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INTRODUCTION TO LAW qualifications (may be

REVIEWER withheld from someone who

was admitted to the bar)
I. The Practice of Law
a. Nature – practice of law is a
- Any activity, in or out of the
profession not a business in
court which requires the
which the duty to public
application of law, legal
service is the primary
procedure, knowledge,
consideration and not
training and experience. To
engage in the practice of law
- Lawyering is not primarily
is to give notice or render any
meant to be a money-making
kind of service, which or
venture, and law advocacy is
devise or service requires the
not a capital that necessarily
use in any degree of legal
yields profits. The gaining of
knowledge or skill (Cayetano
livelihood is not a
v. Monsod)
professional but a secondary
- Legal Ethics: branch of moral
consideration. Duty to public
science which treats of the
service and to the
duties an attorney owes to the
administration of justice
court, to the client, to his
should be the primary
colleagues in the profession,
consideration of lawyers,
and to the public as embodied
who must subordinate their
in the Constitution (Rules of
personal interests or what
Court, Code of Professional
they owe to themselves
Responsibility, Canons of
(Burbe v. Magulta).
Professional Ethics,
b. As distinguished from a
jurisprudence, moral laws
business – the practice of law
and special laws)
is a noble calling in which
- Lawyer: an officer of the
emolument is a byproduct,
and the highest eminence
- It is a privilege granted only
may be attained without
to those who possess the
making much money. (Burbe
v. Magulta)
- Even if a lawyer does not
make much money, he’s
of lawyers who are
successful. It depends on his
instruments in the effective
effectivity as a lawyer. (Leni
and efficient administration
of justice.
c. Qualifications
- The right to practice law isn’t
- Any person duly admitted as
a natural/constitutional right,
a member of the bar,
but it’s a privilege. It’s
admitted in accordance with
limited to persons of good
the provisions of this rule; in
moral character and special
good and regular standing given the benefit of
(Rule 138, Sec 1 of RC) the doubt of
d. Requirements innocence unless
convicted already
 For admission to the which would allow
bar: you take the bar for
 Citizens of the PH the meanwhile)
 At least 21 years of  Complied with the
age (high school and academic
college degree) requirements (Sec. 5
 Of good moral and 6, Rule 138)
character (maintain a
good and regular
Of good moral character – a continuing
requirement; good moral character is not
 Resident of the PH only a condition precedent for admission to
 Produce satisfactory the legal profession, but it must also remain
evidence before the intact in order to maintain one’s good
SC of good moral standing in that exclusive and honored
character (certificate fraternity (Tapucar v. Tapucar)
of good moral
character signed by 3  Morality as a requirement to the
friends na lawyers – admission to the practice of law
stating that you’re in - When you apply for the
possession of good opportunity to take the BE,
moral character; given applicants place their
that these lawyer character at issue. Therefore,
friends do not the applicant is burden with
indiscriminate the proving good moral
signing or must be character.
weary in signing and - Requirement not only during
the person to be the admission, but also
qualified must not be during practice. Covers not
tolerated; certificate only the acts during the acts
of no moral of being a lawyer, but also to
derogatory record those acts prior to being a
from the law school) lawyer.
 No charges against - In the matter of Donald
him, involving moral Matthews for admission to
turpitude, have been the Bar of New Jersey, it was
filed or are pending in provided that the requirement
any court in the PH of those aspiring to be lawyer
(different from must be of good moral
conviction; you’re

character is universally o Identified and
accepted. overcome the
- Good moral character has weakness that led to
been the unquestioned, unlawful conduct
historic prerequisite of fitness - These are taken from the
- In the case of Olga Samson v. American jurisprudence
Judge Virgilio Caballero, it (most of the cases in law
was resolved that good moral school are taken from
character is more important American jurisprudence). It is
than possession of legal because our Bill of Rights is
learning. patterned with American
- Good moral character > Consti on Bill of Rights.
possession of legal learning There are doctrines laid down
- If an applicant is convicted, by the US that we adopt.
does that mean that he/she is - Case of Tarra Denelle
disqualified to be a lawyer? – Simmons: She grew up in an
In jurisprudence, although a environment filled with
prior conviction is not crimes. She was the victim of
conclusive of a lack of many acts of sexual violence.
present good moral character, She experienced also
it adds to his burden of homelessness when she ran
establishing present good away at the age of 13. As a
character by requiring juvenile, she was adjudicated
convincing proof of his full for theft also second degree
and complete rehabilitation assault. She was also a drug
(case of Inre James Joseph addict. Because of her
Ham). Although there’s criminal record, her nursing
conviction, it doesn’t mean license was put on probation.
you’re disqualified of being a She was in jail for 3 years
lawyer. You have more and experienced bankruptcy.
burden to establish your She was also found to be in
present good moral character possession of controlled drug
by establishing rehabilitation. substances and illegal
- In the matter of the firearms. However, she began
application of Alejandro to engage in treatment for her
Laztano (applicant SC, trauma and addiction. Since
Arizona and Bank in 2010), then, she has changed her life
rehabilitation was found to to a remarkable degree both
have the following in terms of the efforts and the
requirements: positive results she achieved.
o Accepted She expressed sincere
responsibility for his remorse for her past and
past criminal conduct made amendments and

worked diligently to serve her unwavering dedication to
community. She became an earning and maintaining the
advocate of those convicted respect of profession. The
for their rights to be judges didn’t adopt time
reintegrated into the society. period as evidence of
She also attended the Seattle complete rehabilitation (coz
University School of Law. it’s a case-to-case basis). Her
Graduated as a Magna Cum success in law school amply
Laude. Even her professors demonstrates worthy
and classmates attested expresses that she is worthy
Simmons as substantial asset to sit in the bar. She
of the law school community overcame her past and her
(crème of the crop). She has successes further prove that
consistently manifested she surpassed her weakness.
ethical behavior in her legal - KEY TAKEAWAYS: A
internships during her years license to practice of law is a
in law school. She also took privilege. One’s past doesn’t
volunteer and advocacy dictate one’s future.
work. When she filed a
Academic requirements (a bachelor’s degree
petition to take the bar, she
in arts or sciences and a completed course in
wasn’t automatically allowed.
law school; you have completed the courses
It was submitted for further
in law school or a university duly recognized
by the Secretary of Education in the PH;
- ISSUE: Whether Simmons
completed your pre-law & completed at
has shown by clear and
least 18 units in social sciences, 18 units in
convincing evidence that she
English, at least 6 units in Mathematics;
is currently of good moral
completed the 4-year high school course):
character and possesses the
prerequisite fitness to practice  Civil law
law notwithstanding her  Commercial law
previous criminal convictions  Remedial
- RULING: Simmons has  Public international
shown by clear and  Private international
convincing evidence that she
 Political law
is of present good moral
 Labor and social legislation
character and she is fit to
 Medical jurisprudence
practice law. Simmons has
spent enough time in  Taxation
recovery and she accepts full  Legal ethics
responsibility for her prior
conduct. She has consistently In March 2010, the SC amended the
demonstrated remorse, self- Rule 138 of the Rules of Court by
awareness, fortitude, and allowing Filipino citizens who have

