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‘Choose the correct item. She esses dinner at the moment. : Aiscooking Bam cooking © cooks | 2 Doweneed . .. bread? Aa Bsome any 3. Let's meet for LUNCH Wednesday, Ain Bon Cat 1 nonnen €GQS are there in the fridge? : AHowmuch BB How ‘C How many Yuko .. A lives Cis living Would yOu like @ «ness BISCUitS? A little B few C some -onmnn Playing with her friends at the moment? Alsit Blsshe Clshe Can I have... milk? A some B any Catow How about a... of cake? A cup Barton piece Do you want any 2 A tomatoes B tomato —_€ tomatos 1" 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 __(Time: 20 minutes) She a shower every night. Ais having B has Cam having Could | have @ nn... Of water, please? A glass Bpacket — C piece Rick .. .» for his exams this week. Aamstudying BB studies. -—_C is studying HOW vevcsessene t@ do you want? A some B much many I ssesesunen today in Boston, Aisn'tsnowing Bsnows — C snowing There aren't ANY ..o.ren0e ON the table. A knifes B knife C knives ‘Are you .. . late today? ‘A working B work ¢ works Can I have ... sugar in my coffee, please? Aaiitle Bafew C any Carol usually .. Jeans and sandals. A don't wear Bis wearing C wears There are ... .. apples in the basket. A much Bailittle C some 1

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