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Written Assignment Week 5

Self-directed learning

Instructor Milton Ramirez

Self-directed learning 

"A self-directed learner is someone who takes control of their learning process

and takes the initiative to learn. Self-directed learners do not wait for someone to direct

them - instead, they recognize that they control what, how, and when they learn. Self-

directed learners consistently seek out the opportunity to enrich themselves through

learning and are intrinsically motivated to learn" (University of People, n.d.). 

Self-directed learning is not an easy thing like picking up a hobby. It requires lots

of serious critical thinking processes and self-evaluation of the current status of learning

style and relating outcomes first. Then, we need to write down our targets and goals, and

what can we do to complete them strategically. We can discuss these with our instructors,

advisors, and even peers or seniors who might have good ideas and instructions. After

thoroughly planning, we should start following the schedules and try to keep up with the

goals. We also need to reflect and reassess after every quota we set (University of

Waterloo, n.d.). These steps are important in practicing self-directed learning.

To be reflected on me as a student, I assume I am a responsible student because

even when the deadline is near and I have not finished my work due to many reasons, I

try to finish it fast and properly by not sabotaging it. In other words, I am conscious

enough to finish my work before the deadline. Another strength is that I can accept any

criticism or suggestion from anyone because I think we are all learners and we can also

learn by viewing other people's perceptions and experiences which can help in our

growth in real and academic life. 

I do not know if I can call this a weakness or an unhealthy habit because I am

likely to rethink my ideas and my answers in assignments again and again because I am
afraid that I might make a mistake like getting a whole idea wrong. This costs me a lot of

time and sometimes almost late to the deadline due to my overthinking. My friends

always have to remind me that as long as I have reasonable statements and reasons to

support them, my discussions and assignments are valid. The other one is that I think my

English skill is not good enough to make formal writing which can appeal to the readers.

I think these can make me lose my grades and can dishearten my self-directed learning


So, I have made preparations and decisions to become a more self-directed

learner. Firstly, I decided to make a timetable to study, rest and do my hobbies in order to

practice better time management. This can help me manage my time efficiently and

productively. Studying without rest and play can make me dull. Secondly, I changed my

reading methods by scanning first for titles and the main points and after that, I start deep

reading all contents. In this way, I can expect what I will learn from this, and my reading

will be fast and effective due to the scanning. Thirdly, I will try to finish my draft writing

first early so that I can have more time to edit to a better one for submission. Overall, I

will do my best to become an independent and inspiring self-directed learner.


University of People. (n.d.). Self directed


University of Waterloo. (n.d.). Self-directed learning: A four-step



Word count: 550

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