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Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Master’s Degree of

English Language Education

Written by:
Yuwanda Anggik Rukmana Sari




Written by:

Has been examined in front of the examiners

on Saturday, 23rd October 2021 and it has been
decided that it has fulfilled the requirements to get
Master Degree of English Language Education
at the Postgraduate Programs of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

The Examiners

Chief : Dr. Masduki

Secretary : Dr. Estu Widodo
1st Examiner : Bayu Hendro Wicaksono, Ph.D
2nd Examiner : Dr. Sri Hartiningsih


When you cannot control what is happening, challenge yourself to control the way
you respond to what is happening. That is where your power is.


To Allah who always gives blessing

To my lovely parents Drs. H. Asrori and Dra. Hj. Lasmini who always
give the unconditional loves and supports
To my dearest brother Firdaus Candra Kurniawan, S.Fam and Satria Ony
Firmanto, M.Pd. who always take care of and support me


Yuwanda Anggik Rukmanasari. 2019. Students’ Needs of Learning English in

Vocational High School. Thesis. Postgraduate of English Language
Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Advisors: (I) Dr.
Masduki, M.Pd (II) Dr. Estu Widodo, M.Hum.

The study purposes to figure out the needs of nursing students’ department
of learning English in vocational high school. It applied qualitative approach and
obtained the data from FGD, questionnaire and interview. The findings showed
that there were several needs of nursing students of learning English which had
not been fulfilled and students’ needs of learning English that had already been
fulfilled. Several needs of nursing students’ department of learning English which
had not been fulfilled were first, the inappropriate English language methods,
course content and material. Most nursing students stated that they had not
received the proper English methods, course content and materials during the
teaching and learning process and what they had learnt in class could not be
applied as well in nursing settings. Second, their English teacher’s competence
was very low. Teacher could not explain the English materials properly to their
students so most of students could not understand the materials. In addition, the
given English materials more focused on discussing about general English rather
than ENP. The students wanted English methods, course content and materials
that they had learnt during class could be also used as well when they worked in
the nursing settings someday. Moreover, they further added that their English
teacher’s competence was not good enough. They expected that they would get a
good qualified English teacher. Meanwhile, the need of learning English that had
been fulfilled was only the need of English for communication that was used in
daily activities. In order to know exactly what the needs of students of learning
English in vocational high school level, it was truly needed need analysis. Need
analysis is a technique or procedure that is used to know whether or not the
students’ needs of learning English had already been fulfilled.

Key words: Students’ needs, teaching and learning English, needs analysis


Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah Swt who is the most merciful and the most
compassionate who has blessed the researcher with substantially uncountable
blessing. One of those, Allah Swt is the turner of the hearts who has turned the
researcher’s heart to be strongly and continually committed to finish the research
rapidly. Praise and invocation are also given to our Great Prophet, Muhammad
(peace be upon him) as the most influential prophet who had given us the real
example of how to always stick to Allah Swt during the ups and downs.
Furthermore, at this section, the researcher would like to express her best
regard and gratitude to her first advisor Dr. Masduki, M.Pd and her second
advisor Dr. Estu Widodo, M.Hum. The advisors who had spared their busy times
to have detail check the researcher’s piece of work until can be worthy presented
as the one of requirement of getting the master degree. For their effort and
kindness throughout the guidance, there is nothing much the researcher can do but
pray for them to have long and prosperous life.
At this moment the researcher also wants to thank Health Vocational High
School Adi Husada that was very supporting and gave the warm welcome to the
researcher to conduct the research in their school.
The last but not least, the researcher would like to thank her wonderful
family. The researcher is beyond grateful to have parents who always give the
best valuable advice and never stop praying for the researcher’s success.

Malang, September 13rd 2019


COVER. ......................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL ................................................................................................... ii
LEGALIZATION .......................................................................................... iii
LETTER OF STATEMENTS....................................................................... iv
MOTTO AND DEDICATION ...................................................................... v
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................. vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... viii
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................. 3
Teaching English for Vocational High School (VHS) .................................... 3
Needs Analysis ................................................................................................ 5
English for Nursing Purposes .......................................................................... 7
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................ 8
Research Design .............................................................................................. 8
Research Setting and Participants ................................................................... 10
Research Instruments ...................................................................................... 11
Data Collection Procedures ............................................................................. 14
RESEARCH FINDINGS .............................................................................. 14
Nursing Students’ Needs of Studying English ................................................. 14
Necessities ...................................................................................................... 14
The Needs of English for Communication
and Professional Nurse’ Job………………………………………... ……......15
The Needs of English for Further Studies and Works in Abroad….................16
Wants .............................................................................................................. 18
The Appropriate English Course English
courses wanted to be studied by nursing students ........................................... 18
The Suitable English Skills suitable English
skills wanted to be studied by nursing students ............................................... 19

Lacks ............................................................................................................... 21
The Extent of Students’ Needs which have been
included in English teaching and learning ..................................................... 24
The Needs of Learning English Conversation for the Daily Activity.............. 24
The Extent of Students’ Needs which have not been
included in English Teaching and Learning .................................................... 25
The Capacity of Teacher in teaching English .................................................. 25
English Language Methods, Course Content and
Material for Nurse’ Major ............................................................................................. 26
Discussion ....................................................................................................... 27
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................................................... 30
Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 30
Suggestion ....................................................................................................... 32
REFERENCE ................................................................................................ 33


Ireland (2008) interpreted vocational high school is kind of school that

equip students to prepare for entering the job places one day after the students

have been graduated. In addition, Clarke and Winch (2007), vocational high

school level is confined to preparing young people and adults for working life, a

process that is often regarded as of a rather technical and practical nature.

Meanwhile, Byram and Wenrich (1956) defined that vocational high school

teaches people about how to work effectively. Based on several concepts of

vocational education that have been stated by some experts, it can be summed up

that the purpose of establishing the vocational education is to equip the students to

be able to handle a specific job.

