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ROLL NO.: 44






I the undersigned Miss Samira Fargoes hereby, declare that the work
embodied in this project work titled “A STUDY ON HR
DIGIZURA TECHNOLOGIES” forms my contribution to the
research work carried out under the guidance of Mrs. Bhoomi Rathod
is a result of my research work and has not been previously submitted
to any other university for any other Degree/Diploma to this or any
other university.

Whenever reference has been made to previous works of others, it

has been indicated as such and included in the bibliography.

I hereby further declare that all information in this document has been
obtained and presented by academic rules and ethical conduct.

Samira Fargoes
Name and Signature of the Learner

Date: 10th February 2022

Place: Mumbai
This is to certify that Ms. Samira Fargoes has worked and duly completed her Project Work
for the degree of Bachelor of Management Studies under the faculty of Commerce in the
subject of Finance and her project is entitled “A STUDY ON HR OUTSOURCING AND

I further certify that the entire work has been done by the learner under my guidance and that
no part of it has been submitted previously for any Degree or Diploma of any University.

It is her work and facts reported by her personal findings and investigations.

___________________ _____________________
Mrs. Bhoomi Rathod Dr. Zuleika Homavazir
(Project Guide) ( SFC Co-ordinator )

____________________ ______________________
DR. Anna Pratima Nikalje External Examiner

Seal of the College Date of Submission: 10.02.2022

Place: Mumbai

To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the depth is so

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh dimensions
in the completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me the opportunity to
carry out this project.

I would like to thank my Principal, Dr. Anna Nikalje for providing the necessary facilities
required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank our SFC Coordinator, Dr. Zuleika Homavazir, for her moral
support and guidance.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my Project guide Mrs. Bhoomi
Rathod whose guidance and care made this project successful.

I would like to thank Digizura Technologies for providing me with this valuable Internship
opportunity, and also for having provided various insights into my project.

I take this opportunity to thank my Account Manager Mr. Brian Pias and Mr. Deviprasad
And my mentor Mr. Apporv Goyal at Digizura Technologies for their constant support and
guidance which helped me to complete my Internship.

Lastly, I would like to thank every person who directly or indirectly helped me in the
completion of the project especially my Parents and Peers who supported me throughout my
The chapters covered in the project are as follows:
Chapter 1: It is the Research Methodology that is the Types of Research adopted & the
Sources of Data collected.

Chapter 2: It is an introduction to the Human Resource Management sector. It elaborates on

the benefits of HRM to the organization. It contains components of Outsourcing and
Insourcing challenges and future scope.

Chapter 3: This Chapter provides an Introduction to HR Outsourcing.

Chapter 4: This chapter contains the company profile of Digizura Technologies.

Chapter 5: This chapter contains the role of Outsourcing at Digizura Technologies.

Chapter 6: This chapter includes a comparison between Insourcing & Outsourcing.

Chapter 7: This chapter contains HR Outsourcing Challenges.

Chapter 8: This chapter includes the Process Flow Chart of Outsourcing at Digizura.

Chapter 9: This chapter provides insight into screening candidature and its methods.

Chapter 10: This chapter provides an insight into my roles and responsibilities during this

Chapter 11: This chapter provides a SWOC Analysis of Digizura Technologies representing
the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of the company.

Chapter 12: This chapter provides a PESTEL Analysis of the Human Resource Management
Chapter 13: The Learnings and key takeaway pointers from the internship have been
included in this chapter.

Chapter 14: This is the final chapter of the project which is the Bibliography, which
provides all the sources from where the data used in this project has been sourced.
Serial no. Topics Page no.

1 Research Methodology 1-7

2 Human Resource Management and its evolution 8-15
3 Introduction to HR Outsourcing 16-24
4 Digizura Technologies 25-29
5 Outsourcing in Digizura Technologies 30-30
6 Comparison between HR Outsourcing and HR 31-34
7 Outsourcing roadblocks faced in HR 35-50
8 Process Flow Chart of HR Outsourcing at Digizura 51-57
9 Screening candidature and its methods 58-76
10 Internship Profile 77-77
11 SWOC Analysis 78-81
12 PESTLE Analysis 82-86
13 Learnings and Conclusions 87-87
14 Bibliography 88-89
A study on HR Outsourcing and its application in IT sector at Digizura Technologies



❖ Introduction to Research
❖ Research Design & its types
❖ Objectives of the Research
❖ Sources of Data
❖ Scope of the Study
❖ Limitations of the Study
A study on HR Outsourcing and its application in IT sector at Digizura Technologies

Introduction to Research:

Research is the art of scientific investigation. The research covers the search for and retrieval
of information for a specific purpose. Research has many categories, from medical research
to literary research. Research is a search for truth with the help of some study, observation,
comparison, and experiments. It is the search for knowledge with the help of an objective and
systematic method of finding a solution to a problem. Research is simply the process of
finding a solution to a problem after a complete study and analysis of situational factors.
Research is purposeful investigation. It provides a structure for decision-making. It provides
an analytical framework for the subject matter of investigation. It establishes the relationship
between different variables.

Research Design & its Types:

The type of research undertaken for this project is a combination of

Descriptive research and Exploratory Research.

Descriptive research

Descriptive research is a type of research that describes a population, situation, or

phenomenon that is being studied. This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the
research subject rather than the “why” of the research subject. It includes surveys and fact-
finding inquiries of different kinds. The main characteristics of this method are that the
researcher has no control over the variable; he can only report what is happening or what has

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Characteristics of Descriptive Research:

1. Quantitative research:
Descriptive research is a quantitative research method that attempts to collect quantifiable
information for statistical analysis of the population sample. It is a popular market
research tool that allows us to collect and describe the demographic segment’s nature.

2. Uncontrolled variables:
In descriptive research, none of the variables are influenced in any way. This uses
observational methods to conduct the research. Hence, the nature of the variables or their
behavior is not in the hands of the researcher.

3. Cross-sectional studies:
Descriptive research is generally a cross-sectional study where different sections
belonging to the same group are studied.

4. The basis for further research:

Researchers further research the data collected and analyzed from descriptive research
using different research techniques. The data can also help point towards the types of
research methods used for the subsequent research.

There are three distinct methods to conduct Descriptive Research.

1. Observational method –
The observational method is the most effective method to conduct this research, and
researchers make use of both quantitative and qualitative observations. A quantitative
observation is the objective collection of data, which is primarily focused on numbers and
values. It is depicted in terms of quantity and results of quantitative observation are derived
using statistical and numerical analysis methods. A Qualitative observation doesn’t involve
measurements or numbers but instead just monitoring characteristics. In this case, the

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researchers observe respondents from a distance. This offers a more in-depth insight into
the purchasing experience of the customers as they are in a comfortable environment.

2. Case Study method –

Case studies involve in-depth research and study of individuals or groups. Case studies lead
to a hypothesis and widen a further scope of studying a phenomenon. However, case studies
should not be used to determine cause and effect as they can’t make accurate predictions
because there could be a bias on the researcher’s part. The other reason why case studies are
not a reliable way of conducting descriptive research is that there could be an atypical
respondent in the survey. Describing them leads to weak generalizations and moving away
from external validity.

3. Survey research –

In survey research, respondents answer through surveys or questionnaires, or polls. They are
a popular market research tool to collect feedback from respondents. A study to gather useful
data should have the right survey questions. It should be a balanced mix of open-ended
questions and close ended-questions. The survey method can be conducted online or offline,
making it the go-to option for descriptive research where the sample size is enormous.
Questions should be written so they are clear and easy to comprehend. After participants
answer the questions, researchers describe the responses given.

Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is defined as research conducted to investigate an undefined problem. It is

carried out to gain a better understanding of the current problem, but it will not provide conclusive
results. A researcher begins with a broad concept and uses this research as a vehicle to identify
issues that can be the focus of future research. An important consideration here is that the
researcher be willing to change course in response to the discovery of new data or insight. Typically,

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such research is conducted when the problem is in its early stages. It is also known as the grounded
theory approach or interpretive research because it is used to answer questions such as what, why,
and how.

The 2 types of Exploratory Research are:

❖ Primary Research: is information gathered directly from the subject. It can be

through a group of people or even an individual. Such research can be carried out
directly by the researcher himself or can employ a third party to conduct it on their
behalf. Primary research is specifically carried out to explore a certain problem that
requires an in-depth study.

❖ Secondary Research: is gathering information from previously published primary

research. In such research, you gather information from sources like case studies,
magazines, newspapers, books, etc.

Steps to conduct Exploratory Research:

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❖ Identify the problem: A researcher identifies the subject of research and the
is addressed by carrying out multiple methods to answer the questions.

❖ Create the hypothesis: When the researcher has found out that there is no prior
studies and the problem are not precisely resolved, the researcher will create a
hypothesis based on the questions obtained while identifying the problem.

❖ Further research: Once the data has been obtained, the researcher will continue his
study through descriptive investigation. Qualitative methods are used to further study
the subject in detail and find out if the information is true or not.