studied law in a foreign country to Practical Exercises);
take the PH Bar upon compliance results are usually
with the following requirements: released in March or
1. Completed all the courses April of the following
leading to a degree of year. Bar examinees
Bachelor of Law or its must obtain a general
equivalent average of 75% in all
2. Recognition and accreditation bar subjects (unless
of the law school by the the SC En Banc
proper authority agrees to lower the
3. Completed all the fourth-year passing rate for a
subjects in a law school duly particular year)& no
accredited by the PH grade can be below
government 50% in any particular
4. Proof of completing a subject.
separate bachelor’s degree ii. The Lawyer’s Oath –
 ALL APPLICATIONS FOR BAR render public service
ADMISSION must be filed with the and serve ends of
SC through the Office of the Bar justice; an oath is an
Confidant. Applicants’ degrees, attestation and a
including high school, college, and pledge to take on the
law school, must be from officially duties and
approved and recognized schools, as responsibilities proper
authorized by the Secretary of of a lawyer. This is
Education. stated under Sec. 17,
Rule 138 of the Rules
of Court. It is not just
about making
e. Admission formalities promises to do your
i. Passing the Bar Exam duty as a lawyer, but
– written in English to perform them
and only occurs once faithfully and
a year; bar examinees truthfully.
must endure four iii. Signing the Roll of
painstakingly long Attorneys – the
tests during the month official list of persons
of November authorized to practice
(subjects – Political law in the country;
Law, Remedial Law, last of the 4 steps
Labor Law, Taxation, (finishing a law
Mercantile Law, Civil degree, passing the
Law, Legal Ethics, bar, taking the
Criminal Law, and lawyer’s oath) to be

accomplished by new f) To abstain from all offensive
lawyers to enable personality and to advance no
them to practice their fact prejudicial to the honor
profession or reputation of a party or
witness, unless required by
Upon passing the Bar Exam, taking an oath,
the justice of the cause with
and signing their name in the Roll of
which he is charged
Attorneys, applicants become full-pledged
g) Not to encourage either the
PH attorneys.
commencement or the
 Sec. 20, Rule 138 of RC (Duties of a continuance of an action or
lawyer) proceeding, or delay any
a) To maintain allegiance to the man’s cause, from any
Republic of the PH and to corrupt motive or interest
support the Consti and obey h) Never to reject, for any
the laws of the PH consideration personal to
b) To observe and maintain the himself, the cause of the
respect due to the courts of defenseless or oppressed
justice and judicial officers; i) In the defense of a person
c) To counsel or maintain such accused of crime, by all fair
actions or proceedings only and honorable means,
as appear to him be just, and regardless of his personal
such defenses only as he opinion as to the guilt of the
believes to be honestly accused, to present every
debatable under the law defense that the law permits,
d) To employ, for the purpose of to the end that no person may
maintaining the causes be deprived of life or liberty,
confided to him, such means but by due process of law
only as are consistent with - It is expected from every
truth and honor, and never lawyer to perform these
seek to mislead the judge or duties based on a certain
any judicial officer by an mode of behavior known as
artifice or false statement of the Code of Professional
fact or law Responsibility.
e) To maintain inviolate the  REPEATERS – applicants who did
confidence, and at every peril not pass the BE may take it as many
to himself, to preserve the times as necessary; candidates who
secrets of his client, and to fails 3 bar exams must prove that
accept no compensation in they have enrolled in and passed
connection with his client’s regular 4th year bar review classes
business except from him or and attended a pre-bar review course
with his knowledge and before they can take the BE again

Different Areas of Practice - Being a corporate lawyer
means that you are mostly
I. Private Practice – a lawyer, most of
engaged in the practice of
the time, gets clients and represent
corporate law and when
these clients in court (natural
he/she is practicing corporate
persons, legal personalities, or
law, it doesn’t necessarily
juridical entity like a
mean you are just inside the
- Cases that are usually
- It can be that you are lawyer
involved are criminal (it’s
in a law firm that is
usually the people who
exclusively engaged in the
commit the crime) and civil
corporate practice. It is
(most of the people have
usually the law firms that are
personal or real properties
concerned with mergers,
involved in a legal dispute)
acquisition, compliance, and
- BENEFITS: you own your
regulation. The law on
time & you are not compelled
compliance and regulation
to be in your office all the
sees to it that the
time, so long as you finish
company/corporate entity is
your works including
compliant to the requirements
pleadings, motions, and other
of the law regarding
legal documents; you can do
corporations. When it comes
whatever you want so long as
to regulations, the lawyer is
you’re done with the work;
engaged in making sure that
You do not have a ceiling for
the corporate entity that he is
your income unlike in
working with is validly and
government lawyering (non-
effectively complying with
limited salaries, it can be
the regulations of a law-
enforcement agency (ex.
Philippine Competition
lawyer doesn’t have a fixed
Commission – it regulates
day of relaxation (even if it’s
mergers and acquisitions;
a weekend, you’ll have to
Securities and Exchange
work if there’s something
Commission – ensures that
that needs to be done); No
corporate entities are
minimum for the salary (your
complying with the revised
compensation can go low as
corporation code and SRC)
- Also, corporate lawyers
II. Corporate Practice – Is corporate
ensure that corporate entities
lawyering exclusive within a
are adherent to the
company? (No. It doesn’t mean that
requirements of law when it
if you are a corporate lawyer, you
comes to the processes
should only be working inside a
involving matters that are
internal in nature (matters Competition Act; Data Privacy
between 2 shareholders OR 2 Commission – enforces Data
directors of the Board of Privacy Act; BIR – enforces tax
Trustees and even their laws)
citizenship 60% Filipino, - Sees to it that a certain law is
40% foreign) enforced and persons are
- They also make sure compliant with the
contracts are just and requirements
equitable and not c. Independent Bodies – those that
disadvantageous to any party. have autonomy so as not to be
Corporate lawyers in under the control or supervision
accounting firms deal with of anyone; has autonomy to
ensuring that the taxes paid fulfill its mandate (ombudsman,
by the corporation are correct COMELEC’s lawyers
and lawful. independent from the
- Corporate practice can be intervention of the 3 branches of
about contracts, taxation, the government, CHR – ensures
agency. that the rights of every human are
- Most corporate lawyers do being accommodated)
not go to courts because their - ADVANTAGE: there’s
primary goal is to avoid career growth. You can work
litigations. That is why as your way up. (clerk > MTC
early as drafting contracts, judge > RTC > CA > SC
they ensure that everything is Justice)
- There’s no profit in OFFICERS OF THE
litigations unless you are the COURT, not only those in
one being oppressed. the judiciary. As a lawyer,
III. Government Lawyering – the you have the duty to the
government is the biggest employer COURT, to the colleagues,
of all lawyers because of the vast client, and to the public.
area of practice that these lawyers IV. Public Interest/Alternative
are engaged in Lawyering – lawyers that ensure that
a. Judiciary – lawyers are usually those who have less in life have more
clerk of courts, court attorneys. in law; those lawyers who represent
They are the staff of the court. people who do not have the capacity
They ensure that the to pay lawyers (Atty. Leni Robredo,
requirements in the Rules of FLAG – Free Legal Assistance
Court are complied with conduct Group by Chel Diokno)
of cases inside the court. - Advantage: altruistic feeling
b. Law Enforcement Agencies – of being able to help those
they are the enforcers of laws who are in need; Also, you
(PCC – enforces the PH will meet varying kinds of

people and varying kinds of
cases (abuses, rape, sexual
assault, class suits, wages)
- Disadvantage: You will not
be rich here as you don’t
expect something in return.
QUESTION: Are government lawyers
prohibited from engaging in other fields of
practice? – Government lawyers can still be
allowed to engage in other fields of practice
given that he or she must secure limited
authority to practice. There are certain
government offices that strictly prohibit their
government lawyers from engaging in other
fields, because it can give an impression of
undue influence. Otherwise, they are subject
to disciplinary action.