Discussing about English language for nursing department students is closely

related to English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Teaching English for nursing

department students are a branch of ESP since General English (GE) courses do not

meet learners ‘needs. She further explains that ESP concerns on teaching and learning

English for particular purposes and field. It is in line with Chung & Chang (2017)

who tell about the course of ESP should emphasis on the specific field delivered in

English with specific vocabulary, terms, and other relevant things. Furthermore, ESP

has to base on a particular context and the learners’ specific needs. It is designed to

meet students’ future job needs. Students who learn English based on their major will

be easier to find a job in accordance with their field. It is convinced that students will

be more highly motivated in learning about topics which are related to their majors.

In order to analyze the nursing students’ needs of learning English, need

analysis (NA) is really important to be conducted. The purpose of conducting needs

analysis is to find out the kinds of needs of students of learning English which can be

matched with the needs of their jobs in the field. Need analysis refers to a family of

procedures for gathering information about learners and communication tasks to be

implemented in the design of the syllabus. NA is the starting point of designing lesson

plans, syllabus, material evaluation, development, instructional design and assessment

development (Benaventa & Reyes 2015). Based on the rational explanation which

has been stated previously, the researcher would like to formularize research

question as follow: (1) What are eleven-grade students’ needs of Nursing

Department in English learning? (2) What does Nursing students’ needs which

have been included in learning English?. There were several objectives of the

study in the current research. The objectives of this research were formularized to

seek out: (1) To find out the eleven-grade students’ needs of Nursing Department

in English learning, (2) To figure out the students’ needs have been included in

their English teaching and learning. This study also provides useful information in

teaching and learning process, so the goals of teaching and learning activities can

be achieved. Providing proper and suitable of English materials for vocational

high school students will motivate them to learn English. It hopefully gains not

only in their English skills but it is also expected to facilitate them to match with

the future workplaces. This research also is hoped to figure out what they need to

learn, what they already have learnt, and then we can devise practical strategies to

meet learners’ goals suitable with their needs and interests.

The finding of this study may also give feedback to the Dean of Health

Vocational High School Adi Husada Malang to carefully plan the contents and

practical skills and knowledge related teaching English for students’ future. This

study also will inform the English teachers regarding the students' needs to

enhance better achievement in English learning. For curriculum designers of

nursing department, especially in Nursing English curriculum, who should

evaluate the adequacy of the existing syllabus, materials, and create a new

syllabus that based on the students need. For learners, this study is expected

become information for them in learning English about what they should learn in

English and help them to prepare on the real-life situation of English used.

Lastly, this study is hoped become not only can give valuable insight but it

can also be useful information for the future researchers who want to conduct a

research about students’ needs in vocational high school level. The scope of this

research will explain about the nursing students’ needs of learning English.

Meanwhile, the limitation of this study will be focused on the eleven-grade of nursing

students department in Health Vocational High School Adi Husada Malang.


Teaching English for Vocational High School (VHS)

Teaching English for VHS is based on the syllabus developed and given by

government which is also the same as the syllabus that is used for senior high school

(SHS). Moreover, mostly the text books used as the references are the text books that

were designed by government are intended to both senior and vocational high school.

Those text books contain about the general English (GE) material, whereas vocational

students need English for Specific Purposes (ESP). It means that there is an

incompatibility between what is taught in the vocational high school and what they

really need. The graduated students of vocational high school are expected to prepare

the students to have specific skills that can be used to work right after graduation. The

skills taught must be based on the majors they have been chosen.

The regulation of the Indonesia government No. 29 of 1990 which is

focused on secondary education level pointed out that vocational education should

stress on the development of students’ ability in specific fields. It can be

concluded that vocational education should give the priority to prepare VHS

students to apply for job places and develop their professional skills. Moreover,

another regulation of the Indonesia government No. 20 of 2003 on National

Education System also mentioned that vocational education is secondary

education program for preparing students for a specific job. Those two regulatory

statements above mention that education in VHS should equip the students with

particular skills. It should promote the students to have professional skills in a

specific field so that they are ready to compete in today’s job places.

The subjects taught in vocational high school should be suitable with the

fields that they have chosen. Teaching English in VHS should refer to the field of

students’ study that is being taught. The English teachers of VHS have to teach

about the language of English that is closely related to the students’ major.

Teaching English in VHS especially in secondary education should be taken into

account as ESP program. The English teachers apply in ESP teachings should be

totally different from GE instructions which is so general in nature; serving the

students with the teaching of all four language skills and stressing them equally

(Esfandiari, 2015). Meanwhile in ESP materials has to be conducted to meet the

students’ needs and other stakeholders to communicate for work or purposes

study in specific fields. The communication’s necessity in specific terms of

discipline of study in job places for employee drive ESP to play its role to false

work English as particular communication language in order to give several

specific target language needs such as English for Engineer, English for Science,

English for Tourism, English for professional nurse (medical), etc. It is in line

with (Kaharuddin, A and Latif, I, 2017, Kaharuddin, A. 2019) who explain that

ESP is taught for mastering English for specific communication purpose such as

English for engineers, doctors, lawyers, etc.

Needs Analysis

Boroujeni and Fard (2013), explained need analysis is the procedure of collecting

the information. The information is obtained from the students which can be references to

what they should study in English class. There are some important parts in needs analysis

which called as necessities, lacks, and wants of the students. All of them come from the

different aspects. Students’ necessities are derived from their target situation. The lacks of

students are drawn from what the students have already known. Meanwhile, students’

wants come up because of students’ expectation about what they should learn. It is in

accordance with Hutchinson & Waters (1987) who also believe that need analysis covers

target needs and learning needs. Target needs are what the learners need to do in the target

situation. Then, learning needs are what the learners need to do in order to learn.

