CW2100438-S092-0023 - R1-2 Commented

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54-0022 Oyu Tolgoi Project



tk IS (USA) Inc. Document Number tkIS PO #

TUS-CVS-5858-DZ-0001-033 4500005858
Document Title

Packing and Shipping Specification

Supplier Name Client Document Number

Daidung Metallic Manufacture Construction and Trade Corp. 0000-59-SPE-1755

Equipment Tag Numbers

All items

Rev Date Details or Purpose of Revision

A 13-Aug-21 Issue for Approval
0 26-Aug-21 Issue for Construction

Contractor/Supplier/Vendor Technical Document 
and Drawing Review for SN1809A0 ‐ OT 
Underground Project

Reviewed with No Comments.
(Construction/Fabrication may Proceed)
Reviewed with Minor Comments.
2 Revise and resubmit "Final Version" incorporating comments.
  (Construction/Fabrication may proceed thereafter)
Rejected with Major Comments.
3 Correct and resubmit "For Review" incorporating comments.
  (DO NOT PROCEED with Construction or Fabrication)
Not Reviewed ‐ Received For Information Only.
  No further submission is required.
Received Certified/Equipment Package Vendor Document.
  Received As Built ‐ Contractor Document.

6 Cancelled.
Submit Certified Document.
Name Digitally signed by Andrew Stonehouse
DN: cn=Andrew Stonehouse, c=AU, o=Worley,
Responsible Engineer Signature ou=Energy, Chemicals and Resources,
Date Date: 2022.02.10 10:07:55 +10'00'

Equipment Tag No.

Client Document No.  0000-59-SPE-1755
Jacobs Document No. and 
Revision CW2100438-S092-0023_R1
August 26, 2021

1. Preservation .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Packing ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2.1.  Classification of Packing Forms ............................................................................................................................... 2 
2.2.  General ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 
2.3.  General requirements for Moisture Proof Box, Water Proof Box and Open Crate ................................................ 3 
2.4.  General requirements for Skid, Bundle and Pallet ................................................................................................. 4 
2.5.  General requirements for Steel Frame ................................................................................................................ 4 
2.6.  Packing for Steel Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 5 
2.7.  Packing steps for dry container (steel framed skid inside) ..................................................................................... 5 
2.8.  Packing steps for break bulk (oversized steel framed skid) .................................................................................... 7 

(Add section)
1. General:
The packing and shipping shall comply with the following Oyu Tolgoi project specifications:
- 0000-94-WKI-9000_0 Packing, Marking and Shipping Instructions
- 0000-94-GUI-9001_0 Detailed Marking and Labelling Guidelines for Contractors
- 0000-94-GUI-9002_0 Detailed Packaging Guidelines for Contractors
- 0000-94-PRC-9004_0 Loading and Unloading Procedure
- 0000-15-SPE-0001_3 Structural Steel and Other Metalwork - Fabrication and Erection

1. Preservation
All surfaces of products shall be cleaned free of oil, rust and contaminant before packing.

2. Packing
Rust preventative such as Valvoline
2.1. Classification of Packing Forms
Tectyl 506 shall be applied to any
uncoated steel surfaces before packing.
2.1.1 Water Proof Box
Water Proof Boxes shall be sealed completely and be applied to products that need water proofing,
rust-prevention and products that damage prevention from vibration, shock and pressure of weight is
required. And accessories and small parts shall be packed in this packing form.
2.1.2 Moisture Proof Box
Moisture Proof Boxes shall be sealed completely and be applied to products that need water proofing,
moisture proofing, rust-prevention and products that damage prevention from vibration, shock and
pressure of weight is required. And electric panels and spare parts shall be packed in this packing
2.1.3 Open Crate
Open Crates shall be applied to products and parts that are resistant to rain, dust, sunshine, vibration,
pressure and shock. And these forms shall be applied to products that need external check during the
2.1.4 Skid
Skids shall be applied to products that are strong enough to endure water, sun and damages due to
contact or shock when handling products directly.
2.1.5 Bundle
Bundles shall be applied to products that are simple and strong enough to endure damages due to
contact or shock when loading or unloading.
2.1.6 Pallet
Pallets shall be applied to products such as thin plates or pipes that are not strong enough to protect
products by simple skids or bundles during the transportation and storage which can effect deformation
of product. And special cares are needed to prevent damage when stacking the product.
steel structures
2.1.7 Steel Frame
Steel frame shall be applied to products such as stack, duct, module, electrostatic precipitator(CE, DE),
coal burner and casing etc. that are easily damaged due to big size and heavy weight. Special care is
needed to prevent damage in product’s shape with multistage loading.

