Effect of Gap Length and Position On Results of Treatment of Cancer of The Larynx in Scotland by Radiotherapy.. A Linear Quadratic Analysis

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Radiotherapy and Oncology 48 (1998) 165–173

Effect of gap length and position on results of treatment of cancer of the larynx
in Scotland by radiotherapy: a linear quadratic analysis

A. Gerald Robertson a, Chris Robertson b ,*, Concetta Perone b, Kathy Clarke c, John Dewar d,
M.H. Elia e, David Hurman f, R. Hugh MacDougall g, Hosni M.A. Yosef a
Beatson Oncology Centre, West Glasgow Hospitals University Trust, Glasgow, G11 6NT, UK
Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, European Institute of Oncology, via Ripamonti 435, 20141 Milano, Italy
Information and Statistics Division, Trinity Park House, Edinburgh, EH5 3SQ, UK
Department of Radiotherapy, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, DD1 9SY, UK
Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, IV2 3UJ, UK
Department of Radiotherapy, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, AB9 2ZD, UK
Department of Clinical Oncology, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, EH4 2XU, UK

Received 28 July 1997; revised version received 23 March 1998; accepted 27 March 1998


Purpose: This paper reports on the analysis of the effect of the length and position of unplanned gaps in radiotherapy treatment schedules.
Materials and methods: Data from an audit of the treatment of carcinoma of the larynx are used. They represent all newly diagnosed
cases of glottic node-negative carcinoma of the larynx between 1986 and 1990, inclusive, in Scotland that were referred to one of the five
Scottish Oncology Centres for primary radical radiotherapy treatment. The end-points are local control of cancer of the larynx in 5 years
and the length of the disease-free period. The local control rates at ≥5 years, Pc, were analyzed by log linear models and Cox proportional
hazard models were used to model the disease-free period.
Results: Unplanned gaps in treatment are associated with poorer local control rates and an increased hazard of a local recurrence through
their effect on extending the treatment time. A gap of 1 day is potentially damaging but the greatest effect is at treatment extensions of 3 or
more days, where the hazard of a failure of local control is increased by a factor of 1.75 (95% confidence interval 1.20–2.55) compared to
no gap. The time factor for the actual time was imprecisely estimated at 2.7 Gy/day with a standard error of 13.2 Gy/day. Among those
cases who had exactly one gap resulting in a treatment extension of 1 day, there is no evidence that gap position influences local control
(P = 0.17). The treatment extension as a result of the gap is more important than the position of the gap in the schedule.
Conclusions: Gaps in the treatment schedule have a detrimental effect on the disease-free period. A gap has a slightly greater effect than
an increase in the prescribed treatment time. Any gap in treatment is potentially damaging. The position of the gap in the schedule was
shown to be not important.  1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

Keywords: Linear quadratic model; Time effects; Gap length; Gap position; Carcinoma of the larynx

1. Introduction gaps occur in these schedules for a variety of reasons, such

as public holidays, machine servicing, transport failure,
Radiotherapy schedules for the treatment of cancer of the machine breakdowns and patient illness. If the gap is long
larynx have evolved with a planned gap at the weekend. then the treatment may be altered to take into account the
Some of the common schedules include, for example, delay in treatment completion.
52.5 Gy in 20 fractions over 28 days, 60 Gy in 25 or 30 The outcome for various patient groups from centres in
fractions over 35 or 42 days, 55 Gy in 16 fractions over 21 North America and Europe since 1980 have shown that
days and 50 Gy in 20 fractions over 28 days. Unplanned unplanned interruption of treatment resulting in the prolon-
gation of the treatment time can reduce the local control rate
* Corresponding author. and hence the cure rate [1,21,22]. The conclusion from

