98 Constitutional Amendment Bill 2003-Seeking To Create A National Judicial Commission

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98th Constitutional Amendment Bill

Seeking to Create a National Judicial Commission

Bill Blowup
In view of the mounting pressure to have a statutory body to look into the affairs of
higher judiciary, including appointments and transfers of judges, the 98th
Constitutional Amendment Bill seeks to create a National Judicial Commission.
However, a closer look of the Bill reveals drawbacks in its recommendations, which
once again gives a more-than-desired say to the Executive in the matters of
Judiciary. The suggested composition of the Commission has its inherent
shortcomings, which is bound to reflect in its decisions, and thus, may not be able
to achieve its avowed objective of strengthening the independent character of the
Third Pillar of Democracy – the Judiciary.

The Bill at a Glance

Highlights Lowlights
w The Bill seeks to create a National Judicial w The Bill has given the Executive a much larger
Commission (NJC); role in the composition of the Commission,
which may undermine the independence of
w The Commission would make recommendations
for appointment of judges in higher judiciary and
transfer of High Court judges, and thus, provide an w The Bill does not provide for any transparent
institutionalised mechanism for appointment and procedure that the Commission should follow
transfer of judges in higher judiciary; in making appointments and transfers of
judges in higher judiciary; and
w The recommendations made by the Commission
for appointment and transfer of judges in higher w The recommendations made by the
judiciary would be binding on the President, and Commission, subsequent to the inquiry
this would reduce chances of friction between the conducted in cases of misconduct and
Executive and the Commission; deviant behaviour of judges, to the Chief
Justice of India (CJI) or the Chief Justice of a
w The Commission would draw a code of ethics for
High Court is not binding on them. Thus, in
judges in higher judiciary; and
cases, where the recommendations made by
w It would be empowered to conduct inquiries in the NJC are not accepted by the authorities
cases of misconduct and deviant behaviour of a concerned, controversies are bound to arise,
judge, either on the basis of complaints made or and this may undermine the institution of NJC. Contents
suo motu. This would help ushering in judicial
w Bill at a Glance
w Action Points
Action Points
w Introduction
§ The most important step would be to correct § The Bill should provide for a transparent
w Basic Features
the composition of the NJC; and time-bound procedure for the
appointment and transfer of judges; w Independence
§ The participation of the Executive in the
w Appointment
Commission should be limited to the Union § The recommendations made by the
Minister of Law and Justice; Commission on the basis of the inquiry w Indiscipline
conducted in cases of misconduct and w Composition
§ Two eminent citizens to be appointed should be
deviant behaviour of erring judges should w Conclusion
either eminent jurists or eminent lawyers or
be binding on the authorities concerned,
legal academicians of high repute;
just as the recommendations made for
1984 to 2003
& Trust Society
Consumer Unity

