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The word science is gotten from the greek

words/profiles/meaning/life/and/logos/meaning/study/and is characterized as the study of life

and living creatures. A creature is a living substance comprising of one cell for example
microorganisms, or a few cells for example creatures, plants and organisms.

Parts of natural science range from the investigation of sub-atomic systems in cells, to the
grouping and conduct of creatures, how species develop and communication between

Science frequently covers with different sciences; for instance, natural chemistry and toxicology
with science, science, and medication; biophysics with science and physical science;
stratigraphy with science and geology; astrobiology with science and cosmology. Sociologies,
for example, topography, theory, brain research and human science can likewise connect with
science, for instance, in organization of natural assets, formative science, biogeography,
transformative brain research and morals.

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