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Research 2
Quarter 1 – Module 7:

Review of Literature

Module 7- Week 7
Review of Literature
Content Standard : The learners demonstrate understanding of the
review of related literature

Performance Standard : The learner should be able to present objectively

the written review of related literature.

Learning Outcomes : 1. Analyze the characteristics of a good

hypothesis; and
2. Write the review of related literature.

Competency/Code :1. Describe the variables and sub-variables of the

study; and
2. Presents written review of related literature.


What I Know
Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it on a separate sheet of
1. What is the best description of literature review?
A. A list of relevant articles and other published material you have read about your
topic, describing the content of each source
B. An essay looking at the theoretical background to your research study
C. An evaluative overview of what is known about a topic, based on published
research and theoretical accounts, which serves as a basis for future research or
policy decisions
D. An internet search for articles describing research relevant to your topic
criticizing the methodology and reliability of the findings

2. What is the relevance of Chapter 2 “Review of Related Literature” in your research

A. Conducted after you have decided upon your research question
B. Helps in the formulation of your research aim and research question
C. Is not part of a research proposal
D. Is the last thing to be written in your research report

3. What is the other term for related literature?

A. Adhesive literature C. Inductive literature

B. Conceptual literature D. Mandated literature
4. Choose the best answer. Which is the most reliable source of information for your
literature review?
A. A newspaper article C. A relevant chapter from a textbook
B. A peer reviewed research article D. A TV documentary

5. Which of the following is NOT a part of related literature?

A. Related legal bases C. Related sampling
B. Related literature D. Related studies

6. Why do you need to review the existing literature?

A. Because without it, you could never reach the required word-count
B. To find out what is already known about your area of interest
C. To help in your general studying
D. To make sure you have a long list of references

7. What is a systematic literature review?

A. A replicable, scientific and transparent process
B. A responsible, professional process of time-management for research
C. One which gives equal attention to the principal contributors to the area
D. One which starts in your own library, then goes to on-line databases and, finally, to the

8. When accessing the internet, which of these steps is the most essential?
A. Downloading material to be referenced
B. Noting the access dates
C. Recording the full URL
D. They are all equally important

9. What is a function of a literature review?

A. To demonstrate that you can use the internet
B. To identify a research problem
C. To provide a theoretical background to the study
D. To provide reliable research findings

10. How does a literature review help the researcher?

A. Bring clarity and focus to a research problem
B. Broaden your knowledge base in your research area
C. Improve the research methodology
D. All of the above

11. What type of framework should be sorted out in a review of the literature?
A. Conceptual C. Theoretical
B. Selective D. Universal

12. What is an advantage of journal articles for a literature review?

A. Provides up-to-date information
B. Reading abstracts of articles help to select relevant articles
C. There are many journals to choose from in most fields
D. All of the above

13. What are the main sources of literature for most students?
A. Books, dissertations and your research adviser
B. Books, journal articles and the internet
C. Google and Wikipedia
D. Newspaper articles and documentaries

14. What will literature review examine?

A. All aspects of a topic
B. Only facts.
C. Only one side of the main argument
D. Only opinions

15. Why is it important for a researcher to review the literature?

A. Because it identifies like-minded researchers
B. Because it is traditional
C. Because it shows time has been spent on the subject
D. Because it will find if anyone has done the work before

What I Need To Know

At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Explain the importance of literature review;
2. Familiarize with the review of related literature in quantitative research;
3. Describe the variables and sub-variables of the study; and
4. Make a graphical presentation of the systematic review of related literature.

What’s In
Instructions: Imagine that you are inside the library. Recall the guidelines and
procedures in utilizing the resources in the library. Take note of important library
rules and policies and list them on your notebook. How would you ask the librarian
for information about guides to use in the review of related literature? Write your
answers in a separate sheet of paper.

What’s New
Instructions: While staying at home and have a conversation with other members
of your family, be grand opportunists! Raise as many questions as you can about
this term: Review of Related Literature.

Do you think the following reading material has the answers to your questions?
Find out by reading this text intelligently.

What Is It

Related Literature

Related literature is also called conceptual literature. Gathering literature

related to the research is very important to clarify the different variables being
studied. The related literature removes any vagueness surrounding concepts central
to the study (Cristobal & Cristobal, 2016).
The major variable is better understood by identifying sub-variables and each
sub-variable is further explained by its indicators.

Example of major variable: Study habits

Example of sub-variable: Time spent studying; methods of studying; place of study
Example of indicators for methods of studying: memorizing definitions; doing
homework; asking parents about unclear concepts

According to Calmorin & Calmorin (2007), the review of related literature is divided
into three parts. These are (1) related legal bases, (2) related literature, and (3) related

Related Legal Bases

The principal sources of related legal bases are laws, constitution, department
directives, like circulars, orders, memoranda and many others. The legal bases are important
so that the present study has implications to government’s thrusts.

Related Literature
The related literature are taken from published articles, books, journals, magazines,
novels, poetry, and many others which have bearing to the present study. The presentation of
related literature is from present to past. An explanation of every related literature is a must.
It is unscientific if related literature is presented but no explanation on the relevance to the
present study.

