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Episode 1
- [girl] I’m not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by
people whose dreams were crushed years ago… but I admire the sadism.
- Pugsley, emotion equals weakness.
- [girl] I’m not about to confess to my brother that I’ve recently been plagued by visions.
They come on without warning, and feel like electroshock therapy, but without the satisfying afterburn.
- I have no interest in following in your footsteps.
- Everyone would know I failed to get the job done.
- And you graduated with your sanity intact?
- Impressive. You’ve certainly had a very interesting educational journey.
- It’s all a part of their nefarious, yet completely obvious plan.
- Welcome to the quad. -It’s a pentagon.
-I’m not interested in participating in tribal adolescent clichés.
- Well, then use it to fill your obviously bottomless pit of disdain.
- I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation.
- I will escape this educational penitentiary, and you will never hear from me again.
- You are a brilliant girl, Wednesday, but sometimes you get in your own way.
- Which one of your spirits suggested this toe-curling tchotchke?
- Silence would be appreciated.
- I devote an hour a day to my novel. Perhaps if you did the same, your vlog might be coherent. I’ve read
serial killer diaries with better punctuation.
- She’s been smothering me with hospitality.
- I know how you feel. - I guarantee you don’t.
- The last thing I remember I was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity and self-disgust.
- So you were guided by latent chivalry, the tool of the patriarchy, to extract my undying gratitude?
- Oh, Thing, you poor, naive appendage.
- I lock you in here for the rest of the semester, and you go slowly insane trying to claw your way out,
ruining your nails and your smooth, supple skin.
- Our first order of business is to escape this teenage purgatory.
- How did you feel about that? -Vindicated.
- One once described my writing as gratuitously morbid, and suggested I seek psychiatric help.
- But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning.
- But tears don’t fix anything. So I vowed to never do it again.
- Pandas don’t travel in packs. They prefer solitude.
- As much as it pains me to admit, you were right, Mother.

Episode 2

- My father’s twice the man you are, and the only thing he murders is the occasional opera in the shower.
- [Wednesday] Edgar Allan Poe said, “Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see.”
- Clearly Nevermore’s most famous alumni picked that up here.
- No wonder he became a drug-addled madman.
- Your life’s had a lot of upheaval recently.
- Emotions are a gateway trait.
- They lead to feelings, which trigger tears.
- I don’t do tears.
- Sartre said, “Hell is other people.”
- A well-fortified one surrounded by sharks.
- Have you considered your antisocial tendencies might be motivated by fear of rejection?
- Look at us. A couple of teenage tearaways.
- It’s not nearly as fun as I had anticipated.
- Ms. Thornhill’s just ordered pizza. Want to take a stab at being social?
- It’s a hall pass for the imagination-impaired.
- But when your life becomes a twisted mystery… maybe it’s time to lean into it.
- That excuse might have placated the sheriff, but you can’t fool me.
- They were notoriously unreliable and dangerous.
- We want our students to be well-rounded.
- I’d prefer to remain sharp-edged.
- No doubt you’ll find something that tickles your fancy.
- At least I’m not an elitist snob.
- Resilience and adaptability.
- Thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights.
- I have to get back to the woods, but Weems has been watching me like a vulture circling a carcass.
- I know I’m stubborn, single-minded and obsessive.
- I have nothing to get off my chest, and I am not submitting to your emotional blackmail.
- Breathe a word of this to anyone and I will end you.
- Color me intrigued.
- Too odd for the normies, not odd enough for the outcasts.
- [sighs] The ability to not let others define you. It’s a gift.
- I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defeat burns in her throat.
- It’s a real brain cramp.
- You didn’t tell me it was a dark, vengeful spirit.
- Community, perseverance, and determination. And we certainly saw those values on display today.
- I see your sanctimonious smirk.
- But the minute I inch towards the truth…

Episode 3
Wednesday stumbles on a secret society. During Outreach Day, Nevermore's outcasts mingle with
Jericho's normies in Pilgrim World. Fudge, anyone?

Original release date: November 23, 2022

Wednesday finds herself tied up and surrounded by members of an elite students’ society, including Bianca
and Xavier. Wednesday frees herself and leaves the library, taking one of the books with her. Weems
orders Wednesday to play in the school’s band at an upcoming town ceremony run by Mayor Noble
Walker. A drawing in the book leads her to an exhibition at a local fair, where she notices the painting of a
girl she had seen in her visions. In the forest, Wednesday envisions the girl—believed to be an old ancestor
of hers—ready to be executed by Joseph Crackstone, the town’s forefather intent on killing all misfits, but
she is able to escape. Wednesday is ambushed by the monster, which she discovers to be human. Back in
town, Wednesday crashes the ceremony and is scolded by Weems. While investigating a crime scene in
the forest, police find a camera that managed to capture photographs of the monster.
[eerie music playing]
[Wednesday] Let’s assess, shall we?
Bag over my head for optimal disorientation, wrists tied tight enough to cut off circulation, and no idea if I’m
going to live or die.
It’s definitely my kind of party.
[mysterious voice] Who dares breach our inner sanctum?
You can take the mask off, Bianca.
And just like that, my hopes were dashed against the rocks of bitter disappointment.
My foe was no psychotic killer.
More like a bunch of high school clowns.
Wait, I preferred you with it on.
How did you get down here?
Rowan showed me.
Left pocket.
I tracked the watermark to the Poe statue.
Then I solved the riddle.
Wait, there’s a riddle?
I thought we just snapped twice.
Well, aren’t you the brightest in the bunch?
The Nightshades are an elite social club.
Emphasis on elite.
We have roof parties, campouts, the occasional midnight skinny-dip.
And Yoko’s an amateur mixologist.
She makes a killer virgin mojito. It can get pretty wild.
Wow. Do you guys even have a bedtime?
Last I heard, the Nightshades had been disbanded.
Yeah, the group kind of lost its charter 30 years ago after some normie kid died.
[Yoko] But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any
Someone like Rowan?
We booted that loser last semester.
Question is, what are we gonna do with her?
Only members are allowed in this library.
I say we invite her to pledge.
[student] What?
She is a legacy.
After the crap she pulled in the Poe Cup, there’s no way in hell.
We talk about not making waves? She’s a tsunami.
Just because I beat you at your own game? Let me save you the trouble.
I’m not interested in joining.
You’re seriously turning us down?
Can you believe it?
Untie her.
I freed myself five minutes ago.
Do you want a matching black eye?
It’s amateurs like you who give kidnapping a bad name.
[quirky music playing]
[jauntily macabre theme music playing]
[chilling music playing]
[Wednesday] There were so many threads to my investigation, I could weave a burial shroud.
I still have no idea how Rowan mysteriously rose from the dead.
Or why that monster is prowling the woods.
But right now, nothing intrigues me more than this book.
If I’m going to be responsible for Nevermore’s demise, the question is, why am I sharing this apocalypse
with a pilgrim?
[indistinct chatter]
[Weems claps]
All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10:00 a.m. sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1:00.
As you know, this year Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial
statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students.
[excited giggling]
[Weems] As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward.
[student 1] Yeah.
[student 2] Yes!
Yes! I got Pilgrim World.
I have natural people skills and a love of performing, so it’s kind of the obvi choice.
What’d you get?
Uriah’s Heap, whatever that is.
Ew. It’s this weird, creepy antique store.
You’ll love it though.
I’m crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together.
Oh my God, I got the Weathervane.
Dude, trade with me. Come on, trade with me!
Wednesday, don’t worry about your cello.
I’ll have it brought to the town square this afternoon.
My cello?
I caught your rooftop serenade the other night.
I volunteered you to accompany the Jericho High School marching band at the ceremony.
I’m sure it won’t be too challenging to play an uplifting Fleetwood Mac melody.
As long as you promise to hang me as a witch afterwards.
[tense, drawn-out chord playing]
[piston firing]
[overlapping chatter]
Why are you staring at a blank wall?
It wasn’t blank last Outreach Day.
Are you still stewing because I rejected your invitation?
I did go out on a limb for you.
Please. I’m just cannon fodder in whatever cold war you’re waging with Bianca.
I have more pressing issues.
Like what?
Tracking down the monster that killed your roommate.
Oh my god. For the last time, Rowan was expelled.
Everyone saw him leave.
Have you spoken to him since?
I texted him a few times, but I never heard back.
I just figured he wanted Nevermore in his rearview mirror.
Or he’s dead.
I don’t know why you care. It’s not like you knew the guy.
I’m not sure why you care so little.
People can dismiss me and make a million other excuses, but I’m not gonna stop.
Oh, great. I guess you can add “thief” to your resume.
I don’t know what the big deal is about an old Nightshade’s journal anyways.
You didn’t seem surprised when I showed you this last night.
You’ve seen it before, haven’t you?
Yeah. A couple days before the Harvest Festival.
It was open on Rowan’s desk.
I assumed he stole it after we kicked him out of the Nightshades.
Then I confronted him about it, and he kind of went ballistic on me.
It is unbelievable…
Shut up!
How can you?
You’re crazy!
[Rowan, Xavier both grunt]
He threw you against the wall with his telekinesis.
How did you know that?
Lucky guess.
It’s weird that you’re in this. This journal is like, what, 30 years old?
What’s Crackstone doing in the picture with you?
You know who that is?
Yeah, it’s Joseph Crackstone.
He’s, like, Jericho’s founding father.
He’s a big deal around here.
Yeah, look.
That’s him.
[chilling music playing]
You remember my son, Lucas?
I sure do. I ran into him and his buddies last week at the Weathervane.
I’d better get to work.
Hey, no trouble today. You got it?
[Galpin groans]
Hey, don’t look too excited.
Those outcast kids might think we’re happy to have ’em.
We got something lurking in the woods, connected to that school.
Come on, would you stop pointing fingers at Nevermore?
You know how much Jericho depends on that place.
Who do you think pays for our roads, our parks… even your salary?
I’m just doing my job, looking out for the well-being of our town, boss.
Don’t lecture me, Donovan.
Before the good citizens of Jericho elected me mayor, I used to wear that badge, remember?
Mm-hmm. You never struck me as much of a history buff back then.
If it’s good for business, then it’s good for Jericho.
Especially if your business is Pilgrim World.
Just find the damn bear and take care of it.
[Galpin] Mmm.
[Weems] All right. Everyone take a seat.
We have a special announcement.
Welcome, welcome, Nevermore Academy.
Now, on behalf of the entire Jericho community, we are so, so pleased to have you all here today.
Your generosity and hard work are truly… outreachous!
[Walker laughs, clears throat]
Okay, everyone. We’ll see you back here at one o’clock for lunch. Enjoy!
Switch volunteer assignments.
What? No. Uriah’s Heap is definitely not my bag.
It’s an emergency. I need to check out Pilgrim World.
But Wednesday, this is not a fair trade.
Why would I agree to spend the entire day at some dumpy emporium of crapola?
Because Ajax is volunteering there.
Thing sneaked a peek at his assignment.
But if you’re not interested…
Oh my God, thank you. You’re the best!
[Enid giggles excitedly]
[whimsical, old-timey music playing]
[tourists chattering indistinctly]
Welcome to Pilgrim World!
Witch trials every day!
Two o’clock, four o’clock!
Hey, man! Woman!
[whimsical, old-timey music playing]
Hey, Wednesday, want to grab a Hummers group photo?
Guess not.
Good morrow, my young Nevermore kin.
I am Mistress Arlene. A real OC.
Original colonist.
Now prithee, put your cell phones on vibrate and make haste, for you are about to travel back in time to the
year of our Lord 1625, to Jericho’s first pilgrim settlement.
[whimsical, old-timey music continues]
Behold, the meeting house.
Inside is a collection of artifacts related to Jericho’s most beloved and pious founder,
Joseph Crackstone.
And beyond is our privy, America’s first gender-neutral restroom.
I haveth a query.
Pray, be quick, child.
In the meeting house, which of Joseph Crackstone’s artifacts are on display?
It is truly a treasure trove, including original farm tools, tableware, even the Crackstone family chamber pot.
Sounds fascinating. I volunteer to work in there.
Pray, no. That exhibit is being renovated.
Today, thou will all be working at the beating heart of Pilgrim World.
[hawker] Ye olde fudgery!
“Ye Olde Fudgery?”
More like ye olde diabetes in a box.
Volunteers, prick up thine ears.
Fudge is the lifeblood of our humble community.
And samples equal sales, so grab a uniform and a box and make our forefathers proud.
Are these for muzzling tourists?
[old-timey music fades away]
[creepy, ornate music playing]
[clocks ticking]
[Enid grimaces]
I’m pretty sure it’s dead.
See the tire treads across its tail?
Local artist scooped that fella up right here on Route 22.
You’re telling me someone actually goes out and collects roadkill and turns them into that?
Can’t keep them on the shelves.
Got a whole section dedicated to these beauties.
Squirrels, skunks, snakes, and my personal fave… family of ferrets at a clambake.
Too cute.
You two want to make yourself useful?
I reckon they could use a good brush with a Tangle Teezer.
It freshens up the fur.
Maybe we can do that after, like, a…
An extended coffee break.
Right, Ajax?
Uh, yeah. We’ll hit the Weathervane. Want us to pick you up something?
No need to pay for that overpriced hipster swill.
I’m brewing chaga.
It’s my own blend.
Mushroom tea.
I foraged the little buggers myself.
Better get teasing. You’re in for a treat.
This is good.
You’re welcome.
[in German] Enjoy your “authentic” pilgrim fudge made with cacao beans procured by the oppressed
indigenous people of the Amazon.
[tourist] What?
All proceeds go to uphold this pathetic whitewashing of American history.
Also, fudge wasn’t invented for another 258 years.
Any takers?
[tourists] No, no, no.
[discontented murmuring]
[Eugene gasps]
Check out this greedy little freak.
Please, I need to get back to the…
[stomach rumbles queasily]
[bully] Whoa, yuck!
Yuck, man.
Come here!
[Eugene flinches]
[bully] Get in there!
Howdy, Pilgrims.
Let him go.
You want to end up in the stocks too?
Remember what happened the last time we did this dance?
[tense music playing]
[bully 2] Get her!
[bones crack]
Are you two still here?
I can’t get into more trouble with my dad.
[boy in stockade] No, wait!
Let’s get you cleaned up.
Principal Weems.
Well, it looks like another successful Outreach Day is upon us.
[Weems chuckles]
And, uh… thank you for your generous donation to my re-election campaign.
[clicks tongue] Consider it a token of our ongoing cooperation.
Apparently everyone is off to their assignments.
And so far no incidents.
Mayor Walker, I’d like you to meet Marilyn Thornhill.
In the spirit of outreach, she’s Nevermore’s first normie teacher.
[chuckles] Well, the pleasure is all mine.
Hey, have we, uh… Have we met before?
Not officially, but I see you in here every morning.
You’re always tucked into that back booth when I come for my daily matcha latte.
I knew it! [chuckles]
Miss Thornhill, please keep me posted, especially about a certain pig-tailed upstart.
Nobody’s ever stood up for me before.
You said Hummers stick together.
I know this might come as a shock, but I don’t have any friends.
You remind me of my brother, sans the desire to strangle him every waking moment.
Now follow me.
I need to know more about this Crackstone.
We have a meeting house to break into.
[chickens clucking]
Give me your retainer.
What? Why? Your teeth are really good.
Not as straight or white as Enid’s, but…
Hand it over!
What if Mistress Arlene catches us?
Hive code, deny everything.
That’s not hive code!
What’s the big deal anyway?
The fudge is definitely the best thing about this place.
Stop talking. Keep watch.
[tense music playing]
[Wednesday] My grandmother once told me secrets are like zombies…
they never truly die.
I’m not sure what secret Crackstone is hiding,
but I have a strange feeling the answers to my future lie in the past.
The Old Meeting House, 1625.
Thing, this is the girl from my vision.
She’s even holding the same book.
That black one she had outside Crackstone’s crypt.
[dramatic music playing]
How now.
Your Nevermore sister, the one with the dark eyes and the sour face, where has she hithered?
You mean Wednesday Addams?
Knowing her, she’s hithered somewhere she shan’t be.
This is the book!
Codex Umbrarum.
That’s Latin for “Book of Shadows.”
Great. It’s a fake.
I don’t know who Etsy is, but I doubt she was an outcast settler.
[door opens]
Just what the fudge are you doing in here, missy?
Mistress Arlene. How now?
How now, indeed.
I proclaimed the meeting house is under repair.
I know thoust heard me.
I told her the door was unlocked and you were dying to learn more about Crackstone.
Yes, and this display case was already open.
That book’s a replica.
You don’t say.
The original was stolen last month during the two o’clock witch trial.
It was probably the only authentic thing you have in here, yet you still charge $29.95 a ticket?
Hold thy tongue.
I’m reassigning you both.
To fudge-churning duty.
[disappointed sigh]
The original meeting house, the one in that painting, where is it?
How the hell should I know?
I only moved here from Scottsdale in April.
[quizzical music playing]
Can I help you?
[door opens, bell chimes]
Ooh. That gives me the heebie-jeebies.
[Ajax] I don’t know.
You think squirrels and rats could ever work out?
I mean, they’re two totally different species.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, totally.
Why not?
They have more in common than you think.
Most people are scared of them, so it would just be us… them… against the world.
Wow. [chuckles]
That was… deep.
You know, by the way, I totally dug the way you scratched out the bottom of our boat at Poe Cup.
It was pretty badass.
Thanks. You’re not mad you lost?
I was just doing a solid for Xavier.
I mean, he’s my boy, but he’s super competitive.
Seems so laid-back.
Bro’s got a darker side most people don’t see.
I think it’s because his dad is… well, you know, famous.
All that pressure.
You realize this is, like, the longest conversation we’ve ever had?
[heart-warming music playing]
Gorgons are taught not to engage.
You know, I don’t want to accidentally stone someone.
I’m not afraid of being stoned by you.
It’s just temporary.
You mean that?
One hundo!