§ One of them should be appointed by the appointment and transfers are binding;
President in consultation with the Chief Justice and
of India and the other in consultation with the
§ The report of any such inquiry committee
Prime Minister;
should be made public in order to boost
§ The provision to associate the Chief Minister of transparency and enhance judicial
a state in case of an appointment and transfer of accountability.
a High Court judge with the Commission should
be done away with; #2/2003
Introduction appointment of judges in higher direct and positive co-relation with the
Amending the Constitution is a serious judiciary and transferring High Court independence of judiciary. Thus,
business and, therefore, constitutional judges; analysing the impact of the Bill on
amendments should be viewed with 3. The Bill also seeks to empower the independence of judiciary would be an
utmost care and caution. A NJC to look into the disciplinary integral element in our understanding
constitutional amendment Bill needs to aspect of judges. In other words, the of the issues related to appointment
be understood in the context, in which Bill seeks to create a mechanism and transfer of judges and increasing
it would operate. What would be the under the aegis of NJC to deal with indiscipline amongst judges, which the
impact of a constitutional amendment the erring judges except in those Bill seeks to address.
on those features that constitute the matters, which are concerned with
pith and substance of our constitutional the removal of any particular judge; Appointment and Transfer of Judges
order? Has the proposed amendment and
4. The formation of NJC would lead to The NJC: Composition
identified the lacunae that it seeks to
rectify? What is the proposed the amendment of Articles 124(2), It is a foregone conclusion that the
mechanism to rectify those lacunae? 217(1), 222(1) and 231(2). composition of such a commission
Or, how efficacious this mechanism would be the most important factor vis-
would be in tackling the identified Independence of Judiciary à-vis its functioning. The National
problems? These are some questions Commission to Review the Working of
The most important step towards
that need some painstaking pondering the Constitution (NCRWC), in its
unravelling the Bill is to understand its
in understanding a constitutional consultation paper on “Superior
impact, if any, on the independence of
amendment. Judiciary”, said that fundamentally, the
judiciary, as it is of paramount
most important issue in relation to the
importance in our judicial system.
The 98th Constitutional Amendment Bill NJC is its composition. How the
has to be scrutinised on these Commission is constituted would go a
Independence of judiciary is part of the
yardsticks. This Bill primarily aims at long way in determining the most
“Basic Structure” doctrine of the Indian
institutionalising the entire process of important issue of what possible impact
Constitution. An independent judiciary
appointment and transfer of judges in NJC would have on the independence of
is essential to uphold the rule of law
the higher judiciary and to devise judiciary: whether it would bolster the
and to sustain the efficacy of
cogent ways of bringing in judicial independence or make inroads into its
constitutional order. It is, therefore, of
accountability. independence. Thus, the composition
utmost importance that any issue of
factor would play a lead role in the
vital importance for the Judiciary is
overall efficacy of the Commission.
The Bill: Basic Characteristics seen through the prism of an
It would not be wrong to say that “independent judiciary”. In other words,
The 98th Constitutional Amendment
notwithstanding the constitutional it is extremely important to understand
Bill has proposed the following
provisions in terms of Articles 124 and the implications of any issue pertaining
composition for the NJC:
217, the process of appointment and to the Judiciary for an independence of
1. The Chief Justice of India — the
transfer of judges in higher judiciary is judiciary.
Chairperson of the Commission;
ridden with ambiguity and lacks a 2. Two other judges of the Supreme
proper institutionalised structure. Primarily, although the concept of an
Court, next to the Chief Justice in
Similarly, the issue of judicial independent judiciary essentially entails
accountability has also not been duly separation and independence of
3. The Union Minister in-charge of
recognised and appreciated in our judiciary from the Executive and the
Law and Justice; and
Constitution. Legislature, in fact, it goes beyond that.
4. One eminent citizen to be
The most integral element of an
nominated by the President, in
The new constitutional amendment Bill independent judiciary is to have judges,
consultation with the Prime
has to be understood in this light. The who are able to take decisions based on
98th Constitutional Amendment Bill has the law of the land, by remaining
identified these problems and seeks to uninfluenced by any other factor.
The reason given in the Bill for this sort
overcome the lacunae to a great extent. Therefore, it would not be an
of composition is to provide for
exaggeration to state that any issue that
effective participation of both the
The following are the salient provisions deals with judges, acquires central
Judicial and Executive organs of the
in the Bill: place in the concept of independent
state. Thus, at this stage, it would be
1. It seeks to constitute a National judiciary.
relevant to devote some time in
Judicial Commission by including understanding the participation of
Chapter IV(A) in Part V of the The issues related to appointment,
Judiciary and Executive in the process
Constitution; transfer, deviant behaviour, disciplinary
of appointment and transfer of judges
2. The Commission will make aspect and removal of judges are
in the higher judiciary.
recommendations for the extremely important, as they have a

