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Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 52, No. 4, pp.

929 –936, 2002

Copyright © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc.
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0360-3016/02/$–see front matter

PII S0360-3016(01)02606-2




Departments of *Radiation Oncology and ‡Pathology, and †Laval University Cancer Research Center, L’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec,
Québec City, Québec, Canada

Purpose: Access to radiotherapy (RT) has been considerably reduced in Quebec since the late 1980s. The aim of
the present study was to analyze the impact of delaying treatment on the outcome of patients with early
head-and-neck squamous cell carcinomas.
Methods and Materials: This retrospective analysis examined the outcome for all 623 patients with early-stage
disease (T1-2, N0-1) who received radical RT between 1988 and 1997 at the Hotel Dieu of Quebec Hospital. Delay
was defined as the time from initial evaluation by a radiation oncologist to the beginning of RT. Delay intervals
were divided as follows: <30 days, 31– 40 days, and >40 days.
Results: A delay of >40 days was significantly associated with an increased risk of local and neck failure and
poorer survival relative to patients treated in <30 days or between 31 and 40 days. The adjusted hazard ratio
and (in parentheses) the 95% confidence interval was 2.6 (1.07– 6.4), 2.73 (1.38 –5.4), and 1.7 (1.1–2.6), respec-
tively, for local failure, neck failure, and survival. In the subgroup of patients with T2N0 disease, delaying RT
for >30 days was associated with a poor outcome, as measured by the same end points.
Conclusion: Delaying RT had a deleterious effect on these patients. RT should be started as soon as possible in
patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, preferably within 20 –30 days after evaluation by
a radiation oncologist. © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc.

Radiotherapy, Postoperative radiotherapy, Delay.

INTRODUCTION per month of delay in patients receiving radical RT for carci-

noma of the tonsillar region.
During the past decade, access to radiotherapy (RT) has been
The Committee on Standards of the Canadian Associa-
considerably reduced in Canada, particularly in Québec City.
tion of Radiation Oncologists recommends that the interval
The effect of treatment delay on the ultimate outcome of
between an evaluation by a radiation oncologist and the
patients with head-and-neck cancers is unknown.
initiation of RT be no ⬎2 weeks (10). In a study done by
Several studies have evaluated the risk associated with
Mackillop and Zhou (11), the median waiting times before
delay in starting adjuvant RT, particularly for breast cancer.
the start of RT were 29 days in Canada and 10 days in the
Delaying RT in this setting is usually associated with in-
United States for carcinoma of the larynx. In Canada, an
creased local failure (1, 2).
acceptable delay for beginning RT after referral to the
Few studies have evaluated the risk of delaying RT for
radiation oncologist is considered to be 20 days, compared
head-and-neck carcinomas (3– 8). In the earliest known study,
with 10 days in United States.
Vikram et al. (8) showed that postoperative RT should be
The aim of the present study was to determine the effect
started ⬍6 weeks after surgery for maximal effectiveness.
of delay on the outcome of patients receiving radical RT as
However, they later showed that the risk associated with delay
the sole therapy for head-and-neck carcinoma.
disappeared when a dose of ⱖ60 Gy was delivered (6). Trotti
and Klotch (7) showed in a prospective analysis that to be most
effective, postoperative RT should not be delayed ⬎30 days. It METHODS AND MATERIALS
is unclear how delays affect the outcome of patients receiving
only radical RT for head-and-neck carcinoma (4, 5). The study group for this retrospective analysis comprised all
O’Sullivan et al. (9) observed a decrease in local control of 8% 1095 consecutive patients receiving radical RT for head-and-

Reprint requests to: André Fortin, M.D., Department of Radia- Acknowledgment—We acknowledge Guylaine Daigle for her tech-
tion Oncology de l’université Laval, L’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, 11 nical assistance.
Côte du Palais, Québec City, Québec, G1R 2J6 Canada. Tel: (418) Received Oct 11, 1999, and in revised form May 14, 2001.
691-5264; Fax: (418) 691-5268; E-mail: Accepted for publication May 22, 2001.