So, um, I was thinking of sneaking behind the greenhouse tonight.
Supposed to be a blue moon.
Only happens once every 23 years or something crazy.
Should get a killer view from there.
Cool. Hey, have fun.
You know that’s where a lot of kids go to hook up, right?
I mean, it could get awkward.
I just spent all morning flirting and hinting and trying to act cute while brushing some roadkill just so you
would ask me on a date.
Oh! [laughs]
Oh! That’s what you were doing.
I kind of wondered when you spent so long brushing that opossum’s tail.
[both chuckle]
Hey, so you want to meet up behind the greenhouse tonight?
Yes, I do.
[proprietor] Ajax, can you help me move the badger dentist to the front window?
Yes! I can’t believe he asked.
[plucky, excited music playing]
I thought you were supposed to be at Pilgrim World.
I deserted it while my sanity was still intact.
Oh yeah?
You want a coffee?
It’s one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment.
I’m actually here for Tyler.
I told you he was bad news.
But who I speak to is my business.
[bell dings]
You rang?
Want the usual?
And some help.
You know the original pilgrim meeting house, the one from the 1600s?
You know if it’s still around?
What’s left is out in Cobham Woods, but it’s pretty much a ruin.
Show me.
There, but, look, it’s kind of sketchy.
Squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad.
My dad has it cleared out every couple weeks.
What’s this about?
You’re becoming obsessed with this monster in the woods thing.
Would you rather I develop an obsession with horses and boy bands?
Thank you for the help.
Hey, listen, the ruins are kind of tricky to find.
I could take you this afternoon. My shift ends at 2:00.
Principal Weems would hang, draw and quarter me if I miss the big statue dedication.
And as enticing as that sounds, I’d prefer to keep a low profile.
Besides, I know my way around the great outdoors.
Don’t tell me you were a Girl Scout.
I could eat Girl Scouts for breakfast.
I have an uncle who went to prison for that.
[whimsically morbid music playing]
[birds cawing]
I was expecting more too.
Who you talking to, little girl?
Use “little” and “girl” to address me again and I can’t guarantee your safety.
This is my place. Get out!
Thing, a hand here?
[man exclaiming]
[Thing’s grip constricting]
[man grunts]
[grunting] Get off! Get off me!
There’s nothing here.
No, I can’t just touch something.
My visions seem to happen spontaneously.
I would rather dye my hair pink than ask my mother for advice.
Oh, you want me to prove it to you?
Ah, I bet this will give us some real insight.
My visions are about as predictable as shark attacks.
[eerie whooshing]
[crowd shouting, clamoring]
[girl grunting]
[villagers] Burn her!
Burn her!
[villagers] Burn her!
Burn her!
Devil spawn!
[villager 1] Devil spawn!
[villager 2] Beast!
Stand aside!
Goody Addams!
You have been judged before God and found guilty.
You are a witch, a sorceress, Lucifer’s mistress herself.
For your sins, you will burn this night, and suffer the flames of eternal hellfire.
I am innocent.
It is you, Joseph Crackstone, that should be tried.
We were here before you, living in harmony with nature and the native folk.
But you have stolen our land.
You have slaughtered the innocent. You have robbed us of our peaceful spirit.
You are the true monster. All of you!
[sharp slicing]
[villagers exclaim]
[villager 3] Punish her!
The Devil ne’er sent such a demon.
[Goody Addams cries out]
And I will send you back!
[villagers hollering, clamoring]
You are abominations in the Devil’s grip!
I will not stop till I have expunged this New World of every outcast.
Godless creatures!
[intimidating music playing]
[captives crying out]
Set it ablaze!
[captives scream]
[terrified screaming]
[captives crying out, whimpering]
[chains rattle]
There’s no time, child.
Leave me. Save yourself.
He’s chained us all to the floor.
[despondent music playing]
[panicked, agitated murmuring]
[Goody Addams] I shan’t leave without you.
Run. Avenge us.
Find the others and save our future. [coughs]
Please. My sweet lamb.
Run. Run as fast as you can.
You are our only hope.
[mournful, dramatic music playing]
[Wednesday coughing]
[chilling notes play]
He won’t stop until he’s killed us all!
He’s here.
[menacing gurgling]
There will be no escape for you.
[thunder rumbles]
Thing, I saw her!
The girl from my visions.
Her name is Goody Addams, and I believe she’s my ancestor from 400 years ago.
[suspenseful music builds]
Must’ve been the bearded man from earlier.
[creature snarls]
Come on! Come on!
[dramatic music playing]
The monster’s human.
[Xavier] What the hell are you doing?
I was following the monster.
You saw it?
It’s here? Do you have a death wish or something?
What are you doing here?
I overheard you say you were checking out the old meeting house.
It’s lucky I showed up when I did.
I did learn one thing.
The monster is human.
Its tracks turned from monster prints to human ones.
Show me.
The rain washed them all away.
[Xavier scoffs]
I know what I saw.
I’m trying to keep an open mind.
How big of you.
I do think you might be right about Rowan.
[suspicious music playing]
Why the sudden change of heart?
I texted him again today. I said maybe we could meet over spring break and go snowboarding like we did
last year.
This time he texted right back, said he wouldn’t be able to make it.
Only you never went snowboarding last year.
Part of me wanted to blame his recent weirdness.
I didn’t want to think something bad had happened.
The cover-up is always worse than the crime.
Now I need you to be honest with me.
Why’d you come out to the old meeting house in the first place?
I was trying to learn more about Crackstone.
Figure out how he’s connected to this.
Yeah, you were trying to use your psychic abilities, right?
What makes you think I have any?
Lucky guess. When did they start?
About a year ago.
When they happen, it feels like I’m touching live wire.
I usually enjoy that sensation.
Yeah, but you can’t control it and that freaks you out.
My dad’s a psychic.
Vincent Thorpe.
My brother’s his number one fan.
Watched his Vegas Special so many times I’m surprised it’s not imprinted on his eyeballs.
So I’ve lived with a self-described master.
The first thing he’ll tell you is that visions can’t be trusted.
They only show one part of the picture.
I saw Joseph Crackstone in front of me as clearly as I’m seeing you now.
He gathered all the outcasts in the meeting house and burned them alive.
Okay, he was a sadistic asshole.
It was 400 years ago. It’s got nothing to do with now.
But what if it does?
You saw Rowan’s drawing. Crackstone was standing in the quad.
You’re creating a story in your head and using visions to back it up.
They’re telling you what you want to see.
Are you mansplaining my power?
All I’m saying is my dad, the expert, would warn you that psychic ability isn’t rooted in logic.
It’s triggered by emotions.
And let’s be honest, emotion isn’t your strong suit.
I believe Rowan was right.
Something bad is going to happen, and I need to stop it.
Starting with that monster.
Whoever it is.
[thunder rumbles]
[mellow synth-pop music playing]
[Wednesday] I thought nothing scared me, but that was before I stared into the eyes of Joseph Crackstone.
I don’t believe in heaven or hell. But I do believe in revenge.
I usually serve it warm with a side of pain, but I’ve never faced an adversary cast in bronze.
[mellow music continues]
[Walker] Thank you.
It is my honor to celebrate our town’s history and Jericho’s noble forefather, Joseph Crackstone.
Now, he believed that with a happy heart and an open ear, there was nothing our town couldn’t achieve.
So together as one, our community and our friends at Nevermore Academy, we’ve built a monument to
celebrate his memory.
Now, may the spirit of Joseph Crackstone be memorialized for eternity.
[band playing peppy arrangement of “Don’t Stop” by Fleetwood Mac]
[crowd cheers]
[rapid popping]
[vendor yelps]
[crowd screams, panics]
[Wednesday drawing out agitated notes]
[playing intense arrangement of Vivaldi’s “Winter”]
[sirens wailing]
[song trails off]
That was a disaster.
The mayor is furious!
I’ve lost count of the angry phone calls, emails, and people in the town, alumni and parents.
They want answers and so do I.
I would lead the inquisition, but I left my thumbscrews and rack at home.
Miss Addams… you’re already on thin ice.
Wafer-thin ice.
I swear on my late scorpion’s soul, my hands are clean.
[cheekily dramatic music playing]
[music ends abruptly]
I may not have hard evidence, but I see you.
You’re a trouble magnet.
If trouble means standing up to lies, decades of discrimination, centuries of treating outcasts like second-
class citizens or worse…
What are you talking about?
Why does this town even have an Outreach Day?
Don’t you know its real history with outcasts?
The actual story of Joseph Crackstone?
I do.
To an extent.
Then why be complicit in its cover up?
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
[pensive music playing]
That’s where you and I differ.
Where you see doom, I see opportunity.
Maybe this is a chance to rewrite the wrongs, to start a new chapter in the normie-outcast relations.
Nothing has changed since Crackstone. They still hate us.
Only now they sugarcoat it with platitudes and smiles.
If you’re unwilling to fight for truth…
You don’t think I want the truth?
Of course I do.
But the world isn’t always black and white.
There are shades of gray.
Maybe for you.
But it’s either they write our story or we do.
You can’t have it both ways.
You’re exhausting.
I know.
[exasperated sigh]
Goodnight, Miss Addams.
But you should know… I don’t tire easily.
[foreboding music playing]
[distant sniffing, crunching]
Who the hell’s there?
[suspenseful music builds]
[creature snarling]
[camera bulb popping]
[flesh rending]
[man screaming]
[typewriter keys clacking]
Too much?
[sighs] I feel like you just napalmed me, Enid.
So glad I have my date with Ajax tonight.
Get my mind off that trainwreck of an afternoon.
I literally think I have PTSD. I didn’t even get to do my dance routine.
What a tragedy.
What kind of twisted psycho would want to sabotage such a life-affirming event?
You’re going to be late.
[typewriter keys clacking]
Wish me luck.
If he breaks your heart, I’ll nail-gun his.
[elegant instrumental music playing]
[Wednesday] I don’t believe in mandatory volunteer work, sugar-coated history, or happy endings, but most
of all… I don’t believe in coincidences.
[gasps softly]
[sirens wailing]
[elegant instrumental cover of “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica]
To paraphrase Agatha Christie, one coincidence is just a coincidence, two are a clue…
[Ajax humming]
…and three are proof.
Rowan’s drawing of me and Crackstone happens sometime in the future.
Goody Addams’ warnings about Crackstone were in the past.
And the monster is here in the present.
Three coincidences that I know are connected.
That monster could be anyone.
The sheriff thinks they only exist behind the walls of this school.
The truth is, there are monsters everywhere.
[muffled screaming]
And sometimes the monsters we least suspect are the most dangerous.
[metallic scraping]
They don’t need teeth and claws to terrify.
They hide in the shadows until no one is looking.
And then they strike.
But I’m looking now.
And I won’t stop until I find the truth.
[instrumental music intensifies]
[chilling music builds]
[music fades]
[jauntily macabre outro music playing]

Episode 4
[low, ominous music playing]
[rattling, thudding]
[tense music playing]
[Wednesday] Dr. Kinbott tells me I should get out more.
Says I need to open my mind to new people and experiences.
Who am I to argue with her professional clichés?
While I do the autopsy, you find the files of the monster’s other victims and make copies.
[Thing taps loudly]
Don’t pout.
Your scalpel skills are questionable.
Do you remember my 13th birthday, when Uncle Fester gave me that cadaver?
You sliced right through that man’s carotid.
[resigned tap]
[inhales appreciatively] Magnificent hematoma.
There you are.
Thursday, 7:23 p.m. The body is that of a 50-year-old male.
[copier whirs]
Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands.
What remains of the chest and torso indicates a frenzied attack.
Subject has been almost entirely disemboweled.
[anxious tapping]
[vehicle approaching]
This is curious.
Subject’s left foot is missing.
It appears to have been chewed off at the ankle.
Have you seen a left foot anywhere?
[frantic tapping]
Calm down. Who’s coming?
Appreciate you coming back to the office, Doc.
No problem, Sheriff.
Whatever I can do to help.
Whatever or whoever is responsible for these killings…
In all my years, I’ve never seen injuries like them.
I thought you should see this before I issued my report on the latest victim.
It’s a real noodle-scratcher.
The killer cut off two toes from the victim’s left foot.
Best guess, they used a surgical saw.
The final autopsy report’s still pending.
Minute you’re done, send it straight to my desk.
Media blackout on the toes.
Sure thing, Sheriff.
Been a busy couple of weeks, huh?
At least I’m going out in style. Friday’s my last day.
Happy retirement, Doc.
Gonna surprise Mrs. Anwar with a four-week cruise.
[chuckles wryly]
Excited to trade rib shears for Mai Tais.
See yourself out. I’ll lock up.
[mysterious music playing]
[music swells, trails off]
I don’t remember this one coming in.
Full rigor. You’ve been dead a while.
Guess you won’t mind waiting another day for me to cut you open.
[mysterious music continuing]
Five more minutes.
I was just getting comfortable.
[jauntily macabre music playing]
[“Tierra Rica” by Carmita Jiménez plays]
♪ Yo so la pregonera ♪
♪ En alas de canción… ♪
When I suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, I did not have Ted Bundy’s Pinterest in mind.
Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection.
Is this why you snuck out last night?
Thing and I made an unsanctioned trip to the morgue to copy the files of the monster’s victims.
Okay, there are so many levels of ew in that statement, I don’t know where to begin.
I need to get inside its head.
Discover any patterns or anomalies. I’ve already made a big discovery.
Turns out all of the monster’s victims have had body parts surgically removed.
The first one a kidney, the second a finger…
[panting] Wednesday, I don’t feel…
Third a gall bladder.
And the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes.
Do you understand what this means? These murders aren’t mindless.
He’s collecting trophies like a seasoned serial killer. It’s impressive, actually.
♪ …flamantes riachuelos ♪
♪ Sonrientes… ♪
[weary tap]
Fetch the smelling salts.
♪ Ruiseñores, tenores que cantan… ♪
[Thornhill] While most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to
sexual trickery or deception.
[song trails off]
[Xavier grunts]
I tweaked my back fencing.
[Thornhill] The orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in.
Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?
Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave’N.
[students laugh]
Okay, okay. I know you’re all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven’t assigned any homework.
[scattered cheers]
But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee.
Anyone interested, come and see me up here.
[Xavier] You’re not gonna volunteer?
Aren’t you pumped about disco balls and spiked punch?
There’s even a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz.
I’d rather stick needles in my eyes.
[chuckles drily]
I’ll probably do that anyway.
Or you could invite someone and have a little fun.
[Xavier grunts]
[tense music playing]
[birds warbling]
We need to do this.
Xavier didn’t get those scratches from fencing.
He’s hiding something.
[suspenseful music playing]
I suppose every artist needs a muse.
Xavier, you just became that much more interesting.
What are you doing?
I just saw you come out this way.
What is this place?
It’s kind of my private art studio.
I cleared it out, fixed it up, so Weems let me use it.
How very entrepreneurial. I would love to see inside.
Why don’t you give me a tour?
Not right now. It’s a total mess.
I shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer.
I’m not easily fazed.
Maybe another time. Why were you looking for me?
I wanted to go over Ms. Thornhill’s homework assignment.
She didn’t give us homework.
Why are you really out here?
Is this about a certain dance that makes you want to poke needles into your eyes, perhaps?
I’m all ears.
[Wednesday] Sometimes intentions melt in the face of unexpected opportunity.
If this was my chance to get up close and personal with a potential serial killer, how could I refuse?
Are you really going to make me ask?
Oh, absolutely.
[weary sigh]
[flatly] Would you…
Would you possibly consider going to the Rave’N dance with a certain…
Would… Would you go to the dance with me?
Yes, Wednesday, I would love to go to the dance with you.
I thought you’d never ask.
[gritting teeth] Neither did I.
[squeals] Oh my God! Wednesday Addams is going to the Rave’N.
My whole world is tilted!
You know what you need?
A bullet to the head?
A dress.
I already have one.
Not the one you showed up here in!
That thing was a fashion emergency not even lightning could resuscitate.
Thing, back me up here.
You need something that screams, “First date. Stand back, bitches! I have arrived!”
And I know just the place!
What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?
[dolorous music playing]
[Enid] Our first roomie shopping spree!
The dance committee’s suggesting all white to match the theme, but that’s not gonna fly with us.
I have more pressing business than to worry about a dress for a dance I don’t want to attend.
But I thought we were bonding.
[students laughing]
I feel I’ll only slow you down.
You’re a gazelle. I’m a wounded fawn.
Cut me loose and go run with the pack.
Are you sure?
I’m going to see Galpin. I’m not stop…
[grandiose, elegant music playing]
[door chimes ring]
Hi, Wednesday.
That dress will certainly turn some heads.
Are you collecting more exotic trinkets for your office?
Those are souvenirs from my travels.
That’s how I step outside of my comfort zone.
Speaking of which, are you going to the Rave’N this weekend?
I’m not required to answer your questions out in the wild, am I?
I look forward to talking about it at our next session.
We both know that there’s a monster out there.
If we’re going to stop it, I think it’s time we put our differences aside and work together.
And this is your stake for me to deal you in?
[Galpin sighs]
I’m sorry, you gotta do better than that. You got some nice detail though.
I didn’t draw it.
I need to know who did.
Unless we’re exchanging intel, I’m not at liberty to say.
Why would I share information about an ongoing murder investigation with a high school kid?
Because I go to Nevermore and you don’t.
Don’t you want eyes and ears behind those ivy-covered walls?
Listen, Velma, why don’t you and the Scooby gang stick to your homework and leave investigating to the
[phone ringing]
[woman] Mayor Walker’s on line two.
He’s looking for an update.
Hey, Addams.
Let me see that sketch again.
[suspenseful music playing]
The person who drew this, that your suspect?
When you bring me some concrete evidence, maybe we’ll talk.
Yes, Mayor. Everything’s going splendidly.
[indistinct chatter]
[student] My spiky little sea urchin.
That’s horrible.
That’s actually her singing.
[chatter subsides]
Is it okay if I talk to Enid?