Conducting needs analysis has to consider three crucial aspects; they are necessities, lacks,

and wants. Necessities deals with what learners have to know in order to function

effectively in the target situation. It is a matter of observing what situations the learner will

need to function in and analyzing the constituent parts of them. Lacks focuses on what the

learner knows already in the target situation. It would be useful to decide which of the

necessities that the learners lack. It can be interpreted as the gap between the target

proficiency and the present existing proficiency of the learners. The last important aspect is

about wants. It describes about the learner's perspective related to what they want to learn.

NA is important to be conducted by Nursing Department students before

studying English language. It is the basic principle of ESP (Robinson in Boroujeni &

Fard 2013; Kothalawala 2015). It is used to assess the communicative needs of the

learners and the techniques of achieving specific teaching objectives. The aim of

classifying needs analysis is to furnish worthwhile information to remedy the English

teaching quality which has been done by several researchers. Mulyani (2013) conducted

the study to know whether or not the needs for the use of English by nursing students at

work places match with the English courses given at their campus and to explore the

English teaching courses which are proper with the needs of nursing students. The

finding of the study pointed out the nursing department students needed English teaching

courses which had to cover both GE and ENP in the process of teaching and learning

English. The finding also revealed that speaking skill was the important skill which

wanted to be studied most by nursing students. It is in line with Alinezhad & Gholami

(2012) who also conducted a research which had explored about the English language

needs of nursing students during their education, and nursing practitioners in the Urmia’s

workplaces. The result of the research asserted that English knowledge was really

influential in both respondents’ academic achievement and their future job.

English for Nursing Purposes

English for Nursing Purposes (ENP) is one of the sub-parts of ESP. It is used

for nursing students who do not speak English or whose native language is not

English. Nursing students need to learn a specific language such as the language

which is helpful for their work-related duties. It portrays skills and competency level

beyond that of GE. The aim of nursing students learning English is to furnish nurse

department students or professional nurses to be able to communicate well with

nursing and medical disciplines. It provides students to not only study about the

common use of English vocabulary in medical and nursing majors but they can also

study about the grammar structure and the other four skills of English (listening,

speaking, reading and writing) as augment basic level to understand and to execute

English in the class or in their workplaces. Thus, the goal of ENP can be summed up

as follows (1) to give extensive knowledge to the nursing students, (2) to defiance

nursing students’ capability to practice English, (3) to furnish particular courses based

on the needs for nursing students, (4) to gain students’ motivation and guts to denote

their ideas and opinion toward nursing topic in English. It is in accordance with

Bosher (2013) who states that ENP covers the particular steps which nurses can use

English both in the medical fields and nursing academics as well.

There are several researches which have similarity topics with the current

research that have been conducted previously. Mazdayasna and Tahririan (2008) who

had done conducting the research about the students’ need in studying English. They

focused on investigating the matters about the needs of students in learning English

for undergraduate students of medical science in the faculty of nursing and midwifery.

They used the questionnaires and interviews in order to analyze the English needs of

undergraduate medical science students studying in the faculties of nursing and

midwifery. The results of the research shown that ESP lessons provided were not as

effective as it was supposed to be. They further summed up that ESP courses did not

meet the learners’ needs. They deduced that most of the ESP subjects in Iran were

previously conducted without having the consultation with specialists firstly and

without doing the assessment of the learners’ needs. Liu, Chang, Yang, and Sun

(2011) also investigated about the clash between students’ perceptions of needs in

learning English and the actual English courses which they have already taken.

Teaching of English for nursing students’ department had been applied for

years. Meeting the students’ specific needs using central methodologies and activities

of the field and concerning on the language proper to these activities should be the

core matters of this teaching practice. However, there can be an incompatibility

between what the students need in learning English and what the English course gives.

Research Design

Burns and Grove (2003) demonstrated a research design as a blueprint for

conducting a study with maximum control over factors that may interfere with the

validity of the findings. A research design as a plan that described how, when and

where data were collected and analyzed. There are two types of research design;

they are qualitative research and quantitative research.

Since this research is the qualitative research, the data obtained will be a

qualitative one. As Johnson and Christensen (2008) mentions qualitative research relies

primarily on the collection of qualitative data (i.e., nonnumeric data such as words and

pictures). The qualitative data is the one that cannot be counted. It is used in order to

understand the meaning of verbal words or description. The data are acquired from

various written texts with no involvement of numbers or statistic. In this case the data

will be in the verbal form. It is supported by Blaxter (1996) who stated that qualitative

research is empirical research where the data are not in the form of number, instead it is

in the form of words (either written or spoken form) and visual images (picture). This

qualitative research is presented in interpretive way. Therefore, the data required are in

the narrations form. Interpretation is one of the ways to analyze the qualitative research.

This research will investigate the vocational high school students’ needs and describes

whether the students’ needs have been included in their English teaching and learning.

Therefore, in accordance with the research questions, this research is utilizing

interpretive method.

Interpretive method deals with the understanding the world as it is from

subjective experience of individuals. This method purposes at telling the

subjective reasons and meanings that occur behind students’ needs of learning

English at Vocational High School. Consequently, the researcher focuses on

interpreting and explaining the students’ needs of learning English at Vocational

High School. In additional, the researcher also interprets and investigates the

extent of students’ needs have been included in their English teaching and


Research Setting and Participants

The present research is conducted at Health Vocational High School Adi

Husada Malang. There are several reasons Health Vocational High School Adi

Husada is chosen. First, it has complete facilities. In addition, the graduated

students of this vocational high school have good quality competitiveness. Second,

the school has achieved many medals and awards in some competition events.

Compared to other vocational schools, Health Vocational High School Adi

Husada won various kinds of competitions. For example, Health Vocational High

School Adi Husada has ever achieved a gold medal during Lks Pharmacy Wilker

III East Java in 2019. The school not only got a gold medal during Lks Pharmacy

Wilker III East Java in 2019 but also received the title of the best presenter in the

National Art and Talent Creation Festival. The last is the graduate students of this

school will get jobs with a short period of time. The school has collaborated with

various types of hospitals where students are given the opportunity to conduct

internship before they graduate. Therefore, the opportunity to be accepted to work

in the job place is very big.

