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Assignment Guideline Psychology Department


GSP509 Clinical Assessment
JAN – APRIL 2022

As part of the course requirements, students are required to complete FIVE (5)
assignments (an instrument critique paper, instrument critique paper/essay
presentation, a group-based assignment on Ethics in Clinical Assessment, a group-
based assignment on Ethics in Clinical Assessment’s presentation, and interview
skills – video recording and write up). The detailed guideline of the assignments is
stated as below.

Assignment 1 (20%) – Instrument Critique Paper/Essay

This paper is designed to help students develop their critical thinking regarding
psychological assessment.

This is an individual assignment, and each student will write one short paper (4 to 6
pages, typed & double-spaced, 12-point font, excluding title page and references page)
reviewing any psychological assessment of their choice. Each student is expected to
research their chosen test and to also present psychometric information in their papers.
Students should integrate (not regurgitate) the ideas presented in the text, lectures, and
discussions when reviewing their chosen assessment. Grammar and spelling also
affect the quality of your work, so more of these mistakes will result in fewer points.
All papers should be submitted in MS Word form (email to: Minimum acceptable similarity index is 15%. Grammar
and spelling also affect the quality of your work, so more of these mistakes will result
in fewer points. Proofread your work! Also, if you do not cite others’ ideas or quote
AND cite others’ words, you will have committed plagiarism and your marks will be

NOTE: All paper assignments are expected to be written in accordance with 6th (or
7th) edition APA guidelines. It may be wise to obtain an APA Manual to ensure your
papers are written in the correct APA style. Deviations from APA style will result in
lower scores on assignments.

Instrument Critique Assignment Requirements

The paper may be on a personality assessment (e.g., NEO-PI), a test of intelligence

(e.g., WAIS, WISC), diagnostic tests (e.g., Beck depression/anxiety inventory),
cognitive function (e.g., Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test, Cognitive

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

Abilities Test-CogAT) or on a test type of your choice, even if it was not formally
discussed in the class (e.g., career counseling and neuropsychological tests). You may
even review any projective tests such as Thematic apperception test. Please get your
choice of test approved by the instructor. Everyone needs to cover a different test—no
duplication of assessments will be allowed.

Students are expected to follow APA style and format guidelines, so papers should
include a title page, introduction, discussion, and reference sections. Except for the
introduction (as per APA rules), use the headings listed below. For this assignment,
no abstract, methods, or results sections are required. In the introduction, let your
reader know what purpose your paper serves and briefly describe what you are
planning on talking about in the rest of your paper. This is where you set up the paper.
In your methods section, write about the specific psychometrics of your test
(population intended for, composition of the test, validity, reliability, translation, and
psychometric validation in different languages, etc). In your discussion you will
evaluate the test based on what you have found out about it. Here is where you will
describe how effective you perceive the test as being and evaluate the utility of the
test. Throughout your paper, you will include at least five (5) empirical studies
conducted on your chosen instrument. The reference section will list all the resources
you used to write your paper. Be sure to include the proper headers on your papers
(shortened title plus page numbers), as well as a Running head (title page only for the
running head). Also, you will need to include the following elements within the
bodies of your paper’s sections:

Sections Details
Introduction ✓ Full citation of the test (name, developer, publisher, etc.)
✓ Describe your test instrument: Write about what type of test this is
and what kind of measurement it uses
✓ Description of the purpose for which the test was developed
(intended uses? Actual uses?)
✓ Description of the population for whom the test was developed
✓ Definition and discussion of the construct(s) that the test purports
to measure (why was the test designed?)
✓ Discussion of the theoretical orientation from which the test
evolved (what theories underlie the test)
Psychometric Issues ✓ Description of the standardization procedures
✓ Description of the standardization sample
✓ Description of the instrument’s reliability
✓ What way was reliability evaluated
✓ What reliabilities were determined
✓ What are the implications of these reliabilities for the use of the
✓ Description of the test’s validity
✓ What ways was validity determined
✓ What validities were determined
✓ What are the implications of these validities for the use of the test
✓ How does the test’s reliability affect your interpretation of the