2.2. Generral

2.2.1 The woodd packing ma

aterials used
d in packing or
o shipment for
f Export must be eitherr heat treated
d or be
d. and comply with ISPM 15 international standard.

2.2.2 Products shall be paccked separate

ely to stack according
a to their weight and bulk.

2.2.3 The tags be attached to each prodduct to make e field identiffication easy,, and the tag
gs shall be ad
firmly to prevent
p being
g detached easily
e during handling and transportattion.
Tags shall include the complete ID number, (e.g. 1833-TEBC-B003-1/1)
2.2.4 Small loose items sha
all be packed
d in boxes.

2.2.5 Spare items and main

n items shall be packed separately.
s Spare
S items shall
s be packked in woode
en box
2.2.6 The produucts shall be
e properly blo
ocked and bra
aced to prevvent damage during transsportation, ha
and stora
2.2.7 The fixing
g wood shall be fixed to avoid
a separating. Fixing wood shall also comply with ISPM 15.
2.2.8 In case of
o fixing prod
duct with Steeel bands, the
t pad (plastic, Toilon, Film, etc.) shall
s be app
plied to
prevent th
he direct con
ntact from the
e product.
2.2.9 The rubbe er pad, plasttic guard, etcc. shall be pla
aced betwee
en Cord Strap and the sh
harp part of product
in order to
o protect from
m damage.
0 To prevennt damage off painted surrfaces due too direct conta
act between products, cu ushioning ma
shall be put
p between the t productss and be fixedd.
1 Thin prodducts which have
h risk of deformation
d c
caused ng equipment (Wire,
by direct contact with handlin
Fork, etc.) shall be pa
acked in woooden boxes or
o steel frame e.

2 In case off transportatiion with dry container,
c the
e timber dire
ection of rubb
Provide description of
box/pallet/skid shall
bing strip of b
be applied in the same direction as a the longituudinal directio ntainer. what types of
on of the con
cushioning materials
3 Products (Paint/Thinn
2.2.13 ner, Battery, etc.) which are classifie erous goods should be packed
ed as dange p
g to the relate
according ed internation
nal regulation
n such as IMD
are usedDanggerous
DG Code(Intternational Maritime
Goods Co
ode), TI (Tecchnical Instru
uctions for the
e safe transp
port of dange
erous goods by air) and so
s on.

2.3. Generral requireme

ents for Moissture Proof Box,
B Water Proof Box and
d Open Crate

2.3.1 In case of wooden booxes, all the products

p sha
all be covered
d fully with barrier
b (Vinyl, V.C.I Film, Al-Foil,
etc.) to make the mostt of the preve
ention of the product from
m the moisture e that could be
b flowed intto from
de and could
the outsid d be created d inside of the box. If th
he wooden boxes
b to be put inside the
t dry
containerr during transsportation, no
o request forr covering.

2.3.2 If lots of products are

e piled up in the boxes, products should be fixed
d tightly with
h plywood orr wood

pieces to prevent physical damage from rolling caused by moving or transportation.

2.3.3 The empty space caused by unevenness of products in the boxes should be filled up with wood pieces
in order to prevent the breakage caused by stacking during ocean transportation.

2.4. General requirements for Skid, Bundle and Pallet

2.4.1 For product packed in wooden skid or bundle, the timber which can have at least 120 mm of the
minimum distance between bottom of product and ground shall be used for packing. However, for
products are handled only by crane, the timber which can have at least 90 mm can be used.

