Journal of Contemporary Research (Jocres) Research Article VOL. 1 (1) ISSN:2814-2241

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Date Accepted: 30th June, 2022

Pages 117 -127


Effiong Charles., Ugbe, Fintan Akomaye., Makama Lawrence Linus., Igbudu, Nicholas Inob
& Oyibundu, Joseph Milton
Department of Business Management, University of Calabar, Calabar-Nigeria
The study Empirically examined compensation management and employee performance in selected
organizations in Cross River state. The specific objectives were to; examine the relationship between
performance based pay and employee commitment, skill based pay and employee creativity, seniority
based pay and employee job satisfaction. A survey research design was adopted as a result of the
systematic empirical inquiry and the data for the study were gathered through primary sources using
questionnaire instrument. The population of the study was five hundred and seven(507) employees and
Taro Yamane formula was used to determine the sample size of two hundred and twenty four(224). A
total of one hundred and ninety-six(196) copies was correctly filled and returned. Pearson Product
Moment Correlation was adopted to statistically analyze the relationship between dependent and
independent variables. Based on the analysis, the findings revealed that all the independent variables
had a significant relationship with employees’ performance in the selected organizations (Larfage,
Honey feed company Limited and Aje Ndoma Nigeria Enterprise) in Cross River State, Nigeria. The
study recommended that the management of the organization should make available pay structure that
will motivate the top performing employees, also that the organizations should continue providing
security benefits to all employees, embark on training that will aid their employee acquire skills,
knowledge and competencies as it will positively influence employee productivity and raise overall
performance of the organization
Keywords: Compensation management, employee commitment, employee creativity, employee job
satisfaction, employee performance

1.0 Introduction yield appropriate returns in terms of employee

In every company, employment is viewed as an attitudes, abilities, behaviors, and organizational
exchange process in which employees supply performance (Brevis & Vrba, 2014). Employee
inputs in the form of skills and expertise in pay at all levels has evolved into one of the most
exchange for various compensations from the important roles of human resource management.
employer. Pay has a significant influence on the It is one of the most significant, complex, and
employee's level of life, position, and security. difficult topics in any organization's human
Compensation, in the eyes of the employer, is resource management. Every business that wishes
both a major cost of conducting business that to acquire a competitive advantage over its
must be handled and an investment that must competitors must attract high-quality staff.

Compensation is sometimes defined as direct and between skill based pay and employee creativity,
indirect monetary and non-monetary awards determine the relationship between seniority
given to employees based on the importance of based pay and employee job satisfaction.
the job, their personal contributions, and their
Research hypotheses
performance. These incentives must satisfy both
The formulated hypotheses were tested in null
the organization's ability to pay and any
applicable legal regulations.
There is no significant relationship between
The growing acknowledgment and agreement
performance-based pay and employee
that remuneration enhances productivity is
consistent with Abdullah's (2012) early work,
which claimed that happy people are productive There is no significant relationship between skill-
workers. Private service compensation in Nigeria based pay and employee creativity
has become a driving force in seeking work in the
There is no significant relationship between
industry. As a result, it is critical that firms create
seniority-based pay and employee job satisfaction
and implement a remuneration structure that can
drive employees to work while not depleting the 1.3 Significance of the study
organization's resources. The findings of this study will be significant in
the following ways: The findings will benefit
According to Shaw (2014), most people are
Cross River State government and other
motivated by money, at least for their basic needs
organizational leaders to ensure that its
and desires. Employees can be motivated by
employees are valued and rewarded for their
remuneration in a variety of ways, including
effort in the service. The study will help policy
salary, bonuses, commission, profit sharing, and
makers in Cross River State and other
other perks such as trips, automobiles, and other
organizations The study will contribute to
tangible objects used as rewards.
development and application of development
1.1 Statement of the problems thinking in the private. It will benefit private
These organizations are today confronted with sector, policy makers and managers of
numerous obstacles, including inadequate organizations This study will equally provide
infrastructure, a lack of an enabling research opportunity for further research and also broaden
environment, disparities in compensation and the frontier of knowledge.
allowances, and uneven policy execution, which
2.0 Literature review
may have an impact on their levels of job
Conceptual framework
satisfaction. Compensation is typically limited to
Compensation management is an essential
cash, and as a result, companies have a tunnel
component of the human resources management
vision when it comes to employee compensation
approach to organizational productivity. It is
difficulties. Other parts of remuneration that
concerned with the design, implementation, and
comprise the complete compensation package for
management of general compensation systems
employees receive less attention. Employees
aimed at improving the performance of
themselves fail to grasp that their compensation is
companies, teams, and individuals (Yadav &
a bundle and not solely monetary. As a result of
Aspal,2014). According to Milkovich and
the aforesaid concept of compensation, it is
Newman (2010), remuneration is an important
poorly managed and, most of the time, negatively
tool for attracting and retaining bright individuals
affects performance.
who are committed to their roles within the firm.
1.2 Objectives of the study
Compensation management strives to advance
The specific objectives were to; examine the
business goals by attracting, motivating, and
relationship between performance based pay and
retaining hardworking personnel (Petera 2011). It
employee commitment, examine the relationship