Participation of Judiciary Box 1: Consultation with Judiciary in Appointment of Judges
and Executive
None of the constitutions of the Commonwealth Countries or the Constitution of
The participation of the Judiciary in the the USA provides for “consultation” with the head of the judiciary or any other
process of appointment of judges in member of the judiciary in matters related to appointment of judges; it is only
higher judiciary is well recognised, by Indian Constitution that does — and it could not have been without purpose.
both the virtue of the constitutional This innovative procedure can be attributed to the conviction of the
provisions and judicial Constitution-makers that “at our stage of development and with regard to the
pronouncements. propensities of the Executive (to control every organ of the state and every
institution of governance), they cannot be vested with the sole power of
Articles 124(2) and 217(1) of the Indian appointment to Judiciary, a co-equal wing of government”. The requirement of
Constitution, in very clear terms, lay consultation with not only the Chief Justice of India, but also with certain other
down that the Judiciary has an integral judges at the Supreme Court and the High Court level in Article 124 is an added
role to play in the appointment of the indication of the concern the Constitution’s founding fathers had with the
judges in the higher Judiciary. These independence of judiciary. Evidently, they did not trust the Executive in India to
Articles provide for “consultation” with make proper appointments and, hence, incorporated the requirement of
the head of the judiciary or any other “consultation” in the Constitution itself, expressly.
member of the judiciary in matters
Source: Consultation Paper on Superior Judiciary, issued by the NCRWC.
related to appointment of judges (See
Box 1).
Second Judges Case2, which overruled cases of appointment of judges to High
The ambiguity that surrounded the the previous decision that had said that Courts, a collegium, comprising the CJI
“kind of consultation” with the judiciary the Executive had primacy in matters and four senior-most judges, was
has been done away with by the related to appointment of judges in made, which was to review the
constant evolution of case law on this higher judiciary. The Second Judges recommendations made by a similar
front. The Apex Court, through its Case, followed by the Third Judges collegium in the High Courts.
judgements in the Second and Third Case, has given predominance to the
Judges Cases, has very clearly laid Judiciary over the Executive in the This system of having a collegium to
down the role of the Judiciary in the matters of appointment of judges. look into the matters related to
appointment of the judges in the higher appointment and transfer of judges has
judiciary. The most cardinal reason that has been not yielded the kind of results that were
advanced for giving a predominant role expected. On the ground, there are
Of late, this role has been so defined to Judiciary in matters related to many lacunae that still haunt the
that now the entire process of appointment of judges in higher judiciary process of appointment and transfer of
appointment of judges in higher is to ensure that the independence of judges in the higher judiciary. The
judiciary is being made by a collegium judiciary is sustained. It was argued that vacancies at ground still remain unfilled
of higher judiciary judges. The role of if the Executive gets a larger say in as before. Even if a vacancy gets filled,
the Executive in this regard has virtually matters related to appointment or the whole process takes a lot of time. In
been nullified. transfer of judges, it could inflict a severe other words, the avowed objective of
blow on the independence of judiciary, as streamlining the process of
It is important to note that in the S.P. parochial and vested interests could appointment and transfer of judges has
Gupta vs. Union of India1 or the Judges govern the appointment of judges in not been achieved to the fullest
Case, the Executive was given primacy higher judiciary. possible extent.
over the Judiciary in matters related to
appointment of the judges in higher The Second Judges Case gave primacy Why NJC?
judiciary. In other words, this decision to opinion of the Chief Justice of India
All this has created the need of having a
meant that the Executive could appoint (CJI) with regard to appointment of
proper institutionalised structure for
or not appoint any judge to the High judges to the Supreme Court and the
dealing with matters related to the
Court or to the Supreme Court against High Courts and also with regard to the
appointment and transfer of judges in
the wishes of the Chief Justice of India transfer of High Court judges. This led
higher judiciary. The demand to create
or any other constitutional machinery. to a controversy regarding the role of a National Judicial Commission has
This judgement was criticised by one the CJI and this controversy finally been gaining strength. It has been
and all. It was seen to be a severe culminated in the Third Judges Case3, argued by many, and rightly so, that
onslaught on the independence of which attempted to resolve the having such a Commission would go a
judiciary and had the potential to blow controversy. The Third Judges Case long way in institutionalising the whole
up the very vitals of the Indian judicial created the present system of collegium process of judicial appointments and
system. This all-pervasive criticism of that comprises the CJI and two senior- transfers.
the judgement finally culminated in the most judges of the Supreme Court. In

