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If you're reading this, you better be Steve (That's me ). If you're not Steve, you have no reason
reading this; so stop reading MY DAIRY and start your own diary.

So Steve from the future, nice to meet you, the reason I'm writing this diary is because…
emmm…I don't want you to forget this awesome adventure I'm having right now.

Monday update 1

This morning everything became different, everything is 8-bit, even I'm blocky.

"Do I need glasses or is this a dream?"

"Wait… DREAM! The YouTuber!" I am, like in Dream's computer; everything was the same as
the game that Dream, PewDiePie, Technoblade(he's dead)…plays! What is the game called
again? Mine…Street?No, Dig Craft?OH, Minecraft!

Am I playing Minecraft VR? How can I survive? If only Technoblade is alive!

"Wait is that…a pig wearing a crown? Or is he… Technoblade." I can't believe I saw
Technoblade when he's dead!" "Wait he's dead! How can he be there? Is he a new mob that can
shape shift to whoever they want, and when I get close to him, he will suck all my blood?" Oh
no, I better run away!

"Don't leave me!" Said the mob with a weird voice.

"I am lost!"

I stopped, "Why will I believe you!?"

"Because I am Technoblade, and I never lye."

"The only reason I'm afraid is because you are Technoblade."


"Techno is dead."

"What!" The mob screamed, while he shows his real body, a no eyeball version of me! "I gotta
disguise to something else!"

In the time of hyper speed he turned him self into a adorable chick, then he disappears with a
note on the grass saying :

Forget everything you saw, and don't tell anyone about it.

Monday update 2

Soon I forgot everything about the mob and the note. And started doing stuff players normally
do, I started by punching trees, after collecting enough wood I killed 3 sheep, and crafted some
Wooden planks. Using the wooden planks, I crafted a Crafting Table and using the Crafting
Table and the materials , I crafted a bed. Using the rest of my wooden planks I made a house, a
Wooden Sword, a Wooden Pickax and a wooden Axe.
This afternoon I chop some bamboos killed a cow and a squid, and using the Materials they drop
I crafted a book and quill. That's how I started my diary.


Nothing really happened in the past few days, I started mining for materials , crafting more tools
and building materials and of course I upgraded my base( house) !

I replaced the planks in my base into stones, Carpet on the floor, and a iron lever door. When I'm
mining I got nearly enough stone to fill my inventory, but I threw most of them, I got lots of ore
in the furnace cooking right now. Now, I just need to clear some of my inventory to the chest…
oh! I forgot to tell you, I managed to get obsidian by poring water in lava, I mined the obsidian
using my one and only diamond pickaxe. Using the obsidian I nearly done building my first
Nether portal. Maybe the way back to earth is in the nether.

Friday update 1

After writing about the portal, I became so excited to go to the nether( so I can go back to the
real world) , that I want to get all the obsidian I need right away. So now, I'm in the cave I found
yesterday ,trying to find lava so I can make obsidian…

Mine… Mine… Mine… Mine… Mine… Mine……………

"Oh my god!"

I literally found diamonds, without thinking I mined those diamonds ore. One more diamond ore
Mine… Mine… Mine…



I ran and ran, when finally I struggled out, I covered the entrance of the cave with all the stone I

"I am safe!"

So, what happened just now, is that when I mined the last diamond, lava splashed on me, when I
finally escaped the infinite lavafall, (waterfall, lavafall, get it?) even worse, the white eye mob
appeared again, this time hovering in the air shooting arrow of weakness at me, laughing.
Panicking, I covered the entrance to the cave with all my strongest materials, right after I got out.

Right now I'm just eating all my steaks, so I can get my health bar back to normal.

Friday update 2

So now I am running home, just in case the mob catch up.

"Wait why didn't I pick up some lava to make obsidian just now!" I slapped my self in the face.
Ok I think, I'm near my base, but some how I think I can hear some movements close me. I
prepared my diamond sword, and slowly surrounded my base, after minutes of searching, I can
agree the outside of my base is safe, but I can't mark this as clear until I check the inside.


I smashed in my precious door…and just like I predicted, there is two people standing in my
base looting my chest.