refers to the procedure through which employees examples of this. Remuneration is defined as the
are compensated for their contributions at work. direct and indirect compensation received by
employees in an organization in order to increase
Compensation is a type of compensation given as
employee happiness and retention while also
a result of a work well done or effort put in to
improving performance. Incentives, medical
reach a specific objective, and it serves as a
benefits, housing allowance, annual leave
motivator for an individual to put more energy or
allowance, and training opportunities are all part
devotion into his or her employment (Alex, Uno
of direct remuneration.
& Lebo,2020). In most firms, the primary goal of
remuneration is to inspire employees to behave in Performance base
a specific way (Rizman, Farooq & Ulah, 2010 ). Is a type of remuneration that is based on an
As a result, a business not only wants to employee's contributions to the company. This
incentivize employees to stay with the company, type of remuneration structure ensures that only
but also reinforces employee achievement the best performers survive. Performance-based
through suitable and encouraging compensation pay is an efficient technique to inspire and reward
(Abolade, 2012). your staff for being more productive. The benefits
include enhanced staff retention, improved
Compensation is defined as the whole sum of
recruiting, and improved performance. Monthly
wages or salaries, employee benefits, non-
performance pay will be about 25% of monthly
recurring financial prizes, and non-pecuniary
compensation, and quarterly performance pay
rewards; on the other hand, compensation is
will be based on unit and business performance in
defined as financial returns on tangible services
that quarter (Abolade, 2012).
and benefits received by employees as part of an
employment relationship (Salman & Muhammad, Performance-based pay provides monetary
2010). Employees' compensation includes both reward based on individual or group performance.
intrinsic and extrinsic benefits for accomplishing It is concerned with how financial rewards are
their duties. Employees' psychological mind sets distributed to employees. In contrast to fixed
that arise from executing their professions are compensation, performance pay compensates
reflected in intrinsic compensation, whereas employees based on their individual contributions
extrinsic compensation comprises both monetary rather than the worth of the role itself. Individual
and non-monetary incentives. performance pay, which is frequently associated
with commission-based sales staff, and skill-
Armach (2012) proposed that compensation is the
based pay, in which income is linked to
human resource management function that deals
competency, are two types of pay. Some
with every type of reward individuals receive in
businesses use profit-sharing, which means that
exchange for performing organizational tasks,
employees earn a part of the company's profits.
with a desired outcome of an employee who is
One of the primary goals of remuneration is to
attracted to the work, satisfied, and motivated to
encourage employees to give their all. This
do a good job for the employer; a double input-
objective became more important as firms
output exchange between an employee and an
realized they were in danger of losing market
employee; and a double input-output exchange
share to competitors. Performance pay refers to
between an employee and an employee (Ahlstron,
pay plans that incentivise and reward employees
2010). Compensation is the monetary and non-
depending on their performance.
monetary payment paid by an employer in
exchange for services completed. It could be Skill base
financial incentives, which are any monetary It is a remuneration system that provides
incentives that go above and beyond basic salary. additional benefits to employees in exchange for
formal certification of the employee's mastery of
These bonuses are not included in the base wage.
skills, knowledge, and/or competencies.
Financial incentives, bonuses, and recognition are
Knowledge is learned, information is employed