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

test’s validity
Practical Considerations ✓ Who can use this test?
✓ What sort of training is required to use this test?
✓ How long does it take to give the test?
✓ What sort of equipment is needed to give the test?
✓ What characteristics of this test or test format might influence the
ability of a person to take this test?
Discussion of the Utility of ✓ How do the factors discussed in “practical considerations” above
the Test influence the utility of the test?
✓ What could this test be used for?
✓ What would result from this test add to a decision-making process?
✓ Given your knowledge of the psychometric properties of this test,
what limitations should you place on your use or results from this test
in your decision-making?
✓ Given your evaluation of this testing instrument, is this a “good”
(i.e., psychometrically sound) test? Why or why not?

Submission Date: 20th March 2022 (please note that no submissions will be accepted
after 11.59 pm)

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department



JAN – APRIL 2022


Subject : GSP509 Clinical Assessment

Lecturer : Alex Ng Wei Siong
Task : Instrument Critique Paper
Student Name : ______________________________
Student ID : _____________________

(a) Organization Excellent/10 points: Very Good/8 points: Average/5 points: The Needs Improvement/3 Unacceptable/0
Score: -----/10 The essay contains The essay contains a essay contains a points: The essay has an points: The essay
stiff topic sentences logical and appropriate logical and appropriate inconsistent shows the absence
and a controlled organization. The organization. The organization. of a planned
organization. writer uses clear topic writer uses clear topic organization.
sentences. sentences.
(b) Style Excellent/10 points: Very Good/8 points: Average/5 points: The Needs Improvement/3 Unacceptable/0
Score: -----/10 The essay shows the The paper contains paper follows a limited points: The paper points: The writer
presence of a planned precise and varied but mostly correct contains several does not contain
organization. sentence structures and sentence structure. awkward and unclear apparent control
word choices. There are different sentences. There are over sentence
sentence structures and some problems with structures and
word choices. word choices. word choice.
(c) Content Excellent/10 points: Very Good/8 points: Average/5 points: The Needs Improvement/3 Unacceptable/0
Score: -----/10 The content appears The essay content essay contains points: The essay points: The essay
sophisticated and appears illustrative and unbalanced content contains a lot of lacks relevant

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

contains well- balanced. that requires more research information content and does
developed ideas. analysis. without analysis or not fit the project
commentary. statement. Essay
rubric rules are not
(d) Ideas Excellent/10 points: Very Good/8 points: Average/5 points: The Needs Improvement/3 Unacceptable/0
Score: -----/10 The essay is clear and The essay is mostly writer begins the work points: The author fails points: The essay
focused. The work focused and contains a by defining the topic. to define the topic well, lacks a clear sense
holds the reader’s few useful details and However, the or the writer focuses on of a purpose.
attention. Besides, the quotes. development of ideas several issues. Readers must
relevant details and appears general. make suggestions
quotes enrich the based on sketchy
paper. or missing ideas to
understand the
intended meaning.
Essay rubric
requirements are
(e) Sentence Excellent/10 points: Very Good/8 points: Average/5 points: The Needs Improvement/3 Unacceptable/0
fluency The essay has a The ideas mostly flow text hums along with a points: The essay points: Readers
Score: -----/10 natural flow, rhythm, and motivate a balanced beat but appears irregular and have to go through
and cadence. The compelling reading. tends to be more hard to read. the essay several
sentences are well businesslike than times to give this
built and have a wide- musical. Besides, the paper a fair
ranging and robust flow of ideas tends to interpretive
structure that enhances become more reading.
reading. mechanical than fluid.
(f) Conventions Excellent/10 points: Very Good/8 points: Average/5 points: The Needs Improvement/3 Unacceptable/0
Score: -----/10 The student The student writer shows points: The writer points: The author

