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What have you found out? Answer the following questions:

1. What are the signs of globalization?

______ As presented in the article, the first sign of globalization is the import of pharmaceuticals
worldwide wherein the ingredients and different processes of the improved medications were
contributed by different countries. Next is the enhanced transportation devices such as train,
airplane and ship made the travel of people and transport of goods faster. Another cause of
globalization is the growth of international organizations which ensures the good arrangements
of political, security, and economic matters in every country. The fourth sign is when the growth
of global trade and companies started to affect the local economy specifically the local suppliers
and production of goods and services. Another sign is the escalating worldwide demand in the
entertainment market and the improved technology, especially in terms of communication and
media. Lastly, one of the harmful causes of globalization is the forced labor, abuse, and slavery
triggered by human trafficking and criminal associations.

2. Why is technology considered the main driver of globalization?

______The advanced technology drives the improvements and enhance the quality in different
aspects of human life such as health, education, food, travel, and labor. Through the invention
of innovative products and devices, human work became easier and faster which also made
global communication and international trade efficient and accessible in every country. In the
past years, technological growth made way to the integration of companies in business
transactions and networks that build the global market today.

3. Do you agree that technology allows poor countries to develop their economies and raise
their standard of living? Why/ why not?
______ Yes, because through the advances in technology many business and job opportunities
opened for local entrepreneurs and local people which boosted the state of the economy and
enhanced the quality of living in developing countries. The expansion in their access to
technology such as improved transportation and upgraded computer information can make
their business transactions faster globally. The innovation of their products through these
technologies can increase their income, not only depending on the adaptation and import of
goods from other countries. 

4. Were your thoughts about globalization confirmed or validated by the article?

_______ As a student exposed to the systems of information and economy through social media
and prior knowledge, I observed the improvements and downsides in the different means of
globalization in the past years. The article confirmed my thoughts and ideas about globalization
specifically considering the current global pandemic which became an eye-opener and enhanced
my awareness of the importance of the connection of countries in the world. When the
pandemic started, the information technology, research, and medications specifically the Covid-
19 vaccine, transportation, entrepreneurs and labor as well as the systems of education was
greatly affected. I learned in the article the process of production and importation of
pharmaceuticals worldwide, the increasing demands in the entertainment industry, the
enhancement in transportation and communication in the past centuries, and also the negative
effects of being globalized. Furthermore, the article presented me with a piece of additional
knowledge in the sequence and methods of globalization in different elements in society.

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