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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development
Rural Enterprise and Economic Development Project
(Economic Corridor Office-Dadeldhura)




Naya Rastriya Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. – Geotech & Structure

Lab Pvt. Ltd (NREC-GSLP) JV
Khumaltar, Lalitpur
Tel. Phone: 01-5151259

December 2022
Inception Report December 2022


We are thankful to Rural Enterprise and Economic and Development Project, Economic
Cooridor Office Dhankuta, for giving us an opportunity to undertake the "Consulting Services
on “Detailed Design and Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Municipal Level Agriculture and
Livestock Service Center." We sincerely express our gratitude to Senior Agriculture Officer
Dr. Indra Narayan Shah and other supporting staff on entrusting the job and cooperation
extended to us for entire study period. Also, we would like to thank to the experts of Naya
Rastriya Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. – Geotech & Structure Lab Pvt. Ltd (NREC-
GSLP) JV Consult Pvt. Ltd. for providing necessary help and information required for the

Naya Rastriya Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. –

Geotech & Structure Lab Pvt. Ltd (NREC-GSLP) JV
Khumaltar, Lalitpur

DPR of Municipal Level Agriculture

and Livestock Service Centers Page iii
Inception Report December 2022


ADS : Agriculture Development Strategy

AMSL : Average Mean Sea Level

BOQ : Bill of Quantities

CAIDMP :Center for Agricultural Infrastructure Development and Mechanization


CBS : Central Bureau of Statistics

DADO : District Agriculture Development Office

DCCI : District Chamber of Commerce and Industry

DoA : Department of Agriculture

DPR : Detailed Project Report

EMAP : Environment Management Action Plan

FGD : Focus Group Discussion

GDP : Gross Domestic Product

MoFAGA :Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration

REED : Rural Enterprises and Economic Development

ToR : Terms of Reference

VDCs : Village Development Committees

TOC : Table of Contents

MoALD : Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

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Volume II-1 Part I

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background........................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Objectives............................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Scope of Works.....................................................................................................1
2. INTRODUCTION OF PROJECT AREA.........................................................................3
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Site Description.....................................................................................................3
2.2.1 Godawari Municipality, Kailali....................................................................3
2.2.2 Chure Rural Municipality, Doti...................................................................5
2.2.3 Joryal Rural Municipality, Dadeldura.........................................................6
2.2.4 Alital Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura.........................................................7
2.2.5 Ganyapdhura Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura...........................................8
2.2.6 Nawadurga Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura.............................................10
2.2.7 Ajaymeru rural Municipality, Dadeldhura.................................................10
2.2.8 Patan Municipality, Baitadi......................................................................11
2.2.9 Saileshikhar Municipality, Darchula.........................................................12
2.2.1 Malikarjun Rural Municipality, Darchula...................................................13
3. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Desk Study........................................................................................................... 1
3.2 Field Investigation.................................................................................................1
3.2.1 Expert’s Site Visit......................................................................................1
3.2.2 Consultation with Client and Local Government Officials..........................1
3.2.3 Inventory and Condition Survey................................................................1
3.2.4 Engineering Survey and Investigation.......................................................2
3.2.5 Conceptual Design....................................................................................4
3.2.6 Detailed Design.........................................................................................4
3.2.7 Detailed Engineering Calculations, BoQ and Technical Specification.....10
3.2.8 Specifications and Bill of Quantities and Bidding Document:...................11
3.2.9 Implementation Schedule:.......................................................................12
3.2.10 Construction Quality Controls Plan:.........................................................12
3.2.11 Preparation and Submission of Draft Report...........................................13
3.3 Approval of Development Plans..........................................................................13
4. REPORTING................................................................................................................ 15
4.1 Inception Report..................................................................................................15
4.2 Detailed Project Report (DPR)............................................................................15
4.2.1 Draft Report:............................................................................................15
4.2.2 Presentation of the Draft Report..............................................................15
4.2.3 Final Report.............................................................................................15
5. WORK SCHEDULE......................................................................................................17
5.1 Main Activities of the Assignment........................................................................17
5.2 Starting Date of Assignment...............................................................................18
5.3 Major Milestones.................................................................................................18

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Figure 2.1: Rainfall Pattern................................................................................................................. 2-4

Figure 2.2: Map of Joryal Rural Municipality.......................................................................................2-7
Figure 2.3: Map of Alital Rural Municipality.........................................................................................2-8
Figure 2.4: Map of Ganyapdhura Rural Municipality...........................................................................2-9
Figure 2.5: Map of Land Use Pattern Ganyapdhura Rural Municipality..............................................2-9
Figure 2.5: Map of Nawadurga Rural Municipality............................................................................2-10
Figure 2.6: Map of Ajaymeru Rural Municipality...............................................................................2-11
Figure 2.7: Map of Patan Municipality.............................................................................................. 2-12
Figure 2.8: Map of Saileshikhar Municipality....................................................................................2-13
Figure 2.8: Map of Malikarjun Rural Municipality..............................................................................2-14
Figure 2.1: Location Map of Gokuleswor – Darchula Road..............................................................2-15


Table 2.1: Project Municipalities......................................................................................................... 2-3

Table 2.3: Land Use Pattern............................................................................................................... 2-5
Table 2.4: Land Use Pattern of Chure Rural Municipality...................................................................2-6
Table 1.1: Main Activities of Project.................................................................................................. 5-17
Table 1.1: List of Reports to be submitted to Municipality and Delivery Dates.................................5-18


Annex 1: Work Schedule

Annex 2: Manning Schedule
Annex 3: Checklist for Data Collection

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1.1 Background
The Government of Nepal with assistance of a USD 80 million credit from the World Bank
Group is implementing the Rural Enterprise and Economic Development (REED) Project
under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MOALD). The project
development objective is to strengthen rural market linkages and the entrepreneurship
ecosystem; and create job opportunities as the recovery actions from COVID-19.

The project, which is under implementation since March 2021, has five components:
(1)Strengthening Market Linkages through Productive Partnerships; (2)Strengthening the
Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in the Federal Structure; (3) Restoring and Strengthening
COVID-19-Disrupted Food Supply Chain and Local Economy; (4)Project Management; and
(5) Contingent Emergency Response Component. It is designed to support market linkages,
enhance the entrepreneurship ecosystem and restore COVID-19-disrupted food and
agriculture supply chain.

The project will support at least 940 productive partnerships under component 1, institutional
capacity development for more than 86 provincial and local governments (PLGs) for
improved delivery of key services in the agriculture sector, and more than 100 SMEs and
agritech startups under component 2. Under component 3, the project will build and maintain
more than 150 infrastructures as municipal agriculture and livestock service center, value
chain infrastructures and regional markets.

The OPD wants to solicit technical and financial proposal from interested qualified consulting
firms for preparation of detailed design and Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for the
proposed 10 municipal-level agriculture and livestock service centers.

1.2 Objectives
The objectives of the consultancy services is to carry out “Detailed Design And Detailed
Project Report (DPR) of Municipal-Level Agriculture and Livestock Service Centers” in 10
different municipalities. The tasks to be carried out by the Consultant for the above activities
are well elaborated in Terms of Reference (TOR).

1.3 Scope of Works

Under the scope of works, the consultant is required to perform following tasks:
A. Assemble a preliminary baseline
a) Collect information about the site including geological maps, land use maps, the
site’s neighbourhood and the accesses to the nearest motorable road.
b) Record the present land use of the parcels being developed and the users.
Identify the present uses and users which would be affected by the planned
c) Access present drainage facility, nearest natural drain, duration of ponding in
normal year.
d) Identify and describe the known physical cultural resources (historical, religious,
or architectural) as well as socially sensitive areas like schools, bazaars, temples,
etc. within the land parcels being developed and the adjoining parcels.
e) Access availability and quality of water being used for drinking purpose.
f) Access the distance to the city electric grid and reliability of power supply
g) Access the present practice of garbage and sewage disposal practice.