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

demonstrates proper demonstrates proper reasonable control makes an effort to use makes repetitive
use of standard writing conventions over a short range of various conventions, errors in spelling,
writing conventions, and uses them standard writing rules. including spelling, punctuation,
like spelling, correctly. One can read The writer handles all punctuation, capitalization,
punctuation, the essay with ease, the conventions and capitalization, grammar grammar, usage,
capitalization, and errors are rare. enhances readability. usage, and and paragraphing.
grammar, usage, and Few touch-ups can The errors in the essay paragraphing. The essay Some mistakes
paragraphing. The make the composition tend to distract and contains multiple errors. distract readers and
student uses protocols ready for publishing. impair legibility. make it hard to
in a way that improves understand the
the readability of the concepts. Essay
essay. rubric rules are not
(g) Presentation/AP Excellent/10 points: Very Good/8 points: Average/5 points: The Needs Improvement/3 Unacceptable/0
A Formatting The form and The format has few writer’s message is points: The writer’s points: Readers
Score: -----/10 presentation of the mistakes and is easy to understandable in this message is only receive a distorted
text enhance the read. One to four APA format. Five to eight comprehensible message due to
readability of the errors. APA errors. infrequently, and the difficulties
essay and the flow of paper appears connecting to the
ideas. No APA errors disorganized. Nine to presentation of the
twelve APA errors text. Thirteen or
more APA errors
to the point where
it seems
disorganized and
Grand total: / 70
Total: / 20

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

Assignment 2 (10%) – Instrument Critique Paper/Essay Presentation

This assignment is aimed to enhance students’ ability to present and defend their


This assignment is a continuation of Assignment 1. Each student should present their

critique paper in the form of a video presentation. Students even can have mixture of
methods in the presentation. Each student MUST show her/his face in the video. The
maximum duration of video presentation is 15 minutes, followed by a Question-and-
Answer session of 5 minutes. Each student will upload the recorded presentation to
YouTube and share the link with instructor at least 2 days before the presentation
( Students may also share their recorded video
presentation through Google Drive. Please make sure that the quality of the recording
is good, in terms of sounds and visual. To score in this assignment, students are
encouraged to follow the rubrics.

Submission Date: 12th April 2022

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department



JAN – APRIL 2022


Subject : GSP509 Clinical Assessment

Lecturer : Alex Ng Wei Siong
Task : Instrument Critique Paper/Essay Presentation
Students : ______________________________
ID : ______________________________

Criteria 16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5

(a) Subject Student demonstrates full Student is at ease with Student is uncomfortable Student does not have grasp
knowledge knowledge (more than expected demonstrations, with information and hardly of information; fail to explain
required) by good but fails to explain and explain and elaborate and elaborate.
explanations and elaborate. correctly.
(b) Delivery Pronunciation and The pronunciation and The pronunciation and The pronunciation and
enunciation are very clear. enunciation are clear. The enunciation are unclear. The enunciation are so unclear that
/20 The speaker exhibits very speaker exhibits few speaker exhibits many you cannot understand most
few disfluencies, such as disfluencies, such as “ahs,” disfluencies, such as “ahs,” of the message.
“ahs,” “uhms,” or “you “uhms,” or “you knows”. “uhms,” or “you knows.”

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

(c) Organization Student presents Student presents Audience has difficulty Audience cannot understand
information in logical, information in logical following presentation because there is no sequence
interesting sequence which sequence which audience because student jumps of information.
audience can follow. can follow. around.
8 – 10 5–7 3–4 1–2
(d) Creativity Student creates a very lively Student creates an Student creates a dull Student creates a presentation
and descriptive interesting presentation. The presentation. The audience with no details or descriptions
presentation. The presentation is somehow seem somewhat which does not hold the
presentation clearly holds successful in holding the uninterested in the interest of their audience.
the interest of the audience. interest of the audience. presentation.
(e) Q & A Students were able to Students were able to Students were able to Students were not able to
answer all questions posted answer most of the answer some of the answer the questions posted
by the lecturer and audience questions posted by the questions posted by the by the lecturer and audience.
with some minor mistakes. lecturer and audience with lecturer and audience with
some mistakes. some mistakes.
Grand total: / 90
Total: / 10

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

Assignment 3 (20%) - Ethics in Clinical Assessment (Group Assignment)

This assignment is aimed to enhance students’ awareness of ethical issues in
performing clinical assessments.