0167-8140/98/$19.00  1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

PII S0167-8140 (98 )0 0038-3
166 A.G. Robertson et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 48 (1998) 165–173

recent overviews of these studies [2,7,8] is that a break in recurrence or larynx cancer death within the period of obser-
treatment of about 1 week is associated with an absolute vation. As the data represent all cases of laryngeal cancer
reduction in local control rates of 10–12%; hence a break of where the primary treatment was by radiotherapy in Scot-
1 day may reduce the control rate by around 1.4%. land between 1986 and 1990, inclusive, and as data collec-
Linear quadratic modelling analyses of data from hospital tion began on 1 July 1994, all patients had a potential
records of patients treated in different overall times for car- follow-up time of at least 3.5 years. This means that a little
cinoma of the larynx have estimated the time factor for bias will be present in the analysis of the 5-year rates, which
tumour control, expressed as the extra dose per additional is not present in the survival analysis or in the analysis of 3-
day of overall treatment time to maintain the same level of year rates [16,24]. The estimates of the effect of gaps was
tumour control. About 0.6–0.7 Gy/day, using 2 Gy frac- similar for the 3- and 5-year rates and so we present the
tions, was required to maintain the same level of tumour results only for the latter rates.
control after a lag period of about 3–4 weeks [11,21,26,27,
The above analyses focused on the overall length of treat- 3. Methods
ment time and did not specifically consider unplanned gaps.
In the pooled analysis of Robertson et al. [28], the effect of Mathematical models are used to estimate the effect of
unplanned gaps were specifically estimated independently delays on the completion of the treatment. This enables the
of the planned treatment time. This analysis revealed small estimation of the tumour doubling times and the biological
but important reductions in the probability of local control effect of the radiotherapy treatment, as well as the effect of
at ≥2 years associated with an increased treatment time. the gaps on the schedule. Survival analysis models are used
From these results, one would conclude that for a specified to assess the impact of tumour and treatment characteristics
schedule, where dose and fraction number are specified, any on the disease-free period.
gap is potentially damaging. The disease-free period is the primary end-point of the
This paper reports on an audit of the treatment of patients study and is defined as the time from the start of treatment
with glottic node-negative carcinoma of the larynx and until recurrence of the tumour in the same site for those
assesses the impact of gaps on the radiotherapy treatment patients with a recurrence, or the time from the start of
schedule. This differs from previous analyses as the posi- treatment until death from cancer of the larynx for those
tion, length and reason for each gap in the schedule are patients with no recurrence but who died with the disease.
known. Thus, we know that a gap in treatment occurred There were only four patients with a nodal recurrence but
and can then see its effect on the prolongation of the total with no local recurrence in the same site who did not die
treatment time. In the previous study [28], the treatment from cancer of the larynx. They are treated as censored in
extension was estimated on the basis of knowledge of the this analysis. Patients who had no recurrence, or who did not
dose and fractions administered. Thus, the current data are die from cancer of the larynx are also censored. Their dis-
more reliable for the estimation of the direct effect of a gap ease-free period is taken to be the time from the beginning
as we are able to restrict the analysis to patients in whom the of treatment until they were last seen for patients who are
treatment schedule was not modified to compensate for the still alive, or until death for patients who died without can-
gap. cer of the larynx.
The analysis of the 5-year local control rates is based on
the same logistic regression model as in Robertson et al.
2. Materials [27]. The linear quadratic model with the addition of treat-
ment time relating the probability of local control, Pc, to the
A database of all newly diagnosed cases of carcinoma of treatment schedule is
the larynx between 1986 and 1990, inclusive, in Scotland
that were referred to one of the five Oncology Centres for ln( − ln(Pc )) = ln(M0 ) − F(ad + bd 2 ) + lT
primary radical radiotherapy treatment has been assembled.
= m − aD − bDd + lT (1)
These patients were identified via the Scottish Cancer
Registration Scheme and Oncology Centre Registrations, where F is the number of fractions, d is the dose per frac-
thus ensuring a complete coverage of all cases. Radiother- tion, T is the total treatment time and D is the total dose.
apy was the primary treatment for all patients. Only 3% of The parameters of the model which have to be estimated
patients had any prior surgery and in those cases radiother- are m, the intercept term, which is related to the effective
apy commenced within 42 days of surgery. clonogen number per tumour M0, a and b, which estimate
We use data from all patients with clinically node-nega- the linear and quadratic effects of dose, respectively, and l,
tive squamous cell glottic cancer of the larynx, yielding a which is the rate of tumour repopulation. The model is a
total of 629 patients. The 5-year follow-up analysis uses 352 generalized linear model based on a Poisson distribution
patients. The patient loss occurs with patients who were not [4] for the number of clonogenic cells remaining after
followed up for the full 5 years but who did not have a radiotherapy [27].
A.G. Robertson et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 48 (1998) 165–173 167