Objectives of the Research:

This research seeks to accomplish the following objectives:

1. To have a better understanding of Human Resource Management Outsourcing in the

IT sector.
2. To understand the difference between insourcing and outsourcing.
3. To understand how the outsourcing division functions at Digizura Technologies.
4. To fathom and understand the challenges involved in the day-to-day functioning of
HR Outsourcing.
5. To have a fair understanding of the roles and responsibilities performed by HR.

Sources of Data:

• Primary Data:

• Information and guidance provided by

➢ Mr. Apoorv Goyal – Account Manager

➢ Mr. Deviprasad – Director – Strategic Accounts

➢ Mr.Brian Pias – Director – Strategic Accounts.

• Secondary Data :

➢ Information from various data sources

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➢ Books and other research papers on the subject matter

➢ Company Website

➢ Other websites, case studies, news articles, etc

Scope of the study :

• To understand how various processes all contribute to the functioning of the firm as a
• To understand more about outsourcing.
• To study the various functions and processes of Human Resource Management
• To understand HR Outsourcing in the IT sector.

Limitation of the study :

Despite best efforts, there are always a few limitations, which in this case were:

• Being an intern the time at hand to understand the organization is limited. This puts
the research under a time constraint.
• Due to the confidential nature of the firm’s activities and proprietary constraints, a
significant amount of details has been excluded from the study to prevent the breach
of confidentiality.
• On the account of the ongoing global pandemic and the fluctuating intensity of
movement restrictions across the country, assimilation of data on a market that is
largely unorganized is difficult. The inferences based on first-hand experiences of the
researcher then are relatively less.
• Interns don’t have access to a lot of systems.

Chapter 2: Human Resource Management and its evolution

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Objectives of the Chapter :

❖ Introduction to Human Resources Management

❖ Functions of Human Resource Management

❖ Objectives of Human Resource Management

❖ Evolution of Human Resources Management in India

❖ Introduction to Human Resources Management :

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HRM, or human resource management, is the practice of managing people to improve

performance. If you're hiring people for a company, for example, you want people who fit
the culture because they'll be happier, stay longer, and be more productive than people
who don't. Engagement is yet another example. Employees who are engaged are more
productive, produce better work, and make customers happy. This means that if we can
find ways to increase employee engagement, we will benefit the organization. HR
provides knowledge, tools, training, legal advice, administration, and talent management,
all of which are essential to a company's survival and advancement.

❖ Functions of Human Resource Management:

1. Recruitment & selection

2. Performance management
3. Learning & development
4. Succession planning
5. Compensation and benefits
6. Human Resources Information Systems
7. HR data and analytics

1. Recruitment & Selection :

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Enrolment is a course of distinguishing, screening, shortlisting, and employing possible

assets for topping off the empty situations in an association. It is a center capacity of
Human Resource Management. While choice is the method involved with picking or
picking the right up-and-comer, who is generally appropriate for an empty work position
in an association. In another word, the choice can likewise be clarified as the most
common way of talking the up-and-comers and assessing their characteristics, which are
expected for a particular work, and afterward picking the reasonable possibility for the
position. The recruiting of the competitors should be possible inside i.e., inside the
association, or from outer sources. What's more, the interaction ought to be performed
inside a period imperative and it should practical. The commitments of every worker
assume a critical part in the food and development of a business. The solicitation for
recently added team members generally begins when a new position is made or current
work opens up. The immediate chief then, at that point, sends the set of working
responsibilities to HR and HR begins selecting up-and-comers. The effect on your
business when you employ some unacceptable competitor is regularly substantially more
than not recruiting an individual by any stretch of the imagination.

2. Performance Management ;

An ongoing, continuous process of communicating and clarifying job responsibilities,

priorities, performance expectations, and development planning to maximize an
individual's performance while aligning with the organization's strategic goals.
Performance management establishes a year-round system of communication between a
manager and an employee. Its main goal is to concentrate on employee performance and
channel its efforts toward the organization's business goals. Managers frequently employ
performance management as a tool.

3. Learning and Development :

Learning and development is a systematic process that aims to improve an employee's

skills, knowledge, and competency so that they can perform better at work. Learning is
concerned with the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in particular.
Development, on the other hand, is the broadening and deepening of one's knowledge to
achieve one's development goals. Learning, training, and development are all terms that
are frequently interchanged.

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4. Succession Planning :

Succession planning is the process of planning contingencies in case of key employees

leave the company. Succession planning is often based on performance ratings and L&D
efforts. This results in the creation of a talent pipeline. This is a pool of candidates who are
qualified and ready to fill (senior) positions in case of someone leaves.

5. Compensation and benefits:

Fair pay is critical for motivating and retaining employees. Ensure equity and fairness is
some of the fundamentals of human resource management when it comes to paying.
Making the right pay offer is a crucial part of attracting top talent. This must be balanced
with the company's budget and profit margins. There are two types of compensation:
primary and secondary compensation. Primary compensation is money that is directly paid
for work, such as a monthly salary or performance-based pay. Non-monetary rewards are
all considered secondary benefits. Extra vacation days, flexible work schedules, daycare,
pensions, a company car and laptop, and other benefits are all possible.

6. Human Resource Information System:

A human resource information system (HRIS) is software that provides a centralized

repository of employee master data that the human resource management group requires to
complete core HR processes. Employee data such as names, addresses, national IDs or
Social Security numbers, visa or work permit information, and information about
dependents is stored, processed, and managed by an HRIS. Recruiting, applicant tracking,
time and attendance management, performance appraisals, and benefits administration are
typical HR functions. It may also include self-service functions for employees and possibly
accounting functions. An HRIS can be thought of as a smart database of employee data in
some ways.

7. HR Data & Analytics:

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The collection and application of talent data to improve critical talent and business
outcomes is HR analytics, also known as people analytics. HR analytics leaders help HR
leaders develop data-driven insights to help them make better hiring decisions, improve
workforce processes, and improve employee satisfaction.

❖ Objectives of Human Resource Management :

HR management can broadly be split into four main objectives as follows:

Organizational objectives :

This is work done by the HR function to improve the efficiency and performance of the
business. Examples include ensuring high levels of employee retention and providing
training courses.

Societal Objectives :

This relates to the HR department’s efforts to comply with the ethical and social aspects of
the business, such as ensuring high standards of equal opportunities for employees.

Functional objectives :

The HR department needs to maintain clear guidelines to keep the organiz operating legally
and effectively. An example could be ensuring that the resources of the HR team are being
used to their full potential.

Personal objectives :

These objectives relate to providing each employee with the opportunity to meet his or her
individual goals, such as offering good learning and development initiatives and other ways
of maintaining high employee satisfaction and motivation.

❖ Evolution of HRM in India:

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India is the biggest majority rule government on the planet and one of the most
seasoned human civic establishments. The nation has a rich history and various
cultures. It is the origin of four of the world's significant religions and is portrayed by
a variety of strict convictions and practices. India is one of the interesting arising
economies which add 10+ million individuals to its functioning power consistently.
An extremely proficient HRM framework and work approaches are expected to deal
with a tremendous and various nation like our own. How about we check out the
development of Human Resources Management (HRM) in India
India has a profound worth framework that affected social orders and working
establishments. Aggregate culture has consistently focused on the upsides of
obligation towards family and society. Indeed, even the world's first administration
book "Arthashastra" was written in India around 300 BC which has two significant
belief systems connected with present Human Resources, 1) Public Policy and 2)
Administration and Utilization of individuals. Long back we knew that the best
resource of any association is its kin. We can see from the Mauryan time frame (320
BC to 181 BC) that there were an assortment of skilled workers, specialists, workers,
and so forth who were utilized in different exercises including mining, metallurgy,
powers, and so on claimed by the state. There used to be named officials who used to
care for the government assistance of the specialists. We additionally see hints of
shaped associations of specialists in the history and a couple of occurrences
referencing fixed compensation for the laborers to fortify work security.
During the British Era, industrialization occurred in India, and different work
regulations, for example, "Processing plants Act", "Workers' Compensation Act",
"Mines Act", "Truck Act" and "Worker's organization Act" were established. There
were not many unfair strategies, in any case, Indian bosses kept on developing on
British arrangements. At first, line supervisors used to deal with the work, but with
the developing size of the labor force and expanding intricacy at work, a different
office that arrangements with work matters appeared, particularly in huge scope
modern foundations. A couple of fundamental highlights of this work/staff the board
division were dictator control, severe management, arrangement of certain
motivations to expand creation and accentuation on discipline, and general
indifference with regards to human perspectives. The advancement in the HRM field

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was persistent before autonomy and a large number of our political dissidents
additionally compressed managers to ad-lib their methodology towards laborers and
concentrate entirely on human angles in their undertaking.
Post-Independence, there was a push on HRM. Reception of the Indian constitution,
which contains critical statements connected with work government assistance and
different HR point came into power. Aside from the constitution, there was a
progression of work regulations and authorizations that brought a few work/human
asset matters under the space of state intercession. These work regulations have
brought about the broadening of the useful areas of faculty the board by covering an
assortment of perspectives concerning laborers and setting up least guidelines in a
considerable lot of these areas. The prerequisite of designating government assistance
officials in processing plants and mines of endorsed size mirrors the longing of the
public authority to perceive the requirement for and significance of giving due
thought to human perspectives in the business.
In present times, the Indian business has arisen more grounded, and organizations
across all ventures have seen great outcomes. In the Indian Industrial Sector, HRM is
controlled predominantly by the public authority where numerous regulations and
approaches for laborers must be trailed by associations. In the private area particularly
for the worldwide connected associations, the assumptions for the representatives are
extremely powerful and maintenance of the workers is a test. According to the
overview consequences of 2019 (likewise displayed in the diagrams as under), normal
compensation expands remains at 9.8% and normal yearly whittling down at 13.1%

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The job of HR is extremely unique in the current Indian situation. The job has developed
from a prior supporting job of overseeing payrolls and labor to an essential accomplice in the
development of the business. It's currently an indispensable piece of the corporate and
presently imaginative HR rehearses have likewise been the USP of many organizations.

