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Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department



1. Role Play (30%)

Students will need to form a group of 4 (2 groups will have 5 members) and select a
representative to role play as a disordered patient. ‘The Client’ will be assigned with a disorder,
and the group members will take turns to ask questions to practice differential diagnosis skills.
The disorder assigned is based on topics covered in previous weeks. Each role-play will take
about 15 to 20 minutes and with video record.
There will be 3 role-play sessions throughout the course. Each session account for 10%
(3 sessions X 10% = 30%).

2. Case Study (20%)

This assignment is an individual task in which students are required to choose a disorder (first
come, first serve basis) and write a case study. ‘The Client’ of this case study may be a character
from a movie, book, literature, mythology etc. The case study should include all the points
listed below. The maximum number of pages is 3 pages.

Part 1:Background Information

Presenting problems
History of presenting problems
Relevant history
Strengths and weaknesses
Behavioral Observations/ MSE

Part 2: Suggestions of relevant assessment/screening tools

To provide the relevance of choosing the instrument, including its strengths and
(at least 2 tools)

Part 3:Diagnosis including Differential Diagnosis

Based on criteria listed in DSM-5
Case Conceptualisation

Part 4:Treatment Plan

The explanation for treatment suggested

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Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department

3. Report Writing
Please write a 1-page report of your 4th session from the suggested treatment plan following
the case study. Students must write the report in the DAP format. Description, Assessment and

D: Description of the session including and not limited to patient’s appearance, current
mood, current stressors, new symptoms/challenges, progress on homework (if there’s
any), feedback from previous sessions/recap, notable patient’s quotes, and information
from collateral sources.

A: Clinical impression and judgement from the session. The current summary outcome,
e.g., sad on a scale of 1-10. Increase/decrease of behaviours.

P: Planning for the next session, including objectives, materials, homework and relevant

Note to students:
Should the assignment be sent later than the deadline, 1% of your total mark will be deducted
for each day delayed for a maximum of 3 days. Please submit a softcopy of the assignment via
Teams. Please make sure to check for plagiarism using Turnitin, in which the number should
be 10% or lower. Any work with a substantially higher plagiarism percentage would be subject
to marks reduction at the lecturer’s discretion.

Format for written assignments

1. Cover page – name, Id, course

2. Declaration of original work
3. Similarity index from Turnitin
4. Scoring rubric references
5. Report (APA format)
6. Reference (APA format)

Deadline: Week 10 - 8th JULY 2022, before 6.30 pm.

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Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department



Subject : Adult Clinical Psychopathology

Lecturer : Alex Ng Wei Siong
Task : Role Play (1 / 2 / 3)

Student Details : Name ________________________________________________ ID ________________________________

Score Criteria
0–2 The presentation of the disorder is inaccurate and confusing. Poorly prepared.
Questions have no clear motive/direction.
3–4 The symptoms reported are inconsistent with the criteria in DSM-5. Sometimes, the disorder’s presentation may be inaccurate based on its
Questions have direction but are inaccurate or unclear.
5–7 The role play was fairly well prepared, and the symptoms reported are consistent and accurate based on its psychopathology.
Questions have clear direction and are asked appropriately.
8 – 10 The role play was very well prepared with the assigned disorder’s accurate and consistent psychopathology presentation.
Questions have a clear direction and result in an accurate diagnosis.

Role Play 1: /10

Role Play 2: /10
Role Play 3: /10

Total: /30
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Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department


SCORING RUBRIC – Case Study & Report Writing
Subject : Adult Clinical Psychopathology
Lecturer : Alex Ng Wei Siong
Task : Case study & Report writing

Student Details : Name ID:

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
0–1 Background information is incomplete. Much missing Failed to provide relevant assessment tools Demonstrate very poor to no understanding of Failed to provide an appropriate treatment plan or
information, disorganized and distracting flow. to assess the disorder. every factor in case formulation. provided unethical and invalid methods.
2–3 Background information is incomplete, with some Provide assessment/questionnaires that are Has a minimal understanding of every factor Able to provide a vague treatment plan and
missing key points. Points are vague, not descriptive not validated or have poor reliability. in case formulation with inaccurate inaccurate application for the case study.
and flow is hard to follow. The information provided is identification.
relevant to the psychopathology assigned.
4 Background information is sufficiently described with Provide assessment/questionnaires that are Has a good understanding of every factor Provide a complete treatment plan that is evidence-
good problem development. Good organization and valid and reliable for the disorder but have with inaccurate classification and weak based and suitable for the psychopathology
flow are easy to flow. The information provided is limited justification. justification. described. Display a good understanding of the
helpful in understanding psychopathology. theory used to address the issue.
5 All background information is very well described Provide assessment/questionnaires that are Display a good understanding of every factor A comprehensive treatment plan that is evidence-
with excellent problem development. The organization valid and reliable. Provide clear justification in case formulation. Demonstrate correct based and addresses all the issues presented by the
and flow are smooth. The information provided is for choosing/proposing the tools. classification and justification for each factor. client. Display excellent application of theory to the
comprehensive to describe the psychopathology. Diagnosis is given appropriately. case study.

TOTAL: /20

Score 8 – 10 5–7 3–4 0–2

Report Concise summary of the session with objective Clear summary of the session with objective and Large part of the summary is omitted. Information Poorly organized and incomplete report. No clear
Writing and subjective data recorded appropriately. The subjective data recorded appropriately. The and session is lightly described. The flow is flow of information and does not follow treatment
based session flows in accordance with treatment plan session fairly follows treatment plan and fairly possible to flow. Multiple errors in grammar. plan.
on DAP and highly relevant to case conceptualization. relevant to case conceptualization. The report is
Note patient’s struggles and descriptive in fairly organized, and the flow is accepted to
behavioral observation. The report is properly follow. Good grammar.
organized and easy to understand. Good grammar.

TOTAL: /10

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