----- FIELDS OF LAW-----

A. Criminal Law
Fundamentals of Criminal Law
- a branch of Public Law that
deals with crimes
- if a person violates a penal
law in the PH, it is more of
an offense against the State
than against the private
offended party or the victim
or the heirs of the victim
- Whenever a violation of the
law is committed, there are 2
injuries produced: (a) social
injury against the
state/disturbance of the public
order and (b) personal injury
against the private offended
party because of the
damage/injury caused to him
[People of the PH, it’s the
State that is the real party in
interest; it’s the law of the
State that is being violated & Presidential Decrees (if such
the private offended parties power is delegated by
are the complaining witness Congress); When it comes to
to the violation of such law] this, it is the Congress that
- In case of the conviction of has the power to enact penal
the accused, you’ll notice that laws. There are, however,
in the judgement of the court, instances wherein the
aside from the penalty of Congress would enact the law
imprisonment/fine, there’s that would delegate to the
also the imposition of civil President the power to issue
liability. The Penal Executive Orders. This
imprisonment/fine will is not inherent to the powers
answer for the social of the President. Without the
disturbance. The award of enacted law delegating the
civil indemnity of the same, the President can’t
accused goes to the private exercise such powers.
offended party or to the heirs Although Congress has the
of the private offended party. power to enact such penal
- “CRIME”: any act committed laws, there certain limitations
or omitted in violation of the on their power to enact penal
Public Law for bidding or for laws: (1) penal laws enacted
compelling it; an by Congress must be of
encompassing word (there are general application.
subsections/branches); Otherwise, it will be violative
includes (a) felony – an act or of the equal protection clause
omission punished by the of the Const; (2) penal laws
RPC; crimes that are defined enacted by Congress must not
in the RPC, (b) offense – act partake of the nature of ex-
or omission punished by post facto law; (3) penal laws
Special Penal Law (VAWC, enacted by Congress must not
violation of the Child Abuse partake of the nature of bill of
Law), (c) Infraction of the attainder and (4) penal laws
law – an act or omission enacted by Congress cannot
punished by the local impose cruel or unusual
ordinances as enacted by the punishment or excessive fine
local sanggunian; violation of - DISTINCTION between ex-
a local ordinance [ALL post facto law and bill of
THESE THREE ARE attainder: the former is a law
CALLED CRIMES] which makes an act criminal
- SOURCES of PH although at the time it was
CRIMINAL LAW – RPC, committed, it was not yet so
Special Penal Laws, Penal whereas a bill of attainder is a
Executive Orders, and Penal law which punishes the

offender without giving the - Requisites of IC: (a) act
opportunity to be heard, performed would be an
without giving the offense against persons or
opportunity to state his side property, (b) that the act was
of the story, without due done with evil intent, (c) that
process of law. its accomplishment is
 Art. 4 (RPC) Criminal liability – inherently impossible, or that
Criminal liability shall be incurred: the means employed is
1. By any person committing a inadequate or ineffectual, and
felony (delito) although the (d) the act performed should
wrongful act done be not constitute a violation of
different from that which he another provision of the RPC
intended - Why is a felon is being held
2. By any person performing an criminally liable when he is
act which would be an convicted to have committed
offense against persons or an impossible crime? --- A
property, were it not for the person incurs criminal
inherent impossibility of its liability when committing IC,
accomplishment or an so that person is penalized for
account of the employment of her criminal propensity or
inadequate or ineffectual criminal tendency.
means - Legal Impossibility (all the
- EXAMPLE: Ms. Ruz is a intended acts, even if
maid. She’s being treated accomplished, would not
poorly by her employer, Mr. amount to a crime) v.
Cataluna. One night, Ruz Physical/Factual
went from the market. When Impossibility (extraneous
she arrived home, she saw circumstances that are
Michael lying. She wasn’t unknown to the offender
able to control her anger and beyond the control of the
grudges, so she stabbed him offender which prevented the
while Mr. Cataluna was consummation of the crime)
asleep. Apparently, it was - EXAMPLE: Ms. Matos is a
discovered in the clerk in a bank. She was
investigation that Mr. entrusted a cheque to be
Cataluna was already dead encashed to a certain account.
prior to the incident of Instead of
stabbing. Is Ms. Ruz encashing/depositing the said
criminally liable? --- This is cheque to the intended
an impossible crime. Hence, account, she deposited it to
Ms. Ruz is criminally liable her personal account. It was
for an IC, specifically of legal unknown to Ms. Matos that
impossibility. the cheque was not funded,

so when she deposited it to went to the house of Asido.
her account, there was no They rained bullets to the
money deposited. However, house with the intent to kill
she was prosecuted by her Asido. Apparently, Asido
employer for the crime of wasn’t in the house that time
qualified theft. Is Ms. Matos because she was in a nearby
criminally liable for qualified baryo, campaigning. Is there
theft or is she criminally IC or is there any other crime
liable for an IC or is she not at all? (Case of Intod v. CA)
criminally liable at all? (Case --- It was resolved that there
of Jacinto v. People) --- It was an IC because of the
was resolved in the case that physical impossibility which
there was an IC because it prevented the consummation
sought to penalize the of the crime. [this gained
criminal propensity of Ms. bashing bec it doesn’t fulfill
Matos to commit a crime. the last requisite; the case
However, the said crime was falls under another provision
not committed because of in the RPC namely malicious
factual or physical mischief because of the
impossibility; WHY is she damage to the property of the
not liable for theft? --- It was offended party; HOWEVER,
resolved that there was no we have to follow the SC’s
qualified theft because the decision.]
cheque that Ms. Matos was  Proximate Cause
holding didn’t have any - EXAMPLE: What if Mr.
VALUE. According to the Albonial was having his
SC, theft has been defined siesta one afternoon. Then, he
under Art. 308 as the taking suddenly woke up because of
of the property with the intent the noise coming from the
to gain the personal property children playing in his
of another. Therefore, it is backyard. There were
necessary that the property children playing in the mango
taken must have value tree. He shouted at the
because the taking must be children and threatened them
with the intent to gain. A that he would call the police.
cheque without value is a The children were shocked
worthless cheque. and one of them fell on the
- EXAMPLE: Asido and Ciano ground and hit her head on a
are political opponents. Ciano boulder. Did Mr. Albonial
wanted to kill Asido, so he incur any criminal liability?
doesn’t have an opponent in --- Mr. Albonial was not
the next election. Ciano, criminally liable because
along with his henchmen, under Art. 4, it requires that

such proximate cause must be long as the said resulting
a felonious act. Shouting at felony is the direct, natural
the children for trespassing is and logical consequence of
not a felonious act. his felonious act, he becomes
- EXAMPLE: Same with the criminally liable for the said
example above. This time, resulting felony; refers to
Mr. Albonial held out his gun such cause, which in natural
and aimed his shot towards and continuous sequence,
the direction of the children. unbroken by any efficient
Although he didn’t intend to intervening cause, produces
shoot the children, he just the injury and without which
shot the gun because of the the result would not have
trespassing children. --- occurred.
There is criminal liability by - Requisites:
virtue of the doctrine of a) Intended act is a
proximate cause. Although felonious act
the accused didn’t intend to b) Felonious act resulted
shoot at the children, the act into a felony
of pointing the gun towards c) Resulting felony is
the children caused fear the direct, natural, and
towards the children which is logical consequence
the proximate cause of the of the felonious act of
injury sustained by one of the the offender
children by hitting her head - EXAMPLE: Hannah is
on a boulder when she fell. engaged to Eric. Apparently,
Even if he just held out a gun Eric suddenly backed out
and pulled its trigger without because he already has a wife
reason (gusto lang and five children. Hannah
magpasikat), it is still a was depressed to the extent
felonious act. that she wanted to commit
- Doctrine of proximate cause: suicide. She went to the
Under this doctrine, an rooftop of a building and
offender becomes criminally jumped off. In the given set
liable of a resulting felony of facts, is Eric criminally
although that is not his liable by virtue of doctrine of
intended felony. Provided proximate cause? --- No. The
that he was performing a breach of a promise to marry
felonious act and such was is not an actionable wrong
the proximate cause of the (not a felonious act). There is
said resulting felony. Even if no criminal liability because
he has no intention to commit the first requisite under the
the said resulting felony, his doctrine of proximate cause
intention is different, for as is absent.