The concept of National Judicial transfers were made because the under no obligation to make the whole
Commission (NJC) is not a new one. Executive felt antagonised by the process transparent. Thus, it is difficult
The idea of having an NJC was mooted judgements of these judges. These to understand as to how the
by Justice P N Bhagwati way back in examples drive home the point that the constitution of such a Commission
1982 and first institutionalised by the Executive’s participation in appointment would be an improvement over the
67th Constitution Amendment Bill, 1990 or transfer of judges could seriously present system of appointment or
(since lapsed). undermine the independence of transfer by a collegium.
judiciary — one of the basic features of
Flaw in the composition of Commission our Constitution. Binding nature of recommendations
An important component of this Bill is One positive feature of the Bill is that it
It is important to note that all the makes the recommendations for
that it seeks to give an enhanced say to
judicial pronouncements and the appointments and transfers made by
the Executive in matters related to
committees appointed to look into the the NJC a binding on the President.
appointment and transfer of judges.
matters of appointment and transfer of This reduces the chances of any
The proposed composition of the NJC
judges in higher judiciary have been possible friction between the
ensures presence of two members of
unanimous over the dilution of the role Commission and the Executive. Thus,
the Executive in the Commission. The
of Executive in the process of once a recommendation is made by the
Law Minister and the eminent citizen to
appointment and transfer of Supreme NJC, it is mandatory for the President
be nominated by the President, in
Court and High Court judges. The to abide by that recommendation. This
consultation with the Prime Minister,
Arrears Committee, comprising Chief further demonstrates the importance of
would be Executive appointees and,
Justices of three High Courts and making a correct recommendation, and
thus, representing the Executive.
appointed in 1989 to deal with the issue this prudent recommendation is, in
of large arrears in the High Courts, also turn, dependent on the composition of
According to the Bill, in matters related
recommended that the role of Executive the Commission and the procedure it
to appointment and transfer of High
in these matters should be minimised. adopts to make the recommendations.
Court judges, the Chief Justice of that
court and the Chief Minister of that
Viewed in this light, the composition
state shall be associated with the NJC. What is the correct strategy for
proposed by the 98th Constitutional
Amendment Bill—giving too much say
The basic flaw in this composition, The correct strategy would be to have
to the Executive—is uncalled for.
once again, pertains to the enhanced the correct composition in place and
participation of the Executive. The fear then a time-bound procedure for the
is that this could curtail judicial No transparent procedure for
appointment of judges. The process of
independence. Given the fact that the appointment and transfer
appointment should be initiated six
Executive is a major litigant, this fear is Another major flaw in this Bill is that it months before a post falls vacant,
not an unfounded one. does not provide for any transparent against which an appointment is to be
procedure for the appointment or made — both in the Supreme Court and
There have been instances in the past transfer of judges. The procedure to be the High Courts. In the process of
where judicial appointments and adopted has been left to the appointment, the NJC can also ask the
transfers have been guided by political Commission and the Commission is Bar Council of India and the respective
considerations. There are, at least, two
oft-remembered unfortunate instances: Box 2: Judicial Corruption
the first one took place in April 1973,
when the time-honoured convention of The chances of removal of a judge in the higher judiciary through impeach-
appointing the senior-most judge of the ment process hinges on political equations, notwithstanding the existence of
the Judges (Inquiry) Act, 1968, which prefaces impeachment with judicial
Supreme Court as the CJI was broken,
inquiry. Thus, even if an inquiry may indict, Parliament may absolve the judge
as the Executive appointed the fourth
of the charges, as happened in the case of Justice V. Ramaswamy. Therefore,
senior-most judge as the CJI; and in
as far as removal is concerned, the question is whether there should be a
1977, a mass transfer of High Court
political add-on after a high-level judicial inquiry is over.
judges was effected.
But, as it is, removal is the ultimate procedure. What about day-to-day com-
In both instances, the guiding factor plaints, whether in relation to an unbecoming conduct of a judge, or complaints
for the Executive was similar in nature about behaviour, graft and general corruption? Removal procedure for judges
— the three judges of the Supreme in the American constitution was supplemented by a legislation in 1939 and
Court, who were superseded, and the again in 1980. These are matters that require immediate attention in India, both
transferred judges of the High Courts, for higher judiciary (that has no effective procedure) and for lower judiciary
had given verdicts against the Executive (which has a faulty procedure).
in cases, where the State was one of the
parties. The non-appointment and Source: Rajeev Dhawan, www.hinduonnet.com/The Hindu/ 2002/02/22