It would not be appropriate to use Eq. (1) to assess the h(t)

ln[ ] = − aD − bDd + lp P + lg G (5)
effect of gap length on the probability of local control, as T h0 (t)
is the observed treatment time which contains information
both on planned treatment time and any gaps which where the baseline hazard for an individual who has D0 Gy
occurred. Thus, we replace total time in Eq. (1) by planned in F0 fractions over T0 days is denoted by h0(t). The linear
treatment time, P, and the total length of any gaps in and quadratic assumptions about the relationships between
treatment, G. the log hazard and dose and time are checked by fitting a
model which uses dose groups, time groups and gap length
ln( − ln(Pc )) = m − aD − bDd + lp P + lg G (2) groups.
Effects are also included to control for the T stage and the hijk (t)
ln[ ] = Di + Pj + Gk (6)
treatment centre. The total dose D = Nd is measured in Gy h0 (t)
and in the log-log linear model Eq. (2) the variables are The same reference categories are used as for Eq. (3). Thus,
centred around their midpoints. Dose is centred on D0 = 54 h0(t) is the hazard for a patient with 55–58 Gy in 4 weeks
Gy, the number of fractions is centred on F0 = 20, the gap with no gap.
length is centred on 0 days and the treatment time is centred All the statistical analysis was carried out using SAS [32].
on T0 = 28 days. These figures correspond closely to the All statistical significance tests are based on differences in
means for most of the centres, with the exception of Glas- log likelihoods which follow x2 distributions in large sam-
gow. With this centring, exp{−exp{m}} represents the ples.
probability of local control for a patient on a 54–20–28
schedule with no gap in treatment. Any significance tests
are based on the differences of deviances which follow a x2 4. Results
distribution in large samples [19].
Implicit in these models is an assumption of linearity with There are 629 cases who were node-negative and with the
respect to time and a quadratic assumption with respect to primary tumour originating in the glottis. There are 321 T1
dose. This assumption is checked using cases (51%), 216 T2 cases (34%) and 78 T3 cases (12%). As
there are only 14 T4 cases, they are combined with the T3
ln( − ln(Pc )) = m + Di + Pj + Gk (3) cases in the modelling analysis. There was no statistical
In this equation, which is a direct extension of Eq. (2), we evidence using interaction tests that the effects of dose
use groups for dose, planned time and treatment prolonga- and time depended upon T stage (data not shown). The
tion as a result of gaps. The reference category for dose is doses ranged from 43 to 70 Gy with 39% of cases receiving
55–58 Gy, for planned treatment time it is 4 weeks and for 60 Gy. Patients were treated with between 15 and 41 frac-
treatment extension it is no extension. Thus, exp{−exp{m}} tions; 44% of patients were treated with 20 fractions and
represents the probability of local control for a patient trea- 32% were treated with 25 fractions. The planned treatment
ted with 55–58 Gy in 4 weeks with no gap. time ranged from 12 to 49 days; 40% of patients were trea-
As there is complete information on the length of the ted over 4 weeks, 32% were treated over 5 weeks and 23%
local control period (or disease-free period), survival analy- were treated over 6 weeks. The actual time ranged from 12
sis can be carried out to estimate the effect of the gap length to 56 days.
on the hazard of a local failure, i.e. a local recurrence or a Overall, 46% of cases had a gap of at least 1 day in the
larynx cancer death. The disease-free curves are estimated treatment, other than the planned gaps at the weekend
using the Kaplan–Meier method [17,18] and the log-rank
test [10] is used to test for differences in these curves. Table 1
The Cox proportional hazards regression model [3] is Number of gaps by the number of days lost as a result of the gap (not
used to estimate the effect of the gap length on the hazard including weekends) (frequency and percentage)
of a local recurrence, adjusting for the effects of other treat- No. of No gap Gap length (days) Total
ment and tumour variables. The hazard of a local recurrence gaps
is the instantaneous probability of a local recurrence (or 1 2–3 4+
treatment failure) at a time t after the beginning of treat- 0 292 (100) – – – 292
ment, given that the patient does not have any local recur- 1 1 (0.6)a 94 (55.3) 60 (35.3) 15 (8.8) 170
rence. It is denoted by h(t) and the proportional hazards 2 – – 87 (81.3) 20 (18.7) 107
model for the hazard of a local recurrence corresponding 3 – – 21 (46.7) 24 (53.3) 45
4 – – – 9 (100) 9
to the linear quadratic model is written as 5 – – – 5 (100) 5
6 – – – 1 (100) 1
ln[ ] = − aD − bDd + lT (4) Total 293 94 168 74 629
h0 (t)
Values in parentheses are percentages.
and its extension to include effects for the gap length. a
Treatment finished early for this patient after fraction 26 due to illness.
168 A.G. Robertson et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 48 (1998) 165–173