Because of the ethical responsibilities involved in assessment in clinical/therapy
settings, students in group of four (4) will prepare and submit an assignment on ethics
in selecting, administering, scoring, interpreting, giving results, and storing results of
assessments. Students are encouraged to be creative and add sections on ethics in
clinical assessment of marginalized/stigmatized communities, populations with
special needs, and other diverse communities. Students should also address and
present solutions of ethical dilemmas while conducting assessment.

Note: This is a group-based assignment, and each group will submit one assignment
(8 to 10 pages, typed & double-spaced, 12-point font, excluding title page and
references page).

Grammar and spelling also affect the quality of your work, so more of these mistakes
will result in fewer points. All assignments should be submitted in MS Word form.
Any plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, will result in deduction of marks in the
assignment. Grammar and spelling also affect the quality of your work, so more of
these mistakes will result in fewer points. Proofread your work! Also, if you do not
cite others’ ideas or quote AND cite others’ words, you will have committed
plagiarism and your marks will be deducted.

NOTE: All paper assignments are expected to be written in accordance with 6th (or
7th) edition APA guidelines. It may be wise to obtain an APA Manual to ensure your
papers are written in the correct APA style. Deviations from APA style will result in
lower scores on assignments.

Minimum acceptable similarity index is 15 %

Submission Date: 31st March 2022 (please note that no submissions will be accepted
after 11.59pm)

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department


JAN – APRIL 2022

Subject : GSP509 Clinical Assessment

Lecturer : Alex Ng Wei Siong
Task : Ethics in Clinical Assessment (Group Assignment)
Students : _____________________________ ID : _____________________
______________________________ ID : _____________________
______________________________ ID : _____________________
______________________________ ID : _____________________

Criteria Unacceptable or Limited Some proficiency Proficiency (3) High proficiency (5) Score
lack of proficiency proficiency (1) (2)

Using code of Has no idea of what Has a vague idea of Describes the Describes the Describes the issue(s)
ethics, describes the issue is and is what the issue is issue(s) using issue(s) using basic in detail,
ethical issue(s) uncertain of how and is uncertain of concepts from the concepts from demonstrating full
the code of ethics how the code of codes of ethics, but codes of ethics. understanding of
apply ethics apply important elements relevant code off
may be missing or ethics provisions and
misunderstood. how they relate of the

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

Ability of analyze Has no awareness Has limited Appears to be aware Demonstrates Is able to analyze
a situation for of potential ethical awareness of of some ethical understanding of complex ethical
potential ethical problems in their potential ethical problems in the case the major ethical scenarios and
problems response of the case problems in their studies but is not problems in the demonstrate
studies response of the analyzing such case studies and understanding of
case studies issues appropriately. critically analyses major and subtle
those issues ethical problems in
case studies as well
as creatively presents
strategies to deal
with those issues.

Awareness of No evidence that Limited evidence Appears to be aware Is aware of code of Is aware of code of
various code of the student is aware that the student is of the code of ethics ethics and use it ethics and use it to
ethics (e.g., APA of the code of aware of the code but is not making when discussing discuss ethical
code of ethics) ethics of different of ethics of use of it when potentially dilemmas as well as
bodies of different bodies of approaching ethical unethical present solutions.
psychology psychology problems situations.

Awareness of No evidence that Limited evidence The responses to the The responses to Demonstrates ethical
their the student that the student case studies indicate the case studies and professional
responsibility to considers ethics or considers ethics or that the student does indicate that the practice of
work in an ethical professionalism as professionalism as not fully understand student is aware psychology in their
and professional the discuss case the discuss case what it means to that the response to the case
manner studies. studies. work in an ethical psychologists have studies.
and professional a responsibility to
manner work in an ethical
and professional

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

Unacceptable/0 Needs Average/5 points Very Good/8 Excellent/10 points

points Improvement/3 points

Sentence fluency Readers have to go The assignment The text hums along The ideas mostly The assignment has a
through the appears irregular with a balanced beat flow and motivate natural flow, rhythm,
assignment several and hard to read but tends to be more a compelling and cadence. The
times to give this businesslike than reading. sentences are well
assignment a fair musical. Besides, the built and have a
interpretive reading flow of ideas tends wide-ranging and
to become more robust structure that
mechanical than enhances reading.

