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Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department


May – August 2022

Please submit your written assignments according to the following sequence:

1. Cover Page
2. Declaration of Original Work
3. Similarity Index from Turnitin
4. Scoring Rubric References
5. Report (APA 7th edition format)
6. Reference

Marks will be deducted from late assignments at the rate of 1% per day (including weekends), for a maximum of 3 days. An assignment is
considered submitted upon the receipt of softcopy of the assignment via Teams. The maximum range of plagiarism detected in Turnitin should
be 15% or less. Any assignments substantially higher will be subject to a mark’s deduction at the discretion of the lecturer, or an immediate
failure grade if deemed to be serious and intentional.

Final Project - Research Proposal (30%)

You will write a full research proposal as though you are sitting for an interim examination to qualify you as a postgraduate candidate. The
proposal should be around 20 pages long. A minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 20 pages are required. The research proposal is an
important document that provides a clear statement of the problem, a review of literature, how the literature relates to your study, formal
research questions and hypotheses, a full methods section, and the data analysis you intend to conduct. The final research paper will be the result
of your semester’s work and a demonstration of your ability to apply your knowledge. You will present your research proposal in weeks 13 and
14. Presentations are done in a viva-voce format and should be professional in nature. You may be as creative as you want to be in presenting
your study.

Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department

Criteria Exemplary (4-5 Marks) Proficient (3-4 marks) Partially Proficient (1-2 marks) Needs improvement (0-1 marks) Marks

Chapter 1
Introduction An intriguing introduction A fairly well formulated Introduction is not well constructed, Lacks a proper introduction.
based on facts leads clearly introduction with some evidence uninteresting, or does not lead into
into the research proposal. to support the topic leads into the the research proposal.
research proposal.
Clearly identifies the Describes an educational situation
problem and its boundaries Identifies the problem and and alludes to a problem Alludes to a situation where a
Background of the study alludes to its boundaries problem might exist.
Statement of the problem Statement of the research Statement of the research Statement of the research purpose Statement of the research purpose
purpose and the overall purpose and the overall reasons and the overall reasons for the study and the overall reasons for the
reasons for the study are for the study are clear and are vague and marginally related to study are not given
compelling, apt and precise, related to the background of the the background of the problem.
and closely and clearly problem.
related to the background of
the problem.
Clearly delineates the Generally, explains the Minimally describes the educational Unable to make a case that the
Significance of the study educational significance of significance of the problem significance of the problem problem has any educational
the problem, including issues significance or ignores
of equity educational significance
Objective/research questions Very well stated research Fairly well stated objective and research question are Includes no researchable
of the study objective based on the research objective and research not clearly stated based on the questions. Lacks connection
purpose of the study. questions based on the purpose purpose of the study. between research questions,
Makes a clear and of the study Makes weak connection between purpose and problem and no
compelling connection research questions, purpose and objective stated /5
between research questions, problem
purpose and problem.

Definitions of key concepts Clearly defines and explains Defines key concepts and terms Attempts to define the relevant No evidence that key terms are
Theoretical and operational the key concepts and terms and concepts and terms identified or defined.
definitions and their relevance to the begins to explain their relevance
problem to the problem
Chapter 2 Literature

Literature review Narrative integrates critical Key research components were A key component was not Did not mention any previous
and logical connected to relevant, reliable connected to research, literature, or theories.
details from the peer- theoretical and research the research literature. Selected
reviewed theoretical and literature. literature was from unreliable
research literature. Each key sources. Literary supports were
research component is vague or ambiguous.
Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department

grounded to the literature.

Attention is given to
different perspectives, threats
to validity, and opinion vs. /5

Re-introduces purpose of the Re-introduces purpose of the study No re-introduction to purpose of

Theoretical Framework: Clearly identifies relevant study including research including research problem and/or the study including research
Describes and cites major theoretical framework(s); problem and question; transition question; transition to methods problem and/or question;
sources for theoretical provides a rationale. to methods included. vague, if included transition to methods not included
Chapter 3: Research

Introduction Clearly and succinctly re- Re-introduces purpose of the Re-introduces purpose of the study No re-introduction to purpose of
introduces purpose of the study including research including research problem and/or the study including research
study including research problem and question; transition question; transition to methods problem and/or question;
problem and question; to methods included. vague, if included. transition to methods not
smooth transition to methods included.

