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Common Knowledge

submitted by Theodore Franz Remoblas

Grade VI ― Faith
Once, in a world full of weird beings and weird
things, there was a man ― Steve. Steve was a middle-
aged man, full of things he wanted to do.
Steve was quite an uneducated man because he didn’t
understand why he was being counseled and told to
“always do what’s right” – until a wise man, Joshua, told
him why. *“The present is built by the work of the past.
The future depends on the present ― [what you do, that
is],”* said Joshua to Steve.
“Oh, but why is that?” asked Steve, still unsure of
why not to do any wrongdoing intentionally.
“This is what I am doing: *“The wisdom of the
older/elder generation is given to the younger generation
[for them to do right].”* If I did not do this, then of what
use am I, except to do meaningless things?”
“But...”–here he went to the local library–“why does
it say here, *‘The older person who had been taking care
of the world is giving it to the next generation’*?
“That’s the way older or more experienced people
help, uh, influence how you act. Just make sure you obey
their advice, however!” replied Joshua.
Just then, a weird builder (“enderman,” they called it)
appeared and confirmed the validity of Joshua’s sayings.
“*The power of an elder generation to grow nature is
being entrusted to the younger one, and also the power to
make buildings,” said he, whose name was Dilbert.
“And...” said a blaze, *“the older one is willing to
give/share what s/he has for the younger one.* That is one
of my mottos,” claimed Ralixto (the blaze).
“Oh...” Steve said. “Thanks!”


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