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Question 1: Based on the course description and outcomes, how do you think this course will help
you achieve your goals as future professional in your chosen field?

Answer: It helps me to be physically healthy, mentally healthy. This course will help me to better
understand the value of health in education, it will help me to have self-confidence to show my
own abilities and to improve it. This course will help my studies and improve my mental health, it
avoids stress and depression because I have a healthy mind and it also help me to learn physically
fit. It will also help to be active in class to be able to think properly and to do activities properly.
This course will help to have strong body to face the challenge in college and to pass it you need a
proper body and mind to not get sick. This course will me how to eat right food, it discusses how
to be healthy energetic and hot to be physically fit. This course will help me to achieve my goals
in life not only graduated in college but also physical and mentally healthy. I will do my best to be
Question 2: What are your expectations from this course and to your teacher?

Answer: My expectation from this course is to know the different exercises and dances, how to be
healthy and strong, how to eat properly and how to diet. I hope this course will change my body,
change my health and my personality. I also hope in this course how to teach the exercise and
dance, hopefully be able to teach correctly and explain properly the activities contained herein.
What I also expect from the teacher of this course is hopefully a kind, loving and understanding
teacher as a Freshmen I have not yet memorized all the things to do in school. As a Freshmen I am
also afraid of being reprimanded. I hope that I can meet a teacher that can understand my situation
and be able to motivate me, that the teacher lifted the student and not bring him down. I also hope
that the teacher of this course not immerse us in activities but give us time to rest. I hope the
teacher of this course is trying her best to explain to us and to teach to us, I hope the student and
teacher will understand each other. I hope in this course I pass it.

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