- Hannah and Eric are couple. Therefore, the SC said these
Gen was envious of them. victims performed acts that
When Gen encountered broke the tetanus germs on
Hannah in the canteen, the their wounds, hence the
former stabbed the latter with accused would not be liable
a chopstick. Hannah for the death of the victim.
sustained physical injury as (kapag may tetanus
result thereof. Thereafter, poisoning, dapat nag manifest
Hannah went to the hospital na yung symptoms within 14
and underwent medication. days from the infliction of the
However, 25 days after wounds. However, there were
sustaining the injury, Hannah no signs within the 25 days.
died because of a tetanus The tetanus poisoning
infection. In the given set of happened after she was
facts, is Ms. Lim criminally stabbed. There’s a possibility
liable by virtue of doctrine of that she had tetanus
proximate cause? --- [Case of poisoning by being negligent
Urbano v. Intermediate of cleaning her wounds.)
Appellate Court/IAC & Case - Efficient Intervening Cause:
of People v. Villacorta] Gen is an active force which is a
is criminally liable, but she is distinct act or fact absolutely
not criminally liable to the foreign from the felonious act
death of Hannah. According of the offender
to jurisprudence, the SC said - Supervening condition:
that there was an EIC that has happened after committing
broken the causal connection the felonious act
between the act of stabbing  Praeter Intentionem
and the resulting death of the - EXAMPLE: Angelic and
victim which is the tetanus Michael are married couple.
poisoning. The SC relied on One night, Michael went
the expert testimonies of the home hungry and was mad.
doctors that tetanus poisoning Upon arriving at home, he
has an incubation period of found out that there was no
14 days. Therefore, the SC food. Angelic even asked him
said, if the said hack would to buy her a new phone. This
inflicted by the offender on made Michael more upset to
the victim had tetanus germs the point that he elbowed his
at the time of stabbing or wife. This caused Angelic to
hacking, the victim would fall off her feet and fell on a
have died within 2 weeks or table with a vase on it. The
14 days. In these cases, the vase fell on her head and she
victims survived and showed suffered hemorrhage.
signs only on the 25th day. Eventually, she died. Is

Michael criminally liable? --- resulting felony could
Yes. There is criminal not have been
liability by virtue of praeter foreseen.
intentionem on the part of  Aberratio Ictus
Michael. - EXAMPLE: Andrea had a
- EXAMPLE: A father wanted grudge against Joselle.
to discipline his child. He tied Andrea is in illegal
the child and hit him with a possession of an unlicensed
big wood plank (dos por dos) firearm. One time, Joselle
repeatedly. Thereafter, the was riding a motorbike with a
child suffered compulsion driver. Andrea shot at the
and eventually died. --- direction of Joselle, but it was
According to jurisprudence, misaimed. The driver was
there’s no praeter killed instead and Joselle
intentionem. The SC said that sustained physical injuries.
there’s no notable disparity When she was being
between the means employed prosecuted, she defended that
by the offender (father) and she was not criminally liable
the resulting felony (death of for the death of the driver
the child). The SC stated that because she didn’t intent to
the father should have kill him. Is there a criminal
expected that his child would liability? --- There’s still
suffer grave physical injuries criminal liability on the part
when hit repeatedly with a of Andrea by virtue of
big wood plank. Aberratio Ictus.
- Praeter Intentionem: when - Aberratio Ictus: the blow
the consequence went beyond directed to the intended
the intention; intended victim victim landed on another
received the blow but the person (actual victim);
injurious result is far greater accidental harm to a person
than what could have been (an innocent person)
anticipated from the means  Error in Personae
employed by the offender - Shane was having a fistfight
- Requisites: with Cherry. Apparently,
a) Felony has been Cherry outpowered Shane.
committed Shane’s father went to the
b) There is a notable rescue. In a defense, Shane
disparity between the brought out the nail cutter in
means employed by her pocket and brought out
the offender and the the mini sharp object and she
resulting felony and immediately stabbed the first
out of the means person she had beside her
employed, the thinking it was Cherry where

in fact it was her father that - Political Law is the branch of
she stabbed. Is there a Public Law that regulates the
criminal liability on part of relationship between the State
Shane given that her intended and the people. (rights of the
victim was Cherry? --- There people as against the
is criminal liability by virtue authority of the state)
of the doctrine of error in - Constitution: body of rules
personae. and maxims in accordance
- Error in Personae: inflicting with which the powers of
harm to a different person Sovereignty are habitually
which is not the intended exercised (Culi);
victim of the offender Fundamental Law of the
- EXAMPLE: Shane’s Land
daughter was harassed by Mr. - Characteristics of a good
A. Shane reported this to her Consti: (a) brief, (b) broad
husband and the husband and (c) definite
then went to the house of Mr. - Japan’s Consti is the shortest
A. Upon seeing the silhouette and brief.
of Mr. A, the husband - Constitutions may either be
repeatedly punched his face written or unwritten. It may
to the point that it’s already be rigid or flexible. (Flexible
swollen. Apparently, it was in a manner that it can be
found out that it was Mr. B accustomed to the changing
who was the victim of needs of the country).
punching who was the twin - Doctrine of Constitutional
brother of Mr. A. The Supremacy: if any law,
husband defended that he was ordinance, executive order or
not liable as he intended to act of government is
inflict harm on Mr. A and not inconsistent with the Consti,
Mr. B. Is the defense tenable? the latter shall prevail. What
--- No. The defense is not you cannot do directly, you
tenable. Although the cannot do indirectly. What
husband intended to inflict the Consti prohibits done,
harm on Mr. A, he still cannot be done in a different
inflicted harm to the actual way that would achieve the
victim. He is still criminally same prohibited result.
liable by virtue of error in - 3 Parts of the Constitution:
personae. 1. Constitution of the
Government –
B. Constitutional Law contains the structure
- Administered at the first of government and
Sunday of BE how government
powers are distributed

(Articles 6-8; the framers based on the
legislative, executive, transcript of the
and judiciary) deliberations)
2. Constitution of 3. Ut magis valla
Liberty – contains the guamperiat/Totality
rights of the citizens Rule (interpret the
to be used against the provisions of the
awesome power of the Consti based in its
government (Article 3 totality; cross-refer to
– Bill of Rights) other provisions of
3. Constitution of the Consti; the
Sovereignty – part of provisions of the
the Consti that Consti should be
contains methods on harmonized)
how the citizens could - Provisions of the Consti as to
revise or amend the whether it is self-executing or
Consti (Article 17 – not:
Amendments and  GR: the provisions of
Revisions of the the Consti are self-
Consti) executing; it does not
- 3 Rules of Interpreting the need Congressional
provisions of the Consti: In action to be a source
case of doubt, there are 3 of a right or a power
rules of constitutional  XCPN: except those
statutory constructions that provisions in Articles
could be used to ascertain the 2, 8, and 14 – these
intent of the framers of the provisions had been
Consti: jurisprudentially
1. Verba legis (interpret declared as non-self-
the Consti on its plain executing provisions
meaning; plain of the Constitution.
meaning rule) Hence, they need
2. Ratio legis et anima congressional action
(the intention rule; the to be a source of a
interpretation can be right or a power. (as
asked for provided in the case
enlightenment from of Espina v. Zamora)
the deliberations of  Provision on the
the Constitutional Consti prohibiting
Commission who Political Dynasty –
drafted the Consti; there is a provision in
knowing the the Consti prohibiting
intentions of the dynasty, but there is