Conventions The author makes The writer makes The writer shows The student The student
repetitive errors in an effort to use reasonable control demonstrates demonstrates proper
spelling, various over a short range of proper writing use of standard
punctuation, conventions, standard writing conventions and writing conventions,
capitalization, including spelling, rules. The writer uses them like spelling,
grammar, usage, punctuation, handles all the correctly. One can punctuation,
and paragraphing. capitalization, conventions and read the capitalization,
Some mistakes grammar usage, enhances readability. assignment with grammar, usage, and
distract readers and and paragraphing. The errors in the ease, and errors are paragraphing. The
make it hard to The assignment assignment tend to rare. Few touch- student uses
understand the contains multiple distract and impair ups can make the protocols in a way
concepts. errors. legibility. composition ready that improves the
Assignment rubric for publishing. readability of the
rules are not assignment.

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

Presentation/APA Readers receive a The writer’s The writer’s The format has The form and
Formatting distorted message message is only message is few mistakes and presentation of the
due to difficulties comprehensible understandable in is easy to read. text enhance the
connecting to the infrequently, and this format. Five to One to four APA readability of the
presentation of the the paper appears eight APA errors. errors. assignment and the
text. Thirteen or disorganized. Nine flow of ideas. No
more APA errors to to twelve APA APA errors
the point where it errors
seems disorganized
and unformatted.

Grand total: / 50
Total: / 20

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

Assignment 4 (20%) – Ethics in Clinical Assessment (Group Presentation)

This assignment is aimed to enhance students’ ability to present and defend their


This assignment is a continuation of Assignment 3. Each group should present their

assignment in the form of a video presentation. Students even can have mixture of
methods in the presentation. Each group MUST show their face in the video. The
maximum duration of video presentation is 15 minutes. Each group will upload the
recorded presentation to YouTube and share the link with instructor at least 2 days
before the presentation ( The groups may also share
their recorded video presentation through Google Drive. Please make sure that the
quality of the recording is good, in terms of sounds and visual. To score in this
assignment, students are encouraged to follow the rubrics.

Submission Date: 19th April 2022

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department



JAN – APRIL 2022


Subject : GSP509 Clinical Assessment

Lecturer : Alex Ng Wei Siong
Task : Ethics in Clinical Assessment (Group Presentation)
Students : ______________________________ ID : _____________________
_______________________________ ID : _____________________
_______________________________ ID : _____________________
_______________________________ ID : ____________________

Criteria 16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5

1. Subject Student demonstrates full Student is at ease with Student is uncomfortable Student does not have grasp
knowledge knowledge (more than expected demonstrations, with information and hardly of information; fail to explain
required) by good but fails to explain and explain and elaborate and elaborate.
explanations and elaborate. correctly.
2. Delivery Pronunciation and The pronunciation and The pronunciation and The pronunciation and
enunciation are very clear. enunciation are clear. The enunciation are unclear. The enunciation are so unclear
/20 The speaker exhibits very speaker exhibits few speaker exhibits many that you cannot understand
few disfluencies, such as disfluencies, such as “ahs,” disfluencies, such as “ahs,” most of the message.
“ahs,” “uhms,” or “you “uhms,” or “you knows”. “uhms,” or “you knows.”