2.4.2 The distance between wooden skids shall maintain the regular interval to make loading easy while

2.4.3 In case of wooden skids the timber for skid shall be fixed tightly to the products with bolts, wire ropes,
etc. to prevent escaping of timber during transportation and handling.
2.4.4 The interval between bolts for fixing wooden skid and products should be maintained at least 30 cm
or more. All load restraints such as tie downs or bolts shall be selected by calculations for the
actual loads being transported.
2.4.5 The minimum size of the bolts is 12 mm, but 16 mm bolts should be applied if the weight of packing is
more than 10 ton or height of packing is more than 1m.

2.4.6 The timber should be installed within at least 500mm from the both edges of products.

2.4.7 When products are packed in bundle by multi-stacking, struts(role of skid) between products shall be
aligned vertically and be tightened with bolts entirely to prevent separation. For products that can be
moved during the shipping or handling, each stage shall be fixed with Cord Strap or Steel band, and
struts should be applied between each stages.
When assembling, coated (galvanized or equivalent) bolts, nuts and washer shall be used and
surface of the bolts shall be protected by using the rubber hose, etc..

2.4.8 The bolts used in upper part of wooden skid/bundle/pallet shall be fastened after grooving to avoid
interference during transportation or shipment. However, in case of local transportation or not stacking
during storage, wood grooving can be excluded.

2.4.9 Check if there is no loosen bolts, cord strap, steel band due to the wood drying after packing completion
and before shipment. All bolts and nuts should be fastened tightly.
All bolts shall have lock nuts or double nuts to avoid loosening during transit.
2.4.10 All products shall be packed properly with timber, plywood and rubber pad, etc. to prevent damage
caused by direct contact with handling equipment during handling.
(Especially, handling points of products as Vessel, Tank, Big bore pipe, etc. packed in skid shall be
protected with timber, rubber pad, plastic, etc.)

2.4.11 Products that are covered by tents shall be tied firmly by P.E ropes, cord strap, etc. to avoid being torn
during transportation. And the rubber pad, Plastic Form, additional Tent, etc. shall be placed between
tent and sharp part of product in order to protect tent from damage.

2.4.12 Sling point of Products weighed more than 3 Ton packed in pallet shall be protected with the wire cover
lower. The specification for wire cover lower refer to the specification of the wooden box.

2.5. General requirements for Steel Frame

Refer to document 0000-15-S4-1665 for steel packing frame drawings and

In case of steel frameed skid, unevven parts sho ould be coveered or levele
ed with nylon
n ropes or plywood
before covering it with
h tents in orde
er to prevent product’s da
amages caussed by rain waater pools on
n tent’s
top during transporta ation and sto orage at site
es. If the stteel framed skid to be put inside the dry
containerr during transsportation or the packed items have wetherproof
w a
ability, no req
quest for cov

2.6. Packin
ng for Steel Structure

2.6.1 Pack the members inccluding brackkets at both ends

e in separated packing horizontallyy, and compllement
product using
u the stru

2.6.2 Big sized members an ed members shall be pac

nd small size cked separate ely. If they arre packed tog
pack themm stably with
h members having
h small difference in the size an
nd tighten w with Cord Straaps or
Steel Ban

2.6.3 In case off pipe bracess, gusset plattes that are delivered
d as assembled form
f shall be disassemble
ed and
packed se eparately in boxes for effficiency of packing. In thhis case, marrking of memmber’s numbeer and
ember should be written thoroughly.
lists of me
2.7. Packin d container (steel frame
ng steps for dry ed skid insid

Thhis method iss suitable to the steel fra

amed skid co ould be put inside the drry container normally.
n On
nly use
the pulling and
d pushing me ethod to loadd the skid outt of/into the container.
Sttep 1: Load steel
s structurres on the skkid and using
g steel cable or steel bandd to tie them together:

Sttep 2: Push the
t skid to th
he dry contain

Sttep 3: Close the containe

er doors and get them sea

2.8. Packiing steps for break bulk

Thhis method iss suitable to the oversizeed items could not be put inside the dry container normally. Th
he size
off the skid dep
pends on the e size of the items
i to be packed.

Sttep 1: Load the items on

n the skid by
y the crane inside
i the fa
actory and ge
et it tied with
h steel cable
e, steel
and or bolts:

Sttep 2: Put the

e package on the truck to
o transport to
o the port by
y the crane in
nside factory and get it tie
ed with

the steel cable
es if it is nece

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