[Enid] Don’t worry. I can handle him.
Lucas Walker, mayor’s son.
Recently split from cheer captain, Chrissy Smothers.
Cute brunette who needs to rethink her spray tan.
That’s kinda scary.
I have a nose for gossip and I follow half your grade on TikTok.
Oh yeah, and my roommate kicked your butt… twice.
Wednesday Addams is your roommate?
Sure is.
I know this isn’t a random encounter.
So, why are you sitting here, Lucas Walker?
You must want something.
I’ve got a friend who works at Hawte Kewture.
She overheard you’re on the hunt for a date to the Rave’N.
Maybe we can help each other out.
Don’t want to ask what trouble you’re in now.
Nothing I can’t handle.
Your father’s in particularly frustrating form today. Avoid.
Yeah, welcome to my world.
You guys have the Rave’N this weekend, right?
It was all the buzz at the Weathervane today.
I must be the only one not obsessed with this stupid dance.
So, you’re not going?
Actually, I was forced to ask someone as an act of self-preservation.
Sure, that happens, I guess.
So, who is it?
[restrained, poignant music playing]
Got it.
Hope you two have fun.
I’m not sure why you’re upset.
That’s kind of the problem.
I mean, call me crazy, Wednesday, but you keep giving me these signals.
It’s not my fault I can’t interpret your emotional Morse code.
Then let me spell it out.
I thought we liked each other, but then you pull something like this, and I have no idea where I stand.
Am I in the “more-than-friend zone” or just a pawn in some game you’re playing?
I’m just dealing with a lot right now.
I need to prioritize.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I guess, give me a call if I ever move up your to-do list.
[forcefully] Not one word.
[bees buzzing]
Enid wouldn’t let me keep this in our dorm.
No worries. Mi colmena es su colmena.
I assume this is the creature that’s been rampaging in the woods.
You’ve heard about it before?
Rumors. Mr. Fitts banned me from bug-hunting until further notice.
Claimed a bear was on the loose, which I knew was a lie.
Didn’t match their hibernation schedules.
Speaking of monsters with sharp claws, could you give this to your roomie?
Put in a good word for me?
I hear she’s still sans date for the Rave’N.
I know the chances of her asking me are next to zero, but I don’t care.
I’ll keep putting myself out there until Enid finally… sees me.
And if she never does?
She will.
I’m playing the long game.
My moms say people will appreciate me when I’m older.
They’re probably just trying to make me feel better, but…
Listen, people like me and you, we’re different.
We’re original thinkers, intrepid outliers in this vast cesspool of adolescence.
We don’t need these inane rites of passage to validate who we are.
So you’re not going to the Rave’N either?
Actually, I am.
With Xavier.
I see.
It’s not like I like Xavier.
I just have ulterior motives.
Sketches are the closest thing I have to a lead to try and stop this thing.
[Eugene] That circle…
I think I know where that is.
Show me.
[eerie music playing]
[Wednesday] It’s definitely a match.
What were you doing out here?
Collecting specimens.
This place is ground zero for horny gypsy moths.
You think it’s in there?
Only one way to find out.
[eerie music continues]
I’m not a huge fan of enclosed spaces.
I’m claustrophobic.
If you hear me screaming bloody murder, there’s a good chance I’m just enjoying myself.
[Eugene sighs]
[Wednesday] This is definitely its lair.
[Eugene] Are those human?
No, I think it’s got a taste for venison.
Check this out.
[chilling music playing]
What is that?
Concrete proof.
All right, I won’t be long.
I just need to find something to match against the claw’s DNA.
[tense coda plays]
[chilling music playing]
What are you doing?
How do you know what the monster looks like?
Or are these all just self-portraits?
[scoffs] What, you think it’s me? I saved your life.
So did the monster. Or was that you the night Rowan was killed?
You so are out of line now.
I’m trying to uncover the truth.
And your art seems to have a recurring motif.
This creature’s been haunting my dreams for weeks.
I try to block it out, but I can’t. So I just… come in here and paint it.
When I was painting this one, claws reached out and took a swipe at me.
That’s how I got these.
I thought you were able to control your ability.
Not when it comes to this.
Maybe it’s your guilty conscience.
I told you I’m not the monster, okay?
You just happened to draw pictures of it, down to the location of its lair in the woods?
Those are some pretty vivid dreams.
You were in here.
Before, when I caught you outside.
That’s the only reason you asked me to the Rave’N?
[scoffs] To try and cover.
You are unbelievable.
It’s nothing personal.
No, it never is with you, is it?
I mean, do you even care about anyone or anything at all, Wednesday?
Get out!
Yeah, I know Inez is usually three sheets to the wind, but she keeps calling the mayor and she’s BS-ing
that there’s lights on at the old Gates place.
So do a drive-by, make sure there’s no squatters.
That’s the claw of the monster and that’s a dried blood sample from a potential suspect.
He used it to dab scratches on his neck.
Run the DNA test and see if they match.
I’m sorry, do I work for you?
You asked for concrete evidence. That’s it.
Where’d you get this?
And who’s the suspect?
Run the test first, then I’ll explain everything.
I’m not playing games, Addams.
Neither am I, Sheriff.
Bernice, bring me a DNA authorization form, please.
[Wednesday] Why so glum?
Saw Enid at lunch. Asked if she got my honey.
It’s not like I didn’t warn you.
Since neither you nor I have a date to the dance…
We should go together!
No, I was going to suggest we stake out the cave and identify the monster.
Whoever it may be.
So… I hear you might be free tomorrow night after all.
[Xavier chuckles]
[customer] Thank you.
[espresso machine whirring]
[bell dings]
[upbeat pop music playing]
[Thornhill] Okay, have fun with it!
You look gorgeous!
So gorgeous!
Welcome to this year’s Rave’N!
Oh, beautiful! What a nice top!
Have a dance for me!
[upbeat pop music playing]
Welcome to the Rave’N.
Well, here’s to a night they’ll never forget.
Careful what you wish for.
[Thornhill] You were a Nevermore student once.
Don’t you remember being full of hope and excitement about the Rave’N?
All I remember is disappointment.
The boy I asked turned me down for another girl.
Morticia Frump, in fact.
Wednesday’s mother?
Oh, make sure nobody spikes the punch.
We can’t afford a single misstep tonight.
[knocking at door]
I’m coming, Eugene!
Hey, did you grab any extra batteries for the flash…
I got your invite.
Guessing you had Thing drop it in the tip jar?
Good guess.
After our last conversation, I wasn’t sure I’d even get to speak to you again, but…
Well, your note was so genuine and… sweet.
Totally took me by surprise.
Me too.
Well, now that I’m here, I’m glad I came.
You need a few minutes?
Genuine and sweet? How could you do this to me?
[frustrated sigh]
[Thing snaps twice]
[grandiose, elegant music playing]
How’d you pay for it?
Five-finger discount, of course.
Thing, don’t look.
[darkly grandiose music playing]
Wow, you look…
Unrecognizable? Ridiculous?
A classic example of female objectification for the male gaze?
I mean it, Wednesday. You look beautiful.
Wednesday, what’s going on?
[pop music playing faintly]
What happened to staking out the cave?
Sure, I get it. Guess I’ll check out the woods myself.
Don’t go alone.
It’s too dangerous. Stand down.
We’ll go together tomorrow night, understood?
Staking out a cave?
A Hummer never shies away from danger.
[“The Beginning” by Magdalena Bay playing]
♪ No hero nor a villain inside ♪
♪ Now, easy living, it sets you free… ♪
Is that an abominable snowman?
Oh my God! You can’t say that, it’s offensive!
The correct name is Yeti.
Oh, sorry. Do any go here?
Not anymore. They’ve been extinct since the 1950s.
Our science teacher Ms. Thornhill chaired the dance committee this year.
She wanted the Rave’N to feel relevant.
So our theme is climate crisis meets extinction event.
But in a fun way!
Okay, the theme of our last dance was Hawaiian nights.
[Lucas gasps]
Oh my God, I’m so sorry! Let me fix that!
I thought that was you.
Is that your date?
Yes, and he’s having the best time with me.
We are both loving this dance… together.
Does your mood have to do with a certain pig-tailed goth girl?
She’s not here.
We are.
You’re right. I’m sorry.
I do really like being here with you, so…
I appreciate the last-minute invitation.
No more talking about Wednesday Addams.
Yo, check it out.
[pop song playing]
Wednesday totally busted out of her cocoon.
Like a death’s-head moth.
Do you see Bianca’s face?
She’s not going to be happy.
Wednesday Addams. What a lovely surprise.
Ms. Thornhill.
This is Tyler…
Uh, yeah. Double-cap, no foam, two pumps of sugar-free vanilla.
[chuckles] It’s a small town. It’s hard to keep secrets.
I’m gonna go get us some drinks.
♪ Been waiting all my life For someone like you ♪
♪ I been waiting all my life For someone like you ♪
OMG! I love the look!
Interesting choice of date though.
I could say the same.
It’s not what it looks like.
Good, because that pilgrim already has two strikes in my book.
Lucas is trying to make his ex jealous.
I’m trying to make Ajax jealous.
It’s a win-win.
Wednesday, I come in peace.
That’s a shame. I brought my pocket mace.
The medieval kind.
♪ I’ve been waiting all my life For someone like you ♪
♪ I’ve been waiting all my life For someone like you ♪
Can’t believe you brought him.
Why are you bringing this up?
As if this dance weren’t tedious enough.
You don’t know what he did to me.
Enlighten me.
I’m so sorry about your pants.
Are those the playoffs? Who’s winning, the Penguins or the Ducks?
You follow pro hockey?
Lifelong Sharks fan.
I grew up with older brothers.
It was like, “Watch hockey or we’ll go all Tang Lung on you.”
You mean Tang Lung from Way of the Dragon?
Only the best kung fu movie ever made!
You are different!
You up for getting down?
[insects chirruping]
Eugene Ottinger.
2100 hours.
No movement at the cave.
No sign of the target.
[grasshopper chirrs]
I just heard a rare club-horned grasshopper.
[pop music playing faintly in distance]
Was it the thin mountain air or the Yeti-tinis that got to you?
Xavier told me what you did last year.
How you and your friends assaulted him and destroyed his mural on Outreach Day.
I guess that was inevitable.
Look, I… I wish I could say that it was an accident, or that it wasn’t half as bad as it sounds, but I’d be lying.
And he could have made things a lot worse for me, but he didn’t.
Why’d you do it?
I mean, I could give you a million excuses, but… the truth is I’m still trying to figure that out.
I got sent away to this boot camp and realized that’s not the version of myself I want to be.
A bitter townie that blames everyone else for the shitty hand he’s been dealt.
Look, I did a terrible thing, but I swear I’m not a terrible person.
Did you think I was going to judge you over some lousy prank?
I would have taken it further.
Like putting piranhas in a swimming pool?
I may have done a little digging on you after we met.
I’d do it again.
I knew there was a reason I liked you.
[“Goo Goo Muck” by The Cramps playing]
♪ When the sun goes down And the moon comes up ♪
♪ I turn into a teenage goo goo muck ♪
♪ Yeah, I cruise through the city And I roam the streets ♪
♪ Looking for something That is nice to eat ♪
♪ You better duck ♪
♪ When I show up ♪
♪ The goo goo muck ♪
♪ I’m the night headhunter Looking for some head ♪
♪ With a way-out body Underneath that head ♪
♪ Yeah, I’ll get you, baby With a little luck ♪
♪ ‘Cause I’m a teenage tiger And a goo goo muck ♪
♪ You better duck ♪
♪ When I show up ♪
♪ The goo goo muck ♪
Come on!
I’ll be right back.
[surf rock bridge continues]
Oh, hi.
♪ Yeah, the city is a jungle And I’m a beast ♪
♪ I want the most But I’ll take the least ♪
♪ ‘Cause I’m a goo goo muck tiger And a teenage beast ♪
Do me a favor.
♪ You better duck when I show up ♪
Take off your amulet and make me forget about her.
I can’t believe you’d ask me to do that.
You said no strings.
You broke up with me because you thought I was manipulating you with my siren song.
Now you want me to use it to help you get over another girl?
[clears throat]
[singer cawing, ululating]
[singer intoning gravely]
♪ The goo goo muck ♪
[song trails off]
[brake sets]
[boy] Let’s go.
Come on.
You got it? Take it.
Keep feedin’ it. Let’s go. Come on.
Move! Move!
I’ll do it.
I was thinking maybe this isn’t such a good idea.
I don’t want my dad to get any blowback, you know?
Dude, you’re the whole reason we’re doing this!
To get revenge on those freaks for nuking Crackstone’s fountain!
Don’t tell me you’ve gone soft like Tyler. Come on, let’s go.
[vehicle approaching]
Eugene Ottinger. 2242 hours.
Potential suspect has arrived at location.
[mysterious music playing]
Oh my God.
[chilling music playing]
Whoever invented high heels clearly had a side hustle as a torturer.
As my dear mother always says, “Fire tests gold, suffering tests a woman.”
Speaking of suffering, where’s your date?
I didn’t see you and Xavier on the dance floor.
We had a little tiff.
About you, actually.
You don’t know what it’s like.
Being beautiful and popular?
Never knowing people’s true feelings.
If someone likes me for me.
What about your amulet?
It’s not foolproof.
It’s a mild prophylactic, so to speak.
That’s why Xavier broke up with me.
He could never fully trust me.
The worst part is I could never trust his feelings either.
I never knew if they were real or not.
You’re lucky.
Do tell.
You don’t care what people think of you.
Honestly, I wish I cared a little more.
[Wednesday sighs]
[suspenseful music playing]
[electro-pop music playing]
It’s time for the big finish.
Yo! Almost eleven o’clockity, so haul it out on the dance floor one last time before the Rave’N says
[“Physical” by Dua Lipa playing]
♪ When I got you next to me ♪
♪ All night, I’ll riot with you ♪
♪ I know you got my back And you know I got you ♪
♪ So come on, come on ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Let’s get physical ♪
♪ Lights out, follow the noise ♪
♪ Baby, keep on dancing Like you ain’t got a choice ♪
♪ So come on ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Let’s get physical ♪
♪ Hold on just a little tighter ♪
♪ Come on, hold on Tell me if you’re ready ♪
♪ Baby, keep on dancing ♪
[faint, echoing opera music playing]
[pipe rumbling, gurgling]
[“La Mamma Morta” by Umberto Giordano playing]
[soprano singing majestically]
[students murmur]
[students screaming]
Let’s go!
They couldn’t even spring for real pigs’ blood.
It’s only paint.
[eerie whooshing]
[high-pitched ringing]
Wednesday! Are you okay?
Eugene is in the woods. He’s in danger.
[students clamoring]
What the hell are you doing?
Texting my dad. He’s on his way.
Have you seen Wednesday? I lost her.
How should I know? She’s your date.
Let’s go.
That was crazy.
Come on. Get it.
Let’s go.
[Enid] You did this?
[sobs] I can’t believe I fell for your crap.
Enid, after Crackstone’s statue…
I thought you were different.
[malicious laughing]
I thought you liked me.
Wolf out!
Wolf out!
[bullies chanting] Wolf out!
Get away from her!
Let’s go!
[melancholy music continues]
[door closes]
[car starts]
Are you okay?
I didn’t even want to go with him.
I wanted to go with you.
So why didn’t you ask me?
‘Cause you blew me off the other night and never told me why.
I was too embarrassed to tell you, but I… accidentally looked in the mirror and kind of stoned myself with
my snakes.
[claws rasp]
Whoa. We should, uh…
We should probably take it slow. Right?
Totally agree.
[Eugene panting]
[chilling, suspenseful music playing]
[creature huffing, snarling]
[Wednesday] Eugene!
[creature snarling, growling]
[creature growling]
Wednesday! Over here!
[bestial snarling]
[creature brays]
[Wednesday panting]
[solemn music playing]
Oh my God!
[music builds to climax]
Is he alive?
[music halts]
[jauntily macabre outro music playing]
Episode 5
[tense, enigmatic music playing]
[Wednesday] How well do we really know our parents?
Take my father.
I’ve always considered him an open book.
A man given to misguided schemes and exaggerated displays of affection.
But when he was a student, he was accused of a murder that took place right up there.
Which leads me to wonder…
[intense, unsettling music playing]
…what really happened that stormy night 32 years ago?
[music swells]
I think he had a sword, and they certainly have issues.
I don’t like to tell tales, Sheriff Walker, but it’s all Morticia Frump’s fault.
They were fighting over her.
I don’t know what to say, Gomez.
Seeing you in handcuffs, accused of murder…
I’ve never loved you more.
Cara mia.
All right, that’s enough, Addams.
Let’s go.
Let’s move it out. Let’s get going.
[officer bangs on car]
[jauntily macabre music playing]
[quirkily dreary music playing]
Ah, the fetid air of teenage angst.
These were the best years of our lives, were they not, Tish?
They certainly were, mi cariño.
I hope Wednesday’s happy to see us.
I left a dozen messages on her crystal ball. Still no reply.
Fret not, my plum-lipped cupid.
I’m sure she’s dying to see us.
[Gomez] Mmm.
[Pugsley] Come on, let’s go.
[bell tolls]
Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children to learn and to grow, no matter who or what they
I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students.
But I’m happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery.
So let’s focus on the positive
and make this Parents’ Weekend our very best yet.
[Wednesday] On the mend?
Try in a coma.
Have you been to see him?
You’re his friend.
I’m the reason he’s in the hospital.
That is not your fault, okay?
The monster hasn’t attacked anyone in the past week.
Maybe you finally scared it off.
Or maybe it went into hiding to avoid this weekend.
[Morticia] Look at this. Some things never change.
[quirky music continuing]
I knew I should have worn my plague mask.
Would you look at my family?
Talk about toxic pack mentality.
I give my mom 30 seconds before her judge-y claws come out.
[Enid sighs] Let’s get this over with.
There she is.
Oh, how we missed those accusing eyes and youthful sneer.
How are you, my little rain cloud?
