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Nama : Yusriah Najiha Isma

Nowadays most appear for entertain people are what interest in eyes and could less stress.
While goverment provide a entertainment in music and theatre, in fact goverment need to do
what is needed in public services. I equally agree and disgree with this statement, and damage
public trust and money invest

First of all, a group of people think that goverment should focus on improving their public
service and ensure society receive what is lacking for their area. On the other hand, invest in
the entertainment place is necessary, to illustrate, mall,park,live music are needed for
everyone. Without the existence of art spot and entertain, it will be difficult for industries to
grow. Also a intelligent goverment have to know how to spoil their community. based on me
go to theatre with friends or enjoying music and do little shopping is needful. Moreover, this
not waste of money because starting business is the best way to invest.

Another point as a people in this country who wants the goverment fair for their job. Many
are suffering because lack of attention from them, in other words, less food ,dirty
water ,flooded, are problems that never stop decrease by reason the goverment always think
this unimportant. This can be seen in news recently, flooded is everywhere and make society
hard to do activity, for example,young people cannot go to school and traffic jam could break
worker rules. Instead of build a huge building and spend money for only contentment,
goverment should look down what more worth for invest and what is needed for this country.

Finally, i belive that a goverment either in a developed or developing country, should invest to
public service, but should reality to satisfaction society .so that goverment must care and
facilitate us,so that the goals of the state and society are reliezed

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