Table 2
Number of days lost as a result of the gap (not including weekends) by the number of days by which the total treatment time was extended (frequency and

Gap length No gap Total treatment time extension (days) Total

1–2 3–4 5–7 8+

No gap 292 (99.7) 1 (0.3)a – – – 293

1 2 (2.1)a 71 (75.5) 21 (22.3) – – 94
2–3 2 (1.2)a 77 (45.8) 53 (31.5) 36 (21.4) – 168
4+ 5 (6.7)b 0 (0) 5 (6.7) 40 (54.0) 24 (32.4) 74
Total 301 149 79 76 24 629

Values in parentheses are percentages.

Treatment rescheduled to compensate for a gap.
All patients had a planned split treatment.

(Table 1). Of the 170 cases with exactly one gap, the length ences in the hazard of a recurrence associated with the
of the gap was more than 1 day in 65 instances. Further- different centres and so there is no need to take centre
more, a gap of 1 day can have a greater effect on the pro- differences into account. The only tumour characteristic
longation of the treatment time (Table 2). Ninety-four cases to be included in the Cox proportional hazards model is
had one gap of exactly 1 day but in 21 cases this resulted in the T stage. Most of the patients are T1 or T2 and an
an increase in the treatment time of 2–4 days. This is an increasing T stage is associated with an increased hazard
effect of the weekend where patients due to end treatment of a failure of local control.
on a Friday have their treatment extended by 3 days as a In eqns (4) and (5) in Table 3, the coefficient of Dd was
result of a gap of 1 day. In this analysis we use the extension not significantly different from 0 and so was not considered.
to the treatment time as the main variable to assess the effect This means that we are unable to estimate the a/b ratio from
of a gap. these data as we are constraining b = 0. There is evidence
There are some apparent inconsistencies in Tables 1 and 2 that longer total treatment times are associated with a
which arise because some patients had their treatment greater hazard of a recurrence (P = 0.028). The tumour
rescheduled as a result of the gaps. This most commonly doubling time is estimated as ln(2)/g = 22.4 days (95% CI
occurs because the dose per fraction in the remaining frac- 2.2–42.6 days). The maximal time factor, which is applic-
tions is increased, or extra fractions are given. In some cases able using very small fractions, is the extra dose in Gy
the treatment time was not extended but the dose and num- required per day to counteract the effect of protracting the
ber of fractions were adjusted from that planned. These treatment time. This is given by g/a = 2.69 Gy/day with a
patients are excluded from the modelling analysis below, standard error of 13.2 Gy/day for the actual time (Eq. (4))
leaving 613 patients, as we wish to estimate the effect of
gaps in the absence of a correction to the schedule.