Just when I'm about to attack, the rainbow colored dude with a tattoo saying "BRUH", said:
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! I don't wanna fight, as you can see we found the abandoned base first, so
this is our loot."

"What do you mean loot and abandoned base?!"

"You know the base , I and my sister looting now!"

"That's not a abandoned base, that's my base!"

The other green shirted girl with long hair quickly told the rainbow dude to stop looting then
they gave me my materials and tools back. While they leave, the dude whispered to the girl: "I
thought we could finally get a good dinner tonight."

"Shut up!" Said the long haired girl as she slapped the boy at the back.

"Are you felling bad for them?" I asked myself.

"Don't overthink it!" I slammed my door and went to bed.


The unthinkable happened! Um… I don't mean that YouTuber "Unthinkable", I mean the

I mean it's not that bad, BUT those two people yesterday literally set up camp in my farm! I
mean that's my property, my space, my VEGGIES! The thing that really…I mean…REALLY
REALLY… made me mad is that they are eating my new grown carrot in my very own farm!!!!!

"Ugh! Can't you babies just go away!" I screamed at the idiots. "Go back to your own house, and
you guys better clean this camp thingie up before noon!"

"But we… don't have a home……We are homeless!" Said the duo. "Can we PLEASE stay.

"That please thingie doesn't work for me"

"PLEASE!" they said again.

"Oh…k." I finally agreed with a big sigh.

"Yay" the couple shouted happily.

"BUT!" I paused, "you guys must do all the chores."

"Ok, we will." Said the twos: "Anything, we'll do!"

I paused for a second, I thought "Do they live in this Minecraft thingie world or do they live in
earth but some how teleported here just like me."

"Did you duo ever heard of earth?" I asked them.

"Not really." Said the "BRUH" tattooed boy.

"But…" the long haired girl added "One of our friend 'Daniel' once mentioned about how to go
to 'Earth'."

That's what I'm looking for all this time! Without thinking, I asked:" What did he say?"

"He just said he is trying to find out more about multiverse and philosophy.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"The last time we visited him, he lived in one of the last village that Herobrine didn't destroy, it's
near the forest, about 1,269 chunks away in the south." Answered the dude.

"One more question." I said. "How are philosophy and earth connected? And what's your name?"

"It's not really connected, he's just interested in both of them and my name is Alex and this is my
brother SpidiCat." The green T-shirted girl pointed at the tattooed boy, then asked me." What's
your name?Plus, you asked us two questions."

"I'm Steve!" I said proudly , like a celebrity.

I paused and thought for a another minute, then finally I asked: "Did any of you once seen a
white eyed looking dude that looks similar to me?"

"Y…you… You mean HEROBRINE!?" Spidicat whispered in fear, hiding behind his sister .
"He… He's the one who killed millions and the only reason why we are homeless, he killed our
parents and destroyed our house!"

"Then, how did you sibling survive?" I asked with a sad voice.

"The angel saved us, Notch saved us!" Alex said joyfully, then asked. "And, how did you know
Herobrine, did he destroy your village too?"

"Um, he just tried to attack me twice, the first time is at this Monday ,last time is yesterday."

"Are you in a group with a lot people in it, when he attacked you?" Alex asked curiously.

"No." I said. "You guys are the first people I seen, since I found my self here."

"Weird, very weird…" said Alex. "Herobrine never join battles if the enemy is alone."

"You said 'since you found your self here', that mean you used to not live here?" Asked Spidicat

"Yes," I said "I live in earth."

"So that's why you are talking about earth!" Laughed Alex
"Yeah" I smiled the first time since I been in this Minecraft thingie! "Hey, come inside, it's so
hot out here!"

We ran inside! I, first found them two empty rooms each placed a bed, a crafting table some
equipment and a lantern.

"Wow!" Spidicat said "We never lived in somewhere this nice, not even in the village."

"Oh, that's how pro gamers do!" I said.

"What's 'pro gamer'?" Alex asked.

"Oh, 'pro gamers' are good at Minecraft." I answered.

"What's Minecraft? Spidicat asked.

"You know Minecraft, like… here!" I pointed at the ground.

"So humans call houses 'Minecraft'" said Alex.

"No, no… it's like your world, this universe."