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B. Preliminary tasks
a. Topographical survey covering the land parcels being developed, the
adjoining parcels and the accesses connecting these to the nearby motorable
road. Also cover utilities and the storm water drainage to the nearest natural
watercourse in the topographical survey. Establish permanent benchmarks at
appropriate spacing to control the survey.
b. Leveling survey with spot levels at 10 m spacing with accuracy to draw
contours with 0.2 m interval covering at least the area mentioned above.
Additionally, the land parcels and the access roads shall be divided into
2mx2m grid with a list of the coordinates (X,Y,Z) of each corners of the grids.
c. Adequate Geological /Geotechnical investigations (with 4 number of 8m deep
boreholes for buildings higher than 2 story, and 4 numbers of 2m deep pits for
buildings up to 2 story), field and laboratory tests to determine the bearing
d. Material survey to identify the source, quality, and quantity of the construction
materials and location of the borrow pits and the quarries; identify disposal
area for the dispose of surplus materials.

C. Environmental, Social and Safety Considerations

a. The DPR should take into consideration all probable impacts to the
environment, local communities, and the health and safety of both workers
and surrounding communities by the proposed works, and the design should
mitigate or minimize such impacts and risks, with inclusion of appropriate
measures in the design. Also best utilize the information collected during
baseline assessment under heading 3.1.
b. The DPR should incorporate climate and disaster risks by analyzing relevant
hazard maps, seismic maps, geotechnical maps, hydrological investigations,
rainfall, drainage, floods, slope failures and landslides risks among others.
c. The DPR should include (i) E&S Screening Report, (ii) Project Specific
ESMP, and (iii) COVID-19 protocols prescribed by GoN and the WB in
designs, specifications and associated construction cost estimates, as

D. Designs and Drawings

a. All the design works must follow the requirement and standard code of
practices required by DUDBC and MOALD for similar facility
b. Preparation of conceptual design options for a minimum of (i) 1 store room;
(ii) 2 office rooms; (iii) 1 training hall cum meeting room; (iv) laboratory
facilities; (v) Trevis/Automatic Case, (vi) space for agrovet facilities and (vii)
c. Based on the approved design option, detailed design to include the following
shall be prepared:
 Architectural design of the building with adequate details for
 Structural design of the building including bar-bending schedule
 Plan layout and elevations of the building
 Sanitary and electrical details of the building
 Landscaping on the remaining area of the land parcel,
 Boundary wall and gates,
 Storm water drainage to the nearest point of disposal,
 Water supply system with connection to the city mains and additionally
augmented by ground water pumping,
 Sewage treatment or disposal system for normal waste,

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 Internal and external electrification with connection to the city grid and
additionally augmented by solar/battery backup for vital laboratory
d. Detailed design with specifications and cost estimate shall be based on the
approved design option.
e. Preparation of BoQ and estimation of cost for unskilled labors for cash for
work program.
f. Prepare the specification of construction materials and work units (e.g. brick-
work, RCC, PCC, etc.) as per DUDBC guidelines.
g. The design shall focus on energy efficiency and low maintenance cost.
h. The drawings shall provide adequate details for construction, bar-bending
schedule, splicing schedule and detailed material estimation considering the
available steel sections in Nepal or nearby Indian cities.
i. The designs shall include RCC structures, prefabricated structures, brick
pavement or concrete block pavement as appropriate.
j. The design shall consider special requirements of the female and disabled

E. Getting Approval of Development Plans

a. For all the developments, drawings as required by local municipalities and
filling of forms in order to get municipal approval shall be prepared.
b. The Consultant will be responsible for Municipal Approval of the development
plan from the corresponding municipality.


1.4 Introduction
The project involves the preparation of detailed design and DPR of the following 10
municipal-level agriculture and livestock service centers.

Table 2.1: Project Municipalities

Municipality District Area, sq.m
1 Godawari Municipality Kailali 308.63
2 Chure Rural Municipality Kailali 493.18
3 Joryal Rural Municipality Doti 419.09
Alital Rural Municipality Dadeldhur
4 213.87
Ganyapdhura Rural Municipality, Dadeldhur
5 135.65
Nawadurga Rural Municipality Dadeldhur
6 141.91
Ajaymeru Rural Municiplaity Dadeldhur
7 148.90
8 Patan Municipality Baitadi 299.26
9 Saileshikhar Municpality Darchula 117.81
10 Malikarjun rural Municipality Darchula 100.82

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1.5 Site Description

1.5.1 Godawari Municipality, Kailali
a) Geographic Location, Political and administrative centres of the Municipality
Merging the former VDCs: Attariya, Malakheti, Sripur and Geta, Godawari municipality  was
established on 18 May 2014. The total area of the Godawari municipality is 308.63 square
kilometres. At the time of the 2011 Nepal census, it had a population of 78,018 people living
in 14,915 individual households.

Geographic Location
Latitude : 280 81’ North to 28092’ North
Departure : 80055’ East to 8008’ East
Area : 308.63

Physiographical, the municipality is divided into three divisions from south to North:
i. Gangatic Plane (Middle Terai)
ii. Upper Zone or Bhabar Pradesh
iii. Siwaliks or Chure Parbat

The population distribution is high at southern part of the municipality, as the northern side
lies at chure parbat which is not suitable for habitation.

b) Political and administrative centres of the Municipality

East : Gaurishankar Municipality and Chure Gaupalika
West : Kahcnahpur District
North : Chure GAupalika
South : Dhangadi Municipait
Total Wards : 12
Center : Former Attariya Municipality Office

c) Climate
The municipality land lies between the elevation of 127 to 970 m from mean sea level
extenditn from Chure to middile terai. So the colmate of the municipality also changes from
upper tropical to tropical zones. Southern sides have tropical zones, in which the climate is
very hot in summer and very cold in winter. In the terai area the maximum temperature rises
to 460 C in summer and minimum 5 460 C in winter.

d) Rainfall
The average annual rainfall of the area is 1860.46 mm shown from the 30 Years (1984-
2013) of Data by Meteorological Department.
The Rainfall pattern has been shown as below

Figure 2.1: Rainfall Pattern

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Source Municipality Profile

e) Land Use Pattern

The municipality area slopes down from North to South at 5 to 10 degrees. The area having
slope 18-20 degrees has be controlled for useage and the land having slope greater than
50 degree is compled declared as protected land. From the conventional method, the land
use patter of the municipality has been divided into thwo types
Agricultural Land (About 50 %) – Irrigated Land- 3097 Hactre
Non-agricultural Land

Table 2.3: Land Use Pattern

S. No Land USe Area ( Sq.Km) Percentage
1 Agricultural Land 169.45 54.90
2 Forest Covered Land 88.1 28.55
3 Shrubbs covered Area 36.87 11.95
4 Sandy Area 2.56 0.83
5 Pasture Land 2.17 0.70
6 Rivers and Ponds 3.76 1.22
7 Others 5.72 1.85
Total 308.63 100

f) Major Market Area

The major market areas of the municipality are Attariya Bazzar, Godawari Bazzar, Budhitola
Bazzar, shyuli Bazzar,and Getta Bazzar. However, Attariya Bazzar is the the main market
place of the municipality and the Kalali District. The Attariya is connected to the East West
Highway which connest the capital city and other major cities of the country. The area
includes facilated shoools, hospital,FM radio stations, Agricultural Products collection and
purification centers, Chemical fertilizer productiona and distribution centers etc.

g) Major Agricultural Production

The municipality has two major crop pattern System. First Plane Land Crop System in chich
Rice is the maor crop and wheat, vegetables, potato, oilseed, grams are supplementary
crops. Secondly, Sloped Land crop system in which maize is the major crop. However, rice,
maize and wheat are the major crops of this area. The table shows the ward wise production
and sell distribution.