I thought Thing was filling you in on my every move.
I uncovered your feeble subterfuge almost immediately.
So, how’s the little fella doing?
Does he still have all his fingers?
Relax. I haven’t snapped any of his digits.
So tell us everything.
Since you’ve abandoned me here, I’ve been hunted, haunted…
and the target of an attempted murder.
Ah, Nevermore. I love you so.
Oh, let me look at you.
One-one-thousand, two-one-thousand…
Have you not been waxing?
Three seconds. That’s a personal best.
Are you feeling well? You’re looking a touch anemic.
Have you been eating enough red meat?
It’s good to see you too, Mom.
And you, Dad.
[somber, inquisitive music playing]
Not sure how much more of this family togetherness I can take.
Think you skipped where you apologize for acting like a jerk last weekend.
I’m sorry for what happened at the dance.
I shouldn’t have asked you to siren-song me like that.
Guessing your dad’s a no-show again this year?
I got a text this morning. You?
Gabrielle hasn’t shown her face since I started here.
Probably sunning herself somewhere in the Seychelles.
[woman] My darling daughter.
I made it.
Wouldn’t miss this for the world.
I guess you misjudged her.
[music builds ominously, fades away]
[gasps softly]
Our old yearbook.
I haven’t laid eyes on this in over 20 years.
Such good times we had, didn’t we, Larissa?
Some of us better than others.
Oh, don’t be so modest.
You always filled a room with your presence.
Like a stately sequoia tree.
And I guess that would make you the lumberjack.
[laughs] There’s that biting sense of humor that I always adored.
Do you remember when we did that duet for the Solstice Talent Show?
Your Judy Garland impression was a dead ringer.
Sounds positively suicidal.
My picture’s gone.
Really? Well, that is odd.
May I borrow this for the weekend?
That way Gomez and I can take a little walk down memory lane.
[purrs playfully]
[Weems] All right.
Let’s get down to the matter at hand, shall we? Hmm?
Unfortunately, Wednesday’s assimilation has been rocky at best.
Because I refuse to embrace
the culture of dishonesty and denial permeating this school.
Starting with the monster that killed Rowan and put Eugene in the ICU.
Although I do hear he’s on the mend.
We’ve always encouraged Wednesday to speak her mind.
Sometimes her sharp tongue can cut deep.
Apparently her therapist feels she hasn’t been very open to the process.
Their time together has not yielded the results we’d hoped.
I’m not a lab rat.
Dr. Kinbott and I have spoken, and we both agree
it would be most beneficial for you all to attend a family session this weekend.
I thought that might be your reaction, but your parents can see the wisdom in it.
Um, not to side with Wednesday, but, um, we’re only here for the weekend.
Oh, come on.
What can it hurt? To be honest,
I’ve always been a big fan of head-shrinking.
It’s not that kind of head-shrinking, mon chéri.
that is disappointing.
But anything for our little girl.
[quirkily dreary music playing]
You make sure they search that cave for any sign of that creature.
No stone unturned. They bag and tag everything, all right?
And then follow up with the lab. I want the DNA results on that claw.
We already got one kid in the ICU, a bunch of people in the morgue.
I don’t want any more.
All right.
[foreboding music playing]
Son of a bitch.
What’s wrong?
Just hard to stomach a murderer wandering around town scot-free.
At least they care enough about Wednesday to go to therapy with her.
Tyler, come on. We’ve been through this.
I’m just… I’m not comfortable
dredging up the family past with some complete stranger.
Think it’s easy for me to sit there and talk about my crap?
[phone ringing]
I’ve got a lot on my plate now, bud.
You got the results already?
All right. Tape off the scene. I’ll be right there.
Dad. You okay? What’s going on?
You know Reggie, the local coroner?
He just blew his brains out.
So, who wants to start?
Maybe we can discuss what it’s like having Wednesday away from home?
I mean, for me…
[hesitating]…it’s been hard not having Wednesday around.
I never thought I’d miss being waterboarded so much.
Morticia, Gomez.
How have you been coping?
It’s been torture for us too.
[Gomez] Fortunately, my brother Fester’s rack fits two people.
[Morticia] Nothing like a good stretch to bring out the best in each other.
Querida mía.
[kissing passionately]
[long, protracted smooch]
I think it’s high time my parents faced the music.
It seems they’ve been lying to me.
Keeping secrets.
Murderous secrets that need to be addressed.
[dramatic music playing]
Who was Garrett Gates, and why are you accused of murdering him?
Those charges were dropped. Your father is an innocent man.
Local sheriff doesn’t seem too convinced.
Wednesday, stop.
This is neither the time nor the place.
Actually, this is exactly the place.
These sessions are…
Doctor. This does not concern you.
And I refuse to debate a decades-old witch-hunt with you right now.
Darling, maybe we should…
No. This session is over.
Have it your way, Mother.
Wednes… Wednesday?
If you refuse to tell me the truth,
I’ll just have to excavate it myself.
Thanks for the candy.
Actually, that’s potpourri.
Why don’t you take the bowl?
[cuckoo clock chirps]
What were you thinking?
How could you ambush your father like that? Wednesday.
How could I? You insisted I go to this school.
Did you really think I wouldn’t find out your secret?
You don’t know the full story. Your father did nothing wrong.
I’ll be the judge of that.
[car door closes]
How did you find me?
MorningSong community misses you.
I miss you.
And by community, you mean cult?
We are a personal development movement
that helps people take control of their lives.
After you take control of their bank accounts.
I haven’t come here to fight, Brandy Jane.
My name is Bianca.
New name. New life.
It’s time to come home.
That place was never my home.
Gideon said you’d resist.
Don’t say that man’s name to me.
You think he’d give a damn about some single mom and her daughter
if we weren’t sirens?
That is no way to talk about your stepfather.
You actually married him.
He wants you to come home, so that we can be a real family.
Hard pass.
He’s already got one siren to do his bidding.
Goodbye, Ma.
I don’t want to see more MorningSong bracelets anywhere near this town.
My siren song is drying up.
[distressing music playing]
Recruitment numbers are down,
and the wrong people are starting to ask questions.
This wasn’t a request.
And if I refuse?
Then everybody here is gonna know how you siren’d your way into Nevermore.
I finally make something of myself and you want to destroy it.
You haven’t made squat, Bianca.
[laughs maliciously]
You’re just scamming a higher class of people,
but they are not your friends.
Sooner or later they will see through you.
A siren can never change her scales.
You got until the end of the weekend to say your goodbyes.
[music builds, fades away]
[Wednesday sighs]
I harvested hive number three.
[monitor beeps]
The bees miss you, Eugene.
[labored breathing]
We all do.
[melancholy music playing]
[Thing tapping]
Thanks for keeping an eye on him.
Any updates?
He didn’t deserve this.
I should be in that bed.
Why did you go without me?
Didn’t mean to startle you, dear.
You must be Wednesday.
Eugene’s moms. Sue and Janet.
You were all he could talk about lately.
He was so happy you joined the Hummers.
Eugene hasn’t had the easiest time fitting in at Nevermore.
[Sue] He was so excited to finally make a real friend.
I brought him some honey.
Eugene loves those dang bees like they’re his kids.
His fuzzy-buzzy babies.
[Sue] He’s gonna be okay, right?
I should go.
[poignant, melancholy music playing]
[mysterious music playing]
First time someone’s killed themselves in the morgue.
Guys don’t know what to do with the body.
What do you got?
Gun was legal and registered in his name.
Colt .45.
Janitor said he kept it in his desk.
I just saw Doc last week.
He was planning a cruise with his wife. He seemed excited all about retirement.
Guess you never know what’s going through someone’s mind.
A bullet, apparently. We got security footage?
Nope. Camera was obscured. Black bubblegum.
I got them scrubbing through video to find out how long it’s been there.
[Galpin] Black bubblegum.
You don’t say…
The suicide note says he felt guilty about an old case.
Says he covered it up, faked the coroner’s report,
and has been living with guilt for all these years.
[Galpin] What case?
Uh, Garrett Gates.
Garrett Gates. You gotta be kidding me.
You heard of it?
I’ve been waiting 30 years to put away his murderer.
You know who did it?
There’s only ever been one suspect.
I always thought they were covering up the truth.
Now I got my proof.
[low, menacing music building]
[inquisitive music playing]
[birds cawing]
[Morticia] Mmm. I am famished.
You’re not hungry, darling?
My appetite eludes me, Mother.
The same way the truth eludes you.
We need to tell her.
She’ll never believe us.
We must stay strong.
And hope that something more morbid comes along to distract her.
[dramatic music playing]
So are you going to make me ask?
Ajax and I haven’t defined our relationship yet.
I’m not talking about boys.
Have you wolfed out yet?
Well, that is a disappointment.
That’s me.
A huge disappointment.
Can I ask what this is about, Sheriff?
What’s happening, Ms. Thornhill?
I have no idea.
[Galpin] Gomez Addams.
How can I help you, Sheriff?
You’re under arrest for the murder of Garrett Gates.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you.
[foreboding music playing]
[handcuffs unlocking]
[Thing sliding against pane]
My little tormenta, how’s your mother?
Devastated. She hates you in orange.
I caught her laying a rose on a grave earlier today.
The headstone read “Garrett Gates.”
The very boy you’ve been arrested for murdering.
Care to explain?
[tense music playing]
Garrett was infatuated with your mother.
He mistook her kindness for interest.
His infatuation turned into obsession,
and he started stalking her.
Why didn’t you call the police?
We tried.
But his family were the oldest and richest in Jericho.
No one believed us.
Garrett’s father, an outcast-hating bigot,
was furious that your mother had accused his only son.
It all came to a head the night of the Rave’N Dance.
Your mother and I stepped out to catch our breath.
[intense, sweeping music playing]
And that’s when I saw him.
He had broken into the school.
His twisted love for your mother had made him insane.
His eyes bore into me, brimming with murderous intent.
Go. Get out of here. He won’t hurt me.
Garrett, no!
Garrett, stop!
[bold, combative music playing]
[both grunting]
[sword clinking]
My life flashed before my eyes.
Driven by jealousy and hate, Garrett was unstoppable.
[Gomez straining]
When I saw the sword,
my survival instinct kicked in.
[Garrett grunts]
It was a terrible accident.
[wet squelch]
[Weems shrieks]
[Wednesday] If I’m being objective, his confession sounds entirely plausible,
delivered with the perfect degree of sincerity.
Perhaps my father is exactly what he says.
Thank you for being honest with me.
But then there’s the matter of his tells.
The way he smooths his mustache.
The way he delivers a comforting wink.
I’ve been playing Russian roulette with him since I was 12.
I know them well.
I’m sorry I wasn’t a better father.
Could we please do without the overt display of emotion?
I know they make you feel uncomfortable.
How many fathers hand their daughter a fencing blade when she’s five?
Your saber strokes were an essay in perfection.
Or teach her how to swim with sharks?
They found you as cold-blooded as I do.
The right way to flay a rattlesnake?
They really do taste like chicken when prepared properly.
The point is, you taught me how to be strong and independent.
How to navigate myself in a world full of treachery and prejudice.
You are the reason I understand how imperative it is
that I never lose sight of myself.
[lachrymose music playing]
So as far as fatherhood goes, I would say you’ve been more than adequate.
Gracias, Wednesday.
[Wednesday] We need to talk.
How the hell did you get in?
Bernice? Bernice!
Bernice may or may not have received a call that her tabby cat Swifty
is being held for ransom.
My father did not kill Garrett Gates.
Well, I have his signed confession,
and he identified the saber he used to do it.
Both of which I’m about to deliver to the District Attorney.
Don’t you find the timing convenient?
The coroner kills himself out of remorse for a decades-old murder case
the very weekend my father, your prime suspect,
deigns to return to town.
All I see is a guilty man who’s finally going to pay for his crime.
And cuffing him myself, oh, that was the icing on the cake.
How are you failing to see that someone is
desperately trying to derail my investigation?
I found the monster’s cave, and I gave you the DNA evidence.
Did you even bother to test it?
This may come as a shock, but the world doesn’t revolve around you.
Here. DNA results.
No match. Inconclusive.
So you truly believe this is all some coincidence?
Whoever hurt Eugene also murdered the coroner.
Unfortunately, someone sabotaged the security camera in the morgue,
so we don’t know what happened.
They stuck bubblegum on the lens.
Black bubblegum.
Maybe I should run DNA on that?
Someone is trying to throw me off my game. This is all a distraction.
No, this is about justice being served.
Garrett Gates’s family deserves closure,
even if none of them are around to take comfort in it.
What happened to them?
His mother hung herself in the backyard.
His father drank himself to an early grave.
Even his little sister didn’t escape.
She was orphaned, sent overseas, ended up drowning.
Every last one of them’s gone.
Your father doesn’t just have Garrett’s blood on his hands,
he’s got the whole damn family’s.
[dramatic music builds, trails off]
[pack growling playfully]
Here. I brought you a gift.
That’s so sweet. You didn’t have to get me anything.
I know, but I thought we got off on the wrong foot this weekend.
I just want you to know that all I want is the very best for you.
[gentle, perturbing music playing]
What are these?
For summer camp.
These aren’t just ordinary summer camps.
These are camps for lycanthropy conversion.
Oh, no need to be dramatic, Enid.
You want to send me to conversion therapy for werewolves?
It worked wonders for your cousin Lucille, didn’t it?
Seven weeks in the Balkan countryside
and she was howling at the moon in no time.
As it should be.
Don’t you want to wolf out and finally be normal, honey?
Go away.
You forgot your fishing gear.
Stop trying to be nice.
It doesn’t suit you.
Father packed your favorite bait.
[Pugsley] What’ll happen to him now?
Well, he’s confessed, so there won’t be a trial.
After he’s sentenced, he’ll be sent to a state penitentiary,
where he’ll lose his mind being separated from Mother.
Did you know they haven’t spent a night apart since they tied the knot?
I always thought I’d be the first one in the family behind bars.
Lurch and I had a bet going.
Come on. Let’s see if the fish are biting.
[grenade pin clicks]
[Wednesday] That’s quite a catch.
I’m gonna miss him, Wednesday.
It’s not over yet. He’s innocent.
if anyone can figure out who really committed the crime…
it’s you.
You have to find out the truth and free Dad.
Well, until that happens, we both know Mother will be falling apart.
Which means we have to be strong.
And by “we,” I mean you.
Now, give me one of those.
Where is Mother anyway?
She said she wanted to be alone.
Somewhere where no one would find her.
[chilling music playing]
[Wednesday] Hello, Mother.
Hello, Wednesday.
So you’re a Nightshade.
That didn’t take long.
Actually, I rejected them.
Why? Because I was a member?
I’ll never live up to your legacy here,
so why try?
I win the Poe Cup, you claimed it four times.
I join the fencing team, you captained it.
Why would you send me somewhere I could only ever exist in your shadow?
It’s not a competition, Wednesday.
Everything is a competition, Mother.
But mostly I rejected them because they’re a trivial social club.
We used to be so much more.
Our mission was to protect outcasts from harm and bigotry.
In fact, the group was started by an ancestor of your father’s from Mexico.
One of the first settlers in America.
I saw her painting at Pilgrim World.
How ironic, since she was the one who killed Joseph Crackstone.
The Nightshades were her secret, but deadly, answer to his oppression.
I know why you’ve come here, Wednesday.
So go on. Ask.
Father didn’t kill Garrett Gates, did he?
[swords clanging]
[Morticia] By the time I made it up the stairs,
I found your father fighting for his life. It was terrifying.
Garrett, no!
[both grunting, struggling]
[Morticia] Garrett!
Garrett, stop!
Leave him alone!
I’ll never forget the way he looked at me.
He was even foaming at the mouth.
It was like I was staring into the eyes of a rabid beast.
[grandly menacing music playing]
[wet squelch]
[blade rasps]
Oh, no.
[Weems screams]
[Morticia] It was only when I heard the scream
that I realized what I’d done.
Your father was so…
calm and brave.
[dramatic music swells]
Tish, you need to leave right now.
Go to your room and lock the door.
You were never here.
[erratic panting]
You understand me?
Put this back on the table.
Your father took the blame in order to protect me.
I was so grateful when they cleared him of any wrongdoing.
But I knew,
someday this would come back to haunt us.
You said Garrett was foaming at the mouth.
His eyes didn’t look human.
I’ve never seen someone so blinded by rage.
Maybe it wasn’t rage at all.
Foaming saliva, dilated pupils, mental confusion.
What are those all textbook symptoms of?
[delicate, inquisitive music playing]
[Morticia gasps]
But how can that be?
There’s only one way to find out.
[sighs dreamily] This reminds me of when you got your first grave-digging kit.
You were so happy, you nearly smiled.
Are you sure you don’t want to join?
Uh… mm… No, that’s okay, darling.
I don’t want to spoil your fun.
[scoffs, grunts]
[hollow thud]
Moment of truth.
[inhaling fondly]
Hello, Garrett.
I was right.
[Santiago] Well, well, what do we have here?
Guess there’s gonna be an Addams family reunion
in lockup tonight.
You’re both under arrest.
[Galpin] Get comfortable. You can post bail in the morning.
[Morticia and Gomez kissing passionately]
Not even the long arm of the law could keep us apart.
At least we’ll have one last night together.
I’ve seen jackals with more self-control than you two.
Neither one of you are strong enough to serve hard time.
And thanks to me, you won’t have to.
I knew our little jailbird would have an escape plan.
[tense music playing]
It’s a souvenir from our outing. I borrowed it from Garrett.
He died from nightshade poisoning.
The remarkable preservation of soft tissue and blue tint confirms it.
Which means Garrett was dying…
Before you stabbed him.
You look even more ravishing as an innocent woman.
For once, could you two get off of each other and focus.
[eerie whooshing]
Prove to me you’re still worthy to be called my son!
Kill all those outcasts!
Sneak into that dance and spike the punch bowl.
[thunder crashes]
[shattering reverberates]
[Morticia] Wednesday.
Did you have a vision?
What happened?