The participants of this research are the eleventh-grade learners at Nursing

Department in the academic year 2018/2019. The participants have been studying

English at a vocational high school level for one year. They had already had the

perspectives about English lesson. In addition, Nursing Department is one of the most

favorite majors in Health Vocational High School Adi Husada. The participants of this

study are not only the students of eleventh-grade learners but also the professional nurse

who works many years in Panti Nirmala Hospital. They are chosen based on criteria as

they: 1) have experience of being a nurse for some year; 2) the hold Master Degree

majoring in Nursing. Based on the problems and focus of the research, the participants

of the research are selected by employing purposive sampling technique. It is done by

taking the participants based on certain purposes to obtain the relevant data.

Research Instruments

In this study, researcher uses some instruments, such as forum group

discussion (FGD), questionnaire and interview. All of the instruments will help

obtaining the information related to students’ needs of learning English in teaching

English at Health Vocational High School Adi Husada. FGD involves gathering

people from similar backgrounds or experiences together to discuss a specific topic of

interest. It is a form of qualitative research where questions are asked about their

perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, opinion or ideas. FGD is often used as research

techniques that allow data collection through group interaction, on topics that have

been determined by researchers. FGD in qualitative research is a form of method used

to gather rich, descriptive data in a small group format from participants who have

agreed to ‘focus’ on a topic of mutual interest’. In this study, the purpose of

conducting FGD is used to know the information related to the needs of the second-

class nursing student department of learning English.

Participants in the focus group are brought together because they possess

certain characteristics related to the subject under study. Group members can

influence each other by responding to ideas and questions that may not otherwise

be brought out in measuring the quality and impact of a current or potential

program. While the purpose of focus groups is to promote self-disclosure among

participants in a group or groups by ascertaining their perceptions, feelings,

opinions and thoughts, focus group interviews are intended to help groups or

researchers reach decisions, gain consensus or establish how many people hold a

particular view like statistics.

Determining the proper number of people is very important in FGD. In todays’

research area, many researchers tend to have six to eight people. When deciding the

number of the participants in FGD, the researcher should consider the opportunity for

each person to talk and voice their diversity perception (Krueger, 1994). In each FGD,

the researcher will limit to six people in one group. The duration of FGD will take

approximately 90 minutes.

The researcher will keep conducting several FGD until saturation point is

attained. Saturation point is the range point in the data analysis that will not show

new information anymore, or additional data which can be found from the

participants to develop new ideas related to the questions. Saturation occurs when

the researcher has found the similar data time after time from different

participants, then the researcher can stop sampling data and continue to the

analysis step. Saturation becomes clear indication to show the ending of data

collection (Carlsen & Glenton, 2011). In FGD, a video recorder will be used by

the researcher as one of the tools in order to record all the activities and also can

help maintaining the information even if the researcher is leading the discussion


Semi-structured questions are constructed by the researcher to acquire

relevant data to this research regarding the students’ need of nursing department in

learning English. The kinds of first two questions that the researcher tries to deliver

are what the purpose of learning English are and what kinds of English skills the

students want to learn. Moreover to FGD, questionnaire is applied as triangulation’s

data of the previous results in FGD. Questionnaire is distributed to 22 students of

eleven grade students of nursing department who are willing to participate but they do

not join in FGD. The allocation of time for questionnaire is about 15 minutes. The

questionnaire is developed based on the findings in FGD. Questionnaire is given by

using open-ended questions. Research topics and objectives are explained to

participants. The data confidentiality is explained as well to them. The participants’

names are not needed on the questionnaire to encourage participants to give true

answers. The participants are fully informed that their assistance is entirely voluntary.

Interview is also used in this study. Interview is an important way for a researcher to

check the accuracy of the impression that the researcher has gained through Forum

Group Discussion (FGD). The aim of interview is to figure out what is on

interviewee’s mind and what they think or how they feel about something (Fraenkel,

2005). There are four kinds of interview; structured-interview, semi structured

interview, informal and retrospective.

Semi structured interview is an interview in which the area of interest is chosen

and the questions are formulated but the interviewer may modify the format or

questions during the interview process. This current study, the researcher intends to use

semi structured interview. The researcher prepares the list of the questions, but the

researcher might ask everything which is still related to the focus of the research. The

interviewee is a professional nurse who has already worked for about five years in Panti

Nirmala Hospital. Ary (2010) stresses the most efficient way to collect the interview

data is by using tape recorder. Therefore, in this study, the researcher is going to use a

tape recorder when conducting the interview to avoid misinformation. The interview is

conducted to gain the information regarding the needs of nursing students department

learning English and the extent of the nursing students’ needs which should have been

included in learning English at their school based on a professional nurse’ perspective.

The explanations of research instruments will be shown into the table below:

Data Collection Procedures

The research applied iterative approach in the present study. Iterative approach

is the process of accumulating and recollecting data from different ways and tries to

connect them to guide to the main focus of the research. The data collections are taken

by using three steps. They are FGD, questionnaire and interview. FGD for students will

be held at the first stage and at the second stage will be continued conducting the

questionnaire. The researcher will be distributing the questionnaire to the nursing

students department. The last step will be continued conducting the interview for a

professional nurse. Then, do some comparisons process from those there steps; FGD,

questionnaire and interview. The last data will be gotten from FGD, questionnaire and



Nursing Students’ Needs of Studying English

The analysis of nursing students’ needs of studying English is divided into

three parts; necessity, wants, and lacks.


Necessities focus on what students have to know (Hutchinson & Waters

1987). After analyzing all of the findings, the necessities of the nursing

department students of Adi Husada Vocational High School learning English can

be categorized into two themes. They are the needs of English for communication

and professional nurses’ job, and the needs of English for studies abroad.