1.5.2 Chure Rural Municipality, Doti

a) Geographic Location, Political and administrative centres of the Municipality
Chure is a Rural Municipality, which is located in Kailali district, Sudurpashchim Province of
Nepal. Chure has total 6 wards, which are scattered across 493 square kilometers of

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geographical area. According to 2011 Census conducted by Central Bureau of Statistics

(CBS), Chure Rural Municipality had total population of 18,924.

b) Demography
As per 2011 population census, Chure Rural Municipality had total 18,924 population with
9,329 males and 9,595 females. Out of total wards, ward number 1 had the largest
population 4,559, while ward number 2 had least number of population with 4,559.
With respect to number of households, Chure Rural Municipality had total 3,362 households.
The ward number 1 had most households with total 769, while ward number 2 had least
number of households with total 338 number of households.

c) Geographic Location
Latitude : 280 59.68’ North to 2902.74’ North
Departure : 80036.29’ East to 80041.16’ East
Area : 493.18

d) Climate
The municipality land lies between the elevation of 380 to 1950 m from mean sea level. So
the climate of the municipality is upper tropical to tropical zones having the maximum
temperature rises to 320 C and minimum 170 C
e) Land Use Pattern
Aout 27.45 % of the total land of the area is agricultural land and 19.45 % of the total area is
sloped terrain. The current land use pattern of the rural municiplality has been shown below.

Table 2.4: Land Use Pattern of Chure Rural Municipality

S. No Land USe Area ( Sq.Km) Percentage
1 Agricultural Land 27.45 5.5659
2 Sloped Land (Pakho) 19.45 3.9438
3 Forest and Pasture Land 382.62 77.582
4 Residential Area 15.13 3.0678
5 Rivers and Ponds 17.5 3.5484
6 Roads 2.11 0.4278
7 Others 28.92 5.864
Total 493.18 100
Source: Profile of Chure Rural Municipality

f) Agriculture and Livestock

Under this topic irrigation, agricultural production, market areas and activities related to
livestock development are discussed.

In this area total 398 Ha land has been irrigated by 40 numbers of perennial and seasonal
irrigation facilities. From the facility, the total of 1984 household has been benefited. The
table shows the descrption on the irrigation facility of the Rural Municipality

1.5.3 Joryal Rural Municipality, Dadeldura

a) Geographic Location, Political and administrative centres of the Municipality
Jorayal is a Rural Municipality, which is located in Doti district, Sudurpashchim Province of
Nepal. Jorayal has total 6 wards, which are scattered across 419 square kilometers of
geographical area. According to 2011 Census conducted by Central Bureau of Statistics
(CBS), Jorayal Rural Municipality had total population of 20,824.
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b) Demography
As per 2011 population census, Jorayal Rural Municipality had total 20,824 population with
10,156 males and 10,668 females. Out of total wards, ward number 4 had the largest
population 4,846, while ward number 1 had least number of population with 4,846.

With respect to number of households, Jorayal Rural Municipality had total 3,808
households. The ward number 4 had most households with total 911, while ward number 1
had least number of households with total 507 number of households.

Figure 2.2: Map of Joryal Rural Municipality

1.5.4 Alital Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura

a) Introduction
Aalital is a Rural Municipality, which is located in Dadeldhura district, Sudurpashchim
Province of Nepal. Aalital has total 8 wards, which are scattered across 293 square
kilometers of geographical area. According to 2011 Census conducted by Central Bureau of
Statistics (CBS), Aalital Rural Municipality had total population of 18,531.
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b) Demography
As per 2011 population census, Aalital Rural Municipality had total 18,531 population with
8,946 males and 9,585 females. Out of total wards, ward number 3 had the largest
population 3,107, while ward number 2 had least number of population with 3,107.

With respect to number of households, Aalital Rural Municipality had total 3,280 households.
The ward number 3 had most households with total 538, while ward number 7 had least
number of households with total 331 number of households.

Figure 2.3: Map of Alital Rural Municipality

1.5.5 Ganyapdhura Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura

a) Introduction
Ganyapadhura is a Rural Municipality, which is located in Dadeldhura district,
Sudurpashchim Province of Nepal. Ganyapadhura has total 5 wards, which are scattered
across 136 square kilometers of geographical area. According to 2011 Census conducted by
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Ganyapadhura Rural Municipality had total population of
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b) Demography
As per 2011 population census, Ganyapadhura Rural Municipality had total 15,093
population with 6,545 males and 8,548 females. Out of total wards, ward number 3 had the
largest population 3,633, while ward number 4 had least number of population with 3,633.

With respect to number of households, Ganyapadhura Rural Municipality had total 3,070
households. The ward number 3 had most households with total 809, while ward number 5
had least number of households with total 443 number of households.

Figure 2.4: Map of Ganyapdhura Rural Municipality

c) Land Use Pattern

Figure 2.5: Map of Land Use Pattern Ganyapdhura Rural Municipality

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1.5.6 Nawadurga Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura

a) Introduction
Navadurga is a Rural Municipality, which is located in Dadeldhura district, Sudurpashchim
Province of Nepal. Navadurga has total 5 wards, which are scattered across 142 square
kilometers of geographical area. According to 2011 Census conducted by Central Bureau of
Statistics (CBS), Navadurga Rural Municipality had total population of 19,957.

b) Demography
As per 2011 population census, Navadurga Rural Municipality had total 19,957 population
with 8,607 males and 11,350 females. Out of total wards, ward number 2 had the largest
population 4,618, while ward number 5 had least number of population with 4,618.

With respect to number of households, Navadurga Rural Municipality had total 4,132
households. The ward number 1 had most households with total 1,016, while ward number 5
had least number of households with total 511 number of households.

Figure 2.5: Map of Nawadurga Rural Municipality

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1.5.7 Ajaymeru rural Municipality, Dadeldhura

a) Introduction
Ajayameru is a Rural Municipality, which is located in Dadeldhura district, Sudurpashchim
Province of Nepal. Ajayameru has total 6 wards, which are scattered across 149 square
kilometers of geographical area. According to 2011 Census conducted by Central Bureau of
Statistics (CBS), Ajayameru Rural Municipality had total population of 17,066.

b) Demography
As per 2011 population census, Ajayameru Rural Municipality had total 17,066 population
with 7,894 males and 9,172 females. Out of total wards, ward number 2 had the largest
population 3,852, while ward number 3 had least number of population with 3,852.

With respect to number of households, Ajayameru Rural Municipality had total 3,311
households. The ward number 2 had most households with total 786, while ward number 3
had least number of households with total 442 number of households.

Figure 2.6: Map of Ajaymeru Rural Municipality

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1.5.8 Patan Municipality, Baitadi

a) Introduction
Patan is a Municipality, which is located in Baitadi district, Sudurpashchim Province of
Nepal. Patan has total 10 wards, which are scattered across 219 square kilometers of
geographical area. According to 2011 Census conducted by Central Bureau of Statistics
(CBS), Patan Municipality had total population of 30,435.

b) Demography
As per 2011 population census, Patan Municipality had total 30,435 population with 13,991
males and 16,444 females. Out of total wards, ward number 6 had the largest population
5,217, while ward number 9 had least number of population with 5,217.

With respect to number of households, Patan Municipality had total 5,767 households. The
ward number 6 had most households with total 1,134, while ward number 9 had least
number of households with total 344 number of households.

Figure 2.7: Map of Patan Municipality

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1.5.9 Saileshikhar Municipality, Darchula

a) Introduction
Shailyashikhar is a Municipality, which is located in Darchula district, Sudurpashchim
Province of Nepal. Shailyashikhar has total 9 wards, which are scattered across 118 square
kilometers of geographical area. According to 2011 Census conducted by Central Bureau of
Statistics (CBS), Shailyashikhar Municipality had total population of 22,060.

b) Demography
As per 2011 population census, Shailyashikhar Municipality had total 22,060 population with
10,471 males and 11,589 females. Out of total wards, ward number 9 had the largest
population 3,667, while ward number 3 had least number of population with 3,667.