Related Studies
Findings of published and unpublished researches which are related to the present
study are presented in this section. An explanation for every finding of the related studies is a
must to determine its similarities and differences to the present study. Related studies are
segregated into local and foreign (if any) studies. They are arranged chronologically from
present to past.

Below are samples of review of related literature in descriptive design.

Example 1
The findings in the study of Phoung (2009) that focused on the students’ behavior and
achievement when classroom observation was conducted showed that close-student relations
and teacher self-reported use of good instructional practices predict positive student
academic achievement. Interaction results indicate that the association between close-
teacher student relations and student achievement is slightly stronger in classrooms with
more academic achievement.

Example 2
Republic Act No. 7164 known as “Philippine Nursing Act of 1991” defines professional
nursing as the performance for a fee, salary, or other reward or compensation … toward the
promotion of health and alleviation of suffering through utilization of nursing process.

The forgoing R.A. 7164 is related to the present study because the definition of
professional nursing of explicitly expressed that nurses practice their profession for a fee or
salary commensurate to their work in order to satisfy their needs and wants to cope with the
fast changing world. In other words, the performance of a particular job affects nurses values
especially if nurses meet problems related to their job in the hospital, hence, promotion of
health services cannot be attained.

What is the Difference between Primary and Secondary Sources?

Primary sources are firsthand, contemporary accounts of events created by individuals

during that period of time or several years later (such as correspondence, diaries, memoirs
and personal histories). These original records can be found in several media such as print,
artwork, and audio and visual recording. Examples of primary sources include manuscripts,
newspapers, speeches, cartoons, photographs, video, and artifacts. Primary sources can be
described as those sources that are closest to the origin of the information. They contain raw
information and thus, must be interpreted by researchers.

Secondary sources are closely related to primary sources and often interpret them.
These sources are documents that relate to information that originated elsewhere. Secondary
sources often use generalizations, analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of primary sources.
Examples of secondary sources include textbooks, articles, and reference books.

The Importance of Literature Review (Chico & Matera, 2016):

1. It describes how the proposed research is related to prior research in

2. It shows the originality and relevance of your research problem.
Specifically, your research is different from other statisticians.
3. It justifies your proposed methodology.
4. It demonstrates your preparedness to complete the research.

Review of Related Literature in Quantitative Research

Systematic review, ‘a question driven methodology’ is used by quantitative

researchers who begin their research work by asking questions- one big question
that states the main problem of the research and a set of sub-questions that deal
with specific aspects of the research. Systematic review of literature happens
through the following sequential steps (Baraceros, 2016):

1. Clarifying the research questions

2. Planning the research based on your understanding of the research
3. Searching for literature
4. Listing criteria for considering the values of written works
5. Evaluating the quality of previous research studies
6. Summarizing the various forms of knowledge collected

Guides to Preparing the Review of Literature (Vizcarra, 2003):

1. You may need to visit a number of libraries for articles related to your
2. At the library, look into the card catalogues for titles of articles, books,
monographs and documents. Write the call numbers of these materials, and
if necessary, ask the help of the librarian.
3. Index cards can help you organize your materials. On these cards, write
the names of authors, publisher and place of publication, titles, and classify
if thesis or dissertation, the college or university where that study was made,
year and page, etc.

Example 1: Internet Source

Author: Reynaldo V. Moral

Year of Publication: 2020
Title: “Generating the Theory on Research Teaching”
Page: 84-91
Publisher: Asian Intellect for Academic Organization & Development Inc.; Tarlac City
Journal: Asian Intellect Research and Education Journal

Example 2: Book Source

Author: Alegria M. Chico & Myrna D. Matera

Book: Practical Research for the 21st Century Learners (Quantitative Research)
Publisher: St. Augustine Publication, Inc.; Sampaloc, Manila
Page: 89-90
Year: 2017

4. Refrain from copying entire chapters without proper documentation or

acknowledgements. Plagiarism is punishable by law. If you are a third
party, you need to acknowledge the original author and the second party if
you include their views, findings and articles in your study.


The researcher as a second party

▪ According to Baraceros (2016),…

▪ Vizcarra (2003) averred that…

The researcher as a third party

▪ According to Soledad, as cited by Moral (2012),…

▪ Soledad quoted Moral (2012) who averred that…

5.Make a related study on the needs and relevance of your investigation by

following these steps:
a. Problem. State it clearly.
b. Hypotheses or objectives. List them exactly as stated in the article.
c. Procedures. List the research methodology used, the number of
subjects, and how they were selected, and the instruments used.
d. Findings. List the major findings.
e. Conclusions. Describe the author’s conclusions.

Enrichment Activity #1

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the needed information. Use a separate sheet
of paper.

