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A set of resources that may be helpful for anyone preparing for System Design Interviews

are as follows:

1. Arpit's Newsletter
2. BytebyteGo
3. Ravi's Newsletter
4. The System Design Blog: Medium
5. Personal Blog Of Martin Fowler

1. Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems
2. Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and
Maintainable Systems
3. A Philosophy of Software Design
4. The System Design Interview By Alex Xu
5. Interview Questions By Ravi (FREE)

1. Grokking The System Design Interview
2. System Design Interview: Coursera

YouTube Channels
1. System Design By Gaurav Sen
2. System Design Interview By Mikhail Smarshok

Company Engineering Blogs

Here is a list of engineering blogs of well-known large companies and startups.
1. Airbnb
2. Amazon
3. Asana
4. Atlassian
5. Bittorrent
6. Cloudera
7. Docker
8. Dropbox
9. eBay
10. Facebook
11. GitHub
12. Google
13. Groupon
14. Highscalability
15. Instacart
16. Instagram
17. Linkedin
18. Mixpanel
19. Netflix
20. Nextdoor
21. PayPal
22. Pinterest
23. Quora
24. Reddit
25. Salesforce
26. Shopify
27. Slack
28. Soundcloud
29. Spotify
30. Stripe
31. System design primer
32. Twitter
33. Thumbtack
34. Uber
35. Yahoo
36. Yelp
37. Zoom

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