no enabling law; it’s b) Qualitative test – asks
only a guiding whether the change will
principle accomplish far-reaching
 XCPN to the XCPN – changes in the nature of our
provides that those basic government plan as to
provisions in Art. 2, amount to a revision; whether
8, and 14 that are there’s an alteration in the
complete in structure of government is a
themselves and no proper subject of inquiry; a
longer need change in the nature of a
congressional actions basic governmental plan
to take effect are includes change in its
considered self- fundamental framework or
executing provisions the fundamental powers of its
(basis - case of branches and changes that
Manila Prince Hotel jeopardize the traditional
vs. GSIS) form of government and the
 Revisions and Amendments of the System of Checks and
Constitution (Art. 17) Balances
 To revise is different from to amend  QUESTION: What if only one of
 Revise – complete overhaul of the the provisions of the Consti is to be
Consti that would change changed? Is it automatically an
fundamental structures and systems amendment or a revision? --- If a
of the state single alteration modifies the basic or
 Amend – piecemeal change without fundamental principles of the
affecting the other provisions of the Constitution like the System of
Constitution Checks and Balances, even if it’s one
 2 tests to determine if it’s a provision, it won’t be considered as
revision/amendment: an amendment because it alters the
a) Quantitative test – asks basic principle, other provisions
whether the proposed change would be affected as well. It would
is so extensive in its be considered as a revision.
provisions as to change - A single change of republican
directly the substantial to federal; from bicameral
entirety of the Constitution congress to unicameral
by the deletion or alteration congress – it could achieve
of numerous existing far-reaching changes in the
provisions; the court Constitution so as to amount
examines only the number of to a revision
provisions affected and does  Bodies that make changes to the
not consider the degree of Consti: Constitutional changes may
change be made either through

1. Constitutional Convention – married couple wherein the right to
can make amendments or privacy of the husband was violated)
revisions; requires the 2/3  Doctrine of Separation of Powers –
vote of the members of the the principle of separation of powers
congress or majority vote to refers to the constitutional
submit to electorate the demarcation of the 3 fundamental
question of calling such powers of government; Stems from
convention the notion that the powers of
2. Congress through Constituent government must be divided to avoid
Assembly – can make concentration of these powers in any
amendments or revisions; one branch; the division, it is hoped,
requires ¾ vote of all would avoid any single branch from
members of Congress lording its power over the other
3. People’s Initiatives – can branches or the citizenry; co-equal
only make an amendment and branches of government that are
not revision; a petition of at equally capable of independent
least 12 percentum of the action in exercising their respective
total number of registered mandates
voters of which every  Doctrine of Checks and Balances –
legislative district must be one department is given certain
represented by at least 3 powers by which it may definitely
percentum of the registered restrain the others from exceeding
voters therein (12/3 rule) constitutional authority. It may
 Fundamental Rule: Bill of Rights is object or resist any encroachment
not invoked against private persons. upon its authority, or it may
Most of the time, people would questions, if necessary, any acts or
invoke the provisions of Bill of acts which unlawfully interferes with
Rights as against fellow citizens and its sphere of jurisdiction and
this is erroneous. The provisions of authority (Suarez, 2005)
the BR are claimed as protection
against the government abuses. It - Illustrations of checks and
safeguards the people against balances:
government atrocities, 1. The lawmaking power of
capriciousness. If you heard someone the Congress is checked
invoking their right against by the President through
unreasonable searches and seizures its veto power, which in
against their neighbors, that is wrong turn maybe overturn by
because the BR is formulated as the legislature.
shield for people against government 2. The Congress may refuse
atrocities. (XCPN to the fundamental to give its concurrence to
rule - Case of Zulueta v. CA wherein an amnesty proclaimed by
the SC granted the right to be the President and the
invoked between 2 private persons or

Senate to a treaty he has laws. Congress enacts the bill
concluded. and the President approves it.
3. The President may nullify 2. The President prepares a budget
a conviction in a criminal and Congress enacts an
case by pardoning the appropriation bill pursuant to that
offender. budget.
4. The Congress may limit 3. The President enters into a treaty
the jurisdiction of the with foreign countries and the
Supreme Court and that Senate ratifies the same.
of inferior courts and 4. The Supreme Court may declare
even abolish the latter a treaty, international or
tribunals. executive agreement, or law, as
5. The Judiciary in general unconstitutional, and it has also
has the power to declare the power to declare invalid any
invalid an act done by the act done by the other departments
Congress, the President of government.
and his subordinates, or 5. The grant of amnesty by the
the Constitutional President is subject to the
Commissions. concurrence of a majority of all
- Checks and balances occur the members of the Congress.
between and among the 3
fundamental branches and other  Non-delegation of Powers Doctrine –
constitutional bodies. logical corollary to the Doctrine of
Separation of Powers; “what has
been delegated cannot be delegated”;
based on the ethical principle that
such as delegated power constitutes
 Doctrine of Blending of Powers - it not only a right but a duty to be
is impracticable to effect a strict and performed by the delegate through
complete separation of powers; for the instrumentality of his own
the sake of a good and efficient judgement and not through the
government Sharing of powers of the intervening mind of another; With
different departments of government respect to the Constitution, the
whereby one department helps and powers which Congress is prohibited
coordinates with the other in the from delegating are those which are
exercise of a particular power, strictly, or inherently and
function or responsibility; XCPN to exclusively, legislative.
the GR of Separation of Powers  Political Question Doctrine – courts
- Example of shared powers/ can’t decide on matters that are
blending of powers: political questions in nature; political
1. The President and Congress help question refers to “those questions
one another in the making of which, under the Constitution, are to
be decided by the people in their

sovereign capacity, or in regard to - Divided into 2 parts: Labor
which full discretionary authority has Law I (labor standards) and
been delegated to the Legislature or Labor Law II (labor
executive branch of the government. relations). It also covers
It is concerned with the issues social welfare legislation
dependent upon the wisdom, not (GSIS, SSS law, benefits)
legality, of a particular measure.”; - A highly specialized area of
- While courts can determine practice.
questions of legality with respect - QUESTION: Do labor laws
to governmental action, they only pertain to the Labor
cannot review government policy Code/ Are labor laws
and the wisdom thereof, for these exclusively governed by the
questions have been vested by Labor Code? --- No. Labor
the Constitution in the Executive laws also pertain to other
and Legislative Departments. laws. There are certain
 Doctrine of transcendental provisions under Constitution
importance – XCPN to the doctrine that provide qualifications
of hierarchy of courts; When the case and protections for labor.
involves transcendental importance, There are also special laws
immediate resort to the Supreme that govern labor
Court may be warranted. (Kasambahay Law).
 Four-fold test in determining the
existence of an employer-employee
1. Selection and engagement of
employee –
C. Labor Law 2. Payment of wages
Fundamentals 3. Power of
- Labor law is the field of law dismissal/termination
that defines the relationship 4. Power to control the
between the employer and employee’s conduct (control
employees as well as certain test)
3rd persons in connection with
employment. It establishes - The most crucial test among
the rights of each parties and the 4 is the control test. It’s
determines their duties and the so called “control test”
obligations. Basically, the which has the most important
law regulates employment index in the existence of an
relationship. In certain employer-employee
scenarios, there will be 3 relationship. Stated
parties (job contracting). otherwise, an employer-
- Given on the 1st day of BE employee relationship exists
having 10% weight where the employer for