"We don't live in Minecraft, we live in Minecraftia." Explained Spidicat.

"Oh we humans call this Minecraft, but you live here. If only one of us is right, it must be you
guys." I said.
"What are we doing next?" Asked Spidicat.

"Great question," I said "but I don't know what we are doing next until I planned."

I ran back to my room to plan, while the sibling cook our breakfast.

Saturday update 1

It had been a hour and I already got a plan, and it's just about time for breakfast!

I ran down stair and saw 3 cakes laying deliciously down on the table.

"Do you like it?" The duo asked while I started eating my sweet cake.

"This is great!" I said as I swallowed my cake.

After we finished all our cake, I explained my plan:

1. Prepare our inventory

2. Find Daniel , so he can help us about how to leave and how to get rid of Herobrine
3. Get rid of Herobrine
4. I'll go back to earth.

"It sounded easy." said Spidicat. "But is it actually that easy?"

"Of course it will be easy if you guys can follow my direction!" I said proudly.
"When are we starting?" Asked Alex.

"Whenever we get enough materials." I said. "We need at least 10 stone pickax, at least 5 stone
swords and a diamond sword. 20 steaks for food and each a leather chestplate, hemet, pants and

"That's more then the material I ever owned." Spidicat is surprised! "How are we gonna ever get
that much materials!"

"Diamond is most likely to spawn at Y-58~Y-59, in update 1.19 diamond only spawn under
Y16…" I start my pro talking.

"We don't even have what the 'Y' thingie or any 'updates' in Minecraftia!" said Alex. "Are you
talking about that 'Minecraft', 'earth'… err… game(?) stuff again."

"So you're saying this isn't Minecraft like!" I screamed, then I pointed at the sibling. "So you…
and you aren't Artificial Intelligence (AI)"

"Didn't you know that when we told you just now!" Said Alex.

"Yeah, but I thought this world works the same as Minecraft."

"Oh, ughhhhhh!" Said Alex . "You just need to know that this world is not Minecraft, this is

"OK!" I said. "Where was I again?…"

"Oh" I remembered! "So if this isn't Minecraft then we need to be even hard working."

"So…" I announced, "we will start start gathering material tomorrow, after breakfast."


We are now in the cave where I found my first diamond we found 3 diamond in the first 5
minutes, but that's too lucky isn't it. I have a bad feeling about this.

In the next five minutes we discovered a hole chunk of the cave full of iron, gold and diamond,
there is literally no stone! I started shivering as I mined the materials carefully.

But nothing happened to any of us in the next five minutes, maybe I just worried to much. Just
when I am about to stop being careful, Herobrine appeared again, this time with a "Spawn
Enderman" egg on his hand.

I grabbed out my sword as the first enderman spawn. Before it teleport anywhere I already
stabbed my sword into the enderman, but when I'm taking the Ender Pearl the enderman
dropped, I didn't notice a enderman that Herobrine spawned teleported behind me. Fortunately,
before I take any damage, Alex sliced the mob in half. Soon Spidicat joined the fight too, killing
3 enderman in only a swing.

After we each got at least 5 pearls, we teleported out as I laughed. "Thanks for the free pearls,

Though, Herobrine didn't stop there, he grabbed out a stack weird enchanted position and started
drinking them, before we can attack he already drunk them all. Then, his body started growing
and glowing. Moments later, he can already shoot TNT out of his mouth and his body duplicated
to threes.
"Huh, you think I am scared." Herobrine laughed as he cracked the empty position on his hand
into pieces. "Now we got the same amount of people, the fight is finally fair!"

Powerfully, the real herobrine raised up his hand, then used all his force to and smashed his fist
into the ground. Blocks flew out of the ground, the only things remaining in the chunk after the
energetic smash was lava and bedrock. Unfortunately, our hearts are low, really low, so low that
it is only half a heart away to death; but thankfully, we got plenty of steaks, at least enough to
heal us from half heart to full heart 10 times, and by the way the explosion gave us free materials
to loot!

Though Herobrine didn't stop, he only got more mad. The two clones started constantly
spawning bosses (Illager Patrols, Elder Guardian, Wither, Ender Dragon)

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