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Katherine LeBlanc Joshua Achue Malachi Joseph gam… Abigail Dean ciara balgobin Joshua Achue

Kyle Benny Anusha Singh Antonio Baksh Daniel Fernandez Tyresse Mc Intosh Jessie Yang

Iaisha Havelock
Katherine LeBlanc Sanjeev Sewdass
Joshua Achue Labanya Rozariogam
Malachi Joseph Tyler Cumberbatch
Abigail Dean Chenaniah Syms
ciara balgobin You
Joshua Achue

Katherine LeBlanc
between ancient Greece and they're being the perfect
human body statues everywhere. So there are statues
Kyle Benny Anusha Singh all over the city.
Antonio Depicting what
Baksh the perfect human
Daniel Fernandez Tyresse Mc Intosh Jessie Yang

body is supposed to look like and are there any

modern day comparisons to that? Makes sense.

IaishaAM bzv-gjgh-ark Sanjeev Sewdass
Havelock Labanya Rozario ! !Tyler " #
Cumberbatch Chenaniah Syms $You % & '

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