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After I step on the scale, I will thank God for the new day.

After I start my morning coffee, I will tidy one item in the living room

After I wash my face in the morning, I will put sunscreen on it.

After I start the dishwasher, I will take my vitamin.

After I walk out the door for the day, I will say Today will be a great day.

After I enter the house at the end of the day, I will kiss my wife for 10 seconds.

After I get home, I will set out my workout clothes.

After I put my kids in bed, I will tell them goodnight, I love you, sweet dreams.

After I take off my clothes at night, I will put them away.

After my head hits the pillow, I will think of something I am grateful for.

The book "Heal Your Wounds and Find Your True Self" by Lisa Bourbeau identifies five psychological
wounds that can affect individuals and hinder their ability to live a fulfilling life. These wounds are:

Abandonment: This wound can occur when an individual feels rejected or deserted by someone
important to them, such as a parent, partner, or friend. It can lead to feelings of insecurity, mistrust,
and fear of being alone.

Humiliation: This wound can occur when an individual feels embarrassed, ashamed, or degraded. It
can lead to feelings of worthlessness, inferiority, and a lack of self-esteem.

Betrayal: This wound can occur when an individual feels betrayed by someone they trusted, such as a
friend, partner, or family member. It can lead to feelings of anger, resentment, and a lack of trust in

Injustice: This wound can occur when an individual feels that they have been treated unfairly or
unjustly. It can lead to feelings of anger, frustration, and a sense of powerlessness.

Rejection: This wound can occur when an individual feels rejected or not accepted by others. It can
lead to feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and a lack of self-worth.

Abandonment: An example of this wound could be a child whose parents divorce and they feel
rejected by one of them. This could lead to feelings of insecurity, mistrust, and fear of abandonment
in future relationships.

Humiliation: An example of this wound could be a person who is bullied in school and made to feel
embarrassed and degraded by their peers. This could lead to feelings of worthlessness, inferiority,
and a lack of self-esteem that may affect their future interactions.

Betrayal: An example of this wound could be a person whose spouse cheats on them. This could lead
to feelings of anger, resentment, and a lack of trust in others, which may affect future relationships.
Injustice: An example of this wound could be a person who is wrongly accused of a crime and treated
unfairly by the justice system. This could lead to feelings of anger, frustration, and a sense of
powerlessness that may affect their perception of the world and their place in it.

Rejection: An example of this wound could be a person who is not accepted by their peers because
they are different in some way. This could lead to feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and a lack of self-
worth that may affect their future interactions and relationships.

Tatiana Prisecari

Expand on humiliation wound and its masochism mask?

Humiliation is a psychological wound that can occur when an individual feels embarrassed, ashamed,
or degraded. It can be caused by a variety of situations, such as bullying, public embarrassment, or
being treated disrespectfully. The wound can lead to feelings of worthlessness, inferiority, and a lack
of self-esteem, which can affect an individual's behavior and relationships.

Humiliation wound can manifest in the form of a "masochism mask", which refers to the tendency of
individuals to seek out or tolerate further humiliation as a way of coping with their emotional pain.
This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

Self-deprecating behavior: Individuals may make negative comments about themselves or engage in
self-destructive behaviors in order to feel in control of the situation and avoid the feelings of
helplessness that come with feeling humiliated.

Seeking out negative attention: Individuals may actively seek out negative attention or criticism as a
way of feeling in control of the situation and avoiding the feelings of helplessness that come with
feeling humiliated.

Tolerating mistreatment: Individuals may tolerate mistreatment or disrespect in their relationships as

a way of coping with their feelings of worthlessness and inferiority.

Self-sabotage: Individuals may engage in self-sabotaging behaviors, such as procrastinating or not

putting in effort in their work or personal life, which can lead to failure and further feelings of

It's important to note that the Masochism mask is not a diagnosis and it's a behavior pattern that
some people may adopt as a coping mechanism for their emotional pain, but it's not healthy and it
can lead to further emotional pain. Seeking professional help and addressing the underlying
emotional pain can help individuals to heal the wound and move towards a more fulfilling life.
Tatiana Prisecari

Expand on rejection wound and its withdrawal mask?

Rejection is a psychological wound that can occur when an individual feels rejected or not accepted
by others. It can be caused by a variety of situations, such as not being selected for a job, not being
invited to a party, or not being accepted by a group of peers. The wound can lead to feelings of
insecurity, self-doubt, and a lack of self-worth, which can affect an individual's behavior and

Rejection wound can manifest in the form of a "withdrawal mask", which refers to the tendency of
individuals to withdraw from social interactions and activities as a way of coping with their emotional
pain. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

Social isolation: Individuals may withdraw from social interactions and activities, and may prefer to
be alone or in small groups.

Avoiding relationships: Individuals may avoid forming new relationships or may have difficulty
maintaining existing ones.

Lack of self-care: Individuals may neglect their personal grooming and hygiene, and may not take
care of themselves as well as they should.

