11 M Relation&Function

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Choose the correct answer from the glven four options (1 to 32)
1. If A -1,2,5, 81, B= (0, 1,3,6, 7) and R be the relation "is one less than" from A to B, then
Ra8 a set of ordered pairs is
(a) I-1,0), (2, 3), (5, 6) (b) I(-1,0), (2, 1), (8, 7)
()I(0, 1), (2, 3), (6, 7)) (d) I(1, 2), (2, 3), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8)
2. If R= ((, y) : x, y e W, 2x +y = 8), then domain of R is
(a) 10, 1, 2,3, 4, 5 (6) (0, 1,2,3, 4, 5, 61 (c) (0,1,2,3, 4) (d) (0,1, 2, 3
3. IfR = 1(x, y): x, y e N, x+ 2y= 21), then range of R is
(a) 11,2,3,. 7,8) (b) 11,2,3, ...9,101 ()11,3,5,7... 19 () 1,3,5,7,...15}
4. A =1, 2,3,4, 5,6} and R be the relation defined on A by R (,y):x,y e A, xdivides yl,
then range of R is

(o) 12, 3,4, 5, 6 (b) |1,2,3, 4,5 (c) (2,4,61 (d) 11,2,3, 4, 5, 6}
Let A 13, 5) and B {17, 11) and R be the relation from A to
= = B defined as R =
{(a, b): a e A,
B,a-b is odd), then
(a) R AxB (b) R= p (c) RcAx B (d) RcB xA
. Given R = {(x, y): x, y e Z, y =x-31, then which ordered pair belongs to R?

(a) (1,4) (b) (0,3) (c) (5,2) (d)(-4,1)

7. IFR {(r, y): x,ye W, x2 +
y2 =
169), then domain of R is
(a) 10,5, 12, 131 (b)-13,-12,-5,0,5, 12, 13
(c) {0, 1, 2,3, 13)... (d) (0, t1, t2,.. t13
8. IFA {a, b} and B (x, y, z}, then the number of relations from B to A is
= =

(a) 8 (b) 16 (c) 32 (d) 64

9. Let n(A) = m and n(B) = n, then the number of non-empty relations from A to Bis
(a) m" (b) n-1 (c) 2m-11 (d) 2mn
10. Let A be a finite set containing n elements, then the number of relations on A is

(a) 2 (b) 2n2 () n2

11. If A = (2,3, 4, 5, 6) and R is a relation on set A defined by R = {(, y):y=X+2,x,yEAJ th
R is
(a) (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6)) (b) (4,2), (5, 3), (6, 4)}
c)(2,4), (5, 3),(4,6)) (d) 4,2), (3, 5), (4, 6)}
12. Which of the following relations is a function?
(a) R 1(4, 6), (3,9), (-11, 6), (3, 11)) (6) R={(1, 2), (2, 4), (2, 6), (3, 5))
(c) R= {(2, 1), (4, 3), (6, 5), (8, 7), (10, 9)) (d) R= {(0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3,1), (3,5)
X to Y?
13. Which of the following arrow diagrams represents a function from
(a) (b)

d d

(c) (d)

be b

14. Let A and B be two finite sets, then the number of functions from A to B is

(a)n(A).n(B) (6) 2m(A).nB) )n(A)nB) (d) tn(B)}mtA)

to A is
15. Let Abe finite set containing 3 elements, then the number of functions from A

a) 512 (b) 511 (c) 27 (4) 26

16. The domain of the function fdefined by f(x) = ya2 - x2 (a>0) is

(6) -a, a] (c)[0,a] (d) (-a, 0]

17. The domain of the functionf defined byf (t) = v* -9 is
() (-o,-3]U[3, o) (4) [0,3]
(a)-3,3]1 (b) -3,3)
18. The domain of the function fdefined by fx) =* * is
x2 - x - 6

d) R-(-3, 2)
(a) R-3,-2] (b) R--3,2) (c) R-13,-2
19. The domain of the functionf defined byf () =

(a) (-o, 0) (b) (0, co) c)(-o,0 (d)

20. The domain and range of the real function fdefined byf(x) = 2 are

(a) Domain 5 R a n g e = (-,-1]U(0,)

() Domain =R-{S.Range =
(-, -1]U (0, o)

c)Domain = , Range = (-o, 0) U(0, o)

(d)Domain=R- Range =(-,1]U2.)

21. The domain and range or the real functionf defined byf(x) = vx -1 are
(a) Domain = (1, *), Range = (0, o)
(b) Domain [1, ), Range (0,

(C) Domain = [1, »), Range = [0, o) o) =

(d) Domain (1, »), Range [0, s)


22. The domain and range of the real functionf defined by f () = are

(a) Domain R-{2}, Range {-1) (b) Domain

R- {-2), Range -1}

c) Domain R-{-2}, Range {1} (d) Domain = R- {2}, Range = {1}

= =

23. The domain and range of the real functionf defined by are

(a) Domain R, Range {-1, 1}

= = (b) Domain = R- {0], Range = {-1,0,1}
(d) Domain = R, Range = {-1,0, 1}
(c) Domain =R- {0}, Range {-1, 1}

24. The domain and range of thefunction f given byf() =2- |x-5| are
(a) Domain = R°, Range = ( - , 1 ] (b) Domairn = R, Range = (-o, 2]

(d) Domain = R, Range = (-o, 2)

) Domain =R", Range =(-,2]
25. The domain ofthefunctionf defined byf() = Ja -x+ is

(a) (-oo, al (b) (-,-a ()(-o,-a) (d) (a, oo)

26. The domain of the function f defined byf (x) = log, (5-6x) is

27. Thedomain ofthe function f(t) = +log10 (2-x) is

() (-oo, 0) U(1, ) (b)-co,0)U(1,)--2,2)

() R--2, 2 (d) (-o, 0] U[1, oo) --2,2
28. If [x}*-34x]+2 = 0, where[ ] denotes the greatest integer function, then
(a)xe[2,3] () xe (1,2] ()xe [1,2] a)xe[1,3
29. Iff(x)= px +q, where p and q are integersf(-1) =1 and f(2) = 13, then p and q are
a) p 4,4=5 (6) p=-4,g = 5
()p=-4,q =-5 (d) p=4,q=-5
Letf(x) =v1+2, then
a) fory) =f() fY) (b) f(xy) 2f().f)
()fry)sf().f) (d) None of these
he domain for which the functions defined by f(x) =6x2 + 1 and g () 11-7x are equal

(b) a-2
1ffe)-3s=2x + 3 (x s0), then f(3) is equal to

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