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If you wanted to bring your dog to

work but one of your team members
was allergic to dogs, what would you
do?--Associate account strategist,
December 2014
2. Which do you think has more
advertising potential in Boston, a
flower shop or a funeral home?--
Account strategist, October 2015
3. A coin was flipped 1,000 times and
there were 560 heads. Do you think
the coin is biased?--Quantitative
analyst, September 2015
4. Name a prank you would pull
on x manager if you were hired.--
Google applications support engineer,
June 2014
5. What would you want to do if you
didn't have to work?--Interaction
designer, September 2014
6. How many ways can you think of to
find a needle in a haystack?--Business
associate, May 2014
7. Estimate the number of tennis balls
that can fit into a plane.--Intern,
December 2015
8. If you could be remembered for one
sentence, what would it be?--Associate
account strategist, March 2014
9. If you could only choose one song
to play every time you walked into a
room for the rest of your life, what
would it be?--Associate account
strategist, March 2014
10. Tell me a joke.--Executive
assistant, March 2014
11. If I gave you $10 million right
now, what would you do?--
Associate account strategist, May
12. How could you solve humankind's
biggest crisis given $1 billion and a
spacecraft?--Database administrator,
December 2015
13. You have a colony on Mars that
you want to communicate with. How do
you build a system to communicate
with them?--Associate product
manager, November 2014

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