4.1. Survival analysis

Among the 613 node-negative glottic patients, 152 had

tumour recurrence. There was no evidence of any statisti-
cally significant differences among the disease-free curves
of the five centres (log-rank x2 = 4.74, 4 d.f., P = 0.32).
There were significant differences among the disease-free
curves for the T stages (P = 0.0001). The local control rates
at 5 years for T1, T2 and T3 are estimated as 82, 72 and
46%, respectively. The disease-free curves in Fig. 1 show
that patients with unplanned gaps in the treatment schedule
have a significantly worse outcome than those with no gaps
if the gap leads to an extension of treatment time by more
than 2 days (P = 0.03). While the recurrence-free period for
those with a gap leading to a treatment extension of 1 or 2
days is less than for no gaps, the difference is not statisti- Fig. 1. Disease-free curves by gap length. The curves are truncated at 5
years as this is the planned follow-up period. The only events after 5 years
cally significant (P = 0.62). were two larynx cancer deaths. These occurred just after 5 years in one
The parameter estimates of the Cox regression models patient with no gap and after 7 years in one patient in the 1–2 days gap
are presented in Table 3. There were no significant differ- group. One hundred ninety-seven individuals were still at risk at 5 years.
A.G. Robertson et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 48 (1998) 165–173 169

Table 3

Parameter estimates (standard errors) for the logistic regression and Cox regression models fitted to estimate the effect of treatment extension

Logistic regression estimates Cox regression estimates for the hazard

for the 5-year local control rates of a failure of local control

Eq. (1) Eq. (2) Eq. (3) Eq. (4) Eq. (5) Eq. (6)

Intercept −1.136 (0.160) −1.179 (0.162) −1.529 (0.279) – – –

T stage
T1 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
T2 0.508 (0.196) 0.499 (0.197) 0.540 (0.199) 0.504 (0.193) 0.494 (0.194) 0.526 (0.198)
T3T4 1.224 (0.219) 1.233 (0.220) 1.259 (0.224) 1.363 (0.206) 1.365 (0.206) 1.302 (0.211)
Dose (Gy) 0.016 (0.028) 0.005 (0.029) 0.011 (0.029) 0.006 (0.030)
Actual time 0.029 (0.014) 0.031 (0.014)
Planned time 0.012 (0.018) 0.025 (0.017)
Treatment extension 0.077 (0.031) 0.045 (0.027)
Dose group (Gy)
40+–55 0.215 (0.273) −0.096 (0.257)
55+–58 0 (0) 0 (0)
58+–61 0.202 (0.385) −0.351 (0.378)
61+ 0.156 (0.421) −0.009 (0.405)
Planned time (weeks)
3 0.751 (0.435) 0.008 (0.409)
4 0 (0) 0 (0)
5 0.093 (0.363) 0.237 (0.363)
6+ 0.161 (0.325) 0.451 (0.319)
Extension (days)
No gap 0 (0) 0 (0)
1–2 0.201 (0.231) 0.199 (0.225)
3–4 0.749 (0.244) 0.682 (0.232)
5+ 0.550 (0.248) 0.502 (0.243)
−2 log likelihood 35.07 37.87 45.45 45.93 46.22 56.03
Degrees of freedom 4 5 11 4 5 11