Research Design Describes if research is Describes if research is Vague reference to type of research No reference to type of method
qualitative or quantitative or qualitative or quantitative or being conducted. Non-persuasive used.
mixed methods and defines mixed methods and provides justification for the type of research
type. Provides clear adequate justification for used.
justification for selection of selection of type in relation to
type in relation to research research problem and research
problem and research questions.

Clearly identifies participants Identifies participants in the Vague identification of participants Unable to identify exact
Participants in the study and provides study and provides rationale for in the study and provides non- participants nor any reason for
compelling rationale for their their selection; describes persuasive rationale for their their selection to participate in the
selection; describes sampling sampling methods. selection; no sampling methods study.
methods concisely and included.

Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department

Fully describes the data Describes the data collection Lists the data collection Vague reference to the data
collection instruments. instruments. Includes rationale instruments. Includes weak collection instruments. Includes
Includes persuasive rationale for the selection and format of rationale for the selection and no rationale for the selection and
Data Collection for the selection and format these instruments in reference to format of these instruments in format of these instruments in
of these instruments in other choices. Includes copies of reference to other choices. Does reference to other choices. Does
reference to other choices. actual instruments to be used in not include copies of actual not include copies of actual
Includes copies of actual the Appendix. instruments to be used in the instruments to be used in the
instruments to be used in the Appendix. Appendix. /5

Analytical methods were Data analytic plan is suitable to Data analytic plan were confusing, Vaguely describes data analysis
sufficiently specific, clear, measure research questions. incomplete or lacked relevance to plan. Does not tie procedures
and appropriate for the the research questions, or research closely to research questions.
Data Analytic plan research questions. design
Provides appropriate
justification for controls.
Project is feasible

Total: _____/ 30

Deadline: Friday 5/8/2022 before 6.30pm

hard copy and soft copy.

Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department

Checklist for the Research proposal.

Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Background of the study
2. Statement of the problem
3. Objective of the study
4. Significant of the study
5. Definitions of terms: Theoretical definitions and operational definitions
Chapter 2 Literature review
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical and conceptual framework
3. Related research
4. Conclusion
Chapter 3 research Methodology
1. Introduction
2. Research designs
3. Population
4. Sample
5. Sampling procedures
6. Instruments
7. Data collection procedures
8. Data analysis plan

Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department



May – August 2022

2. Mini Presentation Anatomy of a Research Paper (15%)

Students are required to present two articles (one quantitative and one qualitative) that are somewhat similar to your proposal study. The

selected paper must be current and from a reputable journal. Your task is to use the CODING FORM with the main topics. You will critique the

strengths and weaknesses of the two papers. Grading will be based on a report of your reflections on the papers. Prepare handout in the form of

PowerPoint slides. Use other creative supportive materials to make your presentation interesting and comprehensive for audiences. You will

be given 10 minutes for your presentation and 5 minutes for question & answer session.

Assignment Guidelines Psychology Department

Task : Presentation
Students : ______________________________ ID : _____________________

Criteria 4-5 2-3 0-1

(a) Accuracy and Presentation was accurate and clear Presentation was adequately accurate Presentation was unclear with many
flow of from the beginning, with an and clear, with obvious signposting inaccurate information and no clear
presentation overarching flow and structure between segments. Acceptable flow, delineation between segments.
clearly made known. Presentation with few if any disruptions or pauses Presentation was disjointed, with
was smooth, with transitions being that are unnecessary. Concluded unnecessary stops and an overall
/8 within the allocated time frame
barely noticeable and presentations confusing flow.
kept to within the allocated time

(b) Creativity of Presentation was unique and Presentation was acceptable, with Presentation was basic, with little
presentation creative, incorporating elements some evidence of creative thought to no creativity involved in either
that are not typical of normal processes put into the the video/infographic
/7 presentations to emphasize certain video/infographic
important points
Total: / 15

Deadline: Friday 17/6/2022 before 6.30pm

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