As of now, HR does the accompanying job in the Indian setting -

1. Putting resources into Talent (i.e., representative experience, Happiness at work, and
Employee wellbeing)
2. Preparing for Diversity
3. More noteworthy Emphasis on Employee Development.
4. Utilization of Technology in HR.
5. Spurring the Workforce
6. Overseeing People
7. Skill Development
8. Trust Factor
9. Balance between serious and fun activities
10. Connecting the interest supply hole

End - HRM has begun zeroing in additional on the improvement parts of HR. HRM
underscores an amicable harmony between worker requests and hierarchical prerequisites.
The improvement of HRM in India has now involved a middle stage and it’s developing
at a well-suited speed with the business.

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Chapter 3: Introduction to HR Outsourcing


❖ Introduction

❖ Need for HR Outsourcing

❖ Types of HR Outsourcing

❖ Benefits of HR Outsourcing

❖ Barriers in HR Outsourcing

❖ Future Development of HR Outsourcing

❖ Steps for better partnerships

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Human Resource Outsourcing is a cycle wherein an organization uses the administrations

of an outsider to deal with its HR capacities. An organization might re-appropriate a couple
or all of its HR-related exercises to a solitary or blend of specialist co-ops situated in seaward
objections like India, China, the Philippines, and so on

For the most part, those HR capacities which are not basic and secret are reevaluated.
Individuals are the main resource of an association. Driving organizations all over the planet
are adopting a more essential strategy to deal with their HR. HR capacities like enlistment
and determination, finance and pay the board, staff preparing, worker advantages and
administration, work assessment are instances of it. Through normalization of cycles, the
expert can convey administration at amazing velocity moreover.

Simultaneously, the association should keep on performing groundbreaking HR jobs -, for

example, drawing in and holding ability, achieving key change in an organization with line
directors, supporting representative worries, and so on Across meeting rooms and business
colleges, HR is principally seen as an integral asset to draw in and hold ability, construct
labor force capacities, handle complaints and draw out the most incredible in individuals.

HR rethinking is developing as HR projects and administrations become more perplexing.

Value Waterhouse Coopers has fostered a Total Human Resource Outsourcing Model which
offers organizations start to finish HR administrations and a solitary conveyance capacity.
Human asset re-appropriating is a pivotal vital HR drive. It assists an association with zeroing
in on inner assets towards doing what they excel at and all the while assisting with controlling
the main concerns.

HR re-appropriating assists an association with acquiring cost and time efficiencies and gives
a bleeding edge over their human asset techniques and further develops administrations to
their workers. The new serious difficulties of the worldwide commercial center are provoking
interest for master human asset reevaluating. HR Outsourcing is quickly arising as one of the
world's most intriguing business patterns. It mirrors the need, perceived by expanding
quantities of associations, to zero in on their center areas of business - and to re-appropriate
cycles that add almost no worth as far as accomplishing their business destinations.

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Need for HR Outsourcing :

The following are some of the needs of HR Outsourcing:

• Enabling businesses to focus on core operations
• Delivering cost savings – whether direct or indirect
• Helping to create a stable, cost-effective operating platform
• Transferring focus from internal processes to the achievement of business goals
• Realizing investment in HR transformation and IT systems
• Ensuring compliance with legal, regulatory and best practice requirements, and
• Transferring risk and liability for people issues.

Types of HR Outsourcing :

HR Outsourcing can be broadly classified into 3 types :

1. Application Service Provider (ASP) :

An application service provider is a third-party organization that is responsible for
delivering commercial software applications and related services over the internet.
These applications are installed, customized, and supported by them. The cost of
application software is ASP's biggest drawback. Second, the application software's
success in being implemented is questionable.

2. Business Process Outsourcing :

BPO (business process outsourcing) is a business practice in which a company hires
an outside service provider to complete a critical business task. Payroll and
accounting processes, for example, are candidates for BPO because they are
performed the same or similar from company to company. The main distinction
between BPO and ASP is that in BPO, the client interacts directly with the employees
via call centers or support centers. MNCs typically choose BPO because they operate
in multiple countries and employ a large workforce.

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3. Total HR Outsourcing:
In this type of outsourcing, the entire HR function is run by the service provider.
There is no specific HR department in the organization. The client organization only
has senior HR professionals who are also HR- strategists. A host of non-strategic
functions and employee contact is done by the service provider.

Benefits of HR Outsourcing :

• Controls costs, saves time and minimizes paperwork.

• Provides reliable, professional compliance in areas like employment, labor and
immigration law, and payroll.
• Outsourcing puts an expert eye on HR policies.
• It provides Training and Professional Development.
• Professional assistance with employment-related problems
• On-time, accurate payroll processing, and reporting
• Improve operating performance, management, control, and risk management

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Barriers in Outsourcing:

Coming up next are the most widely recognized inward hindrances to reevaluating:

1. Disengagement with staff

HR delegates are basic to assisting workers with feeling like they have a voice and worth in
the organization. Moving these obligations to a program or an offsite outsider can prompt
staff to feel detached from their managers - and businesses not completely understanding
their groups' necessities.

2. Less adaptability

In private companies particularly, HR reps and chiefs can help workers out when there's no
other option - paying out unused excursion days in a crisis or allowing them to dunk into the
following year's leave ahead of schedule, for instance. Whenever HR is computerized and
additionally rethought, these sorts of facilities for faithful specialists are troublesome on the
off chance that certainly feasible.

3. Culture changes

Rethinking your HR capacities can change the way of life of your association too. Nobody
realizes your organization’s culture better compared to you and your staff, and it very well
may be difficult for an outsider to recognize and propagate that culture. Whenever you
rethink HR, colleagues might become shaky, less drawn in, and, surprisingly, less useful. An
inner HR agent who chips away at the floor with your representatives can be vital to staying
with your way of life fit as a fiddle.

4. Issues taking more time to fix

In circumstances where a mistake has been made HR administration can invest in some
opportunity to fix previously, leaving the worker furious or baffled. What's more, when a
worker stops and the business is utilizing an external selection representative, the recruiting
and preparing cycle could take longer than it would with an in-house HR office, which can be
more proactive about recruiting and preparing workers before positions even open up.

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5. Restricted decisions

Organizations utilizing an expert business association (PEO) to deal with everything from
recruiting and terminating to finance and protection could have fewer options for worker
benefits. By giving off control of specific capacities to an outsider, you're restricting your
organization to anything bundles that PEO brings to the table.

6. Absence of control

Giving another association command over a portion of your inward cycles could leave you to
some degree ignorant with regards to your labor force. Even though you can work intimately
with the HR reevaluating association to guarantee you are in total agreement, you probably
won't be educated on everyday cycles. Assuming you fail to focus on your work environment
elements, you may be left with troubled representatives without knowing. This decrease in
information can change into an absence of control.

7. Protection and security issues

HR reevaluating can leave your worker information powerless against security dangers if the
organization's product isn't secure. Many specialist co-ops use web-facilitated programming
to deal with HR capacities, leaving delicate worker data possibly powerless against security
dangers and accidents. The last thing you need is to have your representative's banking or
clinical data delivered to the general population.

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Future Development of HR Outsourcing:

Associations are focussing more on their center capabilities. There is
different future advancement that must be managed when settling on the
reevaluating choice. Some of them are as per the following:

1. Outsourcing and Technology:

Innovation is one variable that has changed the HRM area. Arising advancements like HRIS
(Human Resource Information System), application programming (Oracle HRMS), and self-
administration human asset bundles have changed how HR administrations were being
regulated. Associations that we can't stay aware of innovative changes chose to reevaluate
their HR exercises.

2. Managing the Outsourcing Relationship Restructuring and Outsourcing:

There is a requirement for experts who are great at dealing with the rethinking relationship.
The expert ought to reinforce and support the relationship a few times and this requires
impressive experience and foreknowledge on the piece of the two players. The relationship
ought to empower a culture of information sharing and common learning.

3. Monitoring and Evaluating Vendor Performance:

Before the HR action is re-appropriated, the presentation principles for the movement must
be passed on to the merchant. Outer specialists can be counseled to foster execution
guidelines. There is a requirement for continuous correspondence between the outsourcer and
the seller. To upgrade execution, the association can likewise turn to plans where it shares the
sum saved because of a decrease in pay claims with the merchant.

