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JAN – APR 2021

As part of the course requirements, students are required to complete FOUR (4) assignments
(review paper, reaction paper, SWOT analysis and group presentation). The detailed guideline
of the assignments is stated as below.

1. Review Paper (20%)

- This is an individual assignment that requires students to critically review and reflect
on the controversies, as well as pros and cons of the following issues:
a) Combined treatment modalities (psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy) for
drug addicts
b) Prescription privileges to clinical psychologists
- Your discussion of each issue above should cover:
a) A comprehensive review of current up-to-date body of literature/ research on
the topic (in the last 10 years).
b) Your personal stance on the issue and justification.
c) 3 research questions on the topic (based on the gaps identified in your
literature review).
- Length: 6 pages; APA format
- Due: 22/02/2022
Evaluation will be based on breadth and depth of relevant discussion, critical evaluation
of current research and literature on the issues at hand, as well as independent thinking
that shows evidence-based reasoning.

2. Reaction Paper (10%)

- Watch a movie. reflect any scene from movie related to medication aspects
- Your reaction paper should be 2-3 pages and should evidence your critical thinking
about this program with respect to what you have learned in the course to date and
how this informs your own drug policies with your clients. You are encouraged to
see this with a critical eye and be thoughtful about your commentary. You may wish
to pose a critical question and attempt to answer that, or show how the theme of the
program might occur in clinical practice as well as how these issues will impact your
choices as a clinician.
- Length: 2-3 typed pages, standard APA format
- Due: 08/03/2022

3. S.W.O.T. Analysis (10%)
- This is an individual reflection and critique paper based on your experience with
drug addict(s).
- Due to COVID-19 pandemic, you may substitute visitation with online interview.
You are expected to interview people with drug abuse/ addiction background or
the manager of the drug rehabilitation program/ center. You will need to source
out on your own and seek permission to interview people who have drug abuse/
addiction background.
- After the interview, you are to write up a S.W.O.T. Analysis (i.e., Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) of the drug rehabilitation program or any
drug-related services. In addition, you are to give a short summary on the major
lessons you have learned from this experience. A good paper is one that
combines both emotional/ experiential reflections with critical thinking skills.
- Your paper should consist of the following sections:
i. Part I
 Brief description of the drug rehabilitation program
ii. Part II
 SWOT analysis in a 4-column (2x2) grid (8%)
iii. Part III
 Major lessons learned (application to own personal and
professional development) – may be presented in regular text
format or point-form (2%)
- Length: no more than 2 pages. Font size: 12. Single spacing is fine but please
ensure ease of reading/ marking.
- You may integrate this information in your group presentation later.
- Due: 22/03/2022

4. Group Presentation (20%)

- This is a creative project to facilitate students to integrate and synthesize what you
have learned from readings and experiential exposure. You are to work together to
collect data from relevant sources to eventually produce a proposal on how best to
assist individuals with substance abuse/ addiction problems and prevent relapse.
[You may identify a specific substance to focus on or deal with the issue in general.
Either way, your presentation must demonstrate your understanding and appreciation
of a particular (or various) drug’s effects on people.] In addition, your proposal
should demonstrate awareness and understanding of the current scenario in Malaysia
(prevalence, services, treatment methods and responses, policies, gaps/needs, etc.), as
well as the current evidence on the effectiveness and efficacy of intervention/
prevention strategies.
- Based on your comprehensive review of the information above, design an
intervention program/ project/ strategy etc. that you think would work in Malaysia
(describe your conceptual plan and also specific ways to implement and measure the
outcome of your proposed intervention). Feel free to be imaginative, although your
proposed plan should still be practical enough and relevant to the socio-political and
cultural context in Malaysia and to the Malaysian people. You are strongly
encouraged to consult Kiritz (1980) to learn the format and content of a good
- Each group (consisting of 5 persons per group) will be given 20-25 minutes to
present their proposal, followed by 5-10 minutes Q&A. presentations will take place
proposal summary
introduction on Due Date : 29/03/2022. 05/04/2022
problem statement or assessment of need
programme objectives
description of methods to accomplish the objectives
project evaluation plan 2
future funding requirements for long-term programmes (when applicable)
preliminary budget
5. Drugs Summary Note (Bonus Mark up to 5 marks)
- Student can pair up to prepare the summary note for the following medications:
i. Antidepressant medications
ii. Bipolar medications
iii. Antianxiety medications
iv. Antipsychotic medications
- Outline the following information in your summary note:
i. Classification of drugs
ii. Common prescriptions
iii. Mechanism of action
iv. Side effects
v. Warnings & Precautions
vi. Possible interaction with other drugs
e.g., Antidepressants
Class/Types Common Mechanism Side Effects Warnings & Possible
prescription of Action Precautions Interaction with
Other Drugs