What did you see?
The night Garrett died,
he had a vial of nightshade poison that broke in his pocket.
He wasn’t just trying to kill father.
He was going to use the nightshade poison to murder the entire school.
Thank you for seeing us at such short notice, Mr. Mayor.
Yes, well, veiled threats have that effect.
Garrett Gates wasn’t killed by a stab wound.
[Walker clears throat]
That blue sheen is a telltale sign of nightshade poisoning.
But you already knew that, didn’t you?
Because back when you were sheriff,
you were in charge and covered it up.
[inhales, exhales deeply]
Ansel Gates hated outcasts and Nevermore.
He claimed the land the school was built on
was stolen from his family over 200 years ago.
Garrett went there that night to spike the punch
and kill all the kids at that dance.
Ansel confessed the whole thing to me in a drunken stupor. It was his idea.
Why did you instruct Dr. Anwar to falsify the autopsy report?
You knew the truth about how he really died.
Listen, my job was to keep the peace.
If there had been a trial,
Jericho’s and Nevermore’s reputations would have been trashed.
I think the only reputation you were worried about ruining was your own.
I remember Garrett bragging to me
that his father had the sheriff in his pocket.
One year later, you get elected mayor. Hmm.
No doubt with the full support of Ansel Gates.
I resent your implication.
What I resent is that you could have prevented Garrett’s death
if you had done your job when I lodged my complaint about him stalking me.
But no.
Men like you have no idea what it feels like not to be believed.
What do you want?
[quirky, intense music playing]
All charges dropped.
My father will be released immediately
with a full and unequivocal apology from the sheriff’s office.
[emphatically] Do we have a deal?
You were very impressive in there.
When did your visions begin?
A few months ago.
Before I left for Nevermore.
I’m sorry you didn’t feel you could tell me.
I know we’ve had our difficulties lately.
Navigating the treacherous shoals of our mother-daughter relationship.
But I’m always here for you, Wednesday.
Sometimes when I touch someone or something,
I get these very violent glimpses from the past or future.
I don’t know how to control it.
Our psychic ability resides on the spectrum of who we are.
Given my disposition,
my visions tend to be positive.
That makes me a Dove.
And for someone like me? Who sees the world through a darker lens?
You’re a Raven.
Your visions are more potent, more powerful.
But without the proper training, they can lead to madness.
If I could help you, I would, Wednesday.
But we’re not trained by the living.
Somebody from our bloodline reaches out from beyond to help us when we’re ready.
Goody has.
I’ve seen her before.
Be careful, Wednesday.
Goody was a witch of great strength,
but her vengeance pushed her too far,
and even she couldn’t save herself.
Sorry about all this.
I don’t hold grudges,
only blood debts.
So, your daughter and my son have become…
I pity any boy who gets caught in her viper’s gaze,
but he must be a good egg.
She wouldn’t tolerate anything less.
He has his mom to thank for that.
[Pugsley] Dad!
I missed you so much, Dad. I missed you so much.
[Morticia] Mi amor.
[Wednesday] Don’t crowd me.
[curious music playing]
[bell tolls]
So, it’s decided. Six weeks at Camp Howl.
You’ll need to pick which activity…
No, I don’t.
Because I’m not going.
Not this summer. Not ever.
If I’m meant to wolf out, then I’m going to do it on my own timeline
and not yours.
I hope that one day, you’ll finally accept me for who I am.
[somber, emotional music playing]
I’m proud of you, kiddo.
You do you.
I’ll come back and help you under one condition.
Wait until the school year is over.
How do I know you won’t run away again?
Because we both have too much to lose.
But after this,
you and MorningSong are out of my life… forever.
[Wednesday] Don’t push it.
Well, at least we can’t say Parents’ Weekend wasn’t a nail-biter.
I knew you didn’t have what it takes to be a murderer.
As much as that stings,
gracias, my little death trap.
As I leafed through the pages of this yearbook,
I was reminded of all the wonderful times I had here.
But they were just that.
You have your own path to blaze.
I don’t want to be a stranger in your life, darling.
If you need me for anything,
anything at all,
I’m only a crystal ball away.
Thank you, Mother.
[wry exhale]
[air kisses]
[dramatic, resolute music playing]
I knew it.
I did witness Rowan getting murdered that night.
Excuse me?
When Rowan appeared the next morning, it was you.
When you participated in the talent show,
not only did you impersonate Judy Garland,
you became her.
You’re a shape-shifter.
That’s a fascinating theory.
I’m curious to find out how Sheriff Galpin feels when I tell him.
[low, menacing music playing]
You won’t tell a soul, Miss Addams.
And it wouldn’t matter much if you did.
Rowan’s father already knows what happened,
and he fully supports my decision not to involve the authorities.
Why would he agree to that?
Because Rowan was not in his right mind.
His telekinetic abilities were driving him mad and he attempted to murder you twice.
His tragic death allowed us to rectify the situation without casting the school or Rowan in an unflattering
You and Mayor Walker are the same, aren’t you?
Burying bodies to cover your dirty secrets.
I did what I needed to do to shield this school from controversy and protect its students from harm.
Tell that to Eugene.
How are you protecting him?
[students clamoring, yelling]
What on earth?
[darkly menacing music playing]
[jauntily macabre outro music playing]
Episode 6
[ominous, suspenseful music playing]
[unearthly, indistinct whispering]
[Wednesday] In case you’re wondering, I don’t hold séances very often.
I can barely tolerate the living. Why would I want to commune with the dead?
But my mother told me Goody is the only one that can train me to control my psychic ability.
The sooner I master that, the sooner I crack this case.
[whispering continues]
[door creaks]
[wind whistles]
[music builds]
[music trails off]
[annoyed sigh]
I didn’t mean to interrupt your…
Uh, do I even want to know?
I was reaching into the black maw of death to contact a relative.
Feels very on-brand for you. You have a relative named Goody?
She was one of the original outcasts.
Been attempting to summon her,
but she seems to be ignoring my entreaties.
Oh, you thought about using one of my scented candles?
The aroma of steak tartare is to die for.
[paper flutters]
Maybe Goody answered you after all.
I doubt she communicates in magazine cutouts.
[cryptic music playing]
[branches snapping]
[Enid’s claws clatter]
You insisted on coming along.
I was fine on my own.
[foreboding music playing]
Seems like our wannabe Deep Throat is already here.
What died?
Smells like childhood.
Come on.
Second thoughts. Why don’t I just stay out here?
You know, as a lookout.
[indistinct clattering]
[foreboding music continues]
[indistinct clattering]
[person coughs]
Whoever you are, show yourself.
[suspenseful music builds]
Try anything and you’ll lose limbs.
[all] Surprise!
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday, dear Wednesday ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
I should have known you were behind this.
What part of “no party under the penalty of death” do you not understand?
I thought my cake design was pretty inspired.
The pink balloon was my little touch.
Why don’t you make a wish?
[Wednesday] Wait, it’s Latin.
Fire will rain… when I rise.
That’s not really a wish.
The first part of that was burned onto Nevermore’s lawn.
It can’t be a coincidence.
Wait, we’re never eating that cake, are we?
[eerie whooshing]
[low whispering] Crackstone is coming.
Crackstone is coming.
[disorienting music playing]
You’re the Raven in my bloodline.
I was told you could teach me how to control my ability.
There is no controlling a raging river.
You must learn to navigate it without drowning.
Time is not on our side.
To stop Crackstone, this place you must seek.
Do you always speak in riddles?
Do you always seek simple answers?
The path of a Raven is a solitary one.
You end up alone, unable to trust others, only seeing the darkness within them.
Is that supposed to scare me?
It should.
[jauntily macabre music playing]
Careful, that’s my cold shoulder.
[Enid] Don’t blame Thing. The party was my idea.
Everyone deserves to be celebrated on their birthday.
I prefer to be vilified.
What happened? It looked like you were having a seizure.
I wasn’t that lucky.
Can I at least get some kudos for pulling one over on you?
The subterfuge was impressive.
[Thing thudding]
“May your 16th be as sour and misery-filled as your desire.”
“Your ever-doting mother and father.”
They asked Thing to hide it before they left on Parents’ Weekend.
Ew! That’s so gross.
I would’ve preferred live squirrels.
While we’re still accepting presents…
[twinkling, wondrous music playing]
Well, do you like it?
What is it exactly?
It’s a snood, silly.
I made it in your signature colors.
And you want to know what the best part is?
I have one too!
[gobsmacked silence]
We can wear them together to class.
Oh, Enid, this is far too unique to wear to something like class.
I suggest we wait for a more special occasion, like a funeral.
[softly] Oh.
You know, Lucas feels terrible about what happened at the dance.
Forgive my skepticism, given his latest act of vandalism.
He had nothing to do with burning those words onto your lawn.
He’s been grounded for the last week.
He does his community service here, and we forget it ever happened.
Yes, well…
I’m in your debt, Larissa.
I don’t need your gratitude.
Just find the delinquents responsible. Perhaps start with Lucas’s cohorts.
Right after we track down whatever attacked the Ottinger boy.
Although all fingers would point to one of your own students.
Careful, Noble.
My charity has its limits.
[mysterious music playing]
In the crypt, you had another vision, didn’t you?
I didn’t realize we were back on speaking terms.
I showed up to your surprise party. I figured that would have been a hint.
What did you see?
Who said I was ready to speak with you?
Still think I’m the monster?
Haven’t ruled it out.
When you change your mind and you want my help,
you know where to find me.
[mysterious music continues]
Where’d you get that?
The bracelet, where’d you get it?
Lucas. Nice to meet you.
I know.
Last week at the Weathervane, my dad said I had to get my act together.
After he left, this woman in the next booth
told me about this self-help app, MorningSong.
Said it could help me refocus my life.
Usually I’d call BS on something like that,
but for some reason…
You believed her.
Yeah, and she turned out to be right, so I signed up.
And they sent me this.
I guarantee MorningSong doesn’t give a damn about your well-being.
They’re only interested in your money.
Do yourself a favor. Delete that app.
The more you listen to them, the more they sink their claws into you.
How do you know?
I just do.
Which is why I’m warning the normie idiot who ruined my killer dress
with his bullshit prank
to not get sucked into MorningSong.
Because you’re just the type they’re looking for.
Guessing that’s not a compliment.
What do you care, anyway?
I’m trying not to turn into my mother.
She’s like the ghost of bitchiness future.
[poignant music playing]
I’ll be at the Weathervane later, if you want to stop by.
Maybe we can exchange notes on self-improvement.
[door opens, closes]
I haven’t always been against birthdays.
Each one reminds me I’m a year closer to death’s cold embrace.
What’s not to like about that?
Besides, my parents always made sure my birthdays were memorable.
[party guests] ♪ Happy birthday to you… ♪
[Wednesday] The perfect surprise.
The perfect cake.
[children chanting] Candy! Candy! Candy!
The perfect party games.
Candy! Candy! Candy!
[cheering turning into shrieking]
But now parties and presents and games, it…
it all feels so trivial.
Goody warned me I was destined to be alone,
and that I would be sorry for it.
[person clearing throat]
Dr. Kinbott.
I haven’t seen you since our session with your family,
which was… certainly one I won’t forget.
How are things with them?
My mother and I spent some quality time together.
Got our hands dirty.
And I managed to keep my father out of prison.
What brings you here?
Eugene’s moms, I’m working with them.
Trauma like this leaves emotional scars on the whole family.
They had to head home for a few days, so I promised I’d check in on him.
I’ll leave you to it.
[Kinbott] Who’s Goody?
[inscrutable music playing]
She’s a very distant cousin.
Very distant.
Sounds like she doesn’t see you for who you really are.
She sees more than you know.
I want to assure you I remain as cold and heartless as the first day we met.
I doubt a cold, heartless person would be sitting by her friend’s bedside
feeling guilt for his condition.
I didn’t ask for a free session.
Consider it my birthday gift. [chuckles]
[eerie notes twinkle]
Come in.
This just arrived from London.
Copy of an old death certificate you requested.
Thanks, Agnes.
Oh, by the way, has Inez Bloom called again?
You mean about the lights at the old Gates place?
Couple days ago. I referred her to the sheriff’s office.
I know you’re usually a quad kind of girl, but I’ve been working on that all week.
Birthday, yes.
Happy, never.
Is there anyone Thing didn’t tell?
Well, who do you think delivered the cake?
Yeah, I went with the 98% dark chocolate ganache
knowing your… preferred color palette.
[country music playing faintly from speakers]
Oh, is that, uh… that Enid’s gift?
It’s perfect if you’re fleeing a war-torn country on foot.
Come on. Don’t you like a day that’s all about you?
Every day is all about me.
This one just comes with cake and a bad song.
So, if I asked you out to a non-birthday, song-free dinner…
would that be something you’re interested in?
I have a tight deadline.
Emphasis on dead.
Term paper?
It’s about how whitewashing the sins of our past will come back to kill us all.
[delicate, unnerving music playing]
Have you seen that before?
What’s that supposed to be?
Never mind.
Okay, did… did I do something?
I just feel like ever since the Rave’N, you’ve kind of been ghosting me.
Am I wrong?
[tender, emotional music playing]
Guess I got my answer.
Tall, black, two sugars, to go?
[music fades away]
That threat burned onto the lawn at school,
it’s also etched on the wall inside Crackstone’s crypt.
Don’t tell me you’ve been digging up more bodies.
There’s a connection there. I know it.
I’ll put out an APB on the dead pilgrim.
I figured since you no longer have an old vendetta to obsess over,
you’re free to solve some real crime.
Your father and I buried the hatchet. Maybe you should do the same.
I don’t bury hatchets.
I sharpen them.
[“Sciuri Sciura” by Blonde Redhead playing]
♪ Sciuri Sciura, Sciuri Sciura… ♪
I need your help.
Don’t gloat.
What, do you want some drawing lessons?
[music stops]
Your line work’s a little shaky.
I saw that in a vision. Do you recognize it?
[eerie, cryptic music playing]
[Wednesday] When did you draw this?
[Xavier] Couple days ago.
I started having those dreams again, like before.
Was the monster in them?
No, but I could feel it in the shadows.
You know, kind of lurking in my mind.
[Wednesday] You know where this is?
Yeah. It’s the old Gates mansion.
I pass it when I go running.
[Xavier clears throat]
Okay. Listen…
After the dance, I just wanted to forget about you, but I couldn’t.
So I started painting and that’s what came out.
I can hear you up there playing.
[playing “Cello Concerto in E minor” by Elgar]
I can tell how you get lost in the music.
I feel like it’s the only time I get to see the real you.
[frustrated sigh]
[phone keyboard clacking]
You’re Bianca, right?
Uh, could you do me a favor?
Wednesday forgot this. Could you give it back to her?
Birthday gift from Enid.
Aren’t you her boyfriend?
Definitely not.
Sure, no problem.
I was just leaving anyway.
Didn’t think you were actually going to show.
Me neither.
Took your advice.
Seriously, why are you here?
I didn’t think any outcast would ever speak to me again.
Just… wanted someone to talk to.
I feel like we’re in the same boat.
My mother showed up last week to remind me that sirens can never change their scales.
No matter how hard I try,
there will always be people who look down on me.
My mission is to prove her wrong.
I just figured you could relate.
[gentle, tender music playing]
Most people think I’ll never amount to anything.
And while we’re being honest, I haven’t done much to make them think differently.
Why did you trash the dance?
I don’t know.
Guess I was angry that my dad was humiliated on Outreach Day.
Wanted payback.
But then after we did it,
I kind of felt like crap.
I realized I needed to wipe the board, you know? Start over.
If that makes any sense.
More than you know.
[foreboding music playing]
[Wednesday] This is where Garrett Gates lived.
The boy my father was accused of murdering.
The sheriff told me his family died, along with their legacy of hate.
But ghosts don’t kill the living.
Goody showed me this house for a reason.
I need to unlock its secrets,
or die trying.
[lilting stinger]
[lock turning]
I need a distraction.
Sheriff, pick up your damn phone, it’s Noble.
Listen, I might have figured out who’s behind all of this.
[indistinct rattling]
It’s a long shot. I’m gonna have to lay it out for you.
We’ll do it over pie at the Weathervane, just like the old days.
See you soon.
[shocked gasp]
[tires screeching]
Call 911!
Get an ambulance!
[distressing music swells]
[siren wailing]
[Galpin] He’s alive.
I’ll take you back after I get your statement.
I already gave it to your deputy.
Blue Cadillac with no license plates.
Yeah, I know.
I want a better one.
What were you doing in the mayor’s SUV?
I saw him coming out of the Gates mansion.
The Gates mansion. What the hell were you doing there?
House hunting.
I overheard the voicemail he left you.
I was intrigued.
Back when the mayor was sheriff,
he used to have a lot of wild theories on cases that he couldn’t solve.
So… we’d dissect them over pie, sitting right back there in that booth.
Most of the time they went nowhere.
Call me old-fashioned,
but when someone is run over on their way to give the police key information,
it usually means they were onto something.
And all signs point to the Gates family and that house.
The Gates family.
How? They’re all dead. Every last one of them.
And I don’t believe in ghosts.
Maybe you should.
How do you end up at the center
of every terrible thing that happens here?
Incredible luck.
As of now, the school is on full lockdown,
and your off-campus privileges are revoked until further notice.
[frenetic clacking]
Wednesday, I just heard what happened to Mayor Walker.
Are you all right? I… I can’t imagine witnessing something like that.
[typewriter dings]
It was on my bucket list.
You can tell the warden I’m still in my cell.
Principal Weems is only looking out for your best interests.
You could have been seriously hurt or worse.
Oh. How goes the novel?
Viper’s investigation has been thwarted on several fronts,
but she’s plotting her next course of action.
[keys clacking]
Sounds intriguing.
I saw this on my bookshelf and thought of you.
Mary Shelley wrote it on a dare when she was only 19.
I know.
She’s both my literary hero and nemesis,
and I have two years and 364 days to beat her.
Well, I think it’s very smart that you’re focusing on literary monsters,
and leaving whatever real ones might be out there to the authorities.