The Needs of English for Communication and Professional Nurse’ Job

Language is one of the most crucial parts in communication. It is used as a

useful equipment of communication among the people all over the world. As a global

language, English is so important to be mastered. It has many interrelationships with

various aspects of life owned by human beings. It is in accordance with the participants’

perspectives which had been shown in FGD, questionnaire and interview result. They

stated one of nursing students’ reasons in learning English is because they wanted to

able to communicate well using English. One of FGD participants pointed out that if

they wanted to communicate with people around the world, what they have to do first is

to master English. Therefore, possessing English well is indeed needed.

I thought studying English was very important. It was used as a global

language in the world. Therefore, we had to able to speak English
very well. (Appendix 1, DA, line 1-7)

The use of international languages such as English is very widespread, as

well as in the health’s world which includes in the nursing majors. English is

important to be learnt by nursing students because their patients come from

different cultures and languages. It will be difficult for them if they cannot

communicate with their patients using English properly.

It is in line with the statement that had been explained by the participants in

the questionnaire. The participants claimed the essential of mastery English. One

of them argued that

Learning English can give us several advantages. One of those

advantages is we can communicate with people around the world
which used English as the global language. (Questionnaire)

In sum, learning English is one of the important aspects that have to be studied well

especially for nursing students department. The importance of mastering English as one

of the required aspects for communication has also been explained by the professional

nurse who has been working in the hospital for many years.

I thought studying English was very essential. As we knew that English was
a global language which was used as a communication in the world. By
possessing English, it would make us easier to communicate with many
people around the world (Appendix 2, PN, line 544-553)

In the FGD, another participant explained that to be a successful person in

nursing settings, students should possess English for both verbal communication

and their field related skills.

…I also considered that studying English would be useful for us in many

aspects like we could understand nurses’ courses which were mostly
written in English and could also be used to communicate with patients
who come from abroad (Appendix 1, DK, line 84-93)
This assertion was supported by the interview data which explained that

…English was a communication’s tool which was sometimes used by nurses

to communicate with the doctors, senior nurses, hospital staffs or
administrators, etc. (Appendix 2, PN, line 602-650)

The Needs of English for Further Studies and Works in Abroad

Difficulty in mastering English is one of the common obstacles that often

occur for those who have the plan to study abroad. Possessing English is used as

one of the common requirements which have been inserted in the requirements for

studying abroad. Therefore, having a good proficiency of learning English is one

of the important competences that need to be achieved. Other students in the FGD

mentioned that possessing English was needed by someone who wanted to

continue their studies and works in abroad.

Yeah, I thought so, too. Learning English was so necessary. Learning

English was needed for someone who wanted to continue their studies
abroad. (Appendix 1, AD, line 19-25)

Most of the participants pointed out that studying English was very necessary for

both future career and study. It was one of the reasons why the learners had more

motivation to learn English in their school. It was proven by one of the argumentations

that have been stated by the participants in the questionnaire form.

In my opinion, the aims of studying English were it cannot be used as the

tool for communication only but for the students, who had a dream for
continuing their study and probably wanted to work abroad, learning
English can also be used as a skill that had to be mastered first.

For them, possessing English is important to support them in achieving their

better future job. They further added that they wanted to study abroad and worked there

as the professional nurses where English language used as the tool of communication.

They had to master English very well when they wanted to reach their dream. So, they

would not face any problems in terms of communication. It was supported by a

professional nurse who argued that mastering English can also be used to fulfill the

needed requirements for studying abroad.

Moreover, mastering English would be necessarily needed by

someone who probably wanted to continue their studies abroad…
(Appendix 2, PN, line 589-601)

The finding of questionnaire revealed that 19 out of 22 participants agreed

that the purposes of learning English were used to not for communication aspects

only but it could also use for the future job when they wanted to work in the

medical settings. Meanwhile, there were 16 out of 22 participants who stated that

their thought about their aims of learning English were to support them in

achieving their dream to study and work as professional nurses in abroad.


Wants deals about what students want to know (Hutchinson & Waters,

1987). Based on the finding in the FGD, questionnaire and interview, there are

three kinds of wanted-themes which can be gotten. The ‘wants’ which mostly

wanted to be learnt by nursing students are; first deals with the wanted-English

courses which wanted to study and the second discussed about the wanted-English

skills which were wanted to be learnt by nursing students.

The appropriate English courses wanted to be studied by nursing students

In relation to the topic of English course, most nursing students argued that

the English courses they wanted to study in the school should be able to connect

to their field. Nursing students can link what they have already obtained in

learning the nursing setting courses with the English nursing materials that they

have gotten in their school. The process of teaching and learning can be more

useful since nursing students study what they have been exposed to as the finding

I thought the appropriate English courses which should be studied by

nursing students mentioned about the procedures of filling the patients’
admission form, the parts of the body, the medical instruments, and the use
of drugs in prescription and in instruction which have been told by the
doctors to the nurses. (Appendix 1, BR, line 218-235)

Course is an important aspect in ENP teaching. Language learning courses

as anything which is used by teachers or students to facilitate the learning of a


As far as I’m concerned the content of the English courses given by

the teacher to us are too general. (Questionnaire)

In line with this, materials in ESP should address students’ fields that provide

real life tasks that include language skills, cultural knowledge, and the other abilities

that are useful to understand the texts (Coffey 1985, cited in Upton, 2011). The other

participants expressed the same thought that the suitable English materials given by

teacher should be in line with their discipline.

I extremely agreed with all of my friends’ opinions which had already said
clearly. The appropriateness of English courses with the chosen major was
really vital to be studied by nursing students. (Appendix 1, DK, line 264-285)

Discussing about the materials used in teaching and learning process, the teacher

mostly focuses on teaching grammatical aspects such as parts of speech, the kinds of

tenses, sentences, phrases, the use of WH-questions in clauses and etc. All of those

materials can be taken from various sources such as magazines, newspapers and internet.