930 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 52, Number 4, 2002

Table 1. Distribution of selected patient, tumor, and treatment characteristics according to delay

Delay (d)

Variable ⱕ30 31–40 ⬎40 p

Male 336 (81.0) 72 (82.8) 95 (78.5)
Female 79 (19.0) 15 (17.2) 26 (21.5) 0.73
Age (y)
⬍70 297 (71.6) 66 (75.9) 82 (67.8)
ⱖ70 118 (28.4) 21 (24.1) 39 (32.2) 0.44
Year of treatment
1988–1994 285 (68.9) 45 (51.7) 67 (55.4)
1995–1998 130 (31.3) 42 (48.3) 54 (44.6) 0.001*
T stage
T1 256 (61.7) 49 (56.3) 78 (64.5)
T2 159 (38.3) 38 (43.7) 43 (35.5) 0.49
N stage
N0 370 (89.2) 73 (83.9) 113 (93.4)
N1 45 (10.8) 14 (16.1) 8 (6.6) 0.09
Glottis 230 (55.4) 40 (46.0) 55 (45.5)
Supraglottic region 77 (18.6) 22 (25.3) 19 (15.7)
Hypopharynx 9 (2.2) 2 (2.3) 1 (0.8)
Oropharynx 39 (9.4) 10 (11.5) 19 (15.7)
Oral cavity 54 (13.0) 13 (14.9) 27 (22.3)
Nasopharynx 6 (1.4) 0 0 0.06
No 402 (96.9) 80 (91.9) 103 (85.1) 0.001*
Yes 13 (3.1) 7 (8.1) 18 (14.9)
Neck dissection
No 410 (98.8) 82 (94.2) 118 (97.5) 0.02*
Yes 5 (1.2) 5 (5.8) 3 (2.5)
Dose rate (Gy/d)
⬍0.12 29 (7.0) 7 (8.1) 21 (17.3)
0.12–0.15 285 (68.7) 59 (67.8) 67 (55.4)
ⱖ0.16 101 (24.3) 21 (24.1) 33 (27.3) 0.007*

* Significant by chi-square or Fisher’s exact test.

Data presented as the number of patients, with the percentage in parentheses.

neck carcinoma between 1988 and 1997 at the Hotel Dieu of the primary lesion. Patients receiving initial brachytherapy
Quebec Hospital. The present analysis focuses on the 623 usually undergo in the same procedure a neck dissection;
patients with early-stage (T1-2 and N0-1) disease. No patients otherwise, neck dissection is reserved for salvage if external
were excluded, even if they received a palliative dose of beam RT fails. In radical RT, two large fields are used to
radiation, because it was of interest to determine, for instance, deliver 60 –70 Gy. Patients are immobilized using a plastic
whether the delay may have led to disease progression and mask and, before treatment, undergo dosimetry and simulation
thereafter to the administration of palliative RT. during treatment planning.
The following data were compiled: patient age and sex, Staging is performed at the time of examination by the
tumor stage (T and N), tumor histologic grade, anatomic site radiation oncologist. For our analysis, patients’ charts were
of the tumor, patient smoking status at the time of evalua- reviewed to verify the tumor stage at the beginning of the RT.
tion, and patient performance status. The treatment data
recorded were the photon energy, radiation dose, treatment Statistical analysis
duration, and boost of brachytherapy. Definition of delay. Delay was defined as the time be-
tween first examination by the radiation oncologist and
Treatment beginning of external beam RT. We chose 30 days as the
In our institution, patients with T1-T2 head-and-neck carci- “basic” delay time because it is the median delay in Canada.
nomas are treated by surgery or receive radical RT. For larger Patients were grouped as follows: those treated within 30
tumors (T3-T4), surgery is usually the first option; radical RT days, those treated within 31– 40 days, and those treated
is used when the morbidity associated with surgery is antici- ⬎40 days after initial examination by the radiation oncol-
pated to be too high (e.g., glossectomy or soft palate resection). ogist. In the Cox model (12), delay was incorporated suc-
Disease in the neck is managed according to the treatment of cessively as a dummy variable.
Effect of radiotherapy delay ● A. FORTIN et al. 931

Fig. 1. Local recurrence-free survival rate according to delay interval.

Statistics necessary. The relationship between delay and the three end
Curves showing the incidence of local and neck tumor points of interest (local tumor recurrence, neck tumor re-
failures were obtained according to the Kaplan–Meier currence, and patient death, regardless of cause) was eval-
method (13). Statistical differences between curves were uated using Cox proportional hazard models. For each end
calculated using the log–rank tests (12). The distribution of point, follow-up was calculated as the time between the date
selected characteristics according to delay was compared of diagnosis and the date of the event or the date of last
using the chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test, when contact with the patient. Hazard ratios (HRs) and their 95%

Fig. 2. Neck recurrence-free survival rate according to delay interval.