whom the services are approach would be therefore,
performed reserves the right to adopt a two-tier test
to control not only the involving (1) employer’s
end/work to be achieved but power to control the
also the manner and method employee with respect to the
to by which such work is to means and method by which
be achieved. (Pacific the work is to be
Consultants International accomplished and (2)
Asia, Inc. v. Klaus K. underlying economic realities
Schonfeld) of the activity or relationship
- EXAMPLE: Law wanted a - Economic Reality Test: the
cake. He availed the service proper standard of economic
of a local pastry chef to make dependence is whether the
his cake. After which, he sent worker is dependent on the
a picture of the cake that he alleged employer for his
wants (result). If he specifies continued employment in that
the kind of ingredients and line of business (does the
the kind of baking method he employee rely on the
wanted the pastry chef to employer for his livelihood?
apply, he had an exercise of If the answer’s affirmative,
control over the matter. there’s employment
Otherwise, he does not relationship)
exercise control and only - South West Disaster Control
wants the result. The pastry (Selection & Engagement;
chef had liberty as to what Wages; Dismissal; Control)
means and methods she’d - Four-fold test is a highly
like to use. contested area because of the
- 2-tier test in determining general rule that the
employment relationship: existence of an employer-
a) Control test employee relationship is a
b) Economic reality test condition sine qua non for the
– supplements the application of the labor laws
control test; and for the labor courts to
- Generally, courts have relied have jurisdiction. If the four-
on control test. However, fold test is not satisfied, then
there are some cases that the labor laws will not operate in
control test is not sufficient to a particular case.
picture the relationship - QUESTION: Is it necessary
between the parties owing to to have a written contract of
the complexity of such a employment to have an
relationship where several employer-employee
positions have been held by relationship? --- No. An
the worker. The better employment contract may be

oral or written. A written furnishes/does the
contract is not necessary for work and the goal is
the creation and validity of to have an equitable
the relationship. However, share in the profits; if
there’s XCPN (kasambahay the management is
law). Under the kasambahay progressive, they aim
law, it is required to have to have equitable
written contract of share; have worker’s
employment. rights (minimum
- Once the employment standards [minimum
relationship is deemed to be wage] and other
established/existing, the LC social legislations;
is deemed automatically constitutional rights
incorporated into the said to security of tenure,
relationship. Under the trike, collective
Principle of Incorporation, bargaining)
the minimum labor standards - When the interests of the
and benefits in LC are management and interests of
considered inherent in every the labor clash, that is where
employer-employee the state intervenes because
relationship even in the the state has to regulate the
absence of written conflicting interests of the
employment contract. employer and the employee
- In the discussion of labor under the Balancing of
laws, there are usually 2 interest Doctrine.
parties involved (employer - Balancing of Interest
and employee): Doctrine: the state has the
o Employer – obligation to balance the
considered as the interests of the labor and the
management; one management by exercising
who provides capital police power
for the business; its  Basic Provisions in the LC:
goal is to derive as o Art. 3. Declaration of Basic
much profit as it can Policy – state assures the
(kumita); has rights of the workers and
management regulate the relations between
prerogatives (hiring, workers and employers
employment o Art. 4. Construction in favor
classification, right to of Labor – all doubts in the
make rules and implementation and
regulations) interpretation of the
o Employee – labor provisions of this Code
faction who

including its IRR shall be employee of his
resolved in favor of labor duties
- QUESTION: Under Art. 4, o Fraud or willful
does it mean that the state breach by the
automatically leans towards employee of the trust
the interest of the employees? reposed in him by his
--- No. This provision only employer or duly
applies when there is doubt in authorized
the implementation and representative
interpretation of the o Commission of a
provisions of the LC. The LC crime or offense by
equally protects both the the employee against
employers and employees. the person of his
The state has to balance the employer or any
interests of the management immediate member of
and the labor (Balancing of his family or his duly
Interest Doctrine) authorized
- “Those who have less in life representatives
shall have more in law.” o Other causes
(embodiment of Social analogous to the
Welfare Legislation) foregoing
 Just Causes  Authorized Causes
- Grounds for termination of - Grounds which the law itself
employment due to the authorizes to be invoked to
employee’s violations; means justify the termination of an
that the employee has employee even if he has not
committed a wrongful act or committed any wrongful act
omission or omission
- the employer is justified - The employer is authorized to
dismissing an employee for separate employees from
just cause their employment due to a
- Art. 282 of the LC provides legitimate business reason or
the ff. just causes: a requirement by law or
o Serious misconduct or regulations.
willful disobedience - Art. 283 and 284 of the LC
by the employee of set out the ff. authorized
the lawful orders of causes:
his employer or o Installation of labor-
representative in saving devices,
connection with his redundancy,
work retrenchment to
o Gross and habitual prevent losses or the
neglect by the closing or cessation of

operation of the manufactured or undertaken
establishment or by the enterprise or phasing
undertaking out of service activity priorly
(business-related undertaken by the business
causes) 3. Retrenchment – “termination
o When the employee is of employment initiated by
suffering from any the employer through no fault
disease and whose of the employees and without
continued prejudice to the latter,
employment is resorted to by management
prohibited by law or during periods of business
is prejudicial to his recession, industrial
health as well as to depression, or seasonal
the health of his co- fluctuations or during lulls
employees (health- occasioned by lack of work
related cause) or orders, shortage of
- Business-related causes: materials; or considerable
1. Installation of labor-saving reduction in the volume of
device – a management employer’s business,
prerogative and the courts conversion of the plant for a
will not interfere with its new production program or
exercise in the absence of the introduction of new
abuse of discretion, methods or more efficient
arbitrariness, or malice on the machinery, or of
part of management; will automation.”
result in making positions - Proof of losses or
being held by employees who possible imminent losses
will be adversely affected is the distinctive requisite
thereby redundant and of retrenchment
unnecessary 4. Closure or Cessation of
2. Redundancy – exists when Business Operations – the
services of an employee are complete or partial cessation
in excess of what is of the operations or shutdown
reasonably demanded by the of the establishment of the
actual requirements of an employer; it is carried out to
enterprise; happens when the stave off the financial ruin or
position is superfluous promote the business interest
because of a number of of the employer
factors such as over-hiring of
workers, decreased volume of - Health-related cause:
business, dropping of a 1. Disease is also of one
particular product line or the authorized causes
service activity previously to terminate

employment. and/or diminution in
HOWEVER, not all pay
kinds of disease may 3. A clear
be considered as a discrimination,
valid ground to insensibility or
terminate disdain by the
employment. It must employer becomes
be proven that an unbearable to the
employee’s continued employee that it could
employment is foreclose any choice
prohibited by law or by him but to forego
prejudicial to his his continued
health as well as to employment
the health of his co- - There’s difference between
employees. Further, a illegal dismissal and
competent public constructive dismissal
health authority must (according to jurisprudence).
issue a medical There’s the same relief to
certificate that the both ID and CD (Art. 294):
disease is of such o ID – readily shown by
nature or at such a the act of the
stage that it cannot be employer in openly
cured within a period and expressly seeking
of 6 months even with in effecting the
proper medical termination of the
treatment. employee; employer
would normally
 Constructive Dismissal defend and justify the
- A dismissal in disguise termination
- An act amounting to o CD – dismissal in
dismissal but made to appear disguise; not readily
as if it were not. (according to shown or indicated by
jurisprudence) any similar act of the
- There is CD when any of the employer that would
following 3 circumstances openly and expressly
exists: show his desire to
1. When continued terminate the
employment is relationship; notably,
rendered impossible, CD doesn’t always
unreasonable, or forthright dismissal;
unlikely employer would
2. When there’s contend that there’s
demotion in rank no termination at all