With respect to number of households, Shailyashikhar Municipality had total 4,021

households. The ward number 9 had most households with total 701, while ward number 3
had least number of households with total 266 number of households.

Figure 2.8: Map of Saileshikhar Municipality

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1.5.1 Malikarjun Rural Municipality, Darchula

a) Introduction
Malikarjun is a Rural Municipality, which is located in Darchula district, Sudurpashchim
Province of Nepal. Malikarjun has total 8 wards, which are scattered across 101 square
kilometers of geographical area. According to 2011 Census conducted by Central Bureau of
Statistics (CBS), Malikarjun Rural Municipality had total population of 15,581.

b) Demography
As per 2011 population census, Malikarjun Rural Municipality had total 15,581 population
with 7,239 males and 8,342 females. Out of total wards, ward number 8 had the largest
population 2,981, while ward number 1 had least number of population with 2,981.

With respect to number of households, Malikarjun Rural Municipality had total 3,096
households. The ward number 8 had most households with total 600, while ward number 1
had least number of households with total 205 number of households.

Figure 2.8: Map of Malikarjun Rural Municipality

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Inception Report February 2011

This Chapter elaborates the process of producing a set of deliverables by undertaking the
interconnected scope of works, of the given specification, within clearly specified time, cost,
and quality constraints.

1.6 Desk Study

This task, which will start immediately after the signing of the contract, will involve setting up
of the office, arrangement of office and field facilities, preparation for field survey,
geotechnical investigations and collection and review of all available reports, maps and data
that pertain to the proposed MALSCs area. Meetings with concerned REED authorities will
be held for further information and this will also lead to the identification of other reports that
will be obtained for study by the Consultant's team. The Team Leader’s first task will be to
confirm the project management structure including setting out the responsibilities of all
participants and lines of communication. The Team Leader will elaborate the detailed work
programme and will carry out a resource analysis of the design phase.

Deliverable: Inception Report

After the compilation of all the reviews and collection of previous studies our expert team will
prepare an Inception Report which will comprise of detailed work schedule, methodology for
the preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Municipal-Level Agriculture and
Livestock Service Centers. Five hard copies of Inception Report will be submitted within two
weeks from signing date of Contract.

1.7 Field Investigation

1.7.1 Expert’s Site Visit
Consultant expert’s team will visit the site for preliminary data collection and familiar with site
conditions. Expert’s team will verify the data obtained from the desk study. Expert’s team will
find our local issues and technical aspects of specific MOLMACs for incorporation during the
DPR Preparation phase.
1.7.2 Consultation with Client and Local Government Officials
The consultant will also take into consideration the policies and development plan of the
corresponding local governments. Consultant team will also consult with officers of REED
Offices and other office related to Agriculture Infrastructure development works.

The consultant will also do a preliminary meeting with the Local Government Officials to
know in depth about the site condition, local provisions regarding the building construction,
local building-by-laws if any and the perspective of local government related to the proposed
MALSCs construction.
1.7.3 Inventory and Condition Survey
The team of experts upon their visit to site will collect various preliminary data as per their
priorities for the successful completion of project. The preliminary baseline data of every
sites where MALSCs will be designed will comprise of following data:
 Existing Geological maps, land use maps, its neighbourhood and accessibility.
 Present land use of the proposed land and the peripheral lands which would be affected by
the program.
 Present drainage facility, nearest natural drain (if any) and ponding duration (if any)

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 Identification and description of known physical cultural resources as well as socially

sensitive areas nearby the proposed location.
 Quality of drinking water supply and their source in the vicinity.
 Reliability of power supply and city electric grid’s proximity to the proposed area.
 Present practice of sewage disposal in the area and the municipality.

a) Study of Existing Structures

The detail study of existing structures is very essential for the optimum utilization of these
existing facilities. If the condition of the existing structures is found functional and
satisfactory, they shall also be incorporated in the master plan. Physical dimension of the
existing objects shall be obtained while conducting topographical survey. In the Consultant’s
opinion, detailed study of existing structure in the premises is very important for providing
interrelationship between existing and new facilities and hence Municipality shall be
requested to provided details design and drawings of the existing facilities, if possible.
During the construction, especially during the excavation of earth, there will be possibility of
damaging the under grounded object such as electrical cables, water supply pipes, hum
pipes etc. Therefore, it is very significant to gain ideas about the underground layout of these

1.7.4 Engineering Survey and Investigation

a) Topographical Survey
The topographical survey of the site will be carried out using GPS, Total Station, Auto Level
and other similar precision instruments. Then, the field survey data will be transferred to the
computer for preparation of DTM. The base map will be prepared by a surveyor and includes
the boundary and topographic survey information required for the conceptual design.

b) Geologial/Geotechnical Investigation
The Consultant will arrange a meeting with concerned official at the local government for the
identification of the proposed site with the following points:
 Access present drainage facility, nearest natural drain, duration of ponding in normal
 present land use
 socially sensitive areas
 Access availability and quality of water being used for drinking purpose
 Access the distance to the city electric grid and reliability of power supply
 Access the present practice of garbage and sewage disposal practice.

The consultant will then get approval from the client for soil investigation. If approved, the
investigation will be carried out by Pit Excavation Method.

In this method open trial pits will be excavated at the site and thereby exposing the subsoil
surface thoroughly, enabling for taking undisturbed samples. The depth of excavation will be
2 to 3m depth of plan size 1.5m x1.5m. The number of pits will be based upon the plan size
of the proposed structure.

Laboratory investigation on disturbed and undisturbed samples will include but not limited to
the following samples.
The tests will be according to the applicability to the type of sample.
 Grain size distribution
 Specific Gravity Test
 Moisture Content
 Atterberg’s Limit Test

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 Direct Shear Test for disturbed Soil

 Unit weight
The laboratory test methods will be according to IS: 2720 wherever applicable. Other
standard testing procedures such as BS and ASTM could also be allowed.

c) Detailed Hydrological and Metrological Study

A hydrological study will be conducted by the Hydrologist within the proposed site. Prior to
field study hydrological part of previous design report completed part will be reviewed. The
hydrological information such as HFL, LWL, discharge, velocity and scour, etc. will be
collected from available records, local enquiries and visible flood marks on structures and
embankment so as to identify the requirements of suitable waterways. The consultant will
consult with the local people to confirm with regard to the building structures getting
overtopped during heavy rain and snow melting. The different hydrological parameters
required for design of MALSC such as formation, cross drains, longitudinal drainage and
subsoil drainage system will be determined. Consultant team will collect different relevant
Metrological Data of major rivers for the analysis of Metrological Data. Hydrologist will collect
other necessary information for the design of different hydraulic structures.

d) Environmental Survey
The Consultant will conduct environmental study of each proposed MALSC locations
following the PPA/PPR. Apart of reviewing project related documents on the environment,
the Consultant will also make coordination with the environmental study team, if any,
appointed by concerned Municipality. The Environmentalist will conduct the following
activities under this assignment.
Collection and review of previous environmental study reports, if any
Update of report after verification of the changes, if any, in previous report
 Consultation with the environmental study team  Consultation with stakeholders
 Collection of baseline data on physical, biological and socio-cultural aspects,
 Assessment on positive and negative impacts of the proposed MALSC area on
environment, local communities, and the health and safety of both workers and surrounding
communities by the proposed works, and the design should mitigate or minimize such
impacts and risks, with inclusion of appropriate measures in the design.
 Analyzing relevant hazard maps, seismic maps, geotechnical maps, hydrological
investigations, rainfall, drainage, floods, slope failures and landslides risks to find out any
climatic and disaster risks.
 Identification and recommendation for cost effective mitigation measures to be
incorporated in the detailed design including their implementation mechanism
 Incorporate environmental mitigations measures, Environmental and Social Screening
Report, Project Specific Environmental and Social Master Plan (ESMP), and COVID-19
protocols as prescribed by GoN and the WB in designs, specifications and associated
construction cost estimates, as appropriate.