1. Title of you Research:

Major Variables Sub-variables/Concepts/Constructs

2. Major Variable:

Enrichment Activity #2

Instructions: Illustrate the systematic review of literature. Use a separate sheet of


Systematic Review of Literature

What I Have Learned
Instructions: In a brief reflective essay, express how much you understood the
concepts about the RRL or Review of Related Literature in a quantitative research.
Specify which ideas sank into your mind or came to your understanding excellently,
moderately, slightly, poorly, or emptily. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

What I Can Do
Instructions: Search on the internet a quantitative research study that applied the
systematic review. Download it for further analysis and clarifications on some
concepts or ideas you have learned about the lesson.

Note: For those who have no internet access, look for available published reading
materials at home then organize your materials. Write the name/s of editor/s or
author/s, publisher and place of publication, titles, and classify if these materials
are newspapers, tabloids, or books.

Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your final answer on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. A review of the literature could enable the investigator to do which of the
A. Evaluate the significance of the research
B. Identify weaknesses in other studies
C. Revise the problem
D. All of the above

2. Which of the following is a source for primary literature?

A. Dissertations and theses
B. Educational journals
C. Government documents
D. All of the above

3. The review of related literature prevents researchers to reiterate the discussions

that had already been made by previous researchers. Which of the following roles
of RRL does this refer to?
A. The RRL helps us conceptualize and justify the research because an
extensive review can assure no duplication
B. The RRL leads to definitions of problems, selection of methods, and
interpretation of findings
C. The RRL points out authoritative evidences supportive of the study
D. The RRL states the stand of the researcher on conflicting views relative to
the study

4. The review of related literature enables researchers to look through research
instruments from previous researches that can also be used to answer their own
research questions. Which of the following roles of RRL does this refer to?
A. The RRL helps us conceptualize and justify the research because an
extensive review can assure no duplication
B. The RRL leads to definitions of problems, selection of methods, and
interpretation of findings
C. The RRL provides source of significant problems
D. he RRL states the stand of the researcher on conflicting views relative to
the study

5. Which of the following is NOT an example of related legal bases?

A. Constitution C. Novels
B. Circulars D. Orders

6. Which stage in research creates a working thesis for the research paper by
specifying and organizing the category of information?
A. Analysis of data C. Research design
B. Developing a hypothesis D. Review of the literature

7. Which of the following is NOT a charatcerisitc of a literature review?

A. Analyze all articles for similarities and differences related to major topics
B. Discuss the implications relative to the research problem
C. Summarizer and report each article
D. Use important topics as the organizational structure of the review

8. Why is it important to read original articles when you are reviewing the literature?
A. To examine the validity of the conclusions
B. To look for errors in the method
C. To obtain an overview of methods and procedures
D. All of the above

9. You are about to do a literature search, what would be the first stage?
A. Ask your lecturer for some articles
B. Do a literature search online
C. Order some inter-library loans
D. Read introductory textbooks

10. A researcher is seeking out multiple studies on a specific topic. What is the most
applicable to their research?
A. Emic Perspective C. Research Literature
B. Explanatory Research D. Theory Assessment

11. What is self-plagiarism?

A. An epistemological stance
B. Taking about yourself too much
C. Using somebody else's work and passing it off as your own
D. When a person lifts material that they have previously written and pass it off as
their own work

12. What is a systematic literature review?
A. A manufactured system for generating literature reviews tailored to your subject
B. A replicable, scientific, and transparent process
C. One which generates a literature review using a treasure hunt system
D. One which gives equal attention to the principal contributors to the area

13. Which of the following is a benefit of a systematic review?

A. It is cost effective as an approach
B. It is really quick to complete
C. It provides internal validity to the study
D. It reduces researcher bias and demands the researcher is comprehensive of their

14. Which is not a reason for accurate referencing in your literature review?
A. Accurate referencing is needed so that researchers who read your work are alerted
to source that might be helpful for them
B. Accurate referencing is needed so that tutors can follow up your sources and check
that you have reported them accurately
C. Accurate referencing is required because it is an academic convention
D. Referencing shows that you go to the library when not in lectures

15. Why is it important to reference the sources you use?

A. So that your tutor can locate all of your sources
B. To demonstrate your understanding of a topic
C. To give context and evidence to your arguments
D. All of the above

Additional Activity
Instructions: Search at least three different studies (recent as possible) that are
related to your studies. Record your findings using the format below by using a
separate sheet of paper.

Note: For those without internet access, use any available reading materials at home.


Title of the Study

Facts of Publication

What is the author trying to say?

How is it relevant to my research?

Answer Key

Baraceros, E.L. (2016). Practical Research 2 (First Edition). Quezon City: Rex Bookstore.

Calmorin,L.P.&Calmorin, M.A. (2007). Research Methods and Thesis Writing

(Second Edition). Manila: Rex Book Store.

Chico, A.M. &Matira, M.D. (2016). Practical Research for the 21st Century Learners
(Quantitative Research), Sampaloc, Manila: St. Augustine Publications, Inc.

Cristobal,A.P.& Cristobal, M.C. (2017). Practical Research for Senior High School 2.
Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc.

Moral, R.V. (2020). Generating the Theory on Research Teaching. Asian Intellect
Research and Education Journal available at


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