and g/a = 6.94 Gy/day with a standard error of 32.4 Gy/day reasons for this is that those patients with very high doses
for the extension time (Eq. (5)). The maximal time factors (greater than 61 Gy) have poorer local control compared to
are large and very imprecisely estimated as the standard patients with lower doses. In order to see a significant linear
error of the coefficient of dose (a) in Table 3 is relatively effect of dose or planned treatment time some sub-optimal
large and the coefficient is small and not significantly dif- schedules, i.e. very low doses or long planned times, would
ferent from 0. have to be prescribed and this is not the case. The schedules
From Eq. (6) in Table 3, which is the most general of the used in the centres are all optimal in the sense that there are
models, there is evidence that treatment extension influ- no schedules which have a significantly poorer outlook than
ences the hazard of a failure of local control (x2 = 9.63, 3 others.
d.f., P = 0.02), but that dose (x2 = 2.26, 3 d.f.) and planned There is no evidence that gaps had more or less effect in
treatment time (x2 = 2.37, 3 d.f.) do not. Stratifying by T different regimes. It is true that gaps are more likely to occur
stage, we find that the effect of treatment extension is not in 6 week schedules than in 4 week schedules just because
significant for T1 but it is for T2 and for T3/T4. However, there is more opportunity. As far as this analysis goes, a gap
the pattern of the estimates is largely the same and there is has an adverse effect whatever the planned regime.
no evidence that there are statistically significant differences In the survival analysis of the disease-free period we have
in the effect of treatment extension across the three T stage evidence that unplanned gaps in the treatment schedule
groups (x2 = 6.21, 6 d.f.). The test statistic for a deviation which lead to an extension of the treatment time by at
from linearity in the effect of treatment extension based on least 3 days are associated with an increased hazard of a
Eq. (6) is x2 = 2.21, 2 d.f., P = 0.33. This means that Eq. (5) local failure. From Eq. (6), a treatment extension of 3 or 4
with only a linear effect for treatment extension is a suffi- days is associated with an increased log (hazard) of 0.68
ciently good representation of the hazard of a local recur- (0.23) and an extension of 5 or more days is associated
rence and no quadratic term in treatment extension is with an increased log (hazard) of 0.50 (0.24), adjusting for
required. T stage, dose and planned treatment time. This is the same
No discernible linear effect of dose or planned treatment order of magnitude as the hazard of a local recurrence of a
time can be detected for this group of patients. One of the T2 tumour compared to a T1 tumour. Pooling the treatment
170 A.G. Robertson et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 48 (1998) 165–173