4. Role of HR Manager:

HR directors today need to have different abilities. They should be adroit at taking care of
business issues separated from overseeing HR. They should assume a functioning part in the
plan and execution of the business system. HR administrators who are generalists and can
squeeze into any job are hard to come by. In light of the absence of accessibility of HR
generalists, associations might fall back on HR reevaluating.

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Steps to Better Partnerships:

Most of the organizations surveyed were happy with their providers' exhibition, yet Covid-19
has constrained a change in how organizations and providers communicate. Over 60% of
respondents, for instance, said they would attempt to arrange agreements to change
components like valuing, degree, and method of conveyance - a troublesome cycle for
providers. Pushing ahead, there are five stages organizations can take to deal with their
rethinking biological system, as well as five stages providers should accomplish as a team
with clients:

1. Focus on strength:

According to the review, all respondents have a business congruity plan set up. That is
awesome if by some stroke of good luck a solitary nation or locale is off the network. Be that
as it may, assuming an organization's worldwide organization comes up short - as we saw in
2020 - organizations feel undeniably less ready. Coronavirus has shown that flexibility
should stay high on organization plans, and providers are as often as possible best positioned
to connect any holes.

2. Selective joint efforts:

By far most of our review respondents were satisfied with the presentation of their providers.
Notwithstanding, we are seeing a pattern of organizations framing less yet more profound
provider associations. This is the right methodology; coordinating a huge provider
environment is burdening, costly, and convoluted, and particular - and profound -
associations are undeniably more useful.

3. Contracts that are future-confirmation:

Companies should attempt to change their provider connections so they center around results
rather than inputs. As indicated by our review, 47% of leaders expect an expansion in the
utilization of result-based agreements. Also, joint endeavors are getting back to the plan, with
47% of leaders expecting an expansion in these.

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4. Maintain change plans:

There is, beyond question - and which is all well and good - an emphasis on computerized
change. Nonetheless, pioneers should conclude which change ventures to put assets and
capital in and which to drop or delay over the following two years. Accordingly, they will
want to fill ability holes and distinguish the kinds of providers with whom they should work
together to accomplish their change objectives.

5. Bridge ability holes:

Our review uncovered a few movements toward acquiring IT capacities house, however, we
would portray the pattern as particular adopting': a few capacities were gotten the house, yet
others were re-appropriated or offshored. Acquiring ability house is inspired by a longing to
diminish the gamble of change projects slowing down, passing on organizations to depend on
specialist co-ops in regions where they have ability holes. This paired approach, in which
inside capacities are upgraded close by the commitment of specialist co-ops, is probably
going to fill before very long review and continuous client work exhibit that it is so critical to
effectively oversee provider connections and biological systems. That doesn't mean more
providers - it implies settling on a cognizant choice with regards to what your business needs
and Covid-19 has just made those needs more basic.

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Chapter 4: Digizura Technologies

Objectives of the Chapter :

❖ Overview

❖ Vission and Mission

❖ Directors

❖ IT Solutions at Digizura Technologies

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Overview :

Digizura Technologies Private Limited is an unlisted private company incorporated on 03

October 2018. It is classified as a private limited company and is located in Bangalore,
Karnataka. Its authorized share capital is INR 10.00 lac and the total paid-up capital is INR
1.00 lac.

The current status of Digizura Technologies Private Limited is - Active.

The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Digizura Technologies Private Limited,
per our records, was held on 30 December 2020. Also, as per our records, its last balance
sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31 March 2020.

Vission & Mission :

At Digizura, we believe there is a better way to execute core business processes. We bring in
thought leadership from various industries with a focus on providing smart and sustainable
technological solutions to customers. We’re obsessively passionate about it, and our mission is to
help Businesses achieve it. An ecosystem of IT & industry veterans, IITs, IIMs consultants drives
the R&D effort through a Center Of Excellence model.

Directors :
The company has 2 directors and no reported key management personnel.

The longest-serving directors currently on board are Samantha Audrey Andrade Natasha and
Vasanthi who were appointed on 03 October 2018. They have been on the board for
3.2849315068493152 years and 0.0 months.

Samantha Audrey Andrade Natasha has the largest number of other directorships with a
seat at a total of 1 company. In total, the company is connected to 0 other companies
through its directors.

03 October 2018


03 October 2018


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IT Solutions at Digizura Technologies:

• Finance Simplified

• Logistics Simplified

• Transportation Simplified

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• Consumer Experience

• Product Life Cycle Management

• Environment Health, and Safety

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• Application Management Services Simplified

• Microsoft

• Mobility

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Chapter 5: Outsourcing at Digizura Technologies

• Digizura Outsource candidates to other IT Companies like Sony, Capgemini, UST

Global, etc.
• They outsource candidates for all the SAP profiles like –
• And other following profiles –
Full Stack Developer, Backend Developer, Front end Developer, DevOps Engineetc.
• They outsource candidates on a permanent and contractual basis.
• Profiles are sourced through Job portals and references.
• Candidates are first contacted to know if they are interested in the particular opening.
• An interview is then set up with a senior member of Digizura and the interviewer
from the other company.
• Once the candidate is selected he/she has to submit all the documents to the company
and keep digizura in the loop.

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Chapter 6: Comparison between HR Outsourcing & HR

Companies that want to expand their products and services have two alternatives for meeting
rising labor demands: keep the extra work in-house or outsource it. Insourcing is the process
of using internal resources to execute a task or project, while outsourcing is the process of
finding another organization to fulfill that need. IT, customer service, marketing, and
candidate recruiting are all essential services that can be insourced or outsourced to third-
party organizations. Both insourcing and outsourcing have benefits and drawbacks

Objectives of the Chapter:

❖ What is Insourcing
❖ What is Outsourcing
❖ Insourcing vs. Outsourcing

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• What is Insourcing :

Insourcing is the use of an existing employee or department to achieve a company goal or

objective. For example, a company may want to launch a new product and decide to use its
existing staff for marketing. Alternatively, an employer can meet a new goal of expanding
customer service by training its existing support staff. Insourcing keeps new processes and
services in-house and typically on-site. Hiring new employees is another example of
insourcing. A small business may decide that it now requires an internal IT department, in
which case it must hire new employees to support that directive.

The most significant advantage of insourcing is that it allows for greater control over the
quality of work and the people who perform it. Furthermore, bringing incompetent team
members or training existing employees to perform insourced activities can help the company
reach new heights. As a result, it aids in the formation of a capable team.

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• What is Outsourcing :

When a company hires a workforce from outside the organization, this is referred to
as outsourcing. These new hires are not company employees. Many businesses
outsource their IT, accounting, and consulting needs to third-party companies. For
example, if a company is rapidly expanding, it may require assistance in processing
additional tax forms for new employees, or it may hire an outside company to
supplement sales. Outsourced roles are typically not permanent, allowing the
company to switch providers or bring the job back in-house.

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• Insourcing vs. Outsourcing :

Insourcing Outsourcing
Insourcing is the practice of delegating Outsourcing is a technique that involves
the project to an individual or hiring an external organization to
department within the organization, perform specific business functions
rather than contracting with an external rather than performing them in-house.
In insourcing, the activities are Outsourced activities are undertaken in
performed separately within the the company to which they are assigned.
company, irrespective of its location. Outsourcing can be done domestically
or internationally.
Insourcing uses the company's resources Outsourcing results in cost savings due
and facilities, so the cost can be low; to economies of scale.
however, the company invests in
building a team and developing the
staff, which tends to raise the overall
When it comes to confidentiality, there In outsourcing, a certain degree of risk
is no such risk in the case of insourcing might be there.
of the activities
In insourcing, there is complete control In outsourcing, there is little to no
over the company’s operations and control over how an external
employees. organization operates.
Insourcing is suitable when you want to Companies primarily use outsourcing to
control the business activities instead of reduce costs such as overhead, labor
entrusting the same to an external party. costs, equipment, and technology. When
the cost of purchasing goods or services
is lower than the cost of manufacturing
the goods or rendering the services
internally, it is considered the best

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Chapter 7: Outsourcing Roadblocks faced in HR

Objectives of the chapter

❖ Outsourcing challenges faced during Covid -19

❖ Outsourcing challenges post-Covid -19
❖ IT Outsourcing challenges and solutions
❖ Challenges faced in HR Outsourcing
❖ How to overcome the challenges

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Outsourcing challenges faced during Covid-19 :

As the coronavirus pandemic pushes India into a lockdown, the call centers and IT
services firms that function as the world's back office are struggling to piece together work-
from-home solutions and other business-continuity plans.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday ordered 1.3 billion Indians to stay at home for 21
days to stem the spread of SARS-CoV-2, following earlier lock-down orders in many Indian
cities and states. As of Tuesday, India had reported over 500 cases of the virus and nine
deaths. Many of the companies that provide business services such as call centers,
information technology services, and business process automation were not prepared for
work-for-home arrangements, according to interviews with more than a dozen employees of
several companies. That raises questions about whether one of India's showpiece industries
can function smoothly amid the coronavirus crisis.
"The industry has been scrambling to set up its business continuity plan," said R.
Chandrashekhar, a retired federal government official and a former president of India's IT
services lobby group, NASSCOM. In the southern tech hub of Bengaluru, an employee
working at a JPMorgan call center said that until last Friday, her managers had repeatedly
declined staffers' pleas to work from home. "Even if I am infected with the virus, I know the
death rate for young people isn't very high, but I am very scared that I might transfer it to
family," she said on condition of anonymity, as she is not authorized to speak to the media.
After a state government order, JPMorgan on Sunday asked its Bengaluru staff to "stay at
home until further notice," according to a message to employees, reviewed by Reuters.
In some cases, companies must seek client permission before allowing employees to work on
sensitive projects outside the office, a senior human resources executive at a top Indian IT
firm said of working remotely. "These days the challenge is not the technology, the challenge
is the regulations, and, in case something goes wrong, who's going to take the responsibility,"
the person said on condition of anonymity. Indian software
services firms, led by Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys, gained prominence by giving
Western clients low-cost solutions to routine computer problems. Over time, they assumed a
major role at many global companies. Three employees of mid-sized IT services firm
Mphasis, in the western Indian city of Pune, said they were all being asked to come to the
office until last Friday, even as some expressed concerns about working near roughly 90
other people.