in executing activities, and skill is acquired and In organizations with low (high) levels of
observable expertise in performing tasks. A performance-based pay and job seniority,
salary structure that bases an employee's pay on seniority-based pay boosts productivity. A
his or her expertise, experience, education, or seniority-based pay scale offers some advantages
specialized training is known as skill-based pay. over a performance-based pay scale, and it is
Depending on the organization, the employee commonly employed in government and with
may also be paid more for obtaining formal unionized jobs. Seniority-based pay does not
certification in his or her field. Companies can assist private, non-union firms in developing a
use skill-based pay to examine market and high-performing staff that increases overall
compensation data and establish pay based on the company performance. Other considerations
assessed value of a person within an organization. supplement the seniority-based compensation
system. Employees, for example, can contract to
Skill-based compensation is a pay system in
take on responsibilities that exceed their regular
which pay increments are connected to the
wage grade, with a corresponding increase in pay.
number of depths of skills an employee obtains
and utilizes. It is a method of promoting broader
Compensation management on employee
and deeper skills among the workforce. These
raises are in addition to, not in place of, general
Employees today demand more than just a
salary. The growth is typically based on
paycheck; they expect "extra." Employee benefits
horizontal skills, which entail expanding abilities
are what these extras are called. Employee perks,
in terms of work range, vertical skills, which
often known as fringe benefits, are non-monetary
require obtaining higher level skills, and depth
forms of compensation provided in addition to a
skills, which involve a high degree of skills in
cash income to enrich people's lives. Employee
specialized areas relevant to the same job. Skill-
benefits in general have no direct effect on
based pay is a person-based approach rather than
employee performance; however, poor benefits
a job-based system. It recognizes a person for
contribute to employee dissatisfaction and
who he or she is rather than what the job is worth.
increase absenteeism and attrition (Femi, 2010).
A basic rate of compensation for minimum skills
As a result, you would need to carefully craft
reflects job worth, however pay growth is directly
your benefits package.
related to kills acquired.
Your package could include providing each
Seniority base
employee with a cell phone, taking them to a
Seniority-based compensation is one in which the
training workshop or lecture, giving them a day
employee's tenure is the key foundation for pay
or two off per month, and so on. Choosing a
increases. Loyalty, retention, and stability of all
benefits package can assist an organization attract,
staff members, regardless of performance levels,
motivate, and retain people. A well-planned
are some of the advantages of seniority-based
compensation and benefits package will help the
remuneration. Employees on a seniority-based
company or employee in the following ways.
pay system are given a base salary and get the
same rise at regular intervals. There is no Employees would be happy with their jobs and
differential based on how well a person does a would want to work for such an organization if
job; just how long the individual has been in the they were compensated fairly for their efforts.
position is considered. One of the benefits of a
They all have distinct demands in terms of
seniority system is that it encourages employee
motivation. Some of them desire money for the
loyalty. People understand that if they stay with
group, which will pay them more. Some people
the company, they will have access to greater pay
value accomplishments over money, and they
and advancement prospects, which will result in
choose to work for companies that provide more
lower staff turnover and all of the related
opportunities for advancement, learning, and
replacement costs.
development. A pay plan that meets the demands