It is often encountered that all of those materials taken from various sources that have

already mentioned above are ready made materials. Those materials come from different

sources are not frequently suitable with students need. This statement supported by the

data was taken from interview which agreed about giving English materials must be in

accordance with the nursing field. The chosen materials should be in line with the

students’ needs and interests.

The kinds of English materials which should be given by ENP teacher

to nursing students were suitable courses which have to be related to
the nurse’ major. (Appendix 2, PN, line 747-789)

The suitable English skills wanted to be studied by nursing students

Learning the appropriate English skills was needed by nursing students

department. The English skills that had been learnt by nursing students in their

school should have been applied as well when they worked in their future job.

According to nursing students, they confessed that the purpose of them learning

English is to support them when they started to work in nursing settings. Based on

the findings in FGD, nursing students wanted to learn all of English skills in order

to support their future job as a professional nurse.

For me personally thought that all of English skills had to be learnt by

us. They were very important for our future job. English had to be one
of the job requirements such as in foreign hospitals. All of those
English skills could not be separated. They belonged to integrated-
competences. (Appendix 1, DA, line 94-106)

The appropriateness of English skills have been taught by English teacher and

the needs of English skills have been needed in nursing scope are the important aspect

that most of nursing students expected. Another participant in FGD added further

reasons why they had to study English skills related to their discipline.

I considered reading, speaking and writing. I thought those three

skills were very important to be studied. Most of those three skills
were required for nurse. (Appendix 1, AD, line 130-147)

The importance of the suitable English skills learnt by nursing students and

the needs of English skills in nursing field was also explained by the professional

nurse who became the participant in this study. She shared her thought regarding the

suitable English skills learnt by nursing students and the needs of English skills in

nursing field was one of the crucial aspects that had to think of carefully.

I thought all of English language skills (listening, speaking, reading
and writing) were important to be studied by nurse. (Appendix 2, PN,
line 677-720)

Besides explaining about the important of studying English skills, some

participants mentioned that learning about pronunciation, grammar and

vocabulary had to be precisely studied as well.

According to me, learning pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and

also speaking were the most important competences which had to be
studied first when we learnt English. Pronunciation, vocabulary,
grammar and speaking were integrated aspects that cannot be
separated. (Appendix 1, RA, line 168-193)

The statement above further supported by the result of distributed

questionnaire that explained about mastering all of English language skills

directly are impossible things to be gotten. But all of those English skills were

indeed needed in the nursing settings.

We had our own strengthen and weakness in learning something. As

we knew that there were many skills in English that have to be studied.
They were listening, writing, speaking, reading, grammar,
pronunciation and vocabulary. (Questionnaire)

The result of questionnaire displayed the participants’ thoughts about the

importance of English language skills that have to master by nursing students

were listening, writing, speaking, reading and listening. They underlined all of

those skills were essential to study for nursing students and sorting out the

appropriate English courses were crucial aspects too.

In sum, the English language skills (reading, writing, speaking and

listening) are very necessary to be studied for the nursing students major. All of

those English language skills are concatenated competences which cannot be

segregated. Listening ability cannot be secluded from speaking ability whereas

reading ability cannot be detached from writing ability for instance. Grammar,

pronunciation and vocabulary were important aspects in studying English which

could not be disregarded too.


Lacks stresses about the gap between what students have already known

and what they have not known (Hutchinson & Waters 1987). Based on the

findings, the majority of nursing students have lacks in mastering English skills.

Managing four skills in English basically somehow difficult to be maintained as

EFL learners.

In the FGD showed that in reading skills most nursing students cannot

understand comprehending the main idea in a text or a paragraph. For them,

comprehending the main idea implicitly in a text or a paragraph was so difficult

and complicated. They further added in learning English we also had to study

about the kinds of texts. It was not easy to be studied because every text had its

own characteristics which had to be remembered.

I sometimes could not understand the main idea in a text implicitly. It

was so complicated to me. It would be easier to find out the explicit
main idea of the text rather than the implicit one. (Appendix 1, DA,
line 346-361)
The other participants stated the same thought that reading skills was one

of the difficult English skills when they studied English

For me, reading skill was my biggest weakness when I learnt English.
This skill was a skill I was not precisely good at...(Appendix 1, DK,
line 434-445)

Some respondents argued that speaking and listening skills were one of their

obstacles that they had faced when they learnt English. They thought that it was not

easy to share what they have thought in their minds or make some conversations in

English when they had a speaking skill lesson. During their working hours,

communicating to the patient was a must in order to administer medication, delivered

any information regarding the condition of the patients, listened to the patients’

problems carefully and gave them advice. Listening was also one of crucial skills that

nursing students have to master in learning English. Communication would not occur

as it should when nurses could not listen to their patients properly. Thus, it was vivid

that nursing students need to rectify their both speaking and listening ability in order

to be able to socialize with their future patients.

In my opinion, listening and speaking skills in English were the

toughest skills I have ever studied. The way of English speakers saying
something was also one of the factors that made it difficult for me to
learn. I could not get used to listening to English pronunciation which
sounded very complicated. (Appendix 1, MU, line 391-415)

The participants stated that they did not have enough confidence because of

their lack of vocabulary and pronunciation problems. They felt afraid of having

misunderstandings because of their poor pronunciation. There were several situations

where the patients could not understand what nurses were saying. Some of participants

also referred to listening problems when they had on the phone because the patients’

accent and the vocabularies that were used in the conversation could not easily to

understand. They had to ask for clarification and repetition to the patients many times.

It was so difficult to get the point of what people had already explained to
me when they said it using English because my native language was not
English and I rarely use it in my daily activities so that I was not get used
to it. (Questionnaire)

Those problems stated above were also faced by some other students. It was

proven by other participants who also confessed that listening and speaking skills were

the skills which could not be learnt very well when they studied English.