e) Material Survey
The consultant will conduct the availability of the materials in the municipality markets and
the nearby headquarters of districts. The total transportation charge and its haulage distance
will be estimated for the cost estimate. The proposed structure will be constructed from the
locally available materials as far as possible.

f) Study on Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Based on resettlement policy Framework (RPF), Consultant will carry out census level
socioeconomic survey of the owner of land and property falling within the MALSC area.
Quick cadastral level inventory will also be prepared by plotting on cadastral map. A local
'Amin' (cadastral surveyor) from the district land survey office, if available, will carry out the

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work. Land plot number, name of owner, land type and area, house, cattle shed, fruit and
fodder trees etc. Falling within the proposed area will be tabulated. Entitlement Matrix will be
prepared based on this.
1.7.5 Conceptual Design
In preparing the conceptual plan, the architect will analyse the site conditions and constraints
to determine the requirements and prerequisite. The conceptual land plan will be developed
based upon the following criteria:
 existing roads and access points,
 topography,
 drainage,
 environmental considerations,
 soils,
 vegetation, and
 utilities.

1.7.6 Detailed Design

a) Architectural Planning and Design
Based on the collected information and results of the discussions mentioned above the
consultants will design the MALSC, following the standard codes of practice, norms and
guidelines. The relevant codes for the design Nepal National Building Code (NBC: 1994),
Revised NBC: 2020, IS Codes or other relevant codes equivalent to NBC, Municipality
Building Bye-Laws, Norms, Rule and Regulation will be followed. The space standard
prepared by REED Office, MOALD and WB will be followed list of all reference literature and
materials will be provided on the report. As mentioned earlier, the design will, to the extent
possible, be guided by environmental and climatic factors and reflect state of the art practice
in environmental consideration. The consultants will produce detailed design and all
structural drawing as per Municipality Norms, Rule and Regulation and preparation of all
documents need for concerned Municipal Office, consultants will take certificate for further
procedure with the help of REED officials. The consultants will produce detailed quantity
estimate of the MALSC buildings and its accessories including provisions of demolition of
existing structures (if any). The consultants will collect information on sources of materials
and their lead distances and prepare rate schedules and cost estimates based on the
standard norms and prevailing district rates. The main activities involved in design this task
 preparation of detailed engineering designs that conform to international engineering
standards/historical data at a level of detail sufficient to ensure clarity and understanding;
 preparation of all necessary calculations to determine and justify the engineering solutions
proposed for the MALSCs and allied structures and the infrastructure improvements, and
incorporated into the design reports;
 preparation of detailed specifications conforming to international standards and WB
 preparation of a schedule of rates for the project based on market prices to be updated
 preparation of detailed structural drawings along with structural analysis and design
calculations as per relevant codes for concrete, steel and other structural material
considering seismic factor trail pits, soil test analysis reports required for design will be
carried out by consultant
 preparation of working drawings with sufficient details to permit contractors to construct
the work;

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 based on the detailed engineering design, preparation of all necessary tender drawings,
specifications, bill of quantities, detailed cost estimates, based on concerned district rates
implementation schedule, construction method, and quality control programs; and
 Preparation of a detailed design report for discussion and finalization.

Our methodological approach in the undertaking the activities associated with the detailed
engineering design stage is presented below.

The design and details will also conform to the prevailing code of practice. The thrust will be
on the preparation of operational level drawings giving optimum information regarding
dimensions, finishing, rendering and key details.

All detailed design will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of structural design
and recognized good building practices. The architectural design will select building work
materials which are both attractive and durable. Local availability of such materials for future
maintenance purpose will be a selection criterion. Special care will be taken to ensure that
building details conform to the intended usage to the building and to the requirements and
customs of the users of the MALSCs.

For the purpose of furnishing the working or construction drawings, all plans and sections
will be fully dimensioned. Information on materials of finishing, renderings will be
incorporated in the drawing itself. Where required, a separate finishing schedule will be
provided in plan for each room with finished level. All elevations will also be furnished with
exterior rendering and finishing schedule. A standard system of cross referencing the
drawing will be followed so as to facilitate the interpretation of details with respect to their
location, all key positions (expansion, contraction and construction joints etc.) and elements
(doors, windows, stairs, rails, gutters, etc.) will be furnished with construction details in and
appropriate scale. In order to avoid 'Minor lapse' or 'blight' detailing and specification will
take note of:

Cleanliness : Calling for appropriate selection of flooring material, floor slope, floor washing
outlets, height / position of skirting, dado, verandah sloe etc. This aspect should be accorded
the highest priority because of its absolute need in buildings

Water Prevention : Calling for adequate size of gutter, slope, water escapes, and
construction and expansion joint treatment, damp proof treatment, finishing etc. as it has
been seen that number of buildings suffer from related damages in Nepal.

Site adaptation plan for the Buildings: Three factors play a dominant role during the
appropriation of a pre-designed Building to the site. They are:
a. The contour of the site
b. The orientation
c. The approach road
d. the geometry of the site

In several places, the construction of Administrative buildings has been proposed from the
site adaptation of a single design. There should be enough ventilation and light in buildings.
The areas also have to be provided rather generously. The provision of smaller rooms
means the employment of smaller windows and this creates the problem of inadequate light
and ventilation inside the Building. But the use of bigger windows may make the interior cold
at the time of winter and hot at the time of summer and hence an optimum size has to be
found out. It should also be designed in such a way that it will be easy for maintenance.

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b) Structural Analysis and Design

Once the Architectural design has been approved, the detail structural design will be carried
out. Regarding the philosophy, “Building behaves as it is constructed, not as it is analyzed or
designed”, attempts will be made to analyze and design the structure depends upon how it
will be constructed. Hence, normally, the structure behaves as a space frame and its
behavior can only accessed by a space frame. The structural analysis and design will be
carried out by using computer software like STAAD- PRO 2009 or SAP 2010. The 3D
analysis of the structure will be carried out with considering various load combinations (like
dead load, live load, earthquake/wind, etc) as per the prevailing Nepalese/Indian Codes. For
verification of the results obtained by STAAD- PRO 2009 or SAP 2010, the analyses of
some critical frames are carried out any of the software likes RISA2D/3D, Microfeap PII. The
non-linear analysis will also be done to calculate the secondary stress developed by lateral
sway of Building due to lateral load. The envelop stress (axial, shear, moment) of the various
structural members will be tabulated in spreadsheet to design the structural component like
columns and beams adopting Limit state method as per IS 456-1987 code. To ensure
sufficient difficulty of the structure in lateral load, attention will be paid for special design and
detailing of joints, reinforcements cut off, splicing as per IS 4326 and SP 34. All the structural
drawings including joint details will be prepared with the aid of AutoCAD 2010. Special
consideration will be given to seismic designs and structural arrangements.

Standard Code of Practice: Almost all structural analysis and design of Buildings had other
structures in Nepal have so far been based on the recommendation of the Indian code, due
to the none existence of Nepali code previously. Since Nepal lies in active seismic Zone the
code address its particular requirements for seismic safety. Its recommendations are
comparatively better oriented towards the achievement of seismic safety in Building. It
recognizes the importance of detailing, quality of construction for better seismic. Thus, we
propose to follow its recommendations to achieve better professional standards in seismic
design. As Indian code also has not been officially recognized as the 'Code' for Nepal, we
propose to take the professional responsibility of using the 'Nepal code' in the designs of
bugging of Buildings for the center.