of employees motivates them to operate in the Empirical Literature

desired manner (Pearce, 2010 & Greene, 2014) Many research on salary management and
Low absenteeism: When workers' compensation employee performance have been undertaken.
is well-managed, employees will be motivated to Ellis, Chinedu, and Akpunonu (2011)
come to work on time rather than spending time investigated compensation management as a
at home. Although some employees prefer to be strategy for improving organizational
idle at work, if they are well treated, they will performance in the public sector: A case study of
provide value. Anambra State's civil service in Nigeria. This
study looks at how compensation management
Low turnover: Employees will not want to work
can be utilized to improve organizational
for another organization as long as they are
performance in a typical public sector
treated well and receive their pay on time and in
organization like the Anambra State Civil Service
the right amount. As a result, staff turnover will
in Nigeria. Using the Anambra State Civil
be low. Employees acquire confidence in
Service as a reference, this study tries to
themselves and their abilities as they obtain
determine whether financial compensations have
reasonable recompense. As a result, their level of
a substantial link with employee performance in
performance skyrockets. Simply expressed, the
the public sector. It also sought to determine
parts of a complete compensation package
whether employees' efforts are commensurate
include everything a company does to recruit
with financial rewards, as well as the extent to
personnel. This technique offers a lot of benefits
which the State Government's reform initiative
to firms, particularly those in which owners and
has influenced compensation policies and
managers must build excellent personal
practices. The descriptive survey design was used
relationships with employees. (Alam,2012).
to achieve the study's aims. For data analysis,
Theoretical framework Pearson's Product Moment Correlation was
This study is anchored on Equity theory; utilized, and the Z-test was performed to examine
1 Equity theory the significance of the coefficient of correlation at
Stacy Adams proposed this theory in 1963. the 5% level of significance. It was discovered
According to the theory, the distribution of that financial pay for public-sector employees had
resources is equitable to both parties. Equity is no substantial effect on their performance and
calculated by comparing the ratio of each person's that financial compensation received is not
contributions (or expenditures) to benefits (or comparable with staff efforts. Based on these
rewards). According to the theory, employees aim findings, it is recommended that any public
to maintain fairness between the inputs they bring service organization, such as the Anambra State
to a job and the outputs they obtain from it in of Nigeria Civil Service Commission, offer
comparison to the perceived inputs and outcomes financial compensation that is expressly meant to
of others. be linked to performance in order to increase
employee performance.
According to equity theory, in order to maximize
individual rewards, humans tend to construct Odunlami and Matthew (2014) studied pay
systems in which resources can be equitably management and employee performance in the
allocated among members of a group who are manufacturing industry. The goals were to
unhappy to a degree proportional to the level of determine the extent to which compensation
inequality. The view is that people value fair management affects employee performance,
treatment, which motivates them to maintain assess the relationship between working
fairness in their coworkers' and the organization's conditions and employee performance, determine
interactions. The workplace equity structure is the rate at which welfare services affect employee
based on the ratio of inputs to outcomes. Inputs performance, and investigate the relationship
are the employee's contributions to the between compensation management and staff

retention. We used both primary and secondary satisfaction and minimize significant labor
sources. turnover among employees.
A questionnaire was used to collect necessary and Onuoran, Okeke, and Ibekwe (2019) conducted
relevant data from respondents. The strategies research in Nigeria on salary management and
were utilized to reduce the challenges connected employee performance. Descriptive survey
with data collecting while still ensuring that the research was used to collect primary sources of
results are apparent and devoid of bias as desired. data. The study's population consists of 257
Interferential and descriptive statistics were used Anambra public secondary schools. A
to analyze the data. The descriptive statistics used questionnaire and the Z-test were utilized. In
in this study include a frequency table and a Nigeria, it was discovered that equity-based
Likert scale, while the hypotheses were tested compensation has no negative significant effect
using analysis of variance (ANOVA). on employee performance. The study
recommended that every business adopt equity-
The findings reveal an f-statistic of 32.222,
based compensation a mandatory policy because
indicating that the model is statistically
equity-based compensation is more widely
significant. It has been demonstrated that there is
employed in firms to ensure maximum
a significant association between good welfare
service and job performance. According to the F-
statistic, there is a considerable association
between compensation management and
3.0 Methodology
increased production. According to the survey,
The design employed in this study is survey
organizations must ensure that there is a cordial
research design. The study adopted simple
and positive interaction between the employer
random sampling technique and the selection of
and the employees.
the organizations was judgmental. However, to
Premalultia (2014) evaluated the effect of pay determine the sample size, the study adopted Taro
systems on employee performance. Research with Yamane sample size:
a focus on the service sector. The goal of n = N
competent pay for performance is to attract
qualified candidates while also retaining present 1 + N(e2)
employees as assets. The Chi Square statistical
Where n = Sample size
method was used to investigate the effect of
N = Actual population
independent variables on dependent variables.
e = Limited tolerable error
According to the findings, compensation
The total population of the selected organizations
management has a direct impact on employee
is five hundred and seven (507) which was
performance. It was suggested that employees
obtained from company’s Records.
have faith that their efforts will be recognized.
N = 507
Adewale, Adenika, Hezekiah, and Heirsmac e = 5 percent
(2014) evaluated the effect of remuneration 1 = constant
packages on employees' job performance and N
retention in a selected private institution in Ogun 1 + N(e)2
state, Nigeria's south-west. In this investigation, a 507
simple percentage was used. The results of the 1 + 507(0.05)2
dependent and independent variables that were 507
tested (salary, bonus, incentives, allowances, and 1 + 507(0.0025)
fringe benefits). The study recommended that 507
management reassess compensation packages at 2.2675
various levels in order to gain employee = 224

