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Unit 1


1. Write the following numbers in full:

1. 5 6 14 11 18

2. 10 7 52 12 145

3. 27 8 67 13 269

4. 30 9 76 14 12

5. 46 10 102 15 313

2. Write the following numbers in figures:

1. treinta y ocho 9. doscientos sesenta y dos

2. cuarenta y seis 10. mil trescientos cuatro
3. once 11. quinientos veintiuno
4. venticinco 12. treinta y cuatro
5. sesenta y tres 13. ciento treinta y tres
6. ochenta y siete 14. noventa y seis
7. setenta y nueve 15. novecientos ocho
8. ciento cinco
3. Write the following dates in full:
1. 27–4–1978 5. 30–1–1856 9. 3–8–1992

2. 13–3–2004 6. 15–11–2006 10. 10–7–2001

3. 25–5–1964 7. 11–6–2003 11. 16–9–2002

4. 14–2–2000 8. 22–10–1999 12. 1–12–1987

4. Write the following times in the 24-hour clock
(e.g.‘14:13’ las catorce trece):

1. 13:15 6. 12:35

2. 02:10 7. 07:50

3. 17:45 8. 14:05

4. 04:30 9. 01:55

5. 15:20 10. 16:35

5. Write the following times in Spanish in full using the 12-hour clock
(e.g. ‘twelve minutes past one’ la una y doce):

1. quarter past six 6. twenty-five past three

2. ten past eight 7. half past one

3. twenty past eleven 8. ten to twelve

4. quarter to two 9. twenty-five to four

5. five past seven 10. five to ten

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