Difficulty in expressing emotions: Individuals may have difficulty expressing emotions, which can
make it hard for others to connect with them emotionally.

Low energy levels: Individuals may appear tired, lethargic, or unmotivated, and may not have a lot of
energy for social interactions or activities.

It's important to note that the Withdrawal mask is not a diagnosis and it's a behavior pattern that
some people may adopt as a coping mechanism for their emotional pain, but it's not healthy and it
can lead to further emotional pain and isolation. Seeking professional help and addressing the
underlying emotional pain can help individuals to heal the wound and move towards a more fulfilling
Tatiana Prisecari

Expand on abandonment wound and its dependence mask?

Abandonment is a psychological wound that can occur when an individual feels rejected or deserted
by someone important to them, such as a parent, partner, or friend. It can be the result of a physical
separation, such as a divorce or death, or an emotional separation, such as a lack of attention or
support. The wound can lead to feelings of insecurity, mistrust, and fear of being alone, which can
affect an individual's behavior and relationships.

Abandonment wound can manifest in the form of a "dependence mask", which refers to the
tendency of individuals to become overly dependent on others as a way of coping with their
emotional pain. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

Fear of being alone: Individuals may have a strong fear of being alone and may become overly clingy
or possessive in relationships.

Difficulty in making decisions: Individuals may have difficulty making decisions or may rely on others
to make decisions for them.

Low self-esteem: Individuals may have negative thoughts about themselves and may not believe they
are worthy of love and attention.

Difficulty in setting boundaries: Individuals may have difficulty setting boundaries and may be overly
accommodating or may attract people that are not healthy for them.

Difficulty in accepting responsibility: Individuals may have difficulty accepting responsibility for their
actions, and may blame others for their problems.

It's important to note that the Dependence mask is not a diagnosis and it's a behavior pattern that
some people may adopt as a coping mechanism for their emotional pain, but it's not healthy and it
can lead to further emotional pain and lack of independence. Seeking professional help and
addressing the underlying emotional pain can help individuals to heal the wound and move towards
a more fulfilling life, learning how to set boundaries, accept responsibility and be more self-sufficient.

Tatiana Prisecari

Expand on betrayal wound and its control mask?

Betrayal is a psychological wound that can occur when an individual feels betrayed by someone they
trusted, such as a friend, partner, or family member. It can be caused by a variety of situations, such
as infidelity, lying, or backstabbing. The wound can lead to feelings of anger, resentment, and a lack
of trust in others, which can affect an individual's behavior and relationships.

Betrayal wound can manifest in the form of a "control mask", which refers to the tendency of
individuals to become overly controlling as a way of coping with their emotional pain. This can
manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

Difficulty trusting others: Individuals may have difficulty trusting others and may become overly
suspicious or paranoid.

Need for control: Individuals may have a strong need to control their environment and the people
around them.

Fear of rejection: Individuals may have a fear of rejection and may become possessive or jealous in

Difficulty in forgiving: Individuals may have difficulty forgiving those who have betrayed them, and
may hold grudges for a long time.

Difficulty in letting go: Individuals may have difficulty letting go of the past and may continue to dwell
on the betrayal even after the situation has been resolved.

It's important to note that the Control mask is not a diagnosis and it's a behavior pattern that some
people may adopt as a coping mechanism for their emotional pain, but it's not healthy and it can lead
to further emotional pain and lack of trust in others. Seeking professional help and addressing the
underlying emotional pain can help individuals to heal the wound, learn how to trust again, forgive
and let go of the past.

Tatiana Prisecari

Expand on injustice wound and its rigidity mask?

Injustice is a psychological wound that can occur when an individual feels that they have been
treated unfairly or unjustly. It can be caused by a variety of situations, such as discrimination, being
wrongly accused of a crime, or being mistreated by authority figures. The wound can lead to feelings
of anger, frustration, and a sense of powerlessness, which can affect an individual's behavior and

Injustice wound can manifest in the form of a "rigidity mask", which refers to the tendency of
individuals to become inflexible and rigid in their thinking and behavior as a way of coping with their
emotional pain. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

Difficulty adapting to change: Individuals may have difficulty adapting to change and may resist new
ideas or ways of doing things.

Lack of empathy: Individuals may have a lack of empathy for others and may be unwilling to see
different perspectives.

Difficulty in compromise: Individuals may have difficulty compromise and may be unwilling to
compromise or negotiate.

Difficulty in letting go of grudges: Individuals may have difficulty letting go of grudges and may
continue to hold resentment towards those who have treated them unjustly.

Rigid beliefs: Individuals may have rigid beliefs and may be unwilling to consider new information or
perspectives that challenge their beliefs.

It's important to note that the Rigidity mask is not a diagnosis and it's a behavior pattern that some
people may adopt as a coping mechanism for their emotional pain, but it's not healthy and it can lead
to further emotional pain and lack of adaptability. Seeking professional help and addressing the
underlying emotional pain can help individuals to heal the wound, learn how to let go of grudges, be
more flexible and open-minded, and improve their ability to adapt to change.

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