- Difference between salary annulment,
and wages. THEY ARE declaration of nullity,
NOT SYNONYMOUS: divorce is discussed
o Salary – fixed as a point of
monthly (salary comparison but
grade) there’s no divorce in
o Wages – manual PH, when is a
labor; earned by hour; marriage
“no work, no pay”; 8 valid/void/voidable
hours of work & who are obliged to
give support, family
home, property
relations between
2. Obligations and
D. Civil Law Contracts
Fundamentals 3. Law on Succession
- The mass of precepts which (when is there death,
determine and regulate the when is there
relations of assistance, transmission of rights
authority and obedience between the decedent
among the members of a and the heirs,
family and those which exist legitimate and
among members of a society illegitimate child –
for the protection of private the former has
interests (as held in the Case entitlement to his
of Texon v. COMELEC) share in the estate
- Foundational and broad twice as much as that
subject in law school of an illegitimate
- During Bar Exams, it is child, how the
normally scheduled on the 2nd property is
Sunday and it has a distributed, testate –
weight/percentage of 15%. may will na iniwan
However, CL was given a yung decedent,
25% weight in a recent intestate – no will by
concluded BE. the late decedent)
- In our daily lives, it is 4. Law on Property
applicable and very (pinakagasgas since
fundamental especially in LS. hindi uso yung
- Covers the subjects: pagpapatitulo ng lupa
1. Persons and family – issues are usually
relations (requisites involved in the rights
of marriage, of the heirs to the

property, easements (OLDTIPS) are by
and servitudes – occupation, law, donation,
one’s property is tradition, intellectual
surrounded by other creation, prescription, and
land properties so succession as provided in Art.
much so that he no 712 of the NCC.
longer has - As held in jurisprudence, the
access/way to the registration court does not
road) grant the applicant title over
5. Law on Sales – if the property but merely
there is the conduct recognizes the applicant’s
of sales existing title which had
6. Law on Lease – already vested upon the
when renting an applicant’s compliance with
apartment/property the requirement of open,
of others continuous, notorious
7. Law on Agency – possession, and occupation of
when you authorized the land.
a - There are usually those who
representative/agent falsify deed of sale and after
and that agent’s which, they will register it to
authority is being their name. The real owner
questioned will file for an action for
8. Law on Partnership reconveyance because the
– how profit is to be land was obtained by fraud.
shared to the partners 11. Torts and damages
(hatian sa proft) – one of the sources
9. Credit Transactions of obligations (quasi-
10. Land Titles and delict)
Deeds – in
connection with
Property Law, it is E. Taxation
concerned with who Fundamentals
owns the property - Taxation is the power by
- QUESTION: If the property which the sovereign raises
is named to you, does it mean revenues to defray the
that you own it? --- One expenses of government. It is
common misconception is a way of apportioning the
that when someone registers cost of the government
the land in his name, he is among those who, in some
automatically the owner of measure, are privileged to
the land. The modes of enjoy its benefits and must
acquiring ownership bear its burden.

- It is a destructive power - Definition of “tax”: enforced
which interferes with the proportional contributions
personal and property rights from persons and property
of the people and takes from levied by the law-making
a portion of their property for body of the state by the virtue
the support of the of its sovereignty for the
government (case of Paseo support of government and
Realty and Development for all public needs (Culi);
Corp. vs. CA). financial obligation imposed
- Taxation is one of the by the State on persons
inherent powers of the state. whether natural or juridical
In order for a state to survive, within its jurisdiction or
it has to exercise its power to property owned, income
tax. Being an attribute of earned, business or
sovereignty, the power to tax profession engaged in or any
has been described as such other activity analogous
unlimited in its range, in character for raising the
acknowledging its very necessary revenues to take
nature no limits, so that care of the responsibilities of
security against its abuse is to the government
be found only in the - LIFE-BLOOD
legislature’s responsibility DOCTRINE: the taxes are
which imposes the tax on the the life-blood of govt;
constituency who are to pay expresses the underlying
it. basis of taxation which is
- Taxation is an incident of governmental necessity.
sovereignty. Without taxation, the
- QUESTION: In the absence government can neither exist
of an expressed grant in the nor endure. Taxation is
Constitution of the power to indispensable and inevitable
tax, does it mean that a price for a civilized society.
certain state doesn’t have the Without taxes, the
power to tax? --- The power government would be
to tax is inherent and by paralyzed. The existence of a
inherent, it means that even government is a necessity and
without the express grant of it can’t exist nor endure
the said power in the without the means to pay its
Constitution, still the said expenses and for those
power continues to exist and expenses the government has
it could still be exercised by the right to compel all its
the state. (Kapag inherent, di citizens and properties within
na need ng express grant) its limit to contribute in the
form of taxes.

- Characteristics/Attributes Usually, they are the ones
of tax: who don’t reach the
o Tax is a forced minimum amount of
charge/imposition/con annual gross income
tribution. As such, it (250,000 pesos, if below
operates ad invitum this, di na mabayad).
(no way dependent However, the higher the
upon the will or income, the more you
contractual assent have the ability to pay
express or implied of and the taxes imposed are
the person taxed) – higher.
whether you like it or
o It is a pecuniary burden payable in
not, you are subject to
money but backpay certs may be
the power to tax by
used in payment of taxes (case of
the government
Borja v. Gella). The taxpayer is not
(however, you may
allowed to settle his tax liability by
prove to a certain
conveying real or personal property
extent that you are
in view of the problem of assigning
excluded to the
value to such property.
coverage of taxation);
o Imposed by the State on persons,
no consent needed
o It is assessed in property, or excises within its
jurisdictions in accordance with the
accordance with some
Principle of Territoriality. As the
reasonable rule of
state may exercise its power of
apportionment which
taxation only within its territorial
means that conformity
jurisdiction, said power may not be
with the
exercised within premises of
embassies and diplomatic missions
mandate for Congress
of a sending state located in the
to evolve a
host/receiving state which is
progressive tax
considered by fiction of International
system. Taxes must
Law as an extension of the territorial
be based on
jurisfiction of the sending state
taxpayer’s ability to
thereby granting the sending state
pay. – taxpayer’s
exclusive sovereignty within its
ability to pay
premises – PH government can’t
(progressive tax
impose tax on certain transactions
undertaken outside its jurisdiction. It
* There are certain can’t tax citizens of other states. (It is
citizens or employees not absolute as there are certain
who are exempted from XCPNs).
the payment of taxes.

PH Competition Act,
Transportation Law (under
- Corporation – defined as an
artificial being created by
operation of law having the
rights of succession and the
powers, attributes, and
properties expressly
authorized by law or
incidental to its existence
(Sec.2 of the Revised
Corporation Code)
 Attributes of a
F. Mercantile/Commercial Law 1. Created by
Fundamentals operation of law
- 15% in BE 2. It has the rights of
- Branch of Private Law which succession
regulates juridical relations 3. It is an artificial
arising from commercial being
acts/transactions 4. It has the powers,
- Covers: corporation law, attributes, and
insurance law, negotiable properties expressly
instruments law, banking authorized by law
law, intellectual property law, or incidental to its
PH Competition Act, anti- existence
money laundering, pre-need, - Doctrine of Separate
etc. Juridical Personality: a
- One of the highly specialized corporation has a separate
areas in LS and distinct personality from
- Biggest chunk is the those who represent/compose
Corporation Law it; its officers are solidarily
- QUESTION: True or False. liable only when exceptional
Commercial Law is circumstances exist such as
exclusively enshrined in the cases enumerated in Sec. 31
Code of Commerce. --- of the Corp Code (case of
Commercial Law is not Pioneer Insurance v.
exclusively enshrined in the Morningstar Travel and
Code of Commerce because Tours)
there are special laws also  A corporation is a
governing commercial laws separate entity from
like Truth in Lending Act,