Total sample size is 224 Test of hypotheses

Hypothesis one:
Data for this study was gathered from primary
H0: There is no significant relationship
sources and through the use of structured
between performance base and employee
questionnaire from respondents of the selected
companies in Cross River State. For this study,
Independent variable: Performance base
the research study employed structured
Dependent variable: Employees’ commitment.
questionnaire on compensation management and
Test statistic: Pearson’s product moment
employees’ performance in the selected private-
correlation coefficient
sector organizations. The study employed
Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis to The analysis showed a correlation coefficient of
measure the relationship between variables tested 0.872 indicating the existence of strong positive
in the study. relationship between performance base and
employees’ commitment. The test was
4,0 Results and findings
significant at 0.01 significant level and led to the
A total of two hundred and twenty-four (224)
rejection of the null hypothesis which states that
copies of questionnaire were produced and
there is no significant relationship between
randomly administered to respondents. Out of
performance base and employees’ commitment.
two hundred and twenty-four (224) copies of
Consequently, the alternative hypothesis was
questionnaire, twenty-eight (28) copies were not
accepted and conclusion reached that there is a
returned while one hundred and ninety-six (196)
significant relationship between performance
copies were completely filled and returned, which
base and employees’ commitment in the selected
helped to facilitate the study and was considered
to be the true representative of the study
Table 1: Correlation result of relationship between performance base and employees’

performance Employees’
base commitment
Pearson correlation 1 .872**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Sum of squares and 138.58 171.21

performance base cross-products

.250 .236

196 196
.872** 1
Pearson correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Sum of squares and 176.41 622.44

Employees commitment

.336 1.51

196 196

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Source: SPSS analysis

Hypothesis two: relationship between skill base and employees’

H0: There is no significant relationship creativity. The test was significant at 0.01
between skill base and employees’ creativity significant level, and led to the rejection of the
Independent variable: Skill base null hypothesis which states that there is no
Dependent variable: Employees’ creativity significant relationship between skill base and
Test statistic: Pearson’s product moment employees’ creativity. The alternative hypothesis
correlation coefficient was consequently accepted and conclusion
reached that there is a significant relationship
The analysis showed a correlation coefficient of between skill base and employees’ creativity.
0.845 indicating the existence of strong positive

Table 2: Correlation result of relationship between skill base and employees’ creativity

Skill baseEmployees’
Pearson correlation 1 .845**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Sum of squares and 301.74 116.94

Skill base cross-products

.421 .305

196 196
.845** 1
Pearson correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Sum of squares and

176.94 159.32
Employees’ creativity cross-products

.305 .201

N 196 196
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: SPSS analysis by Researcher,2021

Hypothesis three The analysis showed a correlation coefficient of

H0: There is no significant relationship 0.809 indicating the existence of strong positive
between seniority base and employees’ relationship between seniority base and
job satisfaction. employees’ job satisfaction. The test was
Independent variable: Seniority base significant at 0.01 significant level and led to
Dependent variable: Employees job satisfaction rejection of the null hypothesis in favour of the
Test statistic: Pearson’s product moment alternative hypothesis which states that there is a
correlation coefficient significant relationship between seniority base

and employees’ job satisfaction. The conclusion was that seniority base significantly related with
employees’ job satisfaction.

Table 3: Correlation result of relationship between seniority base and employees job satisfaction

Seniority Job satisfaction

Pearson correlation 1 .809**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Sum of squares and 33.32 124.92

Seniority base cross-products

.517 .404

196 196
.809** 1
Pearson correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)

Sum of squares and

127.92 318.28
Job satisfaction
.404 .649

196 196
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: SPSS analysis by Researcher,2021
5.0 Conclusion/Recommendations
Summary of findings The study empirically examined compensation
Based on the analysis of the results, the findings management and employee performance. The
were summarized thus; study revealed that performance base, skill base
i. There was a significant relationship and seniority base affected the performance of
between performance base pay and employee in the selected organizations.
employee commitment Compensation is often regarded as direct and
ii. There was a significant relationship indirect monetary and non- monetary rewards
between skill base and employee given to employee on the basis of the value of the
creativity job, their personal contributions, and their
iii. There was a significant relationship performance.
between seniority and employee job
Compensation management is an integral part of
human resources management approach to

productivity in the organization. It deals with the word. London: South-Western, Cengage
design, implementation and maintenance of Learning, EMEA.
compensation system that are geared to the Alam T (2012). Factors affecting job satisfaction,
improvement of organization, team and motivation and turnover rate of Medical
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improving organizational performance in
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