extensions of 3 or more days, we find that the increase in the Thus, the estimate of the effect of a gap does not depend
hazard for an extension of 3 or more days is by a factor of crucially on how the effect of the different schedules are
e0.56 = 1.75 (95% CI 1.20–2.55). This corresponds to a 1.6% modelled. The effect of treatment extension is to reduce the
loss in local control per day on a 5-year local control rate of local control rate by 0.9% per day at a 90% 5-year rate. This
90%. is slightly smaller, but still comparable, to the figure calcu-
lated from the survival analysis.
4.2. Modelling local control rates at 5 years
4.3. Gap position
Adjusting for T stage, there are no centre differences in
the 5-year local control rates (x2 = 5.46, 4 d.f.). In eqns (1) The distribution of the position of the first gap is given in
and (2) the signs of the parameters associated with the effect Table 4. This analysis can only be performed on patients
of dose, D and Dd, are negative in Section 3. This means who have exactly one gap, as patients with multiple gaps are
that all estimated parameters are expected to be positive. more likely to have the first gap at the beginning of the
Positive estimates for dose imply that an increase in the dose schedule. Each schedule was divided into three on the
is associated with an increase in the local control rates, basis of the position of the gap with reference to the number
whereas an increase in the values of the other variables is of fractions prescribed. For those with one gap there is not a
associated with a reduction in the local control rates. This is uniform distribution of gap position over the treatment per-
not the case with Eq. (3) where positive values are asso- iod (P = 0.05) and there are slightly more gaps in the middle
ciated with a decrease in the local control rates for dose, third and slightly fewer in the first third.
planned time and treatment extension. The parameter esti- Among those with a gap of exactly 1 day, there is no
mates of these models are presented in Table 3. evidence of any different hazard of a failure of local control
At 5-year follow-up, in Eq. (3) there is no significant associated with gap position (x2 = 1.85, 2 d.f.). Surpris-
effect of dose (x2 = 0.65, 3 d.f.) or planned treatment time ingly, there is clear evidence that among patients with no
(x2 = 2.65, 3 d.f.). There is clear evidence that a treatment gap or one gap of 1 day in the schedule, those with a gap
extension is associated with a significant reduction in the have a significantly greater hazard of a failure of local con-
local control rate (x2 = 10.88, 3 d.f., P = 0.01). trol (P = 0.005) (Table 5). This is unexpected in view of the
From Eq. (1), there is some evidence that longer treat- results in Table 3. It is principally driven by cases within the
ment times are associated with a reduction in the local con- lowest dose group or in stage T1. Outside of these areas
trol rates. The estimated effect of an increase of 1 day in the there is no evidence of an effect of a 1-day gap. This is
treatment time is to increase ln(−ln(Pc)) by 0.029 (0.014) possibly just a subgroup effect but may indicate that T1
units (P = 0.04), i.e. to reduce Pc. Using Eq. (2), the esti- patients or low dose patients are particularly susceptible to
mated effect of an extension to the treatment time of 1 day the effects of a gap.
as a result of an unplanned gap is 0.078 (0.031) (P = 0.01). Within the model for the local control rates at 5 years
In Eq. (2), the split of the total treatment time between there is slight evidence (P = 0.07) that even a gap of 1 day is
planned time and treatment extension due to an unplanned associated with an increased probability of a failure of local
gap reveals that there is some evidence that the extension is control (Table 5). There is no evidence that the position of
the more important of the time effects, based on the magni- the gap has any major effect on the local control rate
tude of the effects and their standard errors (P = 0.08). (x2 = 1.92, 2 d.f.). The parameter estimates suggest that
From Eq. (1), the maximal time factor for the actual time is the greatest effect comes with gaps in the last third of the
estimated as g/a = 1.76 Gy with a standard error of 3.97 Gy. schedule but the information is not very reliable.
The a/b ratio is not precisely estimated in view of the very
small estimated value for b, which led to the omission of Dd
from the models. Also, ln(2)/g is an estimate of the tumour
doubling time and it is 24.1 days (95% CI 1.3–47.1 days). Table 4
The analysis of gap length was extended to use the treat- Number of gaps by the position of the first gap
ment schedule rather than the effects of dose and planned
No. of No gap Third of schedule Total
time to model treatment schedule effects. Scrutiny of the gaps
prescribed days, prescribed fractions and prescribed dose First Second Final
enabled the identification of 13 treatment schedules which
0 292 (100) – – – 292
represent the main treatment regimes. There were no sig- 1 1 (0.6)a 44 (25.9) 70 (41.2) 55 (32.4) 170
nificant differences in local control rates over the 13 sche- 2 – 58 (54.2) 44 (41.1) 5 (4.7) 107
dules (x2 = 7.61, 12 d.f.), but there was evidence that a gap 3 – 32 (71.1) 13 (28.9) – 45
in the treatment was associated with a decrease in the local 4+ – 13 (86.7) 2 (13.3) – 15
control rates (P = 0.01, 1 d.f.). The linear effect of a treat- Total 293 147 129 60 629
ment extension of 1 day was estimated as 0.080 (0.031) per Values in parentheses are percentages.
day and is comparable with the estimate in Table 3 (Eq. (2)). Treatment finished early for this patient after fraction 26 due to illness.
A.G. Robertson et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 48 (1998) 165–173 171

Table 5

Parameter estimates (standard errors) to assess the effect of gap position for those patients with only one gap of 1 day

