'am, next time, I'll be on time.

19. Roshani: How do you find Varun's acting?Hiral:.......................................................... .(Showing

(A) He acts like an expert hero. (B) He acts as if he were an expert hero.

(C) He acts as an expert hero does. (D) His acting is really wonderful.

20. Riya: How was Roshni's drama yesterday?

Pooja: .......................................................... . (Supposition)

(A) She performed really well." (B) She acted as if she were a real actress.

(C) She performed so well that all praised her a (D) She needs a little improvement.


Section - B

* Read the extracts and answer the questions: [8]

During the Civil War. Truth bought gifts for the soldiers with money raised from her

.J .
lectures and helped fugitive slaves find work and housing. After the war, she continued

her urace for the Lord and against racial injustice, even when old age and ill health
restricted her activities to the confines of a Battle Creek, Mich, sanatorium. She died
there on November 26. 1883. 
Questions : 
1. What did Truth buy for the soldiers ? 
2. When did she die ? 

The next morning, a gentleman knocked on the door, “I come from Maw and Meggins
your son's. employer". The old lady looked surprised. “Is anything wrong?", she asked
breathlessly. “Has anything happened to my son, Herbert ? What is it?” The visitor
looked down. "Badly hurt," he said quietly. “But he's not in any pain. 
Questions : 
3. Who knocked on the door the next morning? 
4. Explain : 'But he's not in any pain'. 

Here is one of her famous speeches entitled as “Ain’tt I a woman ?,” which she delivered in ‘The
women’s Convention in Akron’, Ohio in Dec., 1851.
5. What is ‘Ain't I a woman’ ?
6. Where and when did she deliver ‘Ain't a woman ?

On a cold and stormy night, Mr White and his son, Herbert, were playing chess in their
small living room of Villa, while Mrs. White, sitting by the fire, knitting and talking to
them occasionally.
7. What kind of weather was that night ?
8. Write the names of characters from the text.
* Write short note focusing on the questions: [3]

9. Magic of Monkey's Paw  OR  Wishes Granted by Monkey's Paw  OR  Wishes by Mr. White and
Disasters by Monkey's
Paw  OR  The Monkey's Paw and its Effect
Who got Monkey's Paw? How?

Views of Marris on Monkey's Paw

Mr. White's first wish
How did the Paw fulfill his wish?

How was It fulfilled?

What were second and third wish?

* Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the brackets: [6]

10. (sitting, stormy, tenure, occasionally)

                On a cold and ………. Night, Mr. White and his son, Herbert, were playing chess in their

.J .
small living room of villa. While Mrs. White was …… by the fire. Knitting and talking to them ………

11. (expression, auctioned off, orator, jargon)

.J .
                Sojourner Truth was a black American freedom-fighter and an …………. . about the age
of 9, she was ………… to an Englishman, named John Nealy. The Nealys understood very little of

her Dutch ………. .

S. Section - D

* Rewrite the paragraph correcting the errors : [4]

1. When we reaching ‘City Gold’, all the ticket for ‘3 Idiots’ had be sold. And we decide not to
return without watch the movie.
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