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

3. Organization Student presents Student presents Audience has difficulty Audience cannot understand
information in logical, information in logical following presentation because there is no sequence
interesting sequence which sequence which audience because student jumps of information.
audience can follow. can follow. around.
8 – 10 5–7 3–4 1–2
4. Creativity Student creates a very lively Student creates an Student creates a dull Student creates a presentation
and descriptive interesting presentation. presentation. The audience with no details or descriptions
presentation. The The presentation is seem somewhat which does not hold the
presentation clearly holds somehow successful in uninterested in the interest of their audience.
the interest of the audience. holding the interest of the presentation.
5. Q & A Students were able to Students were able to Students were able to Students were not able to
answer all questions posted answer most of the answer some of the answer the questions posted
by the lecturer and audience questions posted by the questions posted by the by the lecturer and audience.
with some minor mistakes. lecturer and audience with lecturer and audience with
some mistakes. some mistakes.
Grand total: / 90
Total: / 20

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

Assignment 5 (30%) Interview Skills

This assignment is aimed to enhance students’ ability to develop skills to practice
interviewing skills, describe the produce reports and write up with the applications of
psychological assessment in the field of clinical psychology.

All students will complete 1 case (can be role play session), 30 to 40 minutes clinical
interviewing session (physical or virtual session). Each interview will be recorded and
will focus on any standard clinical interviewing skill or goal-directed clinical
interview session. Interviews must be visual/audio-recorded and reviewed with
structured point/key writing format. It is recommended that you review your own
record prior to your submission to the lecturer as final master copy for
grading/marking. A written page(s) with self-analysis of your interview information
or data should be given to your lecturer before end of the last class week 14th. In your
self-analysis, highlight the clinical interviewing outline with frame structured that you
had performed during the recording. If you make a reasonable effort during your
practice interviews, avoid repeating major mistakes, and with understanding the
course objectives, you will receive the good points. You will lose points if you:

(a) have significant problems enacting the assigned skills.

(b) come to the clinical interviewing session with unprepared.
(c) are not responsive to your learning.
(d) appear to be putting little effort into the practice interview process.
(e) do not complete the assignments properly.

Your interviews will be conducted with your partner. You will work in pairs for the
clinical interviewing session with recording. You will be making your own time
available for your partner and practicing your interviews. There is a multi-step

(a) you and your partner decide on a day of the session time, any theme/issues,
and the process.
(b) you ensure the time duration of the session is not more or less in 10
minutes out of the total 40 minutes session.
(c) you need to send in the recording session in softcopy file with the written
structured words Times New Roman format of 12 font size.
(d) please submit those documents last day of the 14th week class.

Everyone will upload the recorded file and write up file before last day of the 14th
week class to ( The individual may also share his or her
recorded video through Google Drive. Please make sure that the quality of the
recording is good, in terms of sounds and visual. To score in this assignment,
students are encouraged to follow the rubrics.

Submission Date: 14th April 2022

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department



JAN – APRIL 2022


Subject : GSP509 Clinical Assessment

Lecturer : Alex Ng Wei Siong
Task : Interview Skills
Students : ______________________________
ID : ______________________________

3 2 1 0
1. Identifies Client Demonstrates an accurate and Demonstrates an Demonstrates a limited or Doesn’t demonstrates
Needs complete understanding of adequate understanding poor understanding of the understanding of the client’s
the client’s potential and/or of the client’s potential client’s potential and/or potential and/or actual
(Enter criteria actual descriptive information and/or actual descriptive actual descriptive descriptive information
description) (objects of the session) information (objects of information (objects of the (objects of the session)
the session) session)
2. Approach Flexible in approach. Flexible in approach. Struggles to be flexible to Inflexible in approach.
Provides Advice provided meet client Doesn't
appropriate information so appropriate, however needs and perspective. engage client in
client able often with an Very limited discussion/negotiation. Tells
to navigate informed decision advisory approach and efforts to negotiate for client
making. with limited change, rather is what they need to do. Doesn't

