Ethics 10 Question

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Name (Optional) : Grade Level:

Age: Gender:
1. Are you aware that you belong to the minority group/ethnic people? Yes/No

2. Which population group do you identify yourself with?

3. Have you ever felt that you were treated differently because of your ethnicity or skin color?

4. Have you ever experienced discrimination/prejudice because of your ethnicity or skin color?

5. What made you think/feel that it was because of your ethnicity or skin color? (Could it have been
because of something else or a mix of factors (i.e., gender, age, accent, language, weight/size, other
physical characteristics)?

6. What does ‘being treated differently’ mean to you?

7. In this context, what does ‘discrimination’ mean to you?

8. What do you feel when you are being treated differently from the rest of your peers?

9. Does it affect you in anyway when they treat you differently?

10. What do you do when others treat you differently?

11. When a sensitive issue of diversity arises in class, how easily can you think of strategies to address
the situation?

12. At your school, how valuable are the equity-focused professional development opportunities?

13. How do you handle bullying or discrimination about your ethnicity?

14. How much respect do colleagues in your school show you?

15. How comfortable are you discussing race-related topics with your colleagues?

16. Does your school help staff speak out against racism?

17. How effective has your school administration been in helping you advance student equity?
As a teacher were you aware of your student’s social treatment among his/her peers?

What did you do with such situations?

How is the students’ academic performance?

How do you deal with the diversity of students in your class?

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