the stockholder, corporation has legal
officers, and directors. personality separate and
 Whatever a distinct from the corporators
corporation does, it composing it.
does not necessarily  A stockholder may
mean that the be held liable for the
stockholders or obligations of a
officers will be liable corporation (guilty of
for it because it is a fraud).
separate entity.  If a corporation has
Whatever is its fault is done something
not the fault of those wrong because of
who fraud by a director or
represent/compose it. an officer, then that
 If a corporation had a responsible person
violation of a law, it can be held liable.
will incur penalties.  A corporation can’t
However, a be imprisoned but
corporation cannot be those officers guilty
sent to prison. of fraud may be
 A corporation cannot incarcerated.
be incarcerated.  The least that a
Imprisonment is a corporation can
restraint to liberty. A obtain is penalty. It
corp doesn’t have can be penalized
liberty in the same through suspending
sense of a person. certificates, payment
 The fault of the of fines, but
stockholder is not the definitely can’t be
fault of the imprisoned.
- Doctrine of Piercing the G. Legal Ethics
Veil of Corporate Fiction: Fundamentals
it’s an XCPN to the Doctrine - 5% of the BE
of Separate Juridical - Talks about Practice of Law,
Personality. It allows a duty of a lawyer to the public,
stockholder or a member of court, colleagues, and clients,
the corporation to be held Rules of Court, Code of
liable for the obligations of Judicial Conduct,
the corp. This doctrine allows Jurisprudence, Code of
the state to disregard for Professional Responsibility
certain justifiable reasons the - Among the forms of legal
notion or fiction that the ethics are legal forms

(drafting of legal documents - Broken down into 4 other
– certification and branches/primary subjects:
verification, 1. Civil procedure
acknowledgement) 2. Criminal procedure
- Do’s and Don’ts of a lawyer 3. Special proceedings
- Code of Judicial Ethics 4. Evidence – most
(grounds for inhibition to a practical
certain judge – you will doubt - RL also pertains to
his impartiality because your provisional remedies, special
opponent in the court is a civil actions, katarungang
relative of the judge) pambarangay, summary
- Evidence: means sanctioned
H. Remedial Law by the rules in ascertaining in
Fundamentals a judicial proceeding the truth
- Only lawyers get to study respecting a matter of fact;
Remedial Law in detail meaning, the technical rules
- The branch of law which of evidence does not govern
prescribes the method of other proceedings that are not
enforcing rights or obtaining judicial in nature
redress (remedy) for their (administrative proceedings)
invasion (held in the case of - Quantum of Evidence
Bostos v. Lucero) 1. Proof beyond
- QUESTION: T or F. reasonable doubt
Remedial law is only 2. Clear and
confined in the Rules of Convincing Evidence
Court. --- F. Remedial Law is 3. Preponderance of
not exclusively found in the Evidence
Rules of Court. It is 4. Substantial evidence
contained in the Rules of - Rules of Admissibility of
Court however circulars of Evidence:
the SC implementing the 4 requirements:
Rules of Court like the Rules 1. Relevant to the issue
on Summary Procedure also in the case
forms part of the Remedial 2. Must be competent,
Law. RL makes reference to must not be excluded
jurisprudence or landmark by the rules (not
cases. illegal)
- “hardest” subject in LS 3. Must be duly
- Substantive law (Civil Code) authenticated
and Procedural law (evidence is the real
(Remedial Law, Rules of thing that you are

presenting in the amounting to lack or excess of
Court) jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
4. Must be formally instrumentality of the Government.
offered & the ii. Rule Making Power
purpose must be of the Supreme Court
stated  Sec. 5, Par. 5 of Art. 8 of the 1987
The SC shall exclusive have this
Promulgate rules concerning the
protection and enforcement of
constitutional rights, pleading, practice,
and procedure in all courts, the
admission to the practice of law, the
Integrated Bar, and legal assistance to
the underprivileged. Such rules shall
provide a simplified and inexpensive
procedure for the speedy disposition of
cases, shall be uniform for all courts of
the same grade, and shall not diminish,
increase, or modify substantive rights.
Rules of procedure of special courts and
quasi-judicial bodies shall remain
effective unless disapproved by the
Supreme Court. (Estipona vs Lodrigo)
iii. Jurisdiction
 Jurisdiction: power of the courts to hear
and decide cases and to execute the
judgment thereon.
 SC’s jurisdiction is determined by
the Constitution
a. Mandate, Nature and Powers
 Lower courts’ jurisdiction is
i. Judicial power
determined by Congress (GIVEN
 Tradition judicial power
that it can’t be expanded without the
Section 1. The judicial power shall be
Court’s advice and concurrence)
vested in one Supreme Court and in
 If the Congress determines the
such lower courts as may be established
jurisdiction of SC, it disrupts the
by law. Judicial power includes the duty
Principle of Separation of Powers
of the courts of justice to settle actual
(because government departments
controversies involving rights which are
legally demandable and enforceable,
are CO-EQUAL branches)
 Extended judicial power  There’s no such thing as judicial
- to determine whether or not there supremacy and judicial legislation.
has been a grave abuse of discretion iv. Composition

 Section 4. (1) The Supreme Court shall - Determines the proper
be composed of a Chief Justice and venue or the choice of
fourteen Associate Justices. It may sit forum where petitions for
en banc or in its discretion, in division of certiorari, mandamus, and
three, five, or seven Members. Any prohibition should be
vacancy shall be filled within ninety filed
days from the occurrence thereof. ii. MTC, RTC, CA and
v. Judicial Review SC
 The courts are vested with the  MTC (First Level Courts) – MeTC
authority to test the validity of the (first level courts in Metropolitan
legislative and executive acts as to Manila); MTCC (Municipal Trial
their conformity with the Courts in Cities, courts in cities
Constitution. outside Metro Manila); MTC
 A court with a power of judicial (Municipal Trial Courts covering one
review may invalidate laws, acts, and municipality); MCTC (Municipal
governmental action that are Circuit Trial Courts, covers 2 or
incompatible with the higher more municipalities)
authority.  RTC (Second Level Courts) –
 Elements established among the 13 judicial
1) There must be an actual case or regions in the PH consisting of
justiciable controversy before the Regions I to XII and the NCR;
Court formerly called as the Court of First
2) The question before the Court must Instance
be ripe for adjudication  CA – considered as the 2nd highest
3) The person challenging the act must tribunal in the country; composed of
be a proper party one presiding justice and 68
4) The issue of constitutionality must associate justices all of which are
be raised at the earliest opportunity appointed by the President from a
and must be the very litis mota of the shortlist submitted by the Judicial
case and Bar Council; qualifications to the
b. Forms and Hierarchy of justices of SC also apply to members
Courts of the CA (original, exclusive
i. Doctrine of Hierarchy original jurisdiction, exclusive
of Courts appellate jurisdiction)
- Will only be violated if  SC – both original and appellate
there’s a concurrent jurisdiction; has administrative
jurisdiction supervision over all courts and court
- Prohibits parties from personnel (Sec. 6)
directly resulting in the c. Quasi-judicial/Administrative
SC when relief may be Tribunals
obtained from the lower i. Nature – a non-
courts judicial body which
can interpret law; an

entity like an
arbitration panel or
tribunal board that can
be a public
administrative agency
but also a private law
entity which has been
given powers and
resembling those of a
court of law or judge,
and which is obliged
to objectively
determine facts and
draw conclusions
from them to provide
the basis of an official
Board of Investments,
Bureau of Patents,
(the decisions of these
bodies are appealed to an
appellate court)
ii. Forms
 Regular
 Special
 Collegiate
 Lower


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