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Exercise: are the sentences correct? If not, what’s the correction?

1. Were you use to go to church in the past?

2. Annie has gotten used to life at her new university.
3. They got used to stop by the store every day.
4. Our old dog is used to go to the bathroom inside the house.
5. I use to make friends more easily.

Exercise: Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question using 'used to + infinitive'.

1. I / live in a flat when I was a child.

2. We / go to the beach every summer?
3. She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.
4. He / not / smoke.
5. I / play tennis when I was at school.
6. She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all.
7. He / play golf every weekend?
8. They both / have short hair.
9. Julie / study Portuguese.
10. I / not / hate school.

Exercise: If it's possible, make a sentence with 'would + infinitive'. If it's not possible, use 'used to +

1. I / have short hair when I was a teenager.

2. We / go to the same little café for lunch every day when I was a student.
3. She / love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder.
4. He / walk along the beach every evening before bed.
5. I / always lose when I played chess with my father.
6. She / be able to dance very well.
7. My grandfather / drink a cup of coffee after dinner every night.
8. Luke / not have a car.
9. We / live in Brazil.
10. My family / often go to the countryside for the weekend when I was young.

Exercise: Make sentences using 'be used to + verb-ing' or 'be used to + noun / pronoun'. You need to choose
the correct tense.

1. I (live) in London, so the crowds don't bother me.

2. She (the Tokyo subway) so she doesn't get lost.
3. He (not / deal) with animals, so he's a bit scared of the dogs.
4. John (drive) in heavy traffic.
5. I (wake) up in the night with my baby. I drink lots of coffee!
6. It was very hard to get up at five when I first started this job, because I (not / it).
7. She (drink) a lot of coffee, so she doesn't have a problem with going to sleep afterwards.
8. I've lived here in Hokkaido for three years but I (not / the snow).
9. He (do) a lot of exercise, so a ten-mile walk is easy for him.
10. Julie's flat is in the centre of London. When she visits a friend in the countryside, it's
difficult for her to sleep because she (not / the quiet).
Exercise: Write USED TO, BE USED TO or GET USED TO in the spaces provided. Make sure you use the
correct verb tense.
I feel exhausted. I ________ (not walk) such long distances. -> I feel exhausted. I am not used to walking such
long distances.

1. When my friends and I were children, we ice _________________________________ (eat) cream a lot.
2. Stop shouting at me every time you are not happy about what I have done. I will never
_________________________________ (do) everything right if I don’t feel any support.
3. My little son _________________________________ (have) porridge with milk for his breakfast so I need to
find a local store where they sell good-quality milk.
4. We have moved to the North and now we need to _________________________________ (survive) in the
severe weather conditions.
5. Walter a lot when he worked at his previous job _________________________________ (sleep) but now he
doesn’t have much time for it.
6. Sandra _________________________________ (be) in the highlight because she is a famous fashion model.
7. Help your cousin to _________________________________ (do) sport. He needs to exercise a lot every day
to improve his health.
8. Amanda _________________________________ (cook) a lot because she has a big family. So making dinners
for so many people is not a problem for her.
9. Don’t worry. I _________________________________ (work) fast so I will do your projectin no while.
10. Silvia _________________________________ (go out) often when she lived in her hometown. Now, she is
missing her friends and their enjoyable time together.
11. George needs to _________________________________ (play) American football instead of soccer.
12. Clark decided to _________________________________(swim) in cold water because he likes swimming
very much but there are no chances to get the water warmer.
13. I am not happy about my new job at all. I _________________________________ (not deal with) such
unprofessional colleagues and such arrogant clients.
14. Terry _________________________________(work) harder when he was a student. Now, he has a lot of free
time and doesn’t know what to do with it.
15. Mark _________________________________(get up) early. He is an early bird.
16. When I was a teenager I _________________________________ dress up for Halloween, but not anymore.
17. At first I was really nervous about driving in Vancouver, but now I _________________________________ to
18. I don't think I'll ever _________________________________ to the rain in Vancouver.
19. Mike is Chinese. He is not _________________________________ speaking English in the office.
20. The smell of fish is awful, but you'll _________________________________ it after a couple of months in the
21. There are some things in this life that you'll never _________________________________ to.
22. It will take a while for the office staff to _________________________________ the new computer software.
23. Two years ago, the students _________________________________have four hours a week of language
24. lessons, but now they have three hours.
25. She _________________________________to hard work. She grew up in a very poor family.
26. My children_________________________________ to eating hamburgers, but I don't think I'll ever
_________________________________ to eating them.
27. People from Africa _________________________________ to hot weather because of the dry and hot climate
28. I wasn't happy about working the evening shift but I have _________________________________ to it now.
29. When I was starting to write, I _________________________________ think I would never be as good as
30. Margaret Atwood.
31. Mr. Blundell _________________________________ do lots of interviews when he was the mayor of
32. He never _________________________________. to flying a helicopter, even after years of working as a

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