Selective Fluoxetine Inhibit…. Indigestion… Pregnancy, SSRI + NSAIDs

Serotonin (Prozac), breastfeeding… (e.g.,
Reuptake Escitalopram ibuprofen) > can
Inhibitors (Lexapro) cause bleeding/
(SSRIs) bruising

- Due: week 13 and 14th



Review Paper (20%)

Criteria Novice Apprentice Proficient Expert Points

Summary Insufficient explanation of Presents journal articles, but Presents journal articles and Clearly presents journal articles
(5%) journal articles, and/or may not provide sufficient describes strategies for and describes strategies for
insufficient description of description of strategies for supporting it. supporting it.
strategies for supporting it. supporting it.
Describes organization and Clearly and succinctly describes
Insufficient description of text’s Describes organization and presentation of text. (3-4) organization and presentation of
organization and presentation. presentation of text, but may text. (5)
(0-1) need more details. (2)

Analysis Exhibit little or no evidence of Exhibit some faulty logic, and/or Exhibits some clarity, though Exhibits clarity, complexity,
(15%) effective thinking about the stereotypical or superficial only minimal depth of thought perceptiveness, originality, and
topic. thinking about the topic. about the topic. depth of thought about the topic.

Poor to no attempt to present the Insufficient attempt to present Makes some attempt to present Provides clear evaluation of
weaknesses or strengths of the the weaknesses or strengths of the weaknesses or strengths of text’s weaknesses or strengths;
text; no obvious criteria for the text; evaluative criteria are the text; evaluative criteria are evaluative criteria are unique
evaluation. unclear. used. and interesting.

Poor to no attempt to put text in Insufficient attempt to put text in Places text in context. (8-12) Puts text in meaningful context
context. (0-2) context. (3-7) when interpreting it. (13-15)


Reaction Paper (10%)

Criteria 0-2 3-4 5-7 8-10 Points

Depth of Response demonstrates a Response demonstrates a Response demonstrates a Response demonstrates an

Reflection lack of reflection on, or minimal reflection on, and general reflection on, and in-depth reflection on, and
personalization. Viewpoints personalization. Viewpoints personalization. Viewpoints personalization. Viewpoints
and interpretations are and interpretations are
and interpretations are and interpretations are
supported. insightful and well
missing, inappropriate, unsupported or supported supported.
and/or unsupported. with flawed arguments.


S.W.O.T. Analysis (10%)

Criteria 1 2 Points

Strengths List is not comprehensive enough or it contains Comprehensive and realistic list that states the
strengths that are not realistic. basis for the program/ center’s competitive edge.

Weaknesses Comprehensive and realistic list that states areas Comprehensive and realistic list that states areas
in which the program/ center struggles. in which the program/ center struggles and
provides a solution to correct the weakness.

Opportunities Comprehensive and realistic list of well thought- Comprehensive and realistic list of well thought-
out opportunities for profit and growth. out opportunities for profit and growth. Provides
plan for realizing the opportunities.

Threats Comprehensive and realistic list that state the Comprehensive and realistic list that state the
threats that may affect the program/ center’s threats that may affect the program/ center’s
competitive edge. competitive edge. Provides solutions to meet
those threats head-on.

Lessons learned Writing does not demonstrate application to Writing demonstrates application to own
own personal and professional development. personal and professional development.


Group Presentation (25%)

Criteria 1 2 3 4 Points

Content Presentation contained Presentation had moments Presentation had a good Presentation had an
little to no valuable where valuable material was amount of material and exceptional amount of
material. (0-3) present but as a whole benefited the class. (8-11) valuable material and was
content was lacking. (4-7) extremely beneficial to the
class. (12-15)

Proposed Interventions are irrelevant Interventions are identified Proposed interventions are Proposed interventions are
intervention or are currently available. (0- but may not be appropriate. appropriate to Malaysia practical and very relevant to
1) (2-4) context. (5-7) Malaysia context. (8-10)


Bonus marks:
Creativity/ Visual Aid Points Possible Points Earned
A handout, diagram, etc. is provided that illustrates/organizes
presented information for the audience in a creative, clear and 2
“user-friendly” manner.

Grand Total:

Summary note - Bonus (5%)

Criteria 0 1 2-3 4-5 Points

Summary Summary is extremely Summary is inaccurate, Summary is reasonably summary is

limited or not included. missing main ideas/points accurate (some minor accurate, well organized,
errors). coherent and well written.
Includes main idea/most
important points.


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