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Inception Report for Detailed A/E Design & Geo-technical investigation for the proposed site at




The Consultant’s effort will be comprehensively streamlined to meet the objectives by covering
scope of services outlined in Terms of Reference.

The Consultant feels that the timely completion of the present assignment is extremely important
in the overall implementation of the project. Therefore, a well thought and realistic
implementation methodology has been incorporated. The inputs of resources and timings for
various activities are planned to complete activities as scheduled.

2.2.1 Mobilization, Collection and Review of the existing reports, documents and data
All available reports, maps, drawings and data helpful for the project were collected and
reviewed. Meeting with concern authority was done for the further information.

2.2.2 Site Investigation

i. Reconnaissance survey
The team of experts made a site visit and observed the site and its surrounding features.
In this regard, available infrastructures and services in the site such as access road,
water supply, drainage, sewer system, solid waste management, and telecommunication
were studied.

ii. Topographic Survey of Existing site

The consultant will carry out detailed topographical survey of the given site at 0.25m
contour interval and prepare contour maps of the site.
Detailed measurement of the sites will be taken using the total station. Total station is
one of the most precise surveying optical instruments. Minimum two bench marks will

Inception Report for Detailed A/E Design & Geo-technical investigation for the proposed site at

be established and number will be increased if necessary. RL with reference of bench

mark will be taken at required distances to know the profile and terrain of the site.

iii. Consultation with Stakeholders

A consultation meeting was conducted between the consultant and representatives of
the client regarding the project on April 2013 at DDC.
2.2.3 Desk Study
Collection of records and other relevant data of the project area were made and the
professionals studied the related maps, references and available data before leaving for the
site. Comments and feedbacks made on the stake holders meeting are thoroughly

2.2.4 Requirement Analysis

Thorough study of the existing situation of the proposed site in terms of spaces, utilities,
and facilities, proper analysis regarding the entry and exit points to the compound from the
main road, access roads, internal road, vehicle parking, footpath and foot trails, total space
available required now and in future, existing infrastructure were made. Study regarding
the future needs of the area was also conducted.

2.2.5 Concept Development and Designing:

After analyzing the present and future requirements, preliminary design concept has been
prepared along with revised master plans and design alternatives

2.2.6 Inception Report

The inception report comprises of:
 Review of conceptual design approved by DDC
 Existing site analysis
 Alternative Master plans on the present site
 Architectural drawings
 Preliminary design calculation
 Indicative cost estimates

Inception Report for Detailed A/E Design & Geo-technical investigation for the proposed site at

2.2.7 Submission to DDC

After submission of the inception report, comments and opinion from the client will be
fully acknowledged and considered accordingly.

2.2.8 Geotechnical Investigation Report

The consultant will carry out detailed geotechnical investigation for the purpose of
foundation design and construction of proposed structure with necessary data like type of
foundation, depth below the ground level, allowable bearing pressure, design parameters
of sub strata, sub-soil profile etc. The report will comprise of
 Introduction.
 Brief description of work ( about the client and the structure )
 Geographic location of site with index plan.
 Topology of the site ( description of site with site plan )
 Climatic data, location on seismic and wind map.
 Geological details.
 Information regarding ground water.
 Other items
 Conclusion.

2.2.9 Soil Investigation Report

The report will contain the following headings

 Introduction giving scope of investigation.
 Field investigation
o Description of field investigations.
o Data of field investigations (log of boreholes with diagrams and data of in-situ test).
o Details of ground water observation

Inception Report for Detailed A/E Design & Geo-technical investigation for the proposed site at

 Laboratory investigations
o Kist of routine laboratory tests conducted (grain size, limits, swell tests, unconfined
results of laboratory in standard format). This may be presented as appendix.
o List of special tests conducted Compression, triaxial test, consolidation test etc.