“No man chooses evil because it is evil.”
“He only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.”
Mary Shelley wrote that line to describe people like Weems,
who do bad things under the guise of protecting the greater good.
Did she put you up to this?
Encourage me to pursue other interests?
But she will expel you if you continue to defy her.
So you’re only looking out for my best interests?
I think we’re a lot alike.
We aren’t.
I don’t need your help or your pity. I already have a mother and a therapist.
That’s enough torture, even for me.
[dejected sigh]
[door closes]
[phone receiver clattering]
[dial tone drones]
[keypad beeping]
[phone ringing]
I’ve reconsidered your offer.
[Tyler] My offer?
The non-birthday dinner.
Really? That’s great. Um…
When are you free?
Pick me up outside the Nevermore gates at 8:00.
Cut your lights.
Uh… Wednesday?
[Galpin] Ty? What did I tell you?
Come on, bud, steer clear of Wednesday Addams.
She’s the kind of girl who’s gonna get you hurt.
Believe me, I know the type.
Is that supposed to be about Mom?
Of course not. That would require you to actually talk about her.
[low, discomforting music playing]
I can’t deal with this right now.
I gotta get to the hospital. I gotta check on the mayor.
Be home before curfew.
Did you ever even love her?
[poignant, melancholy music playing]
More than you could ever know.
[door closes]
[quizzical music playing]
I’ve been thinking about my less-than-enthusiastic response
to your surprise soirée.
And I must admit,
I regret not showing my gratitude towards you more appropriately.
You really mean it?
Take the win, Enid.
If only there were a way for us
to get off campus and have a little birthday redo.
Just two best friends.
Too bad the school is on lockdown.
Would you look at that full moon…
Oh, how about I say I’m about to wolf out and get a pass to the lupin cages?
And say you volunteered to lock me in.
My deviousness has finally rubbed off on you.
[Enid chuckles]
You know what to do, right?
[quirky, impish music playing]
Oh, we should wear our snoods.
Oh, I… I believe I left mine at fencing.
Actually, you left yours at the Weathervane.
Luckily, Bianca brought it back.
Like a monkey’s paw.
[whimsically gloomy music playing]
Let’s go.
Uh… Uh…
Hi. Nice to see you too.
Wait, he’s our Uber driver?
Uber driver?
I thought we were going on a date.
I thought this was a girls’ night out.
There’s been a change of plans.
What’s up with the weird matching hoodie scarf things?
Don’t ask.
Just drive.
[engine turns over]
Hey, Wednesday?
Are you guys in here?
I know you’re still mad about the painting,
but I just want to talk to you for a second.
[typewriter keys clacking]
Where is she, Thing?
[bell dings]
[Enid] Seriously, you wanna go in there?
This place is creepy AF.
I know.
Okay. This isn’t what I signed on for.
I didn’t want to celebrate my birthday by going to dinner or a surprise party.
I want to do this.
[Tyler] Then you shoulda just said so. You didn’t have to trick us.
If you want to go, you can.
I’m going to go check out the garage.
[gate hinges creaking]
[low, foreboding music playing]
[door rattles]
[Tyler] Let me try.
This is pointless.
Can I try?
Werewolf thing.
[mysterious music playing]
[Enid] This hit the mayor.
Okay. This just took a dark turn.
We need to call Tyler’s dad right freaking now.
So he can take me back to Nevermore and get me expelled?
It’s not gonna happen.
[Tyler] This is the night I’m gonna die.
[Enid whimpering quietly]
[Wednesday] Here they are. The Gates family.
They scrub up well for psychopaths.
There’s Garrett,
his outcast-hating father, Ansel,
and you must be Laurel.
They’re all long gone.
So the question is,
why did Goody lead me here?
Seen enough?
[gears clicking, whirring]
[machinery creaking, sliding]
[music intensifies]
[Enid whimpers uncomfortably]
Who doesn’t have a spooky built-in altar in their family library?
Ours is in the living room.
More seating for year-long Dia de los Muertos.
[chilling music playing]
They’re still warm.
Tyler, you check the rest of the ground floor.
Enid and I will search upstairs.
[Enid] We will?
[chilling music continues]
All right, you go left, I go right.
You seriously want to split up? In here?
That is literally how every best friend dies in a horror movie.
The faster we search, the sooner you can leave.
[Enid muttering fearfully]
[breathes shakily]
[voice trembling] Why am I even here?
I know what my mom would say.
“Enid, you’re a doormat.”
“You’re too needy.”
“Show some teeth. Nobody likes a desperate little furball.”
Shut up, Mom. Get out of my head!
[low, ominous music playing]
[Enid] Wednesday, you need to see this.
[music intensifies]
The bed’s made.
No dust or cobwebs…
[delicate, unsettling music playing]
Laurel Gates.
Looks like somebody moved back into their old room.
It’s not possible.
She died 25 years ago, drowned overseas.
[object shattering]
Let’s go.
This is officially the worst girls’ night out ever!
Guys! Get out! It’s here!
[claws slashing]
[Tyler screams]
[guttural growl]
The dumbwaiter. Go!
[Enid screams]
Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.
[jarring stinger]
[creature growling]
No, not your snood!
[creature growling]
Oh my God.
[rope stretching, fraying]
[Enid screams]
[Enid coughing]
[Enid panting]
[tense music playing]
[thunderous footsteps boom]
[music intensifies]
[creature growling]
[Enid screams]
[heavy, resounding footsteps]
What are you doing?
These are the body parts from the monster’s victims.
Come on.
[creature snarls]
You okay?
Since when do you care?
Wednesday, what the hell are you thinking?
[Wednesday] We have to go back for Tyler!
[Enid] The monster’s there!
[Tyler breathing heavily]
Enid, hold this.
That thing is still inside!
You’re hurt. Can you walk?
[Wednesday] Where’d you come from?
Take this.
[Tyler grunting]
[Xavier] What happened to him?
[Tyler winces softly]
Thanks, Doc.
[Enid] Not to make this about me,
but I am having a full-blown panic attack now.
We need to get back before Weems realizes we’ve been gone.
What the hell happened?
This was you, wasn’t it?
Wait, Dad, please. I’m okay.
Sheriff, I understand you’re upset, but I think you need to see something.
It was all here.
The… The… The body parts and the blue Cadillac, the altar,
and the bedroom filled with fresh roses.
Yeah, well, it’s all gone now.
Somebody cleared this place out after we left.
Listen, yesterday I told you all signs pointed to this house, and I was right.
That your justification for almost getting my son and your friends killed? Huh?
Now, you listen to me.
From this point forward, you are forbidden from seeing Tyler,
and you are forbidden from pursuing anything to do with this case, understood?
[thunder rumbling]
You directly violated my explicit order and left campus during a lockdown.
Not to mention putting your peers and yourself in danger.
Which is grounds for expulsion. I know.
And you have every right to exercise that option.
I do believe it would be a grave error on your part.
[disbelieving scoff]
I think contrition might be in order right now, Miss Addams. Not hubris.
I’ll never apologize for trying to uncover a truth.
[menacing music playing]
[Weems] What is this?
It’s a warning from Rowan.
Is this why he tried to kill you?
His mother drew it before she died.
Said I was destined to destroy the school.
But I think I’m meant to save it.
Now you know what’s at stake.
Everything you vowed to protect, no less.
I think I deserve another chance.
One more infraction…
One more step out of line and you will be expelled.
No ifs, no buts.
Enid and Xavier are spared as well.
And no more negotiation.
Good night.
Where are you going?
Yoko’s room.
Thornhill said I could crash there for a few nights.
There’s no need.
I spoke with Weems. You and Xavier won’t be punished.
Am I supposed to thank you?
I already apologized. It’s over.
Tonight was the icing on the birthday cake you couldn’t even be bothered to cut.
You’ll use anyone to get what you want, even if it means putting them in danger.
We could have died tonight because of your stupid obsession.
But we didn’t.
And now I’m one step closer to solving this case.
That is what is important.
I’ve tried
really hard to be your friend.
Always put myself out there.
Thought of your feelings. Told people,
“I know she gives off serial killer vibes, but she’s just shy.”
I never asked you to do that.
You didn’t have to because that’s what friends do!
They don’t have to be asked.
The fact that you don’t know that says everything.
You want to be alone, Wednesday? Be alone.
[door slams]
[restrained, morose music playing]
[Wednesday] Goody warned I was destined to be alone.
Maybe it’s inevitable.
But for the first time in my life,
it doesn’t feel good.
There’s also something else.
A gnawing feeling.
That death is close at hand.
Watching me.
[chilling music playing]
[determined music playing]
But I won’t be intimidated. And I will never give up.
That house.
That family.
The monster.
Somehow me.
We all seem to be connected like a spider’s web.
And when Mayor Walker got too close to the truth, he was silenced.
[ventilator hissing]
But I won’t be.
So whoever’s watching me, know this.
I will find you.
[jauntily macabre outro music playing]
Episode 7
[thunder rumbling]
[“If I Be Wrong” by Wolf Larsen playing]
[Wednesday] I enjoy funerals.
I’ve been crashing them since I was old enough to read the obituary section.
“God is our refuge and strength…”
Mayor Walker was murdered, and I know the killer is here, standing innocently among us, plotting their next
And watching everything I do.
I know I’m close to the truth.
I have all the pieces of the jigsaw.
I just need to slot them into place.
♪ What if I’m wrong? ♪
♪ What if I lied? ♪
♪ What if I’ve dragged you here ♪
♪ To my own dark night ♪
♪ And what if I know ♪
♪ What if I see ♪
♪ There is a crack run right down ♪
♪ The front of me ♪
I must look past the tears and masks of grief.
Until now, I may have been outmatched and outmaneuvered,
but the final gambit has yet to be played.
The killer will make a mistake,
and I’ll be ready.
[low, ominous music playing]
[suspenseful chase music playing]
[mysterious music playing]
[blade rasps]
[electricity crackles]
[man] Still as sharp as ever, my pig-tailed protégé.
Uncle Fester.
[fay, wondrous music playing]
[jauntily macabre music playing]
[Wednesday] How long have you been stalking me?
[Fester] Just blew into town this morning and was hit by a wave of nostalgia.
I thought you didn’t go to Nevermore.
I didn’t. Your dad got all the brains.
But I used to drop in on him.
Usually from the ceiling with a dagger clutched between my teeth.
Just to keep him on his toes.
Of course.
He filled me in on what’s been going on.
Monsters, murder, mayhem.
What fun!
I told him I had a job in Boston, but I’d be checking up on you.
What kind of job?
The kind that means I need somewhere to lay low for a couple days.
[whimsically eerie music playing]
This place belongs to a friend.
You’ve actually made a friend.
That poor kid will be going home in a body bag.
Oh. [chuckles]
I like a hideout that comes with snacks.
Those bees are hibernating.
They’re practically Eugene’s children.
Ooh. [chuckles]
That means do not eat them!
[Fester] You know,
when you give me that death stare of disapproval,
you remind me of your mother.
Speaking of scary things,
you know what kind of monster you’re dealing with?
I haven’t been able to identify it.
[chilling music playing]
It’s called a Hyde.
As in Jekyll and Hyde?
You’ve seen one before?
Oh yeah.
In ’83, during my vacay at the Zurich Institute for the Criminally Insane.
Where I got my first lobotomy.
But you know lobotomies. They’re like tattoos. Can’t just get one.
Tell me about the Hyde.
Ah. Olga Malacova.
Jeez. She had it all.
Beauty, brains, and a penchant for necrophilia.
[Fester chuckles, claps]
Olga was a concert pianist,
until one night she transformed in the middle of a Chopin sonata.
Massacred a dozen audience members.
And three music critics.
What triggered her? Or did she just change on her own?
No idea.
I only saw her in group electroshock therapy.
There’s never been any mention of Hydes in any outcast book.
And Nevermore is reputed for having the best collection.
You try Nathaniel Faulkner’s diary?
Before he founded Nevermore,
Faulkner traveled the world, cataloging every outcast community.
How do you know this?
You think your parents can’t keep their hands off each other now, oy vey.
I showed up unannounced one night in Gomez’s dorm room.
Let’s just say I wasn’t interrupting a pillow fight.
Uncle Fester.
[restrained laughter]
The diary, where is it?
Nightshades Library.
Your dad parked me there and said I should settle in for a long stretch.
And that’s when I found this nifty little safe.
I was hoping for a stash of cash or jewels but instead I found a diary.
We’ll sneak into the Nightshades Library tonight.
In the meantime, lay low.
If you are discovered,
I will disown you and collect the reward tied to your capture.
I’d expect nothing less.
Leave the bees alone.
[simpering chuckle]
[elegant classical guitar music playing]
[keys clacking]
[Wednesday] My novel started out as a twisted fiction,
but somehow reality has turned it into my own personal looking glass.
My visit to the Gates mansion has left me with so many questions.
If Laurel Gates died 20 years ago, then who’s sleeping in her bedroom?
Why do they have photos of me?
And what is their connection to this Hyde?
Whoever it is, they’re clearly willing to kill for their secret.
Goody predicted this quest for answers would become a lonely pursuit.
Of course, Goody’s nowhere to be found when I need her.
[door rattling]
The dead can be just as annoying and unreliable as the living.
Sorry, I figured you were still at Mayor Walker’s wake.
As soon as the dirt hits the coffin, I’m out.
I can’t seem to find my bottle of silver moon nail polish.
[music stops]
Do you mind if I look around?
Yoko’s hosting a mani-pedi party for her crew.
This is the third time in 24 hours you’ve forgotten something.
how is everything going?
Solitude suits me.
With no annoying distractions, I’m almost finished with my novel.
Was I an annoying distraction?
You definitely had some annoying habits.
Such as?
You giggle when you text, which is a 24/7 addiction.
At least it’s not a migraine-inducing typewriter hammering into my head.
When not grinding your canines, you growl in your sleep.
As opposed to late night cello solos?
You over-commit to activities, then complain about them.
I’d take that over your obsession with all things creepy.
You could gas an entire village with the amount of perfume you spritz.
That’s just off the top of my head.
Guess I’m lucky with the new bestie that doesn’t try to find ways
to endanger literally everybody she comes into contact with.
In fact, Yoko and I are so in sync that she’s begging me to be her new roomie.
Don’t let me hold you back.
Enjoy your solitude, Wednesday.
It’s not solitude if you’re still here.
[door slams]
[adventurous, sweeping music playing]
[snaps twice]
[gears clicking, clacking]
[chilling music playing]
Uncle Fester?
Who’s Uncle Fester?
What are you doing here?
Since I’m an actual Nightshade, I don’t have to explain myself.
What’s your excuse for creeping around in the middle of the night?
On the monster?
I’ll save you some time.
There’s nothing in here matching that thing.
Isn’t that convenient?
You know what your problem is?
I would love to hear your piercing insight.
You don’t know who your real friends are.
I’ve been on your side since day one.
I literally saved your life.
I believed your theories when nobody else did.
And what do I get in return? Just nothing but suspicion and lies.
Fine. You want honesty? Here it is.
Every time the monster’s attacked, you’ve been right there.
Starting with Rowan at the Harvest Festival.
[fireworks whistling]
Then on Outreach Day,
you arrived just minutes after the monster disappeared,
yet you say you didn’t see it.
I didn’t realize proximity was a crime.
Then there’s your drawing obsession.
You have drawn the monster dozens of times,
yet you’ve never seen it. Or so you claim.
You even drew where it lived. Then when Eugene went to investigate,
you tried to kill him so he wouldn’t spill your secret.
You think I would hurt Eugene?
Let’s not forget your oh-so-convenient appearance
after Tyler had been attacked at the Gates mansion.
If I am the monster,
then why haven’t I killed you?
Because for some reason I cannot fathom or indulge, you seem to like me.
What’s to like?
[broody, chilling music playing]
[door closes]
How long have you been lurking?
Long enough to feel the tension between you two.
Seriously, you could cut it with an executioner’s axe.
[rapid scrabbling]
I’d recognize the patter of those fingertips anywhere.
Hello, Thing.
[emphatic tap]
You can’t still be mad about the Kalamazoo job.
It wasn’t my fault.
[Fester gurgles]
You said you could crack that safe in 30 seconds.
Five minutes later, we were still there.
You’re all thumbs.
[forcefully] Enough.
[cheeky music playing]
Let him go.
Show me the diary.
[wet squelch]
[electricity crackles]
[Fester] Here we are.
Iggy was Faulkner’s right hand.
Trained a generation of Nightshades.
And behind Iggy Itt…
Do I have time for a snooze, or can you crack this quickly?
[insulted, determined music playing]
[knuckles crack]
[dial clicking rapidly]
[safe clatters]
[Fester] This is turning into a replay of Kalamazoo.
[resounding click]
These are some sweet digs.
How’d you swing your own single?
My former roommate couldn’t handle my toxic personality.
[Fester] Mmm.
Here it is.
[suspenseful music playing]
Faulkner describes Hydes as artists by nature,
but equally vindictive in temperament.
Born of mutation, the Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event
or unlocked through chemical inducement or hypnosis.
This causes the Hyde to develop an immediate bond with its liberator,
who the creature now sees as its master.
It becomes the willing instrument of whatever nefarious agenda
this new master might propose.
[Fester] Anyone willing to unlock a Hyde is a next-level sicko.
That means I’m not looking for one killer but two.
The monster and its master.
[knocking at door]
[relieved sigh]
I didn’t mean to startle you.
I was just working on my novel.
Enid has requested to room with Yoko for the rest of the school year.
She did?
When there’s a falling out,
I like to get both girls’ perspectives on what happened.
You two seemed as thick as thieves.
Ultimately, thieves turn on each other. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
Deflect all you want, but you and I both know that you care about Enid.
And you have to admit she managed to bring out a spark of warmth in you.
Oh, don’t worry. Just a tiny spark.
Barely perceptible to the average eye,
but… I noticed.
Part of the dorm experience is
making friends with people that you wouldn’t normally connect with.