932 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 52, Number 4, 2002

Fig. 3. Survival rate according to delay interval.

confidence intervals (95% CIs) were adjusted for several treated in ⬍10 days from initial examination by a radiation
variables (patient age, patient sex, date of treatment, T and oncologist, and 20% of patients were treated ⬎40 days after
N stages, tumor site, presence/absence of brachytherapy, evaluation. In 1993 and 1997, only 22% of the patients were
presence/absence of neck dissection, and dose rate) to con- treated within 10 days, and up to 33% of them were treated
trol for potential confounding. In 1 case, the proportional after 40 days.
hazards assumption of the Cox model was invalid because
the HR of local recurrence changed depending on whether Tumor growth between first evaluation by a radiation
the data were obtained before or after 600 days of follow- oncologist and initiation of RT
up. To account for this problem, we introduced an interac- Tumor staging was done during the patients’ initial ex-
tion term between delay and follow-up time (before and amination by the radiation oncologist, but the patients’
after 600 days) in the Cox proportional hazards model (13). charts were reviewed to determine whether the tumor had
progressed by the beginning of treatment. If the treating
radiation oncologist stated that disease had progressed or
was stable, that determination was noted. Otherwise, tumor
Delay progression status was recorded as unknown.
There are three kinds of treatment delay. First, there is the We found 42 patients for which tumor progression was
delay from biopsy to referral for examination by a radiation clearly noted by the treating radiation oncologist. Progres-
oncologist. In the present study, the median length of this sion was observed in 14 patients with T1 disease, 14 with
type of delay was 9 days and remained relatively constant T2 disease, 15 with N0 disease, and 5 with N1 disease. Nine
throughout the study period. Second, there is delay from the patients showed progression in both the T and N stage and
time of referral to the time of the first examination by a one progression that remained in the same stage. For 219
radiation oncologist. That time was also constant in the patients, disease stability was noted. It was not possible to
present analysis at 8.5 days, except after 1995, when it determine whether the disease had progressed in 362 pa-
increased a little bit to 10 days. Finally, there is the delay tients.
from the time of initial examination by the radiation oncol- The median time from the initial evaluation by a radiation
ogist to the initiation of RT. The median length of this delay oncologist to treatment was 33 days for patients with pro-
was ⬍14 days in 1989, and then slowly increased to a gressive disease, 20 days for patients with stable disease,
maximum of 31 days in 1997. and 20 days for patients of unknown disease status (p ⬍
The total median delay from biopsy to RT among our 0.00001, analysis of variance).
patients was 28 days in 1989, 46 days in 1995, and 55 days The 3-year locoregional control rate was 80%, 75%, and
in 1997. 40%, respectively, for patients with unknown, stable, and
In the period from 1989 to 1997, 30% of patients were progressive disease ( p ⫽ 0.00001). For N0 patients with-
Effect of radiotherapy delay ● A. FORTIN et al. 933

Table 2. Hazard ratios and their 95% confidence intervals describing the association between prognostic variables and
local recurrence

Variable Crude HR 95% CI HR* 95% CI

Follow-up ⬍600 d
ⱕ30 d delay 1.00 — 1.00 —
30–40 d delay 1.16 0.67–2.01 1.18 0.67–2.07
⬎40 d delay 1.03 0.62–1.71 1.06 0.61–1.85
Follow-up ⱖ600 d
ⱕ30 d delay 1.00 — 1.00 —
30–40 d delay 0.75 0.17–3.25 0.77 0.18–3.36
⬎40 d delay 2.77 1.19–6.44 2.60 1.07–6.31
Male 1.00 — 1.00 —
Female 0.65 0.40–1.08 0.64 0.39–1.07
Age (y)
⬍70 1.00 — 1.00 —
ⱖ70 0.84 0.56–1.27 0.91 0.59–1.38
Year of treatment
ⱕ1994 1.00 — 1.00 —
⬎1994 0.54 0.35–0.84 0.60 0.37–0.97
T stage
T1 1.00 — 1.00 —
T2 2.40 1.69–3.40 1.97 1.31–2.96
N stage
N0 1.00 — 1.00 —
N1 2.18 1.39–3.43 1.54 0.92–2.56
Glottis 1.00 — 1.00 —
Supraglottic region 1.56 0.97–2.51 1.09 0.64–1.85
Hypopharynx/nasopharynx 2.89 1.24–6.75 1.98 0.81–4.83
Oropharynx/oral cavity 2.12 1.42–3.16 1.12 0.67–1.89
No 1.00 — 1.00 —
Yes 2.74 1.67–4.52 1.26 0.63–2.54
Neck dissection
No 1.00 — 1.00 —
Yes 2.62 1.15–5.94 1.19 0.47–2.99
Dose rate (Gy/d)
⬍0.12 1.00 — 1.00 —
0.12–0.15 0.48 0.30–0.75 0.77 0.44–1.37
ⱖ0.16 0.22 0.11–0.43 0.57 0.25–1.29