Structural design normally entails the following key steps:

 Defining structural system for better structural response and economy as required to meet
architectural requirements.
 Defining loading class for normal loads, seismic and wind loads.
Defining preliminary structural component sizes and analysis for adequacy and economy.
 final analysis and design
 Development of appropriate detailing for field use with special emphasis on enhanced for
better seismic safety.

c) Electrical Design
The entire wiring system will be concealed in polythene pipe. Electric power for the proposed
Buildings will be designed as per the requirement and prevailing electrification standards. An
alternate standby diesel generator for emergency use will be provided, wherever lighting and
heating are required. 24 hours supply will be considered with the circuit of the emergency
standby generator. IS Code of Practice and latest National Code of Practice published by
GoN, Ministry of Water Resource will be used for the electrical system. The number of
fixtures will be designed based on the Lumen method and required illumination level of the
different rooms. Maximum use of Natural light will be given first option to save unnecessary
lighting bills.

Choice of Fixture:

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The types of fittings (and thus the lamps) will be so chosen paying sufficient attention to the
status importance. Fixtures that are easy to maintain / replace will be used.

Protection / Earthing:
Appropriate protection unit will be designed and provided as per the requirement of the
Code. Earthing will be provided as per ISI. Maximum earth resistance will be maintained less
than 10 ohms. A very special care will be taken to make an efficient earth connection.
External Electrification:
Suitable external lighting system will be proposed to illuminate the premise. Those electrical
fittings, which will be suitable to the proposed site, will be proposed after site investigation.

Communication/ Computer Networking:

Telephone with intercom system, computer networking for e-mail & Internet, etc. are
essential nowadays for Building facilities. Provision of latest communication system is
certainly provided.

d) Sanitary/Plumbing/Water Supply Distribution/Fire Fighting Design Drawings

In the planning and designing of Water Supply and Sanitation System the following aspects
will be considered:
- Existing storm water outlet points of the vicinity.
- Water Supply System existing in the site area.
- Waste Water and Surface Drainage System.

Water Demand:
Water demand calculation will be made in order to facilitate the adequate quantity of water
for different purposes as drinking, cleaning, sanitary, fire protection within the proposed
complex area etc. The water demand will be calculated on the basis of prevailing norms plus
the use of an independent deep tube well boring, if required, will also be considered with
water treatment plant.

Assessment of Water Demand

The amount of water required for the proposed office will be calculated at the outset and it
will also be examined at the site. It is necessary because the construction itself consumes
considerable quantity of water. Water will also be needed for irrigating the lawns and for the
purpose of firefighting and hence suitable storing mechanism will have to be provided right in
the beginning.

Water Storage System

A suitable water storage mechanism will be considered based on the amount of water
required. They may be one of the following:
- Cast in place RCC Tank
- Pressed Steel Sheet Metal Tank
- Specially Molded PVC Tank
A comparison of all these alternates will be made as regards their cost, durability and
performance and the most suitable alternate will be employed for the water storage purpose.
of relatively lesser water required for the Buildings to be constructed.

Sewage Disposal:
The existing sewerage system will be studied and the new system will be recommended

Rain Water Disposal:

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Necessary arrangements will be made to drain out the rain water from different parts of the
proposed building. Rain water will be drained off with the help of rain water pipes and open
drain provided at different places. Also storm water drainage system will be designed. The
possibility of collecting the rain water and using the same for purposes at gardening,
washing vehicles etc. will be given due consideration.

Internal Sanitary/Plumbing:
Most public lavatories are not properly maintained in Nepal due to one or other reasons.
Hence, the design of plumbing and sanitation for building need special attention. For
common toilets, pour flush system will be considered for cultural and other reasons (low
water consumption, less chance of breakage's, simplicity in cleaning and maintaining etc.).
Selection of floor and wall finishing will take into account the cleaning and maintenance
requirements. This will be given topmost priority because of the need of the high degree of
cleanliness. Water Supply system will have GI pipes and waste pipes may be of HDP (high
density polythene) which is economical and easy to maintain.

Soil excreta will first be disposed into septic tanks from where affluent will be disposed into
internal underground sewer network which will ultimately be connected to drainage system
of the complex.

Fire Fighting:
Firefighting system will be integrated in the design following the well-accepted codes of
practice. This will be reflected in the selection of following elements and facilities:
 Exit requirement, type arrangement, capacity, etc. following drafty Fire Safety standards
developed by the Building Code Project.
 Internal emergency equipment and facilities in case of casualties
 The provision of enough water associated necessary tools so as to facilitate the firefighting

e) Detailed Landscaping Design

Landscaping will be closely integrated to produce the functional and aesthetic detailing. The
guiding philosophy will be "Harmony and aesthetics". It will also be seen that the
environment is enhanced by the construction of the Buildings in the site. The possibilities of
the landslides due to unnecessary cutting and filling during the site development works will
be examined and they will be prevented from taking place during the design phase.

Elements of the plan of which landscape is one of the components will be tailored to the
specific requirements of the site and fully integrated into the existing topography. A
harmonious mixture of greenery, lawn, paved walkways and water body will be achieved
within the permissible cost constraints. Emphasis will be laid on selecting system of trees
and flowering shrubs, which need lesser manicuring. Details will be developed to the full
extent, which will enable the contractor to execute the envisaged task.

f) Alternative Energy Design Solar Energy:

The Consultant will explore and design both active and passive use of solar energy is
encouraged in the MALSC to reduce consumption of conventional energy. So, consultant will
propose and design for the maximum use of solar energy (for heating/computer
use/Alternative illumination / Security light etc.)

g) Environment Protection work

The consultant will predict damages to environment and attempt to mitigate or minimize the
damages by choosing appropriate measure in design, detail and working procedure for

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protection of surrounding environment. The Government ‘s Environment policies,

Environment Protection Act, and Environment Protection Rules will be followed.

h) Detailed Design Drawings

The Consultant will aim to prepare drawings that can be used as construction drawings with
minimal modifications or amendments. The design drawings to be prepared will cover the
following, but not limited to:

i) Prepare detailed design and drawings for:

 Detailed Architectural Design and working Drawings
 Site plan (1:200) with landscape design.
 Floor plans (1:100)
 Furniture layout plans (1:200)
 Finishing schedule plans (1:200)
 Four side Elevations (1:100)
 If the plan is L, C or H Shape, Sectional elevations of the faces (1:100)
 Longitudinal sections (at least from two direction cutting staircase)
 Door and window schedule with counts and detail drawings and specification.
 Blow up Details (Staircase; toilets; wall sections with blow up details of sill, lintel, parapet,
overhangs, ducts, expansion joint, flooring and roofing and counter; low walls or partitions;
handrail; grill; radiation protection details for the X-ray and other radiation sensitive spaces; if
there is any level change, and any other if required to illustrate any design idea, more details
other than mention here needed to be prepared.)
 Prepare 3-D Model as per instruction

ii) Detail Structural Design and Drawings in A3 size format

 Structural Model
 Structural report including design philosophy, design parameters, Load calculations,
calculation and design of structural component like slab, foundation, staircase, shear wall, lift
 Detailed Drawing of foundation (Isolated, combined or raft! pile if necessary)
 Column Layout plans, Column Details
 Beam- Column Junction Details
 Vertical section along column showing lap and joint details.
 Water Tank detail and drawing
 Tie Beam, Foundation Beam, Toe wall, Sill Band & Lintel Band detail drawing
 Beam Layout plan
 Beam sections
 Slab Reinforcement Details (Plan and section)
 Staircase Details
 Other Roofing like Truss details if required

iii) Detailed Electrical Design and Drawings

Lighting layout plan
 Power layout plan
 Telecommunication layout plan
 Power backup system plan
 Sound system plan
 Lightening arrester and earthing detail
 Main Distribution and distribution board design