I was not good at mastering speaking and listening skills. Honestly, I was
afraid of being judged and bullied by my friends because my ability in both
skills was so weak especially for my pronunciation and vocabulary.
(Appendix 1, AD, line 376-390)

Another difficult major language skills that nursing students had faced in

learning English was writing. In the real working world, nurses would have to

write down the patients’ records, such as patients’ health history and their physical

records. Nursing students were also required to be able to write some reports in

English. Most of them were aware that their capability in grammar was so poor,

thus they needed to remedy their ability in grammar.

My English writing skill still needed to be upgraded again. I thought

my writing was not good honestly. (Appendix 1, BR, line 362-375)

It can be deduced based on the argument above that all of English language skills

(reading, writing, speaking and listening) are very crucial to be studied for the nursing

students department. All of those English language skills are integrated competences

which cannot be segregated for example speaking ability cannot be secluded from

listening ability whereas writing ability cannot be detached from reading ability.

The finding of questionnaire displayed all of the participants who mostly

discussed about their several lacks of studying English. They told that some of

English language skills that had been taught by their English teacher such as

speaking, reading, writing, and listening were not easily to understand.

The extent of students’ needs which have been included in English teaching

and learning

The needs of learning English conversation for the daily activity

The nursing students’ needs of learning English have been included in English

teaching and learning process. The teacher has already been taught nursing students about

English conversation for daily activity which consists of several common expressions.

They gave them many understanding and practicing in teaching and learning process

every day. It was used as a supported ability of nursing students to communicate for their

daily activity. Several participants agreed that English is indeed needed in not only in the

formal condition, but it also could be used for inside or outside of job place.

The extent of students’ needs which have not been included in English
teaching and learning
The capacity of teacher in teaching English

There were different students’ perspectives of ENP and GE that was shown

based on the responses of students in FGD. Several respondents thought that the given

ENP program was exactly the same as GE. The teacher taught the same courses which

students had already learnt beforehand from their previous school. Some other

respondents stressed that their teacher did not know the precise lesson that they should

teach to the nursing students department. It can be summed up that the teacher should

have the competence to sort out the suitable teaching strategies and methods based on

the teaching majors relating the content of the materials and also the uses of language.

English teacher mostly taught us GE courses than the ENP courses

which it should have been more suitable for us. I thought the portion
of teaching English in class for ENP should be higher than GE.
(Appendix 1, DA, line 446-462)

Another respondent showed that the English teacher’s performance in

teaching ENP did not matched with her expectation. She was disappointed with

her English teacher. She explained it through her opinion

To be honest, the expectation of mine was so high when the English

teacher taught me some English lessons in the class for the first time. But, all
of my expectations were directly disappeared when my English teacher gave
mostly GE courses to us. (Appendix1, AD, line 475-490).
The other nursing student espoused by providing several opinions which

were also connected to the teacher’s proficiency in teaching English.

I found the English courses were so boring. I sometimes fell asleep

when my English teacher taught us because of the way of his teaching
was extremely monotonous. (Appendix 1, BR, line 463-474)
English language methods, course content and material for nurse’ major

In the FGD part, many respondents pointed out the major reasons of

studying ENP courses are to support the learners to possess English skills which

are in accordance with their field. In nursing major, the ENP teacher was expected

to assist students gaining their English ability which supported not only for their

academic achievement and but also for their future workplace in nursing settings.

They stated ENP courses were not the same with GE courses. Most of them are

expected to possess the technical nursing terms to bolster their study and their

future career as well.

I totally did not get anything about the nursing field when I was
placed in the hospital where I became an internship. At that time, the
English teacher gave us the GE one; she did not focus on teaching us
English materials for nursing department. (Appendix 1, RA, line 511-

Knowing the strategic role of teachers in ENP, especially as material

provider, they need to understand the courses which are integrated into the

learners’ majors. But, in fact, ENP teachers have not offered the suitable ENP

courses to the learners in their teaching and learning process.

Our English teacher never mentioned any matter related my field at

all, so I did not get many knowledge associated with the lesson I had
learnt in ENP class (Appendix 1, MU, line 505-510)
Some respondents in the FGD made suggestion to conclude all of their

friends’ opinion regarding the ideal teaching ENP and also the suitable teaching

courses for nursing students.

For me, the ENP teacher should understand very well regarding the
English materials which would be delivered to nursing students. The
needs of nursing students could be fulfilled in learning English. So,
when nursing students had internship program, all of the ENP
materials which had been studied before could be applied perfectly
(Appendix 1, DK, line 528-543)

The finding of questionnaire displayed the participants’ arguments that

focused on sharing about the extent of students’ needs which have not been

included in English teaching and learning. They explained that there were several

extents of students’ needs which have not been included in English teaching and

learning. There were 20 out of 22 participants who shared their thought that their

English teacher’s proficiency in teaching English was low. The English teacher

could not explain the materials very well. In addition, there were 19 out of 22

participants who confessed that English language methods, course content and

material that had been taught by their English teacher were inappropriate for

nursing students’ department. They taught it very monotonously.


Based on the findings, it can be summed up that nursing students strongly

consented that all of integrated-skills in English language have to be studied to

espouse them both in their academic achievement and nursing settings. The

finding showed that all of the suitable of ENP courses and skills were wanted to

be studied by nursing students in order to match their needs in their future job.

The similarity of finding in my research could also find in several researches such

as in Freihat and Al-Makhzoomi (2012), Chung and Chang (2017), Alinezhad and

Gholami (2012), Mazdayasna and Tahririan (2008).

A research done by Chung & Chang (2017) showed the finding about the

course of ESP should emphasis on the specific field delivered in English with

specific vocabulary, terms, and other relevant things. Alinezhad & Gholami

(2012) had done conducting a research which focused on exploring about the

English language needs of nursing students during having the education and

nursing practitioners in the nursing settings in Urmia. The finding of the study

revealed that English knowledge was really influential in their both academic

aspects and the nursing settings.