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

Engages client in all aspects negotiation or client prescriptive. May confuse negotiate management plan,
of care involvement in client with explanations unclear and may
and negotiates a personalised decision making. complex language/terms confuse client.
management plan. Explains Explains aspects of or limited Limited belief that client can
aspects of care clearly. explanations. make
care comprehensively and informed decisions about
sensitively. change.
technique -
used appropriately.
3. Orientation Client oriented. Client oriented. Task oriented. Focused on Task oriented. Has a strong
Acknowledges client Explores client medical disease
perspective and explores presentation soundly. care with client and client and diagnosis focus. Not
client Explores comfort considering
problems appropriately, presenting problem a low client's
including impact from clients priority. Limited story/perspective/priorities.
on function. perspective, including exploration of
how is impacting presentation from client's
on function. perspective.
4. Empathy and Shows high levels of Shows empathy and Empathy and respect Poorly demonstrated,
Respect empathy and throughout. respect throughout. lacking or limited times, especially for of condition on
Considers and discusses the Considers and discusses inconsistent especially for client's lifestyle. No attention
impact of presentation on the impact of presentation impact condition on to client cues. No of client
client's function. Sensitively on client function. client's lifestyle. needs/comfort.
handle negative issues or Demonstrates empathy Pragmatic Approach to
information. Attends to client when client in negative negative issues or
comfort throughout. emotion. Attention to information, "Just way it
client comfort has to be".

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

5. Questioning Uses highly relevant and Explores client issue Uses many Questioning unfocused. Uses
focused using a range of closed/directed questions. mainly
questions to explore client relevant question types. Rushed and cursory closed and directed
issue Listens well. listening of client's questions,
appropriately. Actively Asks client for their perspective. Interrupts interrupts client, doesn't
listening story. client's story at listen.
throughout. Takes time for times. May actively listen
client to tell at times but not
their story. consistent.
6. Non-Verbal Therapist exhibits appropriate Therapist exhibits good Therapist exhibits Therapist exhibits poor
Responds level of posture, makes minimum posture, makes posture,
eye contact, gestures, facial appropriate eye contact. fairly makes no eye contact, lacks
expression Confidence appropriate eye contact. confidence and poise.
and confidence. Good and poise are evident. Confidence
posture. Engages and poise are minimally
client. evident.
7. Communication Communication skills Communication skills Communication skills Communication skills. Poor
Skills excellent. Client sound. Some variable. Sound at overall,
centred communication client centred times but not consistent. therapist centred
throughout. communication evident. May be polite communication mostly
Respectful and Builds trust and rapport and professional but evident. Body language not
compassionate. with client well doesn't establish encouraging. Poor
Establishes trust and rapport - respectful and rapport well. Therapist development of trust
easily. compassionate. centred and rapport. May be
Able to adapt communication communication evident. disrespectful,
style to May be patronising or dismissive of
client needs Encourages dismissive or defensive to client's
client to client's feelings
express his or her feelings. feelings.

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

8. Management Risk assessed and client's Management plan Management plan general Doesn't encourage range of
perspective specific to client and non management options.
considered in negotiating needs and function. specific to client needs. Management may
range of Short-term No clear not be best practice. No clear
management strategies, with management strategies short/long-term short or
emphasis (including what management plan. long-term management plan
on reducing risk and to do if another acute Management plan discussed
provision of episode) and confusing for client. with client. Management plan
immediate support. possible long-term Client understanding and and
Negotiates management plan agreement follow-up ambiguous to
management plan until test discussed with client, not clarified. client. Does
results are including impact Limited consideration of not make efforts to assist
available and diagnosis can on client's lifestyle and impact of client with
be function and condition on client's behaviour change.
confirmed. Individual family involvement lifestyle/function. Ignores impact of condition
management plan where appropriate. on client's
negotiated, considering Discusses the impact of lifestyle and function.
impact of change on the
the condition on the client's client. May not set
lifestyle/function. specific goals for
Importance of change change or get any clear
communicated to agreement for
client and negotiated with change from client.
consideration of impact of
change on
lifestyle. Encourages client to
meaningful/specific short and