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Maharashtra, where Pune is located, had imposed restrictions on private company employees
going to offices to curb the spread of the virus. But it made exemptions for essential services
including some IT companies.
During the past week, security guards barred employees from venturing outside one of the
Mphasis offices in Pune to avoid attracting the police, fearing a forced shutdown, two
employees said, declining to be named as they are not authorized to speak to the media. One
said a human resources executive told him not to wear a mask as it would "panic people who
come to work".
As Maharashtra enforced a curfew starting Monday, some Mphasis employees were being
asked to remain home this week, even though they lacked equipment such as laptops, the
employees said. Mphasis said in a statement that not all of its staff were working remotely.
But the company said it was speaking with clients and trying to enable as many people as
possible to work from home while ensuring employee safety. An employee of French
teleservices provider Teleperformance on the outskirts of Delhi said his company had been
reluctant to let staff work from home. But he said employees were finally told on Sunday that
the company would begin installing corporate desktop computers at their homes after a wider
lockdown in several cities.
JPMorgan and Teleperformance did not respond to requests for comment. India's home
ministry, in guidelines issued on Tuesday, advised states to exempt essential IT and IT-
enabled services from the national lockdown. NASSCOM, the lobbying group, said several
states had listed IT and e-commerce among exempt essential services. -
Reporting by Sankalp Phartiyal and Sachin Ravikumar

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Outsourcing Challenges post-Covid – 19 :

The year 2020 has arisen as one of the most troublesome in ongoing history, with the whole
world responding to and endeavoring to recuperate from the COVID-19 pandemic's
wellbeing and financial issues. Coronavirus has affected each industry, causing associations
to adjust spending plans and other functional issues to manage the pandemic's ramifications.
Accordingly, various associations' presence is in question. Therefore, organizations are
zeroing in on income development and re-appropriating non-center tasks to accomplish
monetary dependability.

For most organizations, the worldwide rivalry is intense. Therefore, associations should
exploit regions where they can upgrade proficiency and slice costs to dedicate additional time
and HR to exercises that produce income. Many firms will zero in on further developing
everyday work process effectiveness while additionally expanding efficiency later on.
Working with a carefully prepared rethinking supplier can assist organizations with defeating
usefulness issues, smoothing out cycles, and adding assets that aren't accessible in-house. Re-
appropriating offers an unending number of opportunities to assist your association with
working better, from deals to enlistment to tasks.

For quite a while, innovative headways have helped groundbreaking organizations in

acquiring significant advantages from rethinking administrations. This is particularly valid
for little and medium-sized organizations that miss the mark on limit or labor to run assistant
offices like money and finance in-house.

Given the one-time prospects that have emerged because of the pandemic's disturbance,
organizations should reconsider their technique and tasks. Organizations can assemble a pool
of extra income by re-appropriating non-center exercises, taking into consideration potential
open doors for development and advancement. The rethinking technique sets aside cash by
eliminating the need to recruit and prepare new representatives and additionally support staff
(HR, administrator, and so on) It likewise brings down inhabitance costs and limits the need
to put resources into more office space and gear. Organizations that have a critical pool of
reevaluated "on-request" work can rapidly stretch out their labor force without recruiting
extra full-time representatives or increment their overheads or interest in office space and
gear. Utilizing re-appropriating sets out new open doors and utilizes existing ability that
assists bosses with capitalizing on their present labor force.

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The expanded open doors created for existing representatives are one of the critical
advantages of employing a legally binding workforce. Not exclusively to help assurance yet,
in addition, to support imagination and increment their all-out worth to the organization.
Reevaluating specific assistant positions free up in-house staff to zero in on more essential
exercises and tasks that better bridle their ranges of abilities, information, and abilities and
produce genuine outcomes. Also, every worker who isn't utilized to satisfy a help job opens
up extra assets to enlist an income-producing representative.

Besides the undeniable advantages of setting aside time and cash, re-appropriating specific
functional obligations give you admittance to the most modern innovation and frameworks,
as well as best-practice in explicit exercises. With innovation anticipated to increment
dramatically and problematically before very long, most organizations will most likely be
unable to bear to put resources into the most recent innovation, yet rethinking will furnish
them with admittance to the most state-of-the-art innovation, permitting them to stay
cutthroat and pertinent.

Organizations today face a persistently creating scene, including regulative changes,

ceaseless innovative headways, and the reception of more refined strategies by specialists,
notwithstanding COVID-19. Organizations are reevaluating the ideal blend of in-house and
outer assets for effectively overseeing significant functional cycles with permeability,
adaptability, straightforwardness, and control because of these issues.

Eventually, reevaluating gives critical advantages to entrepreneurs. They can grow a group of
gifted experts utilizing this strategy without recruiting full-time workers or putting resources
into extra office space or hardware. With reevaluating, entrepreneurs and senior
administration might think their time, consideration, and assets on their organization's center
capacities, rather than characterizing new objectives and sorting out some way to contact

India has commonly seen a pattern of drawing in blue-apprehended, support staff assets on
outsider/off-roll/re-appropriating/staffing commitment. The post-2008 downturn, the example
of drawing in white busted, gifted assets was broad by the IT Industry yet was restricted to IT
Industry alone. Post-COVID, the pattern of connecting with white caught, specialized
representatives into Contractual commitment barring a couple of Senior Management and
strategical jobs is conceived as a need and is popular now independent of any area.

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IT Industry moved to this pattern after the 2008 downturn given the accompanying

• Seat cost was consuming incomes of the Organization influencing the monetary
wellbeing of the Company,

• Having assets on the seat in light of the projection of development didn't end up being
a savvy choice.

• Development plans postponed because of many elements

• Contest,

• Evaluating,

• Clients' Approvals,

• Authorizing,

• Worldwide Economic patterns,

• Cash change,

• Personal time between projects,

• Planning of the greatest limit of every asset

• Then again, keeping down representatives with no total commitment prompted the
steady loss of ingenious workers, leaving behind just the normal individuals in the stream.

In the current situation, ambiguities are heightened to the degree of vulnerability bringing up
issues like "IS THERE A TOMORROW? On the off chance that YES, WHO ALL WILL

Restricted perceivability to the future by even large monsters of the Industry, the
disappointment of long haul plans, long haul plans being supplanted by transient plans have
constrained each Company to hide and maintain. This, thusly, has prompted Pay cuts, Lay-
offs, Furloughs, expanded strain for individuals to perform. In such a situation, the Human
idea of compassion, sympathy towards fellowmen, fretting over creating individuals for long
haul returns, thought towards others' positions, feeling worried because of responsibility have
taken behind the stage. What has been more basic is running after supporting the

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Organization (an establishment which houses workers) through the disarray regardless of all
reasons - certified, huge, legitimate or phony, inconsequential, outlandish.

The present circumstance has stood out to adjust to staffing/reevaluating as a band-aid to take
special care of the dynamic ventures, or recently obtained projects for the following three
years. Around three years expecting all the falling impacts, chain responses, advances,
changes, transformations to be finished in three years, and execution of new ordinary to begin
working effectively.

Ideally, this open door ought to change the setting up industry with a spot in the Industry as a
coordinated area breaking obstructions, designing, advancing, and promoting incredible open
doors and desires for the young people to step into this Industry by decision and not by some
coincidence. Since choices are made from interests, interests lead to advancement.

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IT Outsourcing Challenges and Solutions :

Whenever a business thinks about improving its cutthroat situation in the business, they
endeavor to do something excellent to take the enormous jump. Also, perhaps the most
famous practice is rethinking. Reevaluating implies going 'out' to track down the right 'source'
to satisfy your business necessities. Nowadays seaward advancement has turned into a typical
business work on permitting associations of various sizes to develop without significant
gamble speculation. Rethinking is absolutely a practical choice that saves a ton of significant
time and cost. Also, selecting the seaward advancement model gives you admittance to first-
rate experts. For instance, your seaward advancement group will incorporate developers,
analyzers, project administrators, architects, publicists, UX/UI trained professionals, and
others. Rethinking programming improvement and other IT administrations, spearheaded by
IBM and FDS, has turned into an essential methodology utilized result supervisors, CTOs,
and even business people to fill any innovative hole. This is not an original methodology.
Since the mid-1980s, organizations have been embracing reevaluating. More than 40 years
nevertheless pressing onward. To battle the surprising turns welcomed on by the pandemic,
associations of all sizes are hoping to layout new re-appropriating connections or reinforce
existing associations with seaward IT firms. In any case, many individuals have hesitations
about re-appropriating and have inquiries concerning it. Even though offshoring
administrations accompany bounty of| benefits, there are sure normal inquiries posed by
entrepreneurs. Along these lines, we should get everything rolling with a portion of the
normal IT Outsourcing difficulties and Solutions.

