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Using Adverbs of Manner, Place

and Time in Sentences

Module in English 4
Quarter 3 ● Week 1


Redeveloped by: MARK ANTHONY A. GARCIA

Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

NAME: _____________________________________________
Grade & Section: ____________________

Submit only the page that contains the Post-Assessment/ Written Work and Performance Task
ENGLISH 4 Third Quarter Lesson 1 SY 2021-2022

Objective: Use adverbs of manner, place and time in sentences


You have learned in your past modules that a verb shows action in the
You can figure out and locate the verbs in a sentence by asking, “What did
this person or thing do?”
For example:
Maria wrote every word she said. (What did Maria do?)
Peter gives his sister an apple. (What does Peter do?)
My father drives a van. (What does father do?)

Do you know who Ferdinand Magellan is?

Read the short story about him then study the questions and related
answers that follow.

1. When did Ferdinand Magellan reach the shore of Samar?
2. How did they sail to Cebu?
3. Where did Magellan die?
These are the answers to the questions.
* on March 16, 1521
* tirelessly
* to Mactan
All the answers to the questions are examples of adverbs. Questions started
with when, how and where were answered with adverbs.
What is an adverb?
An adverb describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
It answers the questions when, where or how.

Kinds of Adverbs:
1. Adverb of Manner
It tells how an action is done. It answers the question how.
Most adverbs of manner end in –ly such as happily, slowly, quickly,
gently, peacefully and carefully, etc.
● Lapulapu bravely fought with Magellan.
● The farmers worked tirelessly all day.
● They sat and ate hungrily.
2. Adverb of Place
It tells where an action is done. It answers the question where.
Most common adverbs of place are here, inside, everywhere, around, in
school and to the market, etc.
● Rajah Humabon and 800 Cebuanos were baptized in Cebu.
● We went to the Strawberry Farm.
● We picked fresh strawberries there.
3. Adverb of Time
It tells when the action is done. It answers the question when.
Most adverbs of time are today, tomorrow, next year, later, in the
morning and monthly, etc.
● Ferdinand Magellan reached the shore of Samar on March 16, 1521.
● This morning, Andrea found her plants withered.
● She forgot to water them yesterday.

Try these activities to enhance your skills.

Activity 1
Complete the sentence using the adverbs of manner found inside the box.

1. The problem could be solved __________.

2. “Please, could you speak to me __________?”

3. My mother waited __________.

4. The man was walking __________.

5. He was driving __________.

Activity 2
Match column A with the correct adverb in column B to complete the
sentence. Write the letter of your answer.
_____ 1. The doctors start doing their round
A. immediately.
_____ 2. Patients who go to the emergency room need
to be checked B. yesterday.

_____ 3. The nurse helped out in the operating room

C. tomorrow.
_____ 4. She will visit the hospital
D. after a week.
_____ 5. My grandmother just had a surgery. She can
leave the hospital E. in the morning.

Activity 3
Pick out the adverb of place used in each sentence. Write the answer on the
blank provided before the number.

__________ 1. During lockdown, police officers are everywhere in the city.

__________ 2. People are not allowed to go outside their barangay.

__________ 3. It is safer to stay inside our homes.

* Let’s summarize what we have learned in this module by choosing the

answers from the given choices.
Write the answer on the blank provided.

An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

There are kinds of adverbs. An adverb of manner answers the question

_______________. An _______________ tells when an action is done. An adverb of
place tells _______________ an action happened. An example of an adverb of place
is _______________ while patiently is an example of _______________.
NAME: _____________________________________________
Grade & Section: ____________________

ENGLISH 4 Third Quarter Lesson 1 SY 2021-2022

Eng4Q3M1-Post Assessment/Written Work

Choose the letter of the correct adverb (best answer) to complete the sentence.
_____ 1. We stayed at home __________ to do the household chores.
A. next year B. last weekend C. later on
_____ 2. Father __________ waited for Mother when they went to the market.
A. hardly B. courageously C. patiently
_____ 3. Mother prepared a sumptuous breakfast __________.
A. this morning B. this afternoon C. this evening
_____ 4. My younger brother watered the plants __________.
A. in the backyard B. in the dining area C. in the living room
_____ 5. My sister __________ helped me in cleaning the house.
A. lovingly B. hardly C. honestly
_____ 6. Junior went to bed __________ so he could wake up early to do his
assigned task.
A. early B. late C. before
_____ 7. One fine day, Anna and Elsa walked __________ to exercise.
A. around the park B. around the house C. around the school
_____ 8. They __________ forgot about the time and were left by the last jeepney
in going home.
A. quickly B. unknowingly C. happily
_____ 9. Anna __________ sent a message to her parents to pick them up.
A. hurriedly B. joyfully C. curiously
_____ 10. Their parents looked for them __________ and tightly hugged upon
seeing them.
A. at the flower garden B. at the biking area C. at the museum

Eng4Q3M1-Performance Task

Choose the correct adverb to complete the paragraph. Encircle your answer.

After planting vegetables in the backyard (yesterday, tomorrow),

we briskly entered the house. Before we went (outside, inside) we
(carefully, continuously) wiped our feet and washed our hands. I ran
(upstairs, downstairs) at the second floor and was quite tired. So, I
relaxed on my bed and took a nap. When I awoke, my sister had
(lovingly, dutifully) brought me some hot chocolate. What a nice day!

Formative Activity

Activity 1
1. easily
2. loudly
3. patiently
4. quietly
5. quickly

Activity 2
1. E
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D

Activity 3
1. everywhere
2. outside
3. inside

adverb of time
in school
adverb of manner

Post Assessment
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. B

Performance Task

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