And those friendships often turn into lifelong bonds.
I would rather buy a rope.
Is it really so difficult for you to admit that you made a friend,
and now that she’s gone you might actually miss her?
I’ll survive alone.
I always have.
Well, if that’s your decision, I’ll submit the forms to Principal Weems.
[door opens]
[exasperated sigh]
Uncle Fester?
[faint squeaking]
[deflated squeak]
[whimsically eerie music playing]
Uncle Fester?
[muffled giggle]
Hey! Being a solo lobo has its perks.
You get to live by your own rules, do whatever you want.
Just look at me. [chortles]
[whimsically eerie music continues, trails off]
[chilling music playing]
Hi. Um, I need to talk to you.
No, like… like, right now.
Yeah, I know where that is.
Okay, I can meet you there in, like, 20 minutes.
Okay. Bye.
Who’re you talking to?
It’s none of your goddamn business.
I know what you are, Xavier.
Can you stay the hell away from me?
Did you place the tracker?
Don’t worry. Uncle Fester’s got you covered.
[lo-fi electronic beeping]
Okay. Let’s hit the road.
I picked it up on my way out of town.
You know me. I like to travel incognito.
[Fester chuckling]
[groovy, kooky music playing]
Come on, let’s roll!
[music trails off]
[tense music playing]
[indistinct voice] Hey! What’s so urgent?
What happened?
I had a dream where you died.
[scoffs] Get in the car.
[tower bell tolls]
Principal Weems, it is imperative I speak with you about Dr. Kinbott.
Wednesday. We were just talking about you.
[Kinbott] Speak of the devil.
[foreboding music playing]
And she shall appear.
Dr. Kinbott was just discussing your assessment.
I need to sign off on it before she hands it in to the court.
Well, what’s the verdict, Doctor? Am I cured?
I’m glad you find it amusing. The judge assigned to your case won’t.
I’ve explained to Dr. Kinbott
that you’ve recently been taking small but meaningful steps
towards embracing your new Nevermore family.
I think I’ve actually reached the half-hug stage.
I’ve been reading about hypnotherapy.
It might be a good technique to unlock my inner Wednesday.
Are you a devotee?
Yes, very much so.
I applaud your new willingness to delve deep into yourself.
I’m seeing you on Monday.
We can start then.
What did you so urgently need to discuss, Wednesday?
It can wait.
Now if you’ll excuse me,
I have some homework to finish.
[door closes]
Kinbott has to be Xavier’s master.
[Fester] Hmm.
The Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event
or unlocked through chemical inducement or hypnosis.
[Fester slurping]
Are you listening?
She must’ve figured out he’s a Hyde and used hypnotherapy to unlock him.
That would explain their secret sessions.
I think the kid behind the counter has clocked me.
Yeah. He’s walking over.
I’m gonna put him in a Romanian sleeper hold.
Cover me.
He’s not interested in you.
Uh, made you a quad. On the house.
Hey, thanks kid. [chuckles]
Need a refill on this puppy too.
This is my Uncle Fester.
Oh. Uh…
Hi, it’s nice to…
[Fester snickering]
Is that…?
It’s called a Hyde.
[Tyler] Whoa, that’s it. From that night.
Your father gave you explicit instructions not to be near me.
Yeah, my dad’s not here, and I’m on a break.
Well, apparently a Hyde needs to be unlocked by someone. Its master.
Holy shit.
[Galpin] Tyler.
What’d I say?
[Tyler] Uh…
For the record, Wednesday was trying to keep her distance.
I was the one that sat down with her.
All right.
Putting these up around town.
It’s a bank robbery suspect, and he’s a real creep.
You haven’t seen him, have you?
Yeah, he’d be pretty hard to miss. [snickers]
I’ll pin it on the bulletin board.
Ah, why waste my breath?
Thank you. But you didn’t have to do that.
Yeah, your family’s very… colorful.
Ironic considering Fester’s the black sheep.
He’s harmless.
So, about rescheduling our date…
Between the monster and my uncle…
Hey, no excuses.
Figure after what happened last time, you owe me.
I can’t sneak off of campus. All eyes are on me.
You won’t have to.
I’ll come to you.
9:00 p.m., Crackstone’s Crypt.
[thunder rumbling]
[insistent tapping]
I don’t miss her.
Friends are a liability and can be exploited.
That makes them weaknesses.
Your job is to guard that diary while I’m gone.
I’ll be back as soon as I can.
It’s not a date.
It’s a quid pro quo for almost getting him disemboweled.
Watch that diary!
Last time somebody threw a surprise for me here, it did not go as planned.
I guarantee this one won’t make you pass out cold.
But you do have to close your eyes.
Are you serious?
I’m only doing this because I owe you.
Okay. Watch your step.
Wait here. Close your eyes.
Easy. Right here.
One second.
[door slam echoes]
Okay, you can open your eyes now.
[delicate, wondrous music playing]
What? No one’s ever taken you on a picnic inside a crypt before?
How do you feel about scary movies?
Prepare to be horrified.
[“Perfect Day” by Hoku playing]
♪ Sun’s up, it’s a little after 12:00 ♪
♪ Make breakfast for myself ♪
♪ Leave the work for someone else ♪
♪ People say ♪
♪ They say that it’s just a phase ♪
♪ They tell me to act my age ♪
♪ Well, I am ♪
♪ On this perfect day ♪
[song trails off]
[indistinct police radio chatter]
That is definitely our suspect’s bike.
Looks as weird as he does.
All right, he couldn’t have got too far on foot. So, you guys spread out.
I’m going to check down by the lake.
[bird trilling]
[Wednesday] That was torture.
Thank you.
[wry chuckle]
Okay, don’t hate me. I’m just gonna come out and say it.
I want us to be more than friends.
[tender, emotional music playing]
You’ll snap out of it.
Don’t do that.
Discount my feelings.
I’m not friend material, let alone more-than-friend material.
I will ignore you, stomp on your heart,
and always put my needs and interests first.
Yeah, you can keep trying to push me away.
It’s not going to work.
I almost killed you.
I survived.
Beginner’s luck.
I’m tougher than you think.
You’re making a mistake.
[door opens]
[gun cocks]
What the hell?
Dad? What are you doing here?
The school groundskeeper found a motorbike by the lake.
It matches the description of the one the bank robber stole.
There’s a canoe missing. Figured he might be on Raven Island.
I’m not going to ask what this is, but I never saw the two of you here.
You got it?
Unbelievable. Come on.
[low, unnerving music playing]
The diary…
[jarring stinger]
[dramatic music playing]
Fester? Fester, help!
Help! Help! Thing’s not moving.
He was stabbed!
Get him on the table!
[electricity sparks]
Oh, come on, Thing.
[tense, distraught music playing]
He’s gone, Wednesday.
No, he’s not. Thing.
If you can hear me…
if you die, I will kill you.
Go again.
Now! Again, please!
[shuddering gasp]
For a minute, we thought you’d picked your last lock, buddy.
Who did this to you?
Knife from behind the back. Cowards.
I promise that whoever did this to you will suffer.
And it will be slow,
and excruciatingly painful.
I’ll stitch him back up.
They found your motorbike, so…
the sheriff won’t be far. You need to go.
Maybe next time steal something a little less conspicuous.
Where’s the fun in that?
All right. I’ll lay low here tonight,
keep an eye on the patient, and I’ll skedaddle in the morning.
I guess I’ll see you at your arraignment or the next family reunion.
You’ll always be my favorite, Wednesday.
Be sure to tell Pugsley that.
It’ll give him a complex.
I’m guessing it’s not some kind of random prank.
Whoever ransacked my room also stole Nathaniel Faulkner’s diary.
That’s supposed to be safely locked in the Nightshades Library.
So you do know about that diary,
which means you also know the monster we’re after is called a Hyde.
[fire crackling]
Thank you, Ms. Thornhill. I’ll take it from here.
Of course. If you need anything, I’ll be right down the hall.
[door closes]
Faulkner spent years studying Hydes.
He wanted to determine if they were just mindless killers
or conscious of their actions.
What was his conclusion?
He was killed by a Hyde before he could reach one.
Others tried to carry on his research,
but the Hydes were too unpredictable and violent.
They were officially banned from Nevermore 30 years ago.
All of this time, you’ve known the monster was a Hyde.
Why didn’t you tell the sheriff?
Because then Nevermore is done.
Over. Shut for good.
And that’s not happening on my watch.
But I’m not the only one withholding.
If you suspect someone, you need to tell me.
All you’ve ever done is gaslight and obstruct me.
You don’t care how many people die, as long as your reputation is safe.
I am protecting our Nevermore family, which also includes you, Ms. Addams.
[low, foreboding music playing]
[music builds, fades away]
[students chattering indistinctly]
Come with me.
I have information about Mayor Walker’s murder.
Printed these off my dad’s computer.
Seems he was trying to track down someone.
Laurel Gates? Looks like he started right after Outreach Day.
Must have recognized her there.
According to British police, Laurel was presumed drowned,
but no body was ever recovered.
The Gates mansion was purchased a year ago by a 90-year-old candy heiress.
She then mysteriously died and gave all of her belongings to her caregiver,
Teresa L. Glau.
It’s an anagram for Laurel Gates.
Laurel secretly buys her old house
and then comes back to Jericho as someone else.
Revenge on all the people she blames for her family’s misfortunes. Your father.
The coroner.
My parents.
Most of all, Nevermore.
How does the monster fit into all of this?
The monster is a Hyde. It’s doing Laurel’s bidding.
She controls it.
You know who Laurel is, don’t you?
[disconcerting music playing]
Wednesday, we don’t have an appointment scheduled today.
I wanted to return something.
[Kinbott] Uh…
I found it in your old childhood room.
[music box playing delicate tune]
I know you’re Laurel Gates, and you’ve come back to Jericho to seek your revenge.
And so did Mayor Walker, which is why you had to kill him.
Who better to slide in and out of the hospital undetected
than a psychiatrist under the guise of visiting another patient?
[low, distorted audio]
You’re not actually accusing me of murdering the mayor?
The roses you left in Eugene’s room were your mistake.
They’re the same variety I found near your childhood bed.
I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.
There’s only one reason an overqualified psychiatrist like yourself
would settle in the inconsequential backwater that is Jericho.
It allowed you to crawl through the troubled, young minds of outcasts
until you found one that you can manipulate to exact your revenge.
You know what?
I don’t have time to deal with your delusional fantasies.
I have a patient emergency.
Who? Xavier?
I know all about the secret sessions you’ve been holding in your car.
I also found the cave where you’ve been holding sessions to unlock his Hyde.
You are so out of line.
Do you know how violently unpredictable a Hyde can be?
It was your plan to have Xavier committed before he could turn on you too.
Wednesday, you need help.
More help than I can give you.
Who you calling? Xavier?
Judge Reynolds.
I’m going to recommend you stay in a juvenile psychiatric facility.
Oh, please. You and I both know I’d be running that place in a week.
Time’s up, Laurel.
[tense music playing]
Principal Weems, it’s Valerie Kinbott.
Wednesday Addams just barged into my office.
I wasn’t aware that Wednesday had a session today.
She didn’t, and her behavior was completely irrational.
[glass shattering]
[thumping, thrashing]
Dr. Kinbott?
[thumping continues]
Dr. Kinbott?
[scream echoing]
She’s gone.
Dr. Kinbott’s dead.
This ends now.
[dark, determined music playing]
[Xavier scoffs]
You know what? You need to stay out of my space.
You need to take your own advice.
You left that in my room.
Actually, you left it in Thing.
How long have you been seeing Kinbott?
Have you…?
What am I saying? Of course you have. You’ve been spying on me, right?
‘Cause I’m the villain in your fantasy.
My father thinks that my mental health is a PR problem that he needs to manage.
He wanted to keep his troubled son out of the tabloids.
I wasn’t in your room.
Believe me or don’t believe me,
I don’t care.
Your painting’s been improving.
I enjoy this one in particular.
Feels like you really lived it.
What do you want?
I’m asking the questions.
What is Rowan’s inhaler doing in your shed?
Or Eugene’s glasses?
Whoa, whoa.
Or these stalker images you took of me?
No. I…
Don’t forget your latest addition.
Kinbott’s necklace.
Somebody planted that stuff!
Drop the knife. Down on your knees.
Cuff him.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in court.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed.
Appreciate the help, Addams.
You! You framed me!
I’m being set up.
I shoulda let Rowan kill you.
[indistinct police radio chatter]
[delicate, suspicious music playing]
[car door slams]
You’re back.
I’m gone for a few days, the place gets trashed,
and Thing almost dies.
Someone’s gotta look out for you two.
What happened to rooming with Yoko?
Yoko’s great. I just decided I needed a few more boundaries.
Skip the tape.
Don’t tell me Wednesday Addams is mellowing out.
More like evolving.
Well, one inch of duct tape at a time.
[poignant music playing]
Why the sudden change of heart?
Because we work.
We shouldn’t, but we do.
It’s like some sort of weird, friendship anomaly.
Everything you said about me is true.
But I don’t apologize for it.
Not anymore.
It’s just who I am.
Thing said he missed you.
I missed him too.
I’m sorry about Xavier.
I’m not. He’s a liar and a killer.
Besides… there’s nothing quite like the feeling of being proven right.
Except maybe someone to share it with.
Thing may have blabbed about your date with Tyler.
So how’d it go?
It was interrupted.
Well, I heard Tyler’s working the late shift…
[Tyler] We’re closed.
Then you should lock your doors.
There’s some real sick people out there.
Yeah, my dad told me what happened with Xavier.
Pretty nuts.
That guy always seemed so normal.
You know, for an outcast.
Well, you know,
it has made me re-evaluate things.
Like what?
Like who I can trust.
That mean you’re ready to be more than friends?
[tender, emotional music playing]
[Tyler chuckles]
[eerie whooshing]
Whoa, hey!
[savage snarling]
[claw slicing]
[guttural growling]
[heavy panting]
You okay?
I need to go.
Wh… What’s wrong?
[Wednesday] Of course the first boy I kiss would turn out to be a psychotic, serial-killing monster.
I guess I have a type.
[dramatic music playing]
[jauntily macabre outro music playing]
Episode 8
[low, menacing music playing]
Thing gave me your note.
I was surprised you wanted to see me again after you ran out the other night.
So, uh, is this a date?
It’s a surprise.
[wry chuckle]
When I came to Nevermore, romance was the last thing on my mind.
But when you kissed me, you opened my eyes and suddenly it all made sense.
[confused scoff]
Xavier warned me about you, but I didn’t listen.
Ironic now, huh?
Ironic would’ve been framing Xavier for murder while the real Hyde helped me put him away.
Wait… you don’t think…
I don’t think. I know.
Kinbott probably discovered your secret during one of your sessions.
So she unlocked you.
Why’d you kill her?
I thought Hydes were typically loyal to their masters.
Wednesday, this is nuts.
On Outreach Day, I told you I was visiting the old meeting house.
[Hyde snarls]
Did Kinbott send you to spy on me?
At the Rave’N, you overheard Eugene and me discussing your cave in the woods and you warned Kinbott.
Eugene probably saw her torching it.
Then she sent you to clean up her mess.
I have to hand it to you, Tyler.
Wounding yourself that night at the Gates mansion, that was a masterstroke of misdirection.
Okay, stop. Do you know how insane you sound right now?
I’m not a monster.
A… And if you really thought that I was, why would you risk bringing me out to the woods to confront me
Who said I was alone?
Okay, I don’t know what kind of sick joke you’re playing, but I’m out of here.
Actually… you’re coming with us.
[disconcerting audio distortions]
[tense, unnerving music playing]
Welcome back.
Where the hell am I?
Somewhere no one can hear your screams.
What’s with the chains?
Don’t ask stupid questions.
Wednesday, this is crazy. I’m a normie.
That’s only half true.
Do you recognize her?
Perhaps if I hadn’t been so distracted by my own mother hogging this photo, I would have noticed yours
Your father fell in love and married an outcast.
[Tyler] My mom was an outcast. That doesn’t make me a monster.
According to her personal medical records…
You stole her medical records?
Technically, Thing did.
He took them from your garage. Your father’s quite the pack rat.
Her postpartum depression triggered her condition.
My mom had severe bipolar disorder.
We both know that’s a lie.
She was a Hyde.
And your father has been living his life in dread, never quite sure whether or not she passed her condition
on to you.
Are you all gonna stand there and let her do this to me?
Uh, guys? Enid just texted.
Thornhill’s suspicious.
How long until he morphs into that… thing?
I’m not the monster.
You are. I saw it in a vision at the Weathervane.
Wait, you’re basing all this off some vision you had after we kissed?
I mean, is that something you can trust?
[Bianca] Wednesday, what are you doing?
Just some light torture. Don’t worry, I won’t leave a mark.
[Bianca] Wednesday, hold on.
[Ajax] Wait. Are you being serious?
There’s only one thing that a Hyde understands.
Wait! No, Wednesday!
That’s it. I’m out!
[Nightshade member] Us too.
No, I’m done.
Wednesday, I didn’t sign up for this.
Let’s go to Weems, explain everything.
Weems won’t help.
And Tyler is always one step ahead of his father.
Then you’re on your own.
[Tyler panting]
No, don’t leave me here with her, please! I’m begging you, please!
[grim, foreboding music playing]
[tasers sparking]
[jauntily macabre music playing]
[Kinbott] When I press him on his mother or any sensitive issue, he snaps, becoming cold and detached.
It’s like I’m talking to a different person.
I’m increasingly concerned.
I believe the trauma of losing his mother may have left Tyler with deeper psychological scars than I
[cell phone ringing]
[Galpin] Hello?
Sheriff Galpin.
We have a problem.
And her name is Wednesday Addams.
What is Kinbott, or should I say Laurel Gates, using you for?
[weakly] Wednesday, please.
Tyler, the body parts in the basement of the Gates mansion, what was she collecting them for?
I don’t understand. Why are you doing this?
[sirens wailing, approaching]
Let’s test your reflexes.