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1. Trust issues with your Outsourcing Partner:

Working with a company that is located overseas does bring in some trust issues. And
quite frankly, this is a very valid concern. Simply because the success of your project
would be in the hands of your offshore team. So, what's the way to find the best IT
outsourcing company that has the tech and domain expertise you require, fits your
budget, guarantees on-time delivery, and can rely on at every step? Collaboration with
a reliable IT Outsourcing Company is the solution. However, the first thing to do is to
clarify what has to be done. Understand your business KPIs and the reasons for which
you are outsourcing IT services. Once you are done, the research work comes into
play. It is a must to perform in-depth research on the offshore development
companies, before getting in touch. Though it is not possible to do so for weeks, the
best way is to check out some B2B rating platforms for creating a rough list of top
outsourcing companies. As soon as you have the list, it's time to get in touch and
make a decision.
2. Outsourcing for the first time :
a. This process includes defining your product vision, development stages, time
to market deadlines, and the need for further maintenance.
b. Finalize your outsourcing partner, set up clear and realistic expectations for
your offshore development team.
c. Expect your outsourcing partner to walk you through the entire process during
the initial discussion. It would be advisable to get in touch with your dedicated
offshore developers and discuss your requirements in detail.
d. If everyone on your team understands your vision, objectives, and goals, it
will be much easier to achieve them. It would assist them in developing an
effective product development strategy and project charter to meet your end
goals. Also, in advance, request that they remain consistent with the normal
project status update.
e. Your team will introduce you to the most recent technologies and industry
trends. In a nutshell, they will ensure that the best standards and practices for
development are implemented.

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3. Are you technophobic?

• When outsourcing, it is critical to have a thorough understanding of the technological
requirements. Things may become complicated for you if you are not a tech-aware
person. In this instance, you can hire a technical manager on-site to serve as a liaison
between your organization and the offshore staff.
• Assume you want to launch a mobile app for your company. Approaching a
development team will be tough in this instance (since you lack knowledge of the
required technological stack).
• Because there are numerous technologies available on the market for developing a
mobile app. For example, you may or may not need to pay someone to create a mobile
1. Front-End Developers with expertise in Javascript frameworks, HTML, CSS,
2. Back-End Developers with expertise in Java, Kotlin, Swift, ObjectiveC, Dart,
Flutter, etc.
• If you are aware of your project's technological requirements, it will be easier for you
to recruit mobile app developers from an offshore location.

4. The remote Development company is either too big or too small :

• Among the most typical offshore concerns is the difficulty in locating a vendor of the
appropriate size. Either the remote development company is too small and unable to
quickly grow up or down. Or they are so large that they don't take mid-sized
businesses seriously.
• Any offshore company that is unable to staff 10-20 people is a problem for a business,
regardless of their competence. Collaboration with a large remote development team
can be challenging for any startup, and they may be overlooked. Furthermore, they
may not receive the attention that they demand.
• To address this issue, you must pick a company of a suitable size that will take your
business aims seriously. You may also need to select the best country for outsourcing
software needs.

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5. Outsourcing may be risky :

Outsourcing helps different companies to deal with the talent shortage. Working with
a third party may be risky but there are ways to mitigate any possible risks.
• Loss of Control: No one wants to lose control of a project while working with an IT
outsourcing provider. Equitably manage the project and ensure that everyone is on the
same page. Train your in-house workers on how to maintain a productive connection
with the offshore product engineering team. Additionally, ensure that your
organization provides high communication transparency through the use of a
dependable tracking system.
• Data Protection: When working on a project that involves sensitive data, security is an
important consideration. In that scenario, it's always a good idea to run a background
check. Previous customers will inform you how the organization handled security
issues in the past.
• Unqualified Professionals: A major issue arises when an offshore software
development company makes lofty claims but delivers a staff of inexperienced
specialists. The main reason for this is that the lower the salary of the employees, the
larger the company's earnings. This unprofessional approach may result in subpar

6. You are Doubtful about Confidentiality :

When you outsource, you share confidential information such as ideas and concepts.
It is normal to be concerned about how your offshore partner will handle security. To
address this issue, you must select an IT outsourcing business that adheres to
international security standards. Do the following for the same reason:
• Inquire whether the company is willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
• Inquire whether the offshore firm has any prior experience working with sensitive
• And if they have completed any projects in industries similar to the one you operate
• In addition, all relevant clauses addressing the protection of property rights and
confidentiality must be included in the service level agreement.

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7. You are afraid of the legal Complications :

• Confidentiality, liability, data protection, regulatory compliance, and intellectual
property rights are all factors that can cause problems when outsourcing. The terms
will vary depending on the engagement model you choose (whether it is a fixed
model, a time and material model, or a dedicated engagement model). Each model has
its own set of legal terminology. As a result, having an in-depth understanding of
them is critical. Another critical factor to consider is the country to which you are
outsourcing. There are a few IT outsourcing destinations that work hard to promote
the benefits of IT outsourcing while also creating a legal climate that allows the
company to grow.
• Others, on the other hand, fail to support the industry, causing greater problems for

8. Will you Get High-Quality Services at Affordable Prices?

• One of the primary reasons for outsourcing is the anticipation of better service from
the remote development business. So, don't choose your outsourcing partner solely
based on low rates.
• Take into account all of the industry standards, frameworks, tools, and technology
that your offshore team adheres to. Learn about their mockup tools, delivery
process/methodology, tracking system, and software quality metrics.

9. Does the Offshore Company Comply with rules & regulations?

Have you ever questioned why it is so important for an IT offshore firm to be certified
and follow international regulations? Many outsourcing problems come from the
company's failure to meet the standards.
Hiring the top professionals and retaining them wisely are two critical steps. With the
support of a comprehensive technique, an outsourcing firm with the greatest engineers
would do all necessary to keep them.
This approach assists them in forming a well-structured team that produces excellent

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10. Looking for a company that fits your Budget :

This is an excellent question. Companies prefer outsourcing to in-house recruitment
for a variety of reasons, one of which is a limited budget.
When creating a budget, make certain that the company you hire does not set
unrealistic targets. Avoid budget-draining blunders to maintain the integrity of the
final product while keeping costs down.
However, the incorrect choice of collaboration model, changing requirements, and
poor management tactics can all boost costs and produce a slew of problems. As a
result, being explicit about everything is the best way to prevent this outsourcing

11. Process Adjustment and decision making authority :

A common point of disagreement is who will make decisions. In-house staff
frequently believe they have the authority to make all choices. To address this issue,
you and the offshore company should have a clear understanding of who has authority
and decision-making power over the functions.

12. Will your Offshore company be flexible?

We live in an unpredictable world that is always changing.
Companies would sign a lengthy paperback contract and commit to a long-term
association with an outsourcing provider without making any revisions to the contract
a decade ago. Those days, however, are long gone. There are alternative options in
today's world.
Now, the development process's agility is achieved by picking the appropriate
outsourcing engagement model based on the needs. In addition, the choosing of an
offshore company is critical.
A certified mid-size or big vendor understands these risks and can respond more
quickly. Furthermore, organizations with more than ten years of experience are more
likely to be able to strike a balance between agile procedures, product quality, and
customer happiness.

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13. Cultural, Communication, and Time Zone Issues :

Many firms are concerned about cross-cultural challenges while looking for an
offshore development company. As a result, it is critical to identify an offshore
company that can readily integrate into your organization's culture. Every country has
its unique set of characteristics that determine its mentality and business style. Some
countries are self-sufficient, while others require greater direction. Some people must
please the client at any cost, while others focus on results regardless of the magnitude
of the job.