* Adjusted models include all variables in Table 2.

Abbreviations: HR ⫽ hazard ratio; CI ⫽ confidence interval.

out disease progression, the 3-year neck disease control rate of local control (Fig. 1), neck control (Fig. 2), and survival
was 92%. For patients who had progressed to N1 stage (Fig. 3).
disease, the neck control rate was only 48% ( p ⬍0.00). Figure 1 shows that delay had no effect on local control
until 600 days of follow-up. However, after 600 days of
Effect of delay follow-up, it becomes apparent that patients treated ⬎40
The following sections relate our findings on the effect of days after evaluation had a lower local control rate than
delay between the time of the initial evaluation by a radia- patients in the other two delay-time groups.
tion oncologist and the beginning of external beam RT. The Figure 2 shows that delay was significantly associated with
distribution of selected patient, tumor, and treatment char- neck failure. The 3-year rate for neck-disease control was 91%,
acteristics according to the delay is shown in Table 1. The 89%, and 79% for patients treated ⱕ30, 31– 40, and ⬎40 days
median delay was 21 days (lower quartile ⱕ7, upper quar- after initial evaluation, respectively (p ⫽ 0.02).
tile ⱖ35). The median delay time was 19 days, 22 days, and Absolute survival was also significantly associated with
22.5 days for patients with T1N0, T2N0, and T1-2N1 dis- delay (Fig. 3). The 3-year survival rate decreased by 15%
ease, respectively. The median delay for laryngeal cancers for patients treated ⬎40 days after evaluation compared
was 18 days; it was 21 days for tumors at other sites. with the other patients.
Univariate analysis. Delay significantly affected the rates Cox multivariate analysis. HRs describing the association
934 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 52, Number 4, 2002

Table 3. Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals describing the association between prognostic variables and neck recurrence

Variable Crude HR 95% CI Adjusted HR* 95% CI

Delay (d)
ⱕ30 1.00 — 1.00 —
31–40 1.25 0.55–2.87 1.26 0.54–2.95
⬎40 2.38 1.29–4.42 2.73 1.38–5.42
Male 1.00 — 1.00 —
Female 0.86 0.42–1.78 0.58 0.27–1.21
Age (y)
⬍70 1.00 — 1.00 —
ⱖ70 1.04 0.56–1.92 0.94 0.49–1.79
Year of treatment
ⱕ1994 1.00 — 1.00 —
⬎1994 0.92 0.49–1.72 0.71 0.37–1.38
T stage
T1 1.00 — 1.00 —
T2 3.72 2.06–6.73 2.02 1.04–3.93
N stage
N0 1.00 — 1.00 —
N1 3.46 1.87–6.40 2.10 1.07–4.12
Glottis 1.00 — 1.00 —
Supraglottic region 6.97 2.70–17.97 5.30 1.86–15.14
Hypopharynx/nasopharynx 10.66 2.67–42.66 8.62 1.98–37.44
Oropharynx/oral cavity 9.11 3.76–22.05 7.04 2.58–19.25
No 1.00 — 1.00 —
Yes 1.70 0.68–4.27 0.41 0.13–1.29
Neck dissection
No 1.00 — 1.00 —
Yes 0.88 0.12–6.39 0.38 0.05–2.92
Dose rate (Gy/d)
⬍0.12 1.00 — 1.00 —
0.12–0.15 0.43 0.21–0.86 0.69 0.30–1.61
ⱖ0.16 0.35 0.14–0.88 1.27 0.42–3.82

* Adjusted models include all variables in Table 3.