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

9. Psychological All required appropriate tests All required appropriate Appropriate tests May order but not relevant or
or Clinical arranged tests arranged. arranged, however comprehensive.
Tests and clearly explained. may not order all required
tests and not
explained clearly to client.
10. Ethico-legal Addresses potential Addresses Potential Neglects potential
ethical/legal/work ethical/potential ethical/legal/work cover ethical/legal/work
cover issues clearly. legal/work issues cover issues.
cover issues clearly. discussed, but incomplete
and unclear.
11. Client Impact Client leaves the consultation Client may leave the Client may leave the The client may leave the
feeling consultation consultation consultation
assisted and respected. The feeling uneasy about understanding a little unnecessarily highly
individual their issues, about his or her emotionally about his or her
understand the need for however, the individual conditions, but may also issues or confused and fearful
changes and has a short-term be confused of the
have a short- term and long- management plan in and dissatisfied. The management plan provided.
term place which his or her individual may have some The individual may
management plan which they understand. The strategies for not comprehend the severity
understand. The individual individual is less clear management, but these of his or her
has been on are not comprehensive condition and risks associated
included in all decision- long-term management and there may with this.
making and needs. Client be no plans for change or Client is not likely to return.
feel safe with this process. may feel his or her supports
The client understands the needs were not explored provided. Client may not
severity of fully. follow-up on
his or her conditions and any Client will understand advice and may not return.
changes the severity of his or her
needed to reduce risk. Even if conditions and any

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

the changes
client is unhappy with his or needed to reduce risk.
her diagnosis The individual may not
and subsequent treatment, his have been given clear
or her guidance on
understand and satisfied with how to achieve this.
his or her current conditions Client may or
may not follow-up on
advice but is likely
satisfied with his or her
current conditions
12. Client Comfort Explains reason for Examination explained Limited explanation to No explanation to client of
examination and clearly to client client. Client examination
findings to client throughout. throughout. Client comfort and safety not process, client comfort may
Client safety and comfort comfort and safety well considered. be
considered at considered. compromised. May not ask
all times. client to
undress for examination.
13. Follow-up or Follow-up negotiated and Follow-up arranged and Loosely arranged. Makes Not arranged. No continuity
Termination discussed. organised next some efforts of care
Organises next appointment appointment and to assist patient with evident.
and follow up pathology follow-up pathology behaviour change,
tests. test. but does not discuss risk
factors in
manner relevant to patient
or encourage
goal setting.

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

14. Knowledgeable Therapist demonstrates well Therapist demonstrates Therapist demonstrates Therapist demonstrates little
and Reflective knowledge and understanding substantial basic to
of clinical knowledge and knowledge and no knowledge of the clinical
interviewing skills. Therapist understanding of understanding of interviewing skills. Therapist
provides high accurate clinical interviewing clinical interviewing is unable to describe and
descriptions, explanations, skills. Therapist skills. Therapist provides provide
and provides accurate satisfactory descriptions, examples relevant to the field
examples. descriptions, explanations, of
explanations, and and examples. clinical interviewing skills.
15. Overall Overall approach Overall approach Overall approach is Poor performance
comprehensive and systematic and somewhat throughout. Overall
certainly, competent across consistently competent systematic but consultation not focussed or
all across marking inconsistent as some systematic.
marking categories with categories. areas satisfactory and Clinically incompetent across
added value Has made clear efforts others not. all/most
evident. Client comfort and to ensure Clinical competence marking categories. May be
safety a client comfort and inconsistent unsafe.
priority. No compromise in safety and to across marking categories. Overall client is not made
asserting reduce risks where Generally comfortable or
need to reduce client's risk of appropriate. safe. safe.
harm Communication skills Limited consideration of Communication skills may
to self and others and effective, client be a barrier to
assuring polite/respectful but not comfort and safety. care of client.
immediate social and family always Communication skills Disrespectful of client needs
support in client centred rather limiting effective and not
place. advisory. care for client. Generally attending to medical needs
Clearly respectful and using Client context polite but appropriately.
sound considered and limited awareness of

Assignment Guideline Psychology Department

communication and client medical management client context

centred approach throughout. sound. and limited demonstration
of sound
medical care.
11- 15 Marks 6-10 Marks 1-5 Marks 0 Mark
16. Case Systematic and structured Just satisfy for the Fairly systematic and Unable to demonstrate
Formulation according to the standard systematic and structured according to the systematic and structured
and Structure format and well identify the structured according to standard format and according to the standard
Outline (Write important point with written the standard format and poorly identify the format and unable to identify
Up) able to identify the important point with the important point with
important point with written written
(15 Marks) written

Grand total: / 60

Total: / 30


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