Challenges faced in HR Outsourcing :

Outsourcing is something beyond a trend; it is how savvy organizations work. Numerous

organizations have decided to rethink exclusively as a result of the advantages of doing as
such. While there are various advantages to re-appropriating, it isn't without its downsides.
One of the issues with HRO is the association's representatives' reluctance to acknowledge
the change. There is likewise worry about failing to keep a grip on the interaction and being
laid off. Such representative responses typically make re-appropriating troublesome. This
obstruction will increment as more degree is added later. Successful correspondence and
change in the executive’s programs are particularly significant at this stage because the new
extension incorporates carrying out a self-administration stage. Such frameworks are not
instinctively self-evident. Workers should be helped with adjusting to the new framework.
What's more, there are a few dangers related to HRO. One such gamble is the business hazard
that might emerge because of minimal expense reevaluating contracts. There is likewise the
gamble of overflow or the revelation of secret data to contenders. One more issue in
reevaluating is a political gamble. One such model is the disagreeable issue in the United
States during the political race season when the resistance faulted reevaluating for joblessness
and requested that it be precluded. One more issue with HRO is that it can once in a while
represent a danger to the association's way of life and twisting crazily assuming it falls under
the control of unsympathetic outsourcers. Likewise, the merchant association ought to be
very much aware of the regulations and should act by the laws of his and the client's nation; if
not, lawful issues might emerge and antagonistically influence the association. Another issue
that emerges is the deficiency of individual contact with the representatives. Since an in-
house HR individual communicates with your workers day by day, they are bound to be keen
on them. For this reason, Morgan Stanley chose to offer retirement arranging administrations

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in-house. Different detriments or difficulties of HRO incorporate the deficiency of ability

created inside, likely redundancies, the feeling of dread toward a specialist organization
stopping tasks, a deficiency of spotlight on the client, and a more prominent spotlight on the
item. Besides, when an association utilizes a PEO, surrendering the option to recruit and
terminate representatives may not be attractive for their particular business. Most PEOs
demand having the last say in recruiting, terminating, and restraining representatives. Over
the long haul, this might be negative to an association. What's more, assuming an
organization chooses to utilize an E-administration, similar issues will emerge with any ASP.
When everything is put away and dealt with on the web, there might be worries about
security and likely crashes, the two of which can be unfortunate to any business association.
Finance misunderstandings, finance not being stored on schedule, and denied clinical cases
are for the most part normal protests about HR reevaluating. One more significant issue in
reevaluating HR is seller determination. On the off chance that we pick some unacceptable
merchant, we can not receive the rewards of HRO. Organizations say that quite possibly the
main measure for choosing a merchant for re-appropriating HR is the seller's exhibited HR
processability, which was referenced by 95% of respondents in a Hewitt Associates study
directed in 2005.

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How to overcome the challenges ;

Disadvantages can be moderated if an association avoids the potential risk of focusing closer
on process overhaul and subtleties, while likewise keeping vital pieces of HR in-house, like
Human Resource Planning, as it spins around basic exercises and center abilities and in this
way gives economical lead over the long haul. For this reason HR exercises, for example,
finance handling are ordinarily rethought because they give a minimal upper hand and are a
non-center action for any association. Subsequently, there is a need to find some kind of
harmony between outer specialist organizations and inner administrators. Associations of
changing sizes should re-appropriate their human asset exercises. Little and medium-sized
organizations ought to rethink HR exercises, for example, finance since they might not have
the economies of scale to fill that role productively. Enormous organizations ought to
reevaluate HR exercises, for example, benefits handling since it permits them to offer a more
extensive scope of advantages while lessening the financial aspects of scale related to taking
care of the movement in-house. On account of a multi-provider circumstance, great
administration, change the board, and a viable question goal structure is required. The
associations should verify that all gatherings function admirably together. Long haul
contracts, then again, ought to be kept away from because things are changing so rapidly.

Since outsourcers are an outsider, correspondence ventures three different ways rather than
two, including the association, the merchant, and the representatives, leaving space for
mistakes. In such cases, correspondence is basic. The retailing behemoth Sears, Roebuck, and
Co. was very much aware of the issue. Thus, it picked Hewitt Associates to assume control
over the work, and the two organizations positioned correspondence and obligation to
common objectives as the best two keys to their prosperity. This is additionally the
establishment for their capacity to rapidly adjust to change and advance to accomplish the
ideal objectives.

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Chapter 8: Process Flow Chart of Outsourcing in HR at Digizura



Objectives of the chapter :

❖ Overview of process flow chart

❖ Process Flowchart of Outsourcing in HR at Digizura Technologies
❖ Overview of the stages in the process flow chart

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Overview of Process Flow chart

• What is a Process Flow chart?

A process flowchart is a diagram that depicts the sequential steps of a process as well
as the decisions that must be made for the process to function. Every step is
represented by a form in the chart/visual representation. To indicate the movement
and direction of the process, lines and arrows connect these forms.
Process flowcharts are standardized to the point where anyone who understands
flowcharts can look at one and comprehend what is going on. They follow a logical
flow of information to provide business stakeholders with a roadmap for correctly
completing processes. One of the most appealing aspects of process flowcharts is how
simple they are to make. To create a flowchart, you may either design one by hand or
use simple, powerful software tools.
• Flow Chart Examples:
A business process is a collection of tasks carried out by several stakeholders to offer
a product or service to a consumer. A flowchart or visual representation of the process
flow can be created for any business process. Let's look at some common flowchart
examples of business processes.

Document Approval Process: In the document approval process, a principal action might be
authorized (thus continuing the process) or rejected (thus restarting the process from the
beginning, no pun intended!). Let's have a look at how this goes:

- A document is handed in.

- The document has been rejected; the process has been halted OR The
document has been approved and is now being saved.
- The necessary party receives an email containing the results.

The Incident Response Process: Businesses are exposed to a wide range of threats. Risks
cannot always be completely avoided, but they can often be reduced. It's also a good idea to
have a contingency plan or a method in place, in case something goes wrong. Consider the
following scenario:

- A threat occurs (i.e. the potential fraudulent client).

- A security team evaluates the threat (if designated as safe, the process ends).
- If the threat is real, an email is triggered to notify company executives.
- Management holds an emergency meeting.
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- The permanent solution is proposed and implemented.

- The process is complete.

Employee Onboarding: Recruiting new staff is an important stage for any company. It
necessitates a pleasant and seamless experience that occurs promptly so that new staff may
get to work! Here's an example of how you may outline the employee onboarding process:

- HR sends new employee legal documents to sign.

- HR and management approve the documents are correctly filled out.
- HR shares the news of the new hire with the rest of the company.
- An office manager gets the new employee ready for work with supplies and
access to IT.
• Flow Chart Symbols :
For flowcharts to work universally, there is the standardized notation of many shapes
and symbols. Use this abbreviated list as a reference when getting started on creating
your flowchart:

• Why is Flow Charts Beneficial?

A process flowchart can benefit your company in a variety of ways. The goal of
making one is to help you with:
- Standardization: By following the procedure, stakeholders will be able to
achieve the targeted business goals.
- Process improvement: When you draw a process, you can see where there are
missing steps, bottlenecks, or superfluous processes so you can enhance it. In
this case, data automation tools are a fantastic method to optimize operations.
By mapping out the process on the system, making duties clearly defined,
minimizing critical staff dependency, and enhancing compliance, it can
uncover and eliminate flaws in processes.

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- Defined operating procedures: Flowcharts aid in quality control, personnel

training, and comprehension.

• When Should I Use a Flowchart?

How do you know when it is right to use a flowchart? You can incorporate process
flowcharts for a variety of reasons, including:

• To review a process with the goal of improvement.

• To document a process.

• To plan a new project.

• To better communicate across your organization, how something is to be done.

• To train new employees on processes.

• To introduce and explain new processes to existing employees.

• How to create and use a flowchart: Let's

get into the fun now that we've covered the fundamentals of flowcharts. To make your
process flowcharts, follow these instructions."Do I need a flowchart for this?" asks the
first question. The answer is yes if you want to define and detail each stage of a
process. If your main purpose is to thoroughly examine how a process operates to find
optimal efficiency, you should attempt alternative ways later, such as a SIPOC

Once you’ve determined that a flowchart is a right tool for the job, continue with
these steps:

1. Identify tasks: From a broad perspective, the approach may appear simple. If you're
not the one in the weeds, rely on the rest of the team to walk you through the
procedures and tasks.

2. Gather the essential data: You should be aware of the specific stages, as well as the
variables and events that could cause the process to diverge, and who is responsible
for each step along the route.

3. Double-check the process: Gather key stakeholders to go over the timeline to make
sure everything is correct.
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4. Draw the flowchart: Now is the time to get creative! You can utilize the simple
symbols listed above or BPMN, or Business Process Modeling and Notation, to get
into greater detail.

As previously mentioned, you have options as to how to create your process flowchart. You
can choose from:

• Drawing by hand - you’ll need a pen and paper.

• Online software - use graphing software to make a flowchart digital

• Business process management software - create digital flowcharts that can then go a
step further and be analyzed or even executed by the system.

• Flow Charts help Business Flow:

As the leader of an organization, you have the power to guarantee that your company
runs smoothly. To do this, several business processes must be completed
appropriately. However, keeping track of them all and ensuring that everyone
understands their responsibilities isn't something that happens daily. Instead, process
flowcharts may be used to help standardize procedures, train your staff, and track how
processes are performing over time. Using data automation technologies is one
approach to ensure that operations are running smoothly day in and day out. Data
automation software can not only help you track how your operations are doing, but it
can also conduct procedures for you without the need for human intervention.

