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Course Code & Title: CSE 235 - Introduction to Deep Learning Marks: 100

Sections : 7th Sem ISE & IST Weightage: 50%

Date : 5/01/2023 Mode: Online
Time : 09:30 AM to 12:30 AM
Syllabus : All Modules
Dear Students,
This is an official information for all the 7th Sem ISE and IST branches who have CSE 235 –
Introduction to Deep Learning, that it is mandatory to attend the End Term Examination in CAMU
Platform. The question paper pattern is as follows.

Number of Marks Per each Total

Questions question
PART A (Memory Recall Questions) 10 2 20
PART B ( Thought Provoking Questions) 5 10 50
PART C (Problem Solving Questions) 2 15 30
Total Marks 100


1. End Term Examination will be conducted ONLINE IN CAMU Platform.

2. Students are requested to upload their Scanned copy of answer scripts with file titled as
REGNO_PART(A or B or C)_Question No. for each question.
3. Students are requested to upload the scanned answer scripts within the stipulated time.
4. Students are requested to make them available with Network coverage to attempt the
examination without any interruptions.
5. Make sure that your CAMU Login is active.

S.Poornima (IC).02.01.2023

Copy to:
1. Associate Dean.
2. Course Instructors – Mrs.Shruthi.U, Mr. R.Mathiazagan
3. 7th Sem ISE, IST Students.

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