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Creation of large product data files dropped

from 2 days to 10 minutes

“We deliver Excel files with Scandomestic are a Danish importer and distributor of commercial appliances and coolers,
product data in a specific who manage a total of 3,000 SKUs, of which 500 are active.
format to our customers to
enable them to enter the Challenge
products in their own systems. Before Perfion, the company product data, including 700 different features and images
divided into 10 categories, was stored across many disparate places. Such as their website,
With Perfion it takes us only 10 ERP system, various drives, document management system, catalogs, flyers, EU datasheets,
minutes to fill in these large technical datasheets and Excel.
Excel sheets with data of 160
products and 30 different The manual handling and data entry posed a number of challenges, including:
features per product.
Previously, the same task • Time-consuming data maintenance and language versioning in 22 languages
required two days of manual • Slow creation of catalogues and flyers
copy-paste work.” • Inconsistent data across multiple channels
• Support issues with customers and sales

Solution & Benefits

When implementing a new Uniconta ERP system and an Umbraco website, Scandomestic
required a PIM solution to serve as the primary source of truth for products. They selected
Perfion due to the built-in module for designing and publishing data sheets, catalogues,
and price lists.
Jack Josephsen
Head of Product Management, VP
Scandomestic A/S

All current product data and images are published on the website directly from Perfion

Perfion |
All of Scandomestic’s products are now created from scratch in Perfion. And from there,
current and consistent product data can be published directly to the sales and marketing

The integration with the Uniconta ERP system allows data to be accessed via Perfion.
Facilitating sales ready products in the PIM system, whilst marketed from here.

Employees now experience completely different ways of working:

• Simple and automated processes free up time and create an overview

• Ability to enrich all new product data in a rapid time
• A Single Source of Truth ensures valid and up-to-date product data
• Easy communication with customers and suppliers
• Faster setup of web pages, catalogs, flyers and reports
• Reduced time-to-market
• Fast and easy language versioning

Where it used to take two full days of manual copy-pasting to create a large Excel
spreadsheet of product data, this is now completed in 10 minutes with Perfion.

KOMMISSIONENS DELEGEREDE FORORDNING (EU) 2019/2016 for så vidt angår energimærkning af køle/fryseapparater

Model betegnelse: Compact Cube

Leverandørens navn eller varemærke: Scandomestic

Type: køle/fryseapparat:
Støjsvagt apparat (Ja/Nej) Nej Type design: (Indbygning/fritstående) Fritstående
Vinkøleskab (Ja/Nej) Nej Andre køle/fryseapparater: (Ja/nej) Ja

Generelle produktparametre:
Udvendige dimensioner, højde mm 510
Udvendige dimensioner, bredde mm 430 Samlet volumen (dm3 eller L) 48
Udvendige dimensioner, dybde mm 475

EEI 125 Energieffektivitetsklasse F

Emission af luftbåren støj (dB(A) re 1 pW) 39 Klasse for emission af luftbåren støj (a) C

Årligt energiforbrug 98 Klimaklasse N

Minimumsomgivelsestemperatur (°C), som Maksimumsomgivelsestemperatur (°C), som
16 32
køle/fryseapparatet er egnet til køle/fryseapparatet er egnet til
Vinterdriftsindstilling: (Ja/Nej) Nej

Anbefalet temperatur med
Indfrysningskapacitet Afrimningsmetode
Rumtype Ja/nej Rumvolumen, liter henblik på optimal
(kg/24h) (automatisk/manuel)
opbevaring af fødevarer (°C).


Opbevaring af vin Nej

Svale Ja 48 12 Manuelt



Ingen stjerner og isboks





2-stjerne afdeling

Rum med varialbel temperatur

Hvad angår 4-stjernerum:

Hurtig indfrysning (Ja/nej) Nej

Type lyskilde Ingen
Energieffiktivitetsklasse (for lyskilden) None

Mindstevarigheden af den garanti, som leverandøren tilbyder, (måneder) 12

Yderligere information
Link til producentens websted, hvor de oplysninger, der er omhandlet i punkt 4, litra a), i bilaget til Kommissionens forordning (EU) 2019/2019, forefindes:

Scandomestic A/S . Linåvej 20 . DK-8600 Silkeborg . Tel.: +45 7242 5571 .

EU product datasheets and technical datasheets are generated via the website with
data directly from Perfion the moment a user presses the download button.

Head of Product Management, VP Jack Josephsen explains how Perfion will help
Scandomestic solve even more tasks in the future:

“Generating customer-specific price lists that can be distributed automatically is just one
of the many tasks we will be able to handle with Perfion. In addition, we can use the PIM
system to generate manuals with regulatory documents, upload supplier data via the Sup-
plier Portal, set up workflows, manage the release of new products, and automate internal
processes. Finally, we also want to make product data available to our customers’ own user

About Scandomestic
Scandomestic sells commercial appliances and coolers, which the company
imports, stocks and distributes to customers in 25 countries in and outside Europe.
All products are selected from leading international manufacturers. Private label brands
account for a third of the company’s turnover.

About Perfion
Perfion is a 100% standard Product Information Management (PIM) solution for companies with a complex product structure
or need for multi-channel, multi-language communication. With Perfion you get a single source of truth for product infor-
mation which gives you control of all product data wherever they are applied. Perfion has a documented return on invest-
ment of less than a year.

Perfion |

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