 Discussion of subsoil conditions. This is the heart of the report and will be clear and
concise. This is reported under the following subheads :
o Description of soil conditions as evaluated from all field and laboratory results.
o Analysis and discussion of field and laboratory tests.
o Design criteria like allowable settlements to be used.
o Calculations for determining safe bearing capacity, capacity of pile slope stability
o Report on seismic analysis of the site.
o Recommendations on choice of type of foundation, allowable bearing pressures,
slope stability, ground improvements, etc.
o Recommendation of soil parameter for structural design.
o Recommendations for safety measures to be taken during construction such as

 Conclusions and final recommendations for this part of the report will give definite
recommendations based on the field and laboratory results.

2.2.10Preparation of detailed A/E design and drawing including the working drawings
During the process of the detailed design work, the consultant will incorporate all the
comments from DDC and any other relevant Government of Institutions and further
necessary detailing and analysis will be made.

2.2.11 Detailed Architectural / Landscape /Interior Design and Working Drawings :

The Consultant will prepare the detailed architectural/ landscape /interior design of “Dairy
Product Supply Scheme at Khumaltar”. The consultant will perform detailed design and

Inception Report for Detailed A/E Design & Geo-technical investigation for the proposed site at

prepare working drawings showing all necessary details and dimensions required for
construction and will follow the requirements of the Nepal Building Code.

2.2.12 Detailed Structural Design and Working Drawings:

The Consultant will develop a 3D analytical model for the purpose of analysis using well
known finite element software (e.g. SAP2000, STAAD. Pro. ANSYS, ALGOR,
NASTRAN etc.) Real and accidental tensional effects will be considered for all structures.
Structural system proposed by the consultant will be able to resist effectively the gravity
as well as lateral loading induced by both earthquake and wind. Consultant will submit
soft copy of analytical model.
The consultant will perform detailed structural design and prepare working drawings
showing all necessary details required for construction and will follow the requirements
for the ductile detailing. The detailing will comply with the requirements of IS13920 or
any other relevant ductile detailing code. The consultant will submit soft copy of
analytical model and both hard copy and soft copy of structural design and detailing.

2.2.13 Electrical Design and Working Drawings.

The consultant will carry out detailed electrical design with Standard practice and Codes
for public buildings and will comply with NBC 207:2003. The consultant will prepare
electrifying and submit in both digital and printed form.

2.2.14 HVAC Design and Working Drawings:

The consultant will carry out detailed design for the HVAC system with Standard Practice
and Codes and will comply relevant international codes. The Consultant will prepare
detailed working drawings showing all necessary details required for the system and
submit in both soft and hard copy.

2.2.15 Sanitary Design and Working Drawings:

The consultant will carry out detailed water supply and sanitation design and working
drawings along with the storm water drainage, fire-fighting systems, showing necessary

Inception Report for Detailed A/E Design & Geo-technical investigation for the proposed site at

details required for construction. The consultant will prepare detailed working drawings
showings all necessary details required for the system and submit in both soft and hard
copy. They will comply with relevant international code as well as with NBC.

2.2.16 Draft Final Report

Draft final report will contain all the working drawings (structural, electrical, HVAC,
water Supply, sanitary), Quantity and Cost Estimate along with the Draft Final Report of
Geotechnical Investigation incorporating all the comments and recommendations made on
the inception phase.

2.2.17 Prepare Quantity and Cost Estimate, Specification and Bidding Document
The consultant will prepare the quantity & Cost Estimate, Specification and the Bidding
Document as per Public Procurement Act 2063, Public Procurement Regulation 2064 and
Public Procurement Monitoring Office Directive. Consultant will submit the Specification
and the bidding document in both soft and hard copy.

2.2.18Physical model with landscape

The consultant will prepare the physical model showing all the existing structures as well
as proposed structures including landscape.

2.2.19 Final Report

With some final adjustments on the Draft Final Report, views and comments of DDC,
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works and other related authorized person will be
considered in preparation of final report.
The final report will comprise of followings
 Detail Engineering Design & Architectural Drawings
 Physical Model with landscape
 Detailed Quantity and Cost Estimate
 Specification
 Bidding Document
(Please refer to preceding page for Methodology chart)

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