[Tyler] I’m in here!
Get away from my son! Drop it.
Drop it.
[hammer clatters]
[officer] Sign here.
[indistinct police radio chatter]
Sheriff Galpin isn’t pressing kidnapping charges.
Which is a miracle given the circumstances.
Of course not.
How long have you known?
Excuse me?
When I gave you that claw from the cave, did you already know?
Wednesday, that’s enough.
[Galpin] Xavier Thorpe is our Hyde.
We’ve got evidence, thanks to you. That’s why I’m giving you one pass.
Tyler is going to turn on you too.
Let’s go.
Get out.
We… Wednesday, wait.
Tyler! No, no, what are you doing?
I need to talk to her, Dad.
She was my friend.
We’re in a police station. What’s gonna happen?
Make it quick.
What do you want?
To ask a question.
What does it feel like?
What does what feel like?
To lose.
[chilling music playing]
You know, at first, I’d wake up naked, covered in blood, no idea what happened.
But over time, I started to remember everything.
The sound of their screams, the panic in their eyes, and a fear so primal I could taste it.
And it was delicious.
You have no idea what’s coming.
[music swells, fades away]
[barely restrained seething]
The quid pro quo for Sheriff Galpin not pressing charges is your immediate expulsion from Nevermore.
The others had nothing to do with this.
I acted alone.
For someone who claims to have no friends, you certainly protect them.
They didn’t have guts to do what needed to be done.
You mean kidnapping and torture? I should hope not.
You do realize that Tyler brutally disemboweled six people, then harvested a variety of their body parts.
Perhaps if you’d come to me with your suspicions rather than take matters into your own hands, we
could’ve worked together.
Because trust and cooperation have always been hallmarks of our relationship.
[weary chuckle]
[gloomy music playing]
I admire your ability to be your own person and trust your own instincts.
But that also makes you impatient and impulsive.
Your actions have put me and the school in an impossible position.
Tyler is the Hyde.
And he has framed Xavier. He confessed everything to me!
I wish I could believe you.
His mother was an outcast.
She was a student here, you must remember her.
She was a Hyde!
Yes, Francois. A lovely woman.
I didn’t ask what she identified as.
Then give me more time, and I can prove they are Hydes.
There is no more time, and there are no more deals, Wednesday.
Pack your steamer trunks.
We will have them shipped.
And say your goodbyes.
You’ll be on the afternoon train tomorrow.
I’m sorry Nevermore didn’t work out for you, Wednesday.
I’m sure your mother will be very disappointed.
And so am I.
[lachrymose music playing]
[Xavier sighs]
Xavier… I’m not sure how much time we have.
Thing distracted the guards and is looping the cameras.
What are you doing here?
I know you’re not the Hyde.
Tyler used me to frame you. He is the actual Hyde.
How do you know?
I saw it in a vision when he kissed me.
[suspenseful music playing]
I’m… glad you were getting some action while I was falsely accused.
I should’ve believed you.
But since you seem to have some psychic connection to the Hyde, I was curious if you’ve drawn anything
that might shed light on this?
You want my help?
You ruined my life!
I tried being your friend.
Look where that got me.
This isn’t about us, Xavier.
No, it’s about you!
Every time you get involved, people get hurt.
You’re toxic.
All you ever do is make things worse.
Tyler warned me something bad was coming. I think…
I don’t care!
Do you want to stop this? Then leave.
Go far away and never come back.
Do you understand?
That can’t happen if you’re not here.
That’s how you save everyone, okay?
So, go.
[disbelieving scoff]
[tense music builds, fades away]
[typewriter dings]
[clasp locks]
I can’t believe I’m actually going to miss your creepy, lifeless eyes waking me up.
It won’t be the same without you.
So I assume you’ll be moving in with Yoko.
Leaving me in the past.
Not ever.
What about you?
Will you forget about me?
Enid… the mark you have left on me is indelible.
Anytime I grow nauseous at the sight of a rainbow
or hear a pop song that makes my ears bleed,
I’ll think of you.
[subdued, whimsical music playing]
I guess.
I always believed relying on other people to be a sign of weakness.
That inevitably they would lead me to disappointment.
Turns out I’ve been the disappointment.
Are you kidding me?
I’ve learned so much from you.
Part of it is admittedly criminal behavior,
but… most people spend their entire lives pretending to give zero effs,
and you literally never had an eff to give.
Any chance you’ve got some sort of sneaky plan to elude Weems?
Xavier’s right.
This prophecy cannot come true if I’m not here.
But it kills me to leave when Tyler is still walking around free.
If he tries anything,
we have a school full of gorgons, vampires, and werewolves,
ready and waiting.
We’ve got this, Wednesday. I promise.
On a good note,
I got a text from Eugene’s moms.
He woke up last night.
Maybe Weems’ll let you drop by on your way to the station.
[Thing snapping insistently]
I think we’re all set.
[Enid] Thing,
I’m going to miss our makeup tutorials.
And you better keep sending me moisturizing tips.
Stay in touch, okay?
So, we’re gonna…
You’re right.
Not hugging is kind of our thing.
[dramatic music playing]
The plan wasn’t to get you expelled.
We’re sorry.
The Nightshades need to be ready for what’s coming.
Or a lot of people are going to die.
I’m so glad I caught you.
I was weeding my wolfsbane, and I just completely lost track of time.
This is a parting gift.
White oleander, one of nature’s deadliest.
It also symbolizes destiny and renewal.
You’re a very talented young woman, Wednesday.
I can’t wait to see what you do next.
[Weems] Wednesday.
This time I’m personally escorting you to your train.
I have one final favor.
[Eugene] Wednesday!
Glad to see you’re finally awake.
I heard you visited all the time.
Don’t ever mention it again.
Listen, I’ve been meaning to tell you…
I shouldn’t have gone to the dance. I should have been with you.
When the dance floor calls, you gotta answer.
It’s not your fault. It’s the monster’s.
It’s actually called a Hyde.
It’s still out there. You can’t go back to Nevermore.
Not even to check on your bees.
And you have to listen to me this time.
I thought hummers were supposed to stick together.
[somber music playing]
That night in the woods,
someone set fire to that cave.
Yes, Dr. Kinbott.
It’s so crazy that it was her.
I don’t really remember any of it.
I just saw someone wearing black and those boots.
What about her boots?
There was an explosion of light
and just for a moment,
I saw that they weren’t black.
They were red.
[sinister music building]
[door closes]
I thought you’d be halfway to New Jersey by now.
You can drop the act, Laurel.
I should have known it was you.
Faking your death,
securing a job at Nevermore,
unlocking a Hyde.
Typically, I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots.
But yours was a bit extreme, even for my high standards.
Oh, dear.
Weems was right.
You do need psychiatric help.
Can’t throw out wild accusations without consequences.
They may be wild… but they’re true.
Tyler told me everything.
Initially I incorrectly accused Kinbott of using hypnosis to unlock him.
But you used a plant-derived chemical, didn’t you?
[Wednesday] I know your father kept tabs on all the outcasts in town.
So I assume he told you about the Galpin family secret when you were just a girl.
That’s why you targeted Tyler.
You manipulated him by showing him what his mother truly was.
What Tyler didn’t realize is that truth wouldn’t free him.
I’m so sorry.
It would enslave him to you.
That was scary at first, so you used the cave and the shackles.
[chains rattling]
But eventually he willingly became your servant.
And when Kinbott came close to discovering the truth,
you had Tyler kill her and pin it on Xavier.
Ugh. That’s enough.
Tyler, honey, make Mama happy and shut her up.
He’s not on your side.
Tyler will do anything for me.
Remember what I told you?
I showed you who you really are.
What they did to your mother…
[whispering] The outcasts made you a monster.
If you only hate outcasts, why is he killing normies as well?
They’re just pawns in a bigger game.
Just like you, Wednesday.
Once again, you’ve underestimated the situation.
You were never getting on that train.
I sent Tyler to intercept you.
I never made it to the station.
Heard enough?
[dramatic, revelatory music playing]
Your slave is probably still at the station.
Don’t make this more difficult than it already is, Marilyn.
My name is Laurel!
[sharp stinger]
[suspenseful music builds]
[Weems gasping]
[Wednesday] Principal Weems! Principal Weems!
[Weems shuddering]
[Weems exhales softly]
Nightshade poisoning.
[Laurel] A fitting end, don’t you think?
[sinister music playing]
[upbeat pop music playing faintly]
[both chuckling]
[claws rasp]
Are you okay?
You’re not gonna, like, wolf out on me, are you?
It is a full blood moon.
I’m okay, I think.
But this is helping.
[“Flight of the Bumblebee” playing as ring tone]
[Enid chuckles]
[phone chimes]
Hey! Eugene, how are you?
Have you seen Wednesday?
No, she left this afternoon. Didn’t she swing by to see you?
Listen, Principal Weems and her went and confronted Ms. Thornhill.
But I haven’t heard a peep from either of them.
Why would they confront Ms. Thornhill?
Because she’s behind everything that’s happened.
She’s the bad guy… bad woman.
She’s just a really bad person.
Okay. Ajax and I will go check out the conservatory.
Yo. Bee boy, welcome back.
What’s he doing in your room?
[door opens]
[rousing music playing]
Slow down! What happened?
Principal Weems?
What the hell is going on?
What about Wednesday?
Tyler and Thornhill took her?
Crackstone’s crypt, what the heck?
Who are the Nightshades?
I’ll… I’ll explain on the way.
Come on.
Guys. Guys?
Calm down, Eugene.
That gorgon is a moron.
It… It could be dangerous.
If Enid’s right, and Wednesday’s been taken,
we need to call the sheriff.
Mom, I’ve got to go.
Wednesday’s my only friend, and if she’s in trouble, I’ve got to help.
It’s hive code.
[rousing music fades away]
[Wednesday inhales groggily]
[manacles clatter]
[Wednesday seething]
Kind of a déjà vu thing we got going on, huh?
Except I won’t cry and whine like a child.
[Laurel] Tyler, go wait by the boat.
Listen to your master and be a good little Hyde.
[jittery, creepy music playing]
[Laurel] I have to admit…
[door opens]
…that shape-shifting stunt with Weems almost worked.
[door closes]
But as my father always said,
“If you want to outsmart an outcast, you got to out-think ’em.”
You know, we have roots that go all the way back to Joseph Crackstone.
So you come from a line of psychotic killers too.
Joseph Crackstone was a visionary,
dedicated to protecting normies from outcasts
until his life was cut short
by your ancestor, Goody Addams.
And then, to add insult to injury,
they stole his land to build that abomination of a school.
throughout the centuries,
my family has remained committed to Crackstone’s mission.
My brother died serving that cause.
I decided to take a different approach.
The supernatural.
Tyler’s been collecting these body parts to resurrect Crackstone.
The one man who nearly succeeded in eradicating the outcasts.
You can’t wake the dead.
Believe me, I’ve tried.
I believe your ancestor Goody Addams would disagree.
Goody’s Book of Shadows.
You’re the one that stole the original from Pilgrim World.
It wasn’t enough for Goody to kill Crackstone.
She had to curse his soul too.
What does this have to do with me?
My dear Wednesday,
you are the key.
Your arrival at Nevermore set the chubby wheels of my plan in motion.
Goody sealed Crackstone in his sarcophagus with a blood lock.
Only one of her direct descendants can open it.
You are the key.
A living descendant on the night of a blood moon.
So… I bided my time,
and I made you feel special
until you were ready to be sacrificed.
[music swells]
[grunting] Damn it.
[Galpin] Quiet!
Santiago, what’s up?
Sir, we got a situation.
Eugene Ottinger’s mom just called, frantic.
Something’s going on at Nevermore.
Get a couple cars over there ASAP.
That’s just it, I can’t.
The tires on the squad cars have been slashed. Every damn one.
All right, I’m on my way.
[tires screech]
[siren wailing]
[sinister music continues]
[low, arcane rumble]
[crypt lock sizzling]
[Wednesday panting]
[Laurel grunts]
[chanting invocation in Latin]
[crypt clatters]
[arcane power pulsing]
[thunder booming]
[ominous choral music playing]
[choir crescendos]
[Laurel] I am of your blood.
I have summoned you to rid the world of outcasts once and for all.
[chilling music playing]
[Laurel gasps]
My vengeance will be swift and true.
As will mine.
[arcane power pulses]
Goody Addams.
You haunt me still.
You will suffer the same fate you bequeathed me.
Now burn in the eternal fires of hell.
[blade twists, flesh rends]
Where you belong.
[grunting weakly]
[Laurel] Sweet dreams, Wednesday!
I can’t believe you’re in a secret society and you didn’t tell me.
Because, you know,
it’s secret.
[Enid] Bianca, Davina…
and Kent?
Seriously, even Kent is here?
How exclusive is this club?
So, what’s the deal with Thornhill being a psycho?
She murdered Weems and then took Wednesday to Crackstone’s crypt.
We have to get everyone in the school to safety before it’s too late.
[Ajax] This is what’s coming.
[Kent] So do we pull the fire alarms?
We don’t want to cause a panic and alert Tyler or Thornhill.
So how do we get everyone out?
We’ll use our siren song to convince them.
Thing and I will go look for Wednesday.
Okay, Nightshades forever.
[all snap in unison]
Seriously, a secret snap too?
[ominous music playing]
[faint voice] Wednesday.
Are you here to take me to the other side?
Listen, Crackstone must be stabbed through his black heart.
It is the only way he will be vanquished now and forever.
Is your spectral vision impaired? I’m dying.
Your necklace.
It is a powerful talisman.
My mother told me it’s for conjuring visions.
It is also a conduit for conjuring spirits.
It will allow me to pass through you and heal you.
Just know, once I do, you will never see me again.
The school needs you, Wednesday.
[delicate, emotional music playing]
[rousing music rises]
[blade wrenches free]
[wispy, ethereal rushing]
[Xavier] Why’re we stopping in the middle of the woods?
You tracking your little monster?
You shut it.
Hey, wait. Wait!
Hey! What about me?
What… [grunts]
Oh, you asshole!
Come on, let’s move quickly and calmly, all right?
Good job! Let’s keep moving.
[teacher] Bianca!
What the hell’s going on?
Danger is on its way. [echoing] No time to delay.
[distorted audio echoes]
Follow me. Come on, faster.
[branch snaps]
[pained grunt]
[bones snapping, flesh stretching]
Oh my God.
Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
It’s happening!
Thing, I’m wolfing out!
[keening howl]
[Enid’s howl echoing]
Laurel said you were dead.
I’m feeling much better now.
You’re like a cockroach.
Please, flattery will get you nowhere.
This will not end well for you.
[clothing fraying]
[bestial snarl]
[tense music builds]
[heroic music plays]
[delicate music plays]
I need to get back to the school.
I can’t tell you how I’ve longed for this moment,
what it means for my family.
[distorted] Silence, woman!
Be gone, or I will cut thy tongue from thy wretched mouth!
Never meet your heroes.
[students screaming, panicking]
I will expunge you abominations from this Earth!
[dark, overpowering music playing]
[Xavier kicking front seat]
[urgent scrambling]
[Thing sliding squeakily]
Yes, Thing!
[distant roar]
[neck cracking, distending]
Son, is that really you?
[sharp slicing]
[claws whir]
[labored huffing]
[mournful music playing]
[grunting, snarling]
[Enid panting heavily]
[ominous music playing]
[students clamoring, shouting]
[Wednesday] Howdy, pilgrim.
How canst thy heart still beat?
What demon sorcery is this?
Stay away from her!
Oh my God!
I’m fine. Go. Get them out of here!
Come on, guys. Let’s go! Go! Go!
[arcane magic pulses]
[malevolent cackling]
I will send you back to hell.
[hideous, gurgling wail]
[intense music playing]
[Crackstone’s flesh sizzling]
[blade twists wetly]
[death rattle]
[breathing shakily]
[gun cocks]
You brought a gun to a sword fight.
It’s probably the first smart decision you’ve made today.
I might not get to kill all the outcasts,
but at least I’ll get to kill you, Wednesday.
[bee buzzing]
[buzzing intensifies]
[bee stings piercing flesh]
[panicked yelping]
Yeah, that’s what you get for messing with Nevermore.
[Laurel whimpering]
Hummers stick together, right?
[Laurel panting, clamoring]
I’ll take it from here.
Maybe we should call the sheriff?
Turn around, Eugene.
[music builds]
[low, somber music playing]
[Ajax] Enid?
[tender, wondrous music playing]
Where’s Wednesday?
[music intensifies]
[typewriter keys clacking]
[footsteps approaching]
I hate to admit,
but I am gonna miss Principal Weems.
She could be a real pain.
But she was tough.
And she died for the one thing she truly loved, this school.
For that, I have immense respect.
[Enid] She was one of us.
Now that classes are canceled for the semester,
you have to come visit me in San Francisco.
I can pretty much guarantee fog and drizzle every day.
Sounds tempting.
I owe you a thank-you.
We’re getting that fencing title next year.
So don’t let killing one supernatural pilgrim get to your head.
I hear you’re a free man now.
Yup. All charges dismissed.
When I was in the cell I said a lot of… things.
Being your friend should come with a warning label.
But… I don’t know a lot of people who would take an arrow for me. So…
Welcome to the 21st century, Addams.
[gentle, quirky music playing]
My number’s in there already.
That’s a bold move.
I hope you’re not expecting me to call.
No, never.
I’d settle for a text, though.
You know what a text is, right?
Goodbye, Xavier.
Hey, are you going to be back next semester?
Yes? No? Maybe?
[grimly grandiose music playing]
[Wednesday] My very first stalker.
Maybe this forced vacation will be more interesting than I imagined.
Unlike my novel, not every thread has been tied up,
nor every question answered.
Secrets are still lurking in the dark corners of Jericho.
[siren blaring]
Were Laurel Gates and Tyler just pawns in a bigger game?
Will today’s stalker become tomorrow’s nemesis?
I know the suspense is killing you.
[jauntily macabre outro music playing]

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