Logistic regression estimates Cox regression estimates for the hazard

for the 5-year local control rates of a failure of local control

Gap of 1 day Gap position Gap of 1 day Gap position

Intercept −1.203 (0.200) −1.190 (0.208) – –

T stage
T1 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
T2 0.354 (0.256) 0.349 (0.256) 0.301 (0.258) 0.316 (0.258)
T3T4 1.137 (0.279) 1.124 (0.278) 1.365 (0.275) 1.338 (0.277)
Dose (Gy) 0.015 (0.040) 0.022 (0.040) 0.038 (0.042) 0.039 (0.042)
Planned time −0.008 (0.023) −0.006 (0.023) −0.002 (0.022) 0.000 (0.023)
One gap 0.477 (0.261) 0.718 (0.256)
Gap position
First third 0.126 (0.444) 0.641 (0.408)
Second third 0.173 (0.329) 0.349 (0.361)
Final third 0.405 (0.394) 0.874 (0.437)
− 2 log likelihood 17.55 15.63 27.92 26.07
Degrees of freedom 5 7 5 7

5. Discussion only in moderately and well differentiated tumours among

advanced supraglottic and pharyngeal cancers. We were
This analysis has demonstrated that long gaps in the treat- unable to replicate these results as 28% of cases did not
ment time in excess of 2 days are associated with a poorer have tumour differentiation recorded and 78% of those
local control. In this analysis, and also in that of Duncan et with differentiation recorded were moderately or well dif-
al. [6], who report similar but less extensive results, treat- ferentiated. There have been two recent reports of rando-
ment gaps were identified as opposed to using excess treat- mized trials of accelerated versus conventional radiotherapy
ment time over planned treatment time according to in head and neck cancers [15,23]. Both report a high inci-
specified schedules. The data are unselected using all dence of normal tissue effects in the accelerated arm com-
cases from a variety of centres both large and small, reflect- pared to conventional radiotherapy. This suggests that
ing the practice in the real world, as opposed to some large shortening of the total treatment time may not be acceptable.
second referral centre. There was no evidence of any differ- Consequently, the evidence that gaps in conventional sche-
ences in local control rates between the centres. dules are detrimental means that greater attention needs to
Within the linear quadratic model for local control rates be paid to maintaining the existing schedules without treat-
and the linear quadratic model for the hazard of a local ment time extensions. There have been other reports of
recurrence, there is evidence that long treatment times are increased local control with accelerated fractionation [14]
associated with a poorer outcome. The results for actual and of beneficial results from CHART [5], pointing to
treatment time are stronger than the results for the planned tumour repopulation as the key to radiation failure. Our
treatment time. However, long gaps in treatment are cer- study supports these conclusions.
tainly bad, but there is evidence that even a gap of 1 day Gaps at the beginning and end of the schedule have been
can have a deleterious effect. This is so when the gap leads found to be potentially more harmful than gaps in the mid-
to a treatment extension of 3 or more days as a result of an dle of the schedule [30]. Herrmann et al. [13] found that
extra weekend creeping into the schedule. This analysis has gaps in the second half of the schedule were more harmful
demonstrated that a schedule in which there is a treatment than gaps at the beginning of the schedule. We find that gap
extension of 3 days or more has significantly poorer local position is not important.
control than a schedule completed in the planned time. In Herrmann et al. [13], over half of the 192 patients had a
In the log linear modelling of the 5-year local control gap of 4 or more days and one-quarter had a gap of 2 or more
rates, the coefficients associated with the quadratic dose weeks. These gaps are longer than in our data (Tables 1 and
term, b in eqns (1) and (2), were not significantly different 2) where there were treatment extensions of greater than 4
from 0 and were imprecisely estimated. Omission of this days for 16% of patients and 1 week or more for only 4% of
term from the models serves to increase the precision of cases. Details of the number of gaps for each patient were
the other estimates but has no effect on the overall conclu- not presented [13] but most had just one gap which was
sions. The same is true in the proportional hazards survival longer than observed in our Scottish data. The results of
analysis in eqns (4) and (5). Skladowski et al. [30] were based on 971 patients of
Hansen et al. [9] report that the tumour differentiation is whom 76% had exactly one gap and only 12% had no
important in the effect of extensions to the treatment time gap. The mean duration of a gap was 8.2 days, which is
172 A.G. Robertson et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 48 (1998) 165–173

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