Abbreviations as in Table 2.

between prognostic variables and local control, neck con- (Table 4), but only when comparing patients treated ⬎40
trol, and survival are shown in Tables 2– 4, respectively. days with patients treated ⱕ30 days after consultation.
The variables usually associated with outcome were in- It should be noted in Tables 2– 4 that the crude and adjusted
cluded in the Cox model. A variable describing the total HRs associated with delay are very similar, indicating that the
dose of radiation and the treatment duration was introduced effect of delay is not dependent on confounding factors.
as the dose rate (in grays per day). Because a new radiation Subgroup analysis. The subgroup of patients that
oncologist arrived in 1994, the variable year of treatment seemed to be most influenced by delay was the group of
was also introduced in the Cox model (ⱕ1994 or ⬎1994). 191 patients with Stage T2N0 carcinoma. In this group,
Results from the Cox model for local control are shown the 3-year locoregional control rate was 70%, 57%, and
in Table 2. Local control was not influenced by delay until 44%, respectively, for patients treated within 30 days,
600 days of follow-up. After 600 days, the HR of local between 31 and 40 days, and ⬎40 days after initial
failure was 2.6 for patients treated ⬎40 days after evalua- evaluation by a radiation oncologist ( p ⫽ 0.03) (Fig. 4).
tion relative to patients treated within 30 days. Treating The adjusted HR was 1.95 (95% CI 1.1–3.4) for patients
between 31 and 40 days was not associated with more treated between 31 and 40 days relative to patients
failure than treatment in ⱕ30 days. treated within 30 days.
Control of neck disease was also independently associ-
ated with delay (Table 3). The HR of neck failure was 2.7
and 1.26 when patients were treated ⬎40 days and 31– 40
days, respectively, after initial evaluation by a radiation In Quebec City, delay to the start of RT began to rise at
oncologist, relative to patients treated in ⱕ30 days. the end of the 1980s because of an increase in the number
Survival was also independently associated with delay of patients. When our institution changed its cobalt ma-
Effect of radiotherapy delay ● A. FORTIN et al. 935