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 Specify the standard dimension and position for the placement of the switches, plug
sockets, height hanging light or wall light.
 CCTV system
 Fire alarm System
 Computer Network
 Provide catalogue or picture of any fixture and fittings that has been recommended.
 Internal and External electrification with connection to the city grid and additionally
augmented by solar/battery backup for vital laboratory functions.
 Design report must indicate the designed illumination levels with load calculation for each

iv) Detailed Sanitary Design and Drawings

 Soil and waste pipe layout plan (specifying required slope)
 Hot water and cold-water layout plan
 Rain water harvesting plan and details.
 Section details of piping at the critical locations such as ducts, bends etc.
 Isometric illustrations for the piping
 Toilets and another sanitary fixtures layout plan
 Blowup sections showing fixtures specifying height from the floor and floor slopes.
 Septic tank and soak pit details with design calculations.
 Storm water flow in site plan.
 Water supply system with connection to the city mains and additionally augmented by
ground water pumping.
 Sewage treatment or disposal system for waste
 Specify precautions or instruction if any.
 Detailed fire safety design and drawings
 Indicated appropriate measures of fire safety in compliance with prevailing NNBC.
 Prepare Municipality Drawings and assist Employer for its approval

1.7.7 Detailed Engineering Calculations, BoQ and Technical Specification

The Consultant will prepare detailed engineering calculations (structural, hydraulic, civil etc.)
for all components of the detailed design as listed above. These calculations will be used to
prepare detailed cost estimates in the contract documentation and bidding stage of the
design phase. The major activities on this task would be as follows:
 Detail Quantity estimate and abstract of cost of each components (such as each MALSC ,
land development etc)
 Consolidated abstract of cost
 Bill of Quantities.
 Rate of items are to be used from the District Rate analysis collecting them from the
related division offices. If there are any items which are not included in that rate analysis,
consultant has to prepare rate analysis for those items based on prevailing norms.
 Estimation of cost for unskilled labors for cash for work program.
 Technical specification for Civil, Sanitary and Electrical Works

Quantity Survey:
Quantity of each item will be calculated using spreadsheet.

Rate Analysis:
The Rate Analysis for the estimate purpose will be based on GoN Norms for Rate Analysis
2041. The unit rates will be adopted for current fiscal year as well as prevailing market rates.

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The rates will include all expenses for the completion of the works to the standard as
specified in the Norms for Rate Analysis. The rates basically will consist of direct expenses
as cost of supply and delivery of materials, hauling, storage, lifting, carrying, labor cost for
erection, maintenance. The rates will also include all indirect expenses as contractor's
overhead at 15% of the direct expenses and VAT at 13 % of the total expenses. The Rate
Analysis will be prepared using a computer program.

Unit Price Analysis:
Construction items for which unit prices or lump sum prices would be bid by contractor will
be first identified and they will be annualized considering the following to derive their unit
 Standard GoN norms of unit price analysis and other accepted norms for LCB contracts;
 Markets prices;
 Availability of materials on local markets or alternative cost of imported materials;
 Wages of skilled and unskilled labors;
 Mobilization and demobilization cast;
 Overheads and profits

Material's Rates:
The unit prices of materials to be adopted for the purpose of rate analysis will be either taken
from the approved rates for the Municipality or from authorized agencies and analyzed
according to GoN Norms and Consultant's experience.

Labor Rates:
Labor Rates will be taken from the office of Housing and Physical Planning, and be verified
with the current market investigation report of market study team.

Cost Estimate:
Based upon the calculated quantities and analyzed rates, cost estimate of different items will
be prepared multiplying the quantity of each item with its unit rate.

Bill of Quantities:
Prepared bills of Quantities will give fairly impression of works requirements. It will contain
the volume of each and every itemized works and contain brief specification. Contractors are
required to enter their rates for each and every item of works to over for materials, labors,
overhead, profit and other obligations like insurance, performance bond, temporary facilities
to engineer and its own staff, post-construction obligation etc.
1.7.8 Specifications and Bill of Quantities and Bidding Document:
The quantities of each item of the works will be computed from the design drawings and
specifications to required accuracy depending upon the items being considered. The work
items will be grouped in different sections depending on the nature of the works to be
constructed. The works to be carried out will be summarised in the following sections:
 Site Clearance and Earthworks.
 Drainage.
 Pavement construction.
 Lighting.
Signage and marking.
 Buildings and Facilities.
 Utilities.  Landscaping.
 Day works Schedule.

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The quantities will be based on international methods of measurement to be agreed with the
Client. Bidding document will be prepared as per PPMO standard Bidding Document
(Method of procurement will be decided in consultation with REED officials.

Legal or contractual obligations of involved parties will be enumerated in the general and
special conditions of contract reflecting the general and particular requirements of the

Tender drawings will enable the bidders of assess the volume, scope and detailing of the
works requirements and the cost implications thereof. The document will comprise the
- Invitation of Bids - Instructions of Bidders
- Bids from and Appendix
* General Conditions
* Conditions of Particular Application
- Forms of Agreement
- Scope of Work
- Technical specifications
- Bill of Quantities
- Works Schedule
- Schedule of Supplementary Information
- Tender Drawing
- Annexes
- Bid Security Form
- Performance Security Form
1.7.9 Implementation Schedule:
The Consultant will prepare an implementation schedule for the construction of the
Administrative Building and infrastructure improvements to guide the contractor/s in the
preparation of their construction schedules for the construction phase. The implementation
schedule with a resolution of weeks in Gantt chart form will be supported by CPM network.
1.7.10 Construction Quality Controls Plan:
The Consultant will design a quality control program to cover: (i) inspection of Works, (ii)
onsite and offsite laboratory testing, (iii) confirmation testing of material sources, (iv)
materials quality testing, (v) reporting of test results, (vi) and field control of surface
preparation and dressing.

Inspection of works will be undertaken for all works continuously by the supervisory team for
control of quality and workmanship. The inspections will target principally:
 Material quality control.
 Construction procedures and workmanship.
 Laboratory and field-testing to ensure compliance with specifications.
 Compliance of finished works with lines and levels.
 Record of contractor's activities and daily operations.

The site Engineers will have the prime responsibility for quality control procedures. The
Contractors will be advised to follow professional approach of quality assurance for material
testing, which in general implies that quality of material as described in the documentation
will be assured at the source itself.

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The confirmation testing of material sources will involve review of material sources to be
used for project works. Necessary activities will involve revisit, assessment, sampling and
confirmatory testing of materials for approval of source. The testing program will deal with
tests in accordance with the construction program and include tests required to confirm the
suitability of material sources as well as of the quality of the materials themselves. Testing of
materials will firstly comprise the further testing and assessment of material sources, and
include the management and close supervision of all sampling and testing activities at the
construction site and in the site laboratory.

The quality of the builders’ work for the construction of the Administrative Building will be
controlled in the same method described above. All used materials that are not fabric made
will be tested as described. Certifications of all build in parts to be provided by the contractor
will be subjected to an approval procedure. The installation of these parts will be monitored
on the certification base. All these certificates and filled forms will be filed by the consultant
and will be part of the final documentation.

Construction Methods:
The Consultant will consult with REED officials to determine the operational impacts of the
proposed works during design and construction phase. The Consultant will prepare a
general method of works that the contractor/s will reasonably follow. The method of works
will include:

 Safety.
 Fencing of works and movement of fencing.
 Access control and management of site workers access.
 Phasing of works.
 Contractor’s arrangements and stockpiles.
 Safety of workers.
 Vehicular movements and safety.
 Protection of essential cables and utilities.
 Handing over procedures.
 QA procedures and commissioning requirements.