Bar Associations to suggest names for sections of Indian society are duly misconduct of a judge, which would
the next incumbent. represented. This is not to argue for attract punishment lesser than
any sort of quota or reservation system removal. There can be numerous
The preliminary process of or any form of affirmative action for the instances, where a particular
appointment should be completed judges in the higher judiciary, but only misbehaviour of a judge is serious
three months before the post falls to state that the diversity of Indian but not serious enough to initiate an
vacant. After this, the name of the judge society cannot and should not be impeachment motion. However,
proposed for appointment should be ignored. there is nothing in the Constitution
made public, and comments should be that looks into these instances of
invited from the public and the bodies, In this background the role of NJC is deviant behaviour or misconduct
like the Bar Council of India and the Bar very important, as while making (See Box 2).
Associations, within a period of 15 recommendations for the appointment
days. These comments could be in the of judges in the higher judiciary, it Judicial accountability
nature of bringing to the notice of the should keep in mind the diversity and
To make judges accountable is a
NJC misconducts of proposed multi-ethnicity of the Indian society.
growing demand, as judicial propriety
candidates. The persons/bodies
and ethics are equally important to
concerned can directly make their Issue of Increasing Indiscipline have a buoyant and independent
comments to the Commission. Among Judges judicial system. The Bill has rightly
Another important issue inseparably identified the problem of lacking
After receiving these comments and and integrally woven in higher judiciary accountability in the Judiciary. An
going through them, the Commission is judicial misconduct and deviant important feature of this Bill is that it
may re/consider its decision or finalise behaviour of the judges. There have seeks to empower the NJC to draw a
the preliminary appointment, as it been numerous instances, where it has code of ethics for judges, inquire into
would deem fit. In either case, the been found that the judges do not cases of misconduct or deviant actions
Commission should offer its reasons adhere to the working hours, unduly of a judge, other than those that are
for the decision taken. The Commission delay judgements or often act in punishable with his/her removal and
should give reasons in a somewhat an un-judge-like manner. In advise the CJI accordingly after such an
comprehensive manner by covering all other words, there is no judicial inquiry.
the issues raised by the person or body accountability. These observations
concerned. If too serious charges or have been made by the NCRWC in its The judges enjoy excessive immunity
allegations are made against any Consultation Paper on Superior from investigation, which makes it
proposed candidate, the NJC should Judiciary. almost impossible to conduct a proper
not suggest that name for
inquiry against them. This excessive
Inadequacy of existing provisions immunity should be withdrawn by
It is important to note that there are no overruling the V. Ramaswamy Case
This would ensure that there is no
provisions in the Constitution to deal through an Act of Parliament. For an
delay in the court’s work because of a
with such matters, except the one given effective inquiry to take place, it is
post lying vacant and would also make
in Article 124(4). According to this important that the Commission has a
the whole process transparent. Similarly,
Article, a Supreme Court judge can be separate and independent investigative
for the transfer of High Court judges, a
removed only on the grounds of machinery of its own.
comprehensive and transparent
“proved misbehaviour or incapacity” by
procedure needs to be adopted.
a process called impeachment. There Accountability part in the Bill is a
are three patent lacunae in this positive feature, as judicial misconduct
Another integral element to foster
provision: and deviant actions are on the rise. This
transparency is that the NJC should
particular attribute of the Bill has to be
give reasons while recommending the 1. It does not define what constitutes
viewed in the light of the lacunae in the
name of a particular person for proved misbehaviour or incapacity. It
existing provisions discussed above.
appointment. In other words, the is left to Parliament to determine as
“But how successful and fair the
Commission should explain as to why it to what judicial misconduct would
Commission would be in discharging
thinks that a particular person is fit to amount to proved misbehaviour or
this responsibility” is the moot point,
be appointed as a judge. incapacity;
as it again depends on the composition
2. The process of removal is a difficult
of the Commission.
Reflective judiciary and NJC process and, therefore, is often very
difficult to remove a judge by this
The concept of reflective judiciary is Flaws in composition vis-à-vis
process. The failure of impeachment
extremely pertinent in a multi-lingual disciplinary aspect in the Bill
proceeding against Justice V.
and multi-ethnic society like India. A
Ramaswamy is an ample testimony The Government has argued that this
reflective judiciary means that judiciary
to this fact; and Bill is the logical extension of the
should reflect the multi-ethnicity of the
3. It does not take into consideration recommendations made by the NCRWC
Indian society by ensuring that all
that deviant behaviour or regarding the formation of a NJC to