On the other hand, Freihat and Al-Makhzoomi (2012) had done a research

which dealt with probing the nursing students major in learning English language

in Jordan. The utilities that had been applied by Freihat and Al-Makhzoomi in

their research were questionnaire, observation, and interview. The researchers

found out several problems that had usually been faced by the nursing students

when they were in nursing settings. Those several problems were the difficulty of

having good communications with their patients in the various clinical settings,

following through with step-by-step procedures could not be done properly,

having some lacks in making the patients’ charts or documenting inappropriately

in clients’ records, and misreading some written reports based on the physician’s

orders. The researchers underlined that both GE and ESP courses made nursing

students able to communicate in English with their patients who came from

different cultures and language. The last researcher who also conducted the needs

analysis in order to figure out the nursing students’ needs in learning English was

Mazdayasna and Tahririan (2008). Their research explained about the needs of

learning English for undergraduate students of medical science who studied in the

faculties of nursing and midwifery. The questionnaires and interviews were used

as their equipment while conducting their research. The result of their research

exposed the ESP courses provided were not as effective as it was supposed to be.

They further mentioned ESP courses even did not match with the learners’ needs

at all. They concluded that most of the ESP courses in Iran were conducted

without consultation with specialists and without assessing the learners’ needs.

There were some difference emerges that could be found in this current

research. First, the information which talked about the nursing students’ needs in

studying English which had not been figured out by the previous researcher, they are:

the needs of learning English for further studies and works abroad as a professional

nurse. The findings taken from FGD, questionnaire and interviews found that nursing

students must have the ability to speak English to help them fulfilling one of the general

requirements that are used as a requirement to continue studying abroad. Having a good

qualification in English is very crucial for those who want to continue their studies

abroad, especially for those who choose a non-English native speaking country that

uses English as the language preference in teaching and learning process or for those

who choose a country that uses English as their mother tongue or native language. This

also applies to those who wanted to work as professional nurses abroad. It would be

tough for those who were not good at studying English or did not have a good enough

qualification in mastery of English. Therefore, having a good proficiency in mastering

English is an important aspect that needs to be learnt for a nurse.

Second part is the extent of nursing students’ need of learning English in

ENP courses. The purpose of conducting ENP courses in Health Vocational High

School of Adi Husada was to facilitate the nursing students to be ready in this

globalization era. ENP was one of the programs for developing the language

based on the students’ needs to match particular or certain aims of communication.

Surprisingly, the purpose of ENP courses was in stark contrast with the

application in the teaching and learning process. The ENP teacher mostly had

given GE rather than ENP. This research was also supported by the previous

research which declared that the English teaching process in ENP program was

not match with the English students’ needs (Mazdayasna and Tahririan, 2008)



Based on the research findings which were provided in the previous

chapter, the researcher categorized the nursing students’ needs of studying English

into three aspects: a) Necessities focused on what the students have to know about

learning English. In this aspect mentioned about the aims of nursing students

study English. First, they wanted to study English because it was used for

communication and professional nurse’ job and the second they wanted to study

English because it was needed in order to fulfill one of the required qualifications

to study abroad. b) ‘Wants’ covered what students want to know. In this part

stressed about nursing students most-wanted aspects to be inserted in their

learning English. They described that there were two aspects which wanted to be

included in their learning English process. They were the appropriate English

courses wanted to be studied by nursing students and the suitable English skills

wanted to be studied by nursing students c). Lack explained about the gap between

what students have already known and what they have not known. Most of nursing

students had some lacks in learning all of English skills. Most of respondents stated

that in reading skill they had some problems in comprehending the content in a

paragraph because of their vocabulary were so limited. Meanwhile, in speaking and

listening skills, they had several lacks in understanding on what English native

speakers were saying about. They could not get the point of it because they thought

the ways of English native speakers saying something were too fast and their

pronunciations could not be listened clearly. They did not get used to it. Moreover,

they did not have much confident using English because they were afraid of being

bullied by their friends and also the limitation of their vocabulary, whereas, in writing

skill, they argued that they had some obstacles in it such as they confused on how to

use the correct grammar and limited-vocabulary and how to make a good

arrangement or composition in a paragraph or a text.

Based on the results in FGD, questionnaire and interview, several of the

respondents’ arguments supported previous researcher in regards to the needs of

nursing students learning English for communication and for workplace, while

some other arguments were new and emerge from their thoughts about studying

English for further studies and works on abroad.

On the other hand, in regards to the second research questions about the extent

of the nursing students’ needs have been included in their English teaching and learning,

most of respondents explained that only the needs of English conversation for daily

activity which had already been included. They showed their dissatisfaction on ENP

courses given by Health Vocational School of Adi Husada in the way of fulfill their

needs. Due to the low level of ENP teacher’s proficiency and the mismatches of ENP

courses and contents became two main categories on their dissatisfaction. They hoped

that ENP could be designed as one of the preparation class to support nursing students

both in academic achievement and future job.


Based on the research findings, it was crucial to provide the useful

suggestions. The suggestions were presented for the Principal of Health

Vocational High School of Adi Husada when deciding the policy. The new policy

which based on the result of FGD and interview related to the students’ needs of

learning English in Vocational High School especially for nursing students’

department was expected to be accordance and support the ENP teaching to fulfill

the students’ needs both in academic and their future job place. For ENP teacher,

the findings of this research was also expected to help ENP teacher to be authentic

information to develop suitable syllabus based on the nursing students’ needs.

This research was helped the ENP students to give several knowledge and add the

new understanding to the nursing students about students’ needs of learning

English in vocational high school required to support their future job. The last for

the further researcher, the researcher expected that the further researchers could

develop and elaborate this research into some other disciplines.


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