The said method of works will be backed up with drawings showing the required sequencing
of works. Deliverable will include: -
a) Detailed design and Bidding Drawings
b) Municipality Drawings
c) Detailed Cost Estimates, Work Specifications
d) Complete set of bidding Documents

1.7.11 Preparation and Submission of Draft Report

The Consultant will prepare Draft Detailed Project Report (DPR) by compiling/ incorporating
outcomes. The report will address all important aspects such as technical & engineering
features of project, environmental aspect, economic aspect of project and Costing of project

1.8 Approval of Development Plans

a) Presentation and Discussion over the Draft Report
The Consultants will present the Draft Report in specified standard format and defend it to
the officials of REED Officials and other stakeholders prior to the submission of the final
report. The team of experts from both client and consultant will review the issues raised

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during the presentation and finalize the amendments/corrections if needed before finalizing
the report. The date and venue of the presentation will be determined by mutual
understanding between REED officials and the consultants.

b) Preparation and Submission of Final Report

Apart from the presentation, the REED officials will verify the content of the report against
the Terms of Reference. The REED officials may also discuss upon the technical content of
the report and may suggest some changes if thought necessary. While preparing the Final
Report the consultants will consider the comments/suggestions and make corrections or
amendments if required. The final report will be submitted in five copies within 8 Weeks from
the date of Contract Agreement date including all design parameters, detailed architectural
and structural design, working drawings (if any), Electrical, sanitary, rate analysis, quotations
(if any for reference cost) cost estimate, bill of quantity, Bidding documents all completes.

c) Discussion over the Final Report in Municipality

The Consultants will present the Final Report in specified standard format and defend it to
the officials of Local Government and other stakeholders in presence of REED officials. The
team of experts from both client and consultant will review the issues raised during the
presentation and finalize the amendments/corrections if needed before approval of the
report. The date and venue of the presentation will be determined by mutual understanding
between Local Municipality and the consultants.

d) Approval of Final Report by Municipality

Upon Discussion of the Final Report and the approval of the Designs by the Technical Team
from Municipality the consultant will submit Five Copies of Final Report for Approval from
Local Government within 12 weeks from Contract Agreement Date. This report will include
all design parameters, detailed architectural and structural design, working drawings (if any),
Electrical, sanitary, rate analysis, quotations (if any for reference cost) cost estimate, bill of
quantity, Bidding documents all complete.

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Reporting is considered an essential part of the Consultant's Services. Accordingly, the
Consultant will prepare and submit reports mentioned hereunder in required copies as
indicated in TOR.

1.9 Inception Report

In specific, Inception Report which will comprise of detailed work schedule, methodology for
the preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Municipal-Level Agriculture and
Livestock Service Centers. Five hard copies of Inception Report will be submitted within two
weeks from signing date of Contract.

1.10 Detailed Project Report (DPR)

1.10.1 Draft Report:
This report will be in standard format, containing all the required components of the design
and be presented in clear and easy to refer formats as per the general design.

The Draft Report will consist of

a) Technical and Engineering Features of Project
b) Environmental Aspects including (ESMP)
c) Structural Analysis Report and Structural Drawings
d) Sanitary and Electrical Drawings
e) Specifications, Bill of Quantity & Cost Estimate with Rate Analysis

This report will be submitted in five copies within 6 weeks from the day of Contract
Agreement. The Report will also include the drawings, quantity and cost estimate of any
Standard Design that is used in the Design.

1.10.2 Presentation of the Draft Report

The Consultants will present the design report in specified standard format and defend it to
the REED officials and other stakeholders prior to the submission of the final report. They
will review the issues raised during the presentation while finalizing the report and make
necessary amendments/corrections if needed. The date and venue of the presentation will
be determined by mutual understanding between the REED officials and the consultants.

1.10.3 Final Report

Apart from the presentation, the REED officials will verify the content of the report against
the Terms of Reference. The REED officials may also discuss upon the technical content of
the report and may suggest some changes if thought necessary. While preparing the Final
Report the consultants will consider the comments/suggestions and make corrections or
amendments if required. The final report will be submitted in five copies within 8 Weeks from
the date of Contract Agreement date including all design parameters, detailed architectural
and structural design, working drawings (if any), Electrical, sanitary, rate analysis, quotations
(if any for reference cost) cost estimate, bill of quantity, Bidding documents all completes.

Soft copy (electronic copy) of the design

Apart from the bound report the consultants will submit soft copies (electronic copies) of the
final report in CD-ROMs.

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Discussion and Approval of Final Report from Local Municipality

The Consultants will present the Final Report in specified standard format and defend it to
the officials of Local Government and other stakeholders in presence of REED officials. The
team of experts from both client and consultant will review the issues raised during the
presentation and finalize the amendments/corrections if needed before approval of the
report. The date and venue of the presentation will be determined by mutual understanding
between Local Municipality and the consultants.

Upon Discussion of the Final Report and the approval of the Designs by the Technical Team
from Municipality the consultant will submit Five Copies of Final Report for Approval from
Local Government within 12 weeks from Contract Agreement Date. This report will include
all design parameters, detailed architectural and structural design, working drawings (if any),
Electrical, sanitary, rate analysis, quotations (if any for reference cost) cost estimate, bill of
quantity, Bidding documents all complete.

Soft copy (electronic copy) of the design

Apart from the bound report the consultants will submit soft copies (electronic copies) of the
final report in CD-ROMs.

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This section contains a Work Plan for the assignment, based on the requirements given the
TOR and our Technical Approach presented in previous Section.

1.11 Main Activities of the Assignment

Total services have been divided into different activities and sub-activities, which have been
clubbed under the following groups and presented in Table 1.

Table 1.1: Main Activities of Project

Part Description of Works Duration
Desk Study 1. Mobilization of Team 2 Weeks
2. Literature Review
3. Submission of Inception
Field Investigation 1. Expert’s Site Visit 2 Weeks
2. Consultation with Client and
Local Government Officials
3. Inventory Survey
4. Engineering Survey and
 Topographical Survey
 Geological/Geotechnical
 Hydrological and
Meterologcal Study
 Environment Survey
 Material Survey
 Land Acquiition and

Conceptual Design

Detailed Engineering Design 2 Weeks

 Architectural Planning and
 Structural Analysi and
 Electrial Design
 Sanitary/ Water Supply and
Fire Fighting Design
 Landscape Design
 Alternative Energy Design
 Environent Protection Work
 Detailed Design Drawings
Preparation of 1. Presentation and 6 Weeks
Final Report Discussion over the Draft
2. Preparation and
Submission of Final Report

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3. Discussion over the Final

Report in Municipality
4. Approval of Final Report by

1.12 Starting Date of Assignment

The start date of the consulting assignment is 4 th December, 2022 and end at 30th
November, 2022 the work plan/schedule is accordingly presented considering the various
milestones as suggested by the TOR.

1.13 Major Milestones

The major milestone and delivery dates of major reports are shown in Work Schedule. The
delivery dates of the reports are as presented below in Table 2, which is consistent with
Work Schedule.

Table 1.2: List of Reports to be submitted to Municipality and Delivery Dates

S.No Reports Dates
1 Inception Report within two weeks from signing date of
2 Draft Detailed Project Report Seventh Weeks from the day of
Submission Contract Agreement.
3 Presentation over Draft DPR Within Week after Submission of Draft
4 Final Detailed Project Report Ninth Weeks from the day of Contract
Submission Agreement.
5 Final Detailed Project Report Fourteen Weeks from the day of
Submission Contract Agreement

The Work Plan in the form of Work Schedule is presented in Annex 1 and provides details of
main activities for execution of services including delivery of reports. The schedule is
presented in the full form covering full period of assignment i.e.14 Weeks. The Work Plan is
presented in Gantt Charts form by the Consultant to carry out the services, consistent with
and according to the task’s activities described in the previous Section, including phasing
and interrelations, milestones and delivery dates of the reports.

Similarly, Staffing Schedule is presented in Annex 2 and provides details of inputs of key
experts which is further broken down into different categories based on deliverables.

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