deal with disciplinary matters related to against the deviant judge. However, if practising there shall be associated
judges. This is not the complete truth, the CJI does not accept the advice, he with the Commission.
as the composition of the Commission should give reasons in writing. Then an
that the Bill has proposed is manifestly inquiry should be conducted in a given This is a balanced composition that
different from what the NCRWC had time-frame, report of which should be would ensure that the Commission
proposed. Notwithstanding the made public. If no inquiry is conducted would function in a transparent and
categorical statement made by the against a complaint received, the efficacious manner, safeguarding and
NCRWC that the Executive should have Commission shall be under an upholding the high constitutional
no role to play in the disciplinary obligation to give reasons in black and valour.
matters related to higher judiciary, the white, which should explain expressly
Bill provides for two political why an inquiry is not being conducted. Conclusion
appointees to look into matters related
The 98th Constitutional Amendment Bill
to disciplinary aspect of judges. What should be the Correct has rightly identified the problems that
Composition of the Commission? exist in our Constitution when it comes
Viewed in this background and as
The above discussion has abundantly to dealing with matters related to
discussed above, it becomes amply
demonstrated that the success or appointment, transfer and
clear that the composition of the
failure of having such a Commission accountability of judges in higher
Commission proposed by the 98th
would hinge on its composition. judiciary. However, the mechanism
Constitutional Amendment Bill is
Therefore, in this light, the following suggested by the Bill to rectify these
flawed. The Bill also does not make it
composition is, hereby, suggested: problems is a half-hearted effort. The
mandatory for the CJI to accept the
(a) The Chief Justice of India; first step of constituting an NJC is a
NJC’s advice after the inquiry is
(b) Two senior-most judges of the right step, but the next two steps—in
conducted against the deviant judge.
Supreme Court, next to the CJI; terms of composition of the
Thus, whether having a Commission
(c) The Union Minister of Law and Commission and the procedure
empowered to look into disciplinary
Justice; adopted to deal with the issues on
matters related to higher judiciary
(d) Two eminent citizens (such as hand—are flawed. The flaw in the
would be able to bring about any
eminent jurists or eminent lawyers second and third steps would
substantial difference is extremely
or legal academicians of high undermine the formation of the NJC,
repute), one to be nominated by the apart from impinging the independence
President in consultation with the of judiciary. Thus, the need is to have a
What is the correct approach to deal CJI and the other to be nominated correct composition and adopt a
with disciplinary aspects? by the President in consultation transparent and time-bound procedure
The right approach would be to correct with the Prime Minister. to deal with such issues as proposed in
the composition of the Commission and the paper. This would strengthen the
make it a binding on the CJI to accept In case of appointment or transfer of a NJC, which, in turn, would bolster the
the advice offered by the Commission High Court judge, the Chief Justice of independence of judiciary.
on the basis of the inquiry conducted that High Court and an eminent Lawyer

1 A.I.R. 1982 SC 149.
2 Supreme Court Advocates on Record Ass’n vs. Union of India, A.I.R. 1994 S.C. 268.
3 In re Presidential Reference, A.I.R. 1999 S.C. 1.

National Commission to Review the Working of the Indian Constitution, A Consultation Paper on Superior Judiciary, 2001.
M.P. Singh, Securing the Independence of the Judiciary – The Indian Experience, Vol. 10:2, Indiana International & Comparative Law Review, 2000.
M.P. Singh, “Merit” In The Appointment of Judges, 10 Indiana International & Comparative Law Review, 2000.
V. Venktesan, A flawed mechanism, Frontline, May 24–June 6, 2003.
V.R. Krishna Iyer, For a National Judicial Commission, www.hinduonnet.com/2002/10/30.

Comments on this paper were gratefully received from Dr. S. Chakravarthy, former member of MRTP Commission; Dr. Kamala Sankaran, Reader,
Faculty of Law, University of Delhi; Mr. Jeevan Prakash, Advocate, Supreme Court of India; Ms. Reena George, Advocate, Supreme Court and
Mr. Udiraj Rai, Visiting Faculty, National Law School, Bangalore, and have been acknowledged and suitably incorporated.

© CUTS, 2003. This Paper is produced by CUTS and is a brief for Parliamentarians in understanding new legislation and enhancing the
quality of the debates so that better laws are enacted. Readers are encouraged to quote or reproduce material from this paper for their
own use, but as copyright holder, CUTS requests due acknowledgement and a copy of the publication.

This Briefing Paper has been researched and written by Prabhash Ranjan of and for Consumer Unity & Trust Society, D-217, Bhaskar Marg, Bani Park, Jaipur 302 016,
India. Ph: 91.141.220 7482, Fx: 91.141.220 7486, E-mail: cuts@cuts.org, Website: www.cuts.org, and printed by KBS Printers, Jaipur 302 015, India.

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