Experiment 8

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Name: Dhinesh Kanna Ramkumar 
Reg.No: 19BCL0007 
Teacher: Dr.Porchelvan 
Slot: L55‐L56 
Two straight railway lines T1B and T2B meet at a chainage of 3450m. A simple circular curve of 250m radius 
joins them. The deflection angle between the two straights is 50°. Layout the curve on the field on the 
Rankine’s method of deflection angles. Take the chord interval as 20m. 

1) Theodolite 
2) Tape for length measurement
3) Ranging rods and arrows


1) Set up the theodolite at the beginning of the curve T1.

2) Unclamp the vernier plate and set the vernier A to the first tangential angle ∆1, the telescope
being thus directed along T1D.
3) Measure along the line T1D, the length equal to first sub-chord (C1) thus fixing first point D
on the curve.
4) Unclamp the vernier plate now and set the vernier A to the second total tangential angle ∆2,
the line of sight is now directed along T1E.
5) With the zero end of tape at D and with an arrow held at distances of DE=C2 (second chord),
swing the chain about D until the line of sight bisects the arrow, thus fixing the second point
E on the curve.
6) Repeat the process until the last point T2 is reached.



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