Table 4. Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals describing trol rates decreased significantly when treatment was started
the association between prognostic variables and mortality ⬎30 days after evaluation.
Crude Adjusted Disease progression between the first evaluation by a
Variable HR 95% CI HR* 95% CI radiation oncologist and treatment was noted in the charts of
42 patients. We found that progression correlated highly
Delay (d) with waiting time and with poor outcome. It is possible that
ⱕ30 1.00 — 1.00 —
31–40 1.14 0.70–1.88 1.08 0.65–1.79
patients who had disease progression also had aggressive
⬎40 1.72 1.15–2.26 1.70 1.10–2.63 disease, which would have been difficult to cure whatever
Gender the delay. It is also possible that ⬎42 patients had disease
Male 1.00 — 1.00 — progression, because subtle growth would likely not have
Female 0.77 0.50–1.20 0.65 0.41–1.02 been noticed. A mass that enlarges from 2 cm to 2.5 cm in
Age (y)
⬍70 1.00 — 1.00 —
diameter is likely to be considered stable; however, this
ⱖ70 1.40 0.99–1.98 1.46 1.02–2.09 increase of only 25% in diameter translates into a 100%
Year of treatment increase in volume.
ⱕ1994 1.00 — 1.00 — We also analyzed the cohort of 472 patients with more
⬎1994 0.92 0.60–1.39 0.89 0.57–1.40 advanced stage (T3-T4 or N2-N3) disease who received
T stage
T1 1.00 — 1.00 —
radical RT during the same period (1989 –1997). In this
T2 1.69 1.22–2.34 1.16 0.80–1.69 group of patients, delay seems to have had no effect.
N stage However, patients whose tumors are already in an ad-
N0 1.00 — 1.00 — vanced stage have ⬍40% probability of locoregional
N1 2.05 1.35–3.11 1.66 1.04–2.65 control. The rate of survival for a patient with a Stage T4
Glottis 1.00 — 1.00 —
cancer was just a little bit lower than that for a patient
Supraglottic with a Stage T3 lesion (5-year survival rate of 33% for T3
region 2.69 1.77–4.07 2.41 1.51–3.85 disease relative to 29% for T4 lesion). The same was
Hypopharynx/ observed when comparing survival rates of patients with
nasopharynx 2.35 0.93–5.93 2.05 0.79–5.36 N2 and N3 disease. On the contrary, control of neck
oral cavity 2.36 1.58–3.51 1.82 1.12–2.97
disease was very much affected if the tumor passed from
Brachytherapy N0 to N1. In our series, the neck failure rate increased
No 1.00 — 1.00 — from 10% for patients with N0 disease to 25% for those
Yes 1.56 0.88–2.76 0.84 0.40–1.76 with N1 disease, an increase of 150%. Moreover, in this
Neck dissection group of patients, the radiation oncologist introduced a
No 1.00 — 1.00 — bias by treating patients with more advanced disease
Yes 1.59 0.65–3.88 1.01 0.39–2.66
Dose rate (Gy/d)
more quickly. We found that patients with T4 and N3
⬍0.12 1.00 — 1.00 — cancer were treated faster than others.
0.12–0.15 0.68 0.42–1.10 0.88 0.49–1.56 This study was not a randomized study, and therefore,
ⱖ0.16 0.41 0.21–0.80 0.70 0.32–1.55 some imbalance occurred between groups for some prog-
nostic factors. However, a retrospective study is the only
* Adjusted models include all variables in Table 4.
Abbreviations as in Table 2. method to evaluate the risk associated with treatment delay.
The Cox model showed that even when correcting for
disease stage and tumor site, longer delay remained a sig-
chines for linear accelerator units in 1992 and 1993, the nificant predictor of failure.
It is not possible from our study to establish a clear-cut
delay increased dramatically during the transition period.
maximal value for the beginning of RT (i.e., a time before
After a short improvement in 1994 and 1995, the delay
which radical RT would not affect outcome). In our series of
increased again, peaking in 1997 and 1998. Increased num-
patients with early-stage carcinoma of the head and neck,
bers of patients (who used staff and equipment for breast
waiting ⬎40 days was associated with a decrease in sur-
and prostate cancer screening), insufficient equipment and vival. In a more homogeneous group of patients with T2N0
staff (doctors, physicists, and technologists), and increased cancer, the cutoff value seemed to be 30 days. For neck
demand for more complex technology all contributed to the recurrence, the HR increased from 1.26 to 2.7 when patients
rise in delay. In this study, we report the consequence of this were treated at 31– 40 and ⬎40 days, respectively, relative
rise in delay on the cohort of patients treated for head-and- to those treated in ⱕ30 days. It is therefore possible that
neck carcinoma during this period. waiting ⬎30 days after the initial evaluation and staging by
In the cohort of patients with early-stage (T1-2, N0-1) a radiation oncologist is harmful to the patient.
disease, control of local and neck cancer was compromised Is it possible to extrapolate these data to the delay between
if treatment was started ⬎40 days after the initial evaluation diagnosis and the initiation of RT? Is a total delay of ⬎30 – 40
by a radiation oncologist. In a more homogeneous group of days deleterious for the patient? We cannot answer this ques-
patients with Stage T2N0 carcinoma, the locoregional con- tion using our data, because the tumor stage at the time of
936 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 52, Number 4, 2002

Fig. 4. Local recurrence-free survival rate among patients with T2N0 disease according to delay interval.

biopsy was often unknown. However, Allison et al. (13) con- However, only 10% of their patients started their treatment
cluded that professional delays of ⬎1 month increase the ⬎30 days, compared with 32% of the patients in our series.
likelihood for late-stage disease at diagnosis. It is therefore Lee and Chan (5), who studied patients with nasopharyn-
reasonable to assume that a total delay of ⬍40 days would geal carcinomas, found that the rate of local failure was not
obtain the optimal results from RT. In our series, the median affected by the length of delay, but that the rate of neck
delay between biopsy and the initial evaluation by a radiation failure increased with the delay time.
oncologist was 19 days; therefore, for the patient to experience In conclusion, our study shows that delaying RT is del-
a total delay of ⬍40 days, RT would have to start no more than eterious for patients with early-stage head-and-neck carci-
20 days after that evaluation. nomas. It is, however, difficult to determine a cutoff value
Few authors have studied the effect of treatment delay. for the beginning of RT after initial examination by a
However, Barton et al. (4) did not find any effects from a radiation oncologist. Given the evidence, we believe that
delay in the treatment of early-stage laryngeal carcinomas. this period should not exceed ⬎20 –30 days.

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