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Process Flowchart of Outsourcing at Digizura Technologies

Clients Demand

Analyse the demands

Download profiles from Job Portals /


Shortlist relevant candidates

Forward the profiles to client company

Schedule Interviews

Contact Candidates and Confirm their


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The stages in the Process Flow Chart:

• Clients send in their demands

• The demands are then analyzed based on the availability of resources.
• Through various Job Portals and references candidates’ resume is downloaded.
• Based on demand relevant-potential candidates are shortlisted.
• Profiles of short-listed candidates is sent to the client company
• Client company selects candidates and asks to schedule an interview with them.
• Candidates are contacted and their interviews are scheduled according to their

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Chapter 9: Screening Candidature and its methods

Objectives of the Chapter:

❖ What is candidate screening
❖ Challenges of screening candidates
❖ Candidate screening methods
❖ Candidate screening process
❖ What is candidate selection
❖ Limitations in candidate selection
❖ Job portals for acquiring candidate profiles

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What is candidate screening?

Candidate screening is the process of reviewing resumes, profiles, or people for a job. It
happens right after the candidate sourcing process and encapsulates activities such as resume
screening, telephonic screening, written interviews, face-to-face interviews, background
checks, etc. During the candidate screening process, the recruiters and hiring managers get to
know the candidate and evaluate their skills, experience, and interests for the open role.

One of the three S’s of recruitment that comes after suitable candidates have been sourced
from a pool of talent is screening. Assume you work for a multinational corporation that has
been named the best place to work in the world. You will receive thousands of job
applications every day if you are the greatest. You can't pick a few applications at random
and process them to be the best prospects for the position. You must screen the applications
and select just those that meet the criteria. Furthermore, you must choose only the most
qualified candidates for the position.

Screening is the process of examining job applications that entails scanning resumes for the
most qualified candidate who matches the job description. To project the candidate-
organization match, you not only read over the CV but also focus on the cover letter,
applicant education, work experience, and skill set while screening. In a nutshell, it involves
matching a candidate's profile to a job description.

Despite technological advancements, the screening procedure is the most time-consuming

aspect of the hiring process. With a three-to-four-member HR staff, it takes roughly 23 hours
of screening time on average. Furthermore, the top talent rarely stays on the market for long
periods, implying that the screening process should be much faster.

Challenges of screening candidates :

6. .Reducing the time to fill :

The screening of candidates is a race against the clock. On the one hand, you
have open positions to fill, and on the other, you have a pool of individuals to
go through. Open roles stymie corporate growth, and long hiring processes
result in candidate churn. We don't want both of them.
7. Quality of Hire:
It's a race against the clock, but it's also a race for excellence. You must
recruit the best and do so quickly. You might anticipate several roadblocks

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along the process, including hiring managers' expectations, outrunning the

competition in the job market, interviewees' availability, team coordination,
and so on.
8. Finding the right tools:
Understanding your firm’s specific hiring issues and selecting the perfect tool
to assist you in acing the screening game will be vital to success. Getting a
wider view of the company's employment needs, evaluating the correct tools
among a sea of software, and making an informed decision will take some

Candidate Screening methods:

1. Resume Screening:
When to use – When you still don't know much about your candidate, resume
screening might be utilized as the first round of filtering. Resumes provide a
short overview of your prospects' educational and professional goals,
milestones, and accomplishments. They include information on abilities,
knowledge, experience, certificates, and other factors.
You can also process resumes and construct candidate profiles at breakneck
speed you utilize a common format. It's just that they're easier to sort through.

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What to look for –

• Deal breakers - if you see something on the resume that you don't like,
just remove it from the process or save it for later. For example, if
you're only interested in individuals with a valid visa, you can
eliminate the rest of the prospects from consideration.
• Gaps or inconsistencies - You don't have to reject candidates because
of them, but you should notice them and bring them up during the
interview for clarification.
• Format and effort - A resume might reveal whether or not a candidate
is serious about the job. Are there any mistakes? Is it formatted
correctly? Is it tailored to your company's mission and values? These
are some of the queries you'll be able to get responses to.

2. Screening Cover Letters:

When to use - In the initial screening process, it might be utilized in
conjunction with a resume. If you plan to use it, you'll need to ask your
prospects to submit one with their resumes and, if required, explain to them
what you want them to put in it.
What to look for –
• How enthusiastic is the candidate about working for the company?
• If the information written corresponds to the resume, it's a good sign.
• Professional strengths and disadvantages of the candidates
• Their professional objectives and how they match up with the job

3. Application Form:
When to use - You may require candidates to meet certain criteria for certain
positions. Let's imagine you're searching for a team that supports clients in
France, and you're looking for individuals that speak French. In a situation like
this, you may simply create a website application form with a few custom
fields. Using application forms, it's easy to distinguish those who speak French
from those who don't.

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If it's a resume, you'll have to read it completely. You may easily filter
candidates in application forms based on whether they answered yes or no to a
certain question.
What to look for -
• Simply examine their responses to the most important questions and
categorize them accordingly. You can promote prospects who respond
positively to a question automatically if you employ recruiting
automation. Your job has just gotten a lot easier.

4. Screening Video Application:

When to use – Video applications or interviews are a great way to screen
candidates remotely, or when you want to screen before you invest time in
onsite interviews.
What to look for –
• Any particular talents you'd like your candidates to demonstrate. If
you're looking for a sales position, for example, you can ask candidates
to produce a video showing how they'd pitch a product during the
screening phase.
• Their ease and confidence in interacting with you and your team
• Their level of readiness, which reveals whether or not they are
genuinely interested in the role.

5. Screening Over Phone call:

When to use – One of the simplest approaches is to do a phone screening,
which allows you to rapidly acquire all of the necessary information. It doesn't
require any particular equipment, and it's simple for candidates who aren't
used to video interviews. It's also a terrific approach to test prospects from
different parts of the world before committing to an interview.

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What to look for –

• Verify that your candidate is available for an interview. You can tell if
they are interested in the role at this point.
• Clarify any inconsistencies or doubts you have about their expertise,
qualifications, or anything else. This can reveal whether they didn't put
much care into the application or if they were attempting to conceal
something on purpose.
• Inquire about any critical information you need to make a hiring choice
that isn't on the résumé.

6. Pre-assessment tests:
When to use – You can use them to recruit for positions that require many
people, such as sales, support, or technology. When you want to examine
individuals for specific talents before investing time in face-to-face interviews,
pre-assessment exams come in handy.
What to look for –
• The end scores
• The end scores
• And the end scores

Yes, if you use the correct assessment tests, all you'll have to look at to
screen your prospects are the final scores. HackerRank, for example,
includes a variety of tests for evaluating coders and software engineers.
You can simply send them a test and verify their result to choose their
candidacy, depending on the role or level you're hiring for.

7. Personality tests:
When to use – In situations when you need to see the candidate’s behavior
patterns, personality traits, especially when it’s critical to the role.

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What to look for –

Different employers can use these examinations for various purposes. Here are
some of the things these tests can reveal:
• To determine if the prospect is concerned about their safety.
• How they'd respond to a customer's needs in a crisis.
• Their capacity to operate as part of a group or collaborate with others
• In every particular situation, their commitment or honesty

8. Written tests:
When to use –
When you are testing for writing skills.
What to look for –
• Authenticity - Are their thoughts and methods genuine
• Grammar, especially when applying for professions involving writing
or editing
• How do they arrange their time and structure their content while they
• Finesse, articulation, and creativity
• Is their writing persuasive? Or does it serve a useful purpose?

9. Face-to-face interviews:
When to use – After a candidate has already made an impression on you
through a phone interview or written test. Also, when it's time to meet and get
to know the candidate before hiring them.
What to look for –
• Their perspective on the situation and the people around them
• If their knowledge matches everything they mentioned in the previous
rounds, this could be your last chance to assuage any fears you have by
assigning them an on-the-spot task.
• Problem-solving, flexibility, leadership conflict resolution, and other
soft skills.

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10. Background Checks:

When to use – Any candidate can be subjected to a basic background check.
You may be required by law to run them in some situations. You can select
and run the necessary tests for roles that require a more in-depth search. If
you're interviewing for a position that includes overseeing minors, for
example, you might want to look into their drug use past.

What to look for –

• Criminal history
• Driving records
• Credit scores
• Drug History
• Social media background
• Credentials
• Reference

Candidate screening Process:

The applicant screening process varies depending on the organization. While one employer
may prefer to use a pre-determined test, another may place a greater emphasis on the
interview to gain a better understanding of the candidate's abilities. The job screening
procedure can also vary depending on the position for which the organization is employing.
For example, a media and PR firm would most likely hire a writer based on their writing
abilities, which would be assessed by a test. However, for an IT position, the same employer
might evaluate the skill sets differently.

The candidate screening procedure varies depending on the function and the company. The
following are some suggestions that businesses can use to make their candidate screening
process more efficient:

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1. Don’t just brush up on the process:

Examining resumes can be a time-consuming process. It takes time and effort to

match the amount of information available in it with the job description. There are
three steps to screening resumes:

- Screening them based on the role's basic qualification requirements, as stated

in the job description.
- Screening based on the preferred qualification that qualifies the CV for the
- Shortlisting resumes based on minimal and recommended qualifications, as
well as candidates for the next stage of the process.
The candidate's education, years of experience, and skills, among other things,
are included in the minimum and desirable qualifications. An applicant
tracking system can relieve HR of some of their responsibilities while also
assisting in the selection of the best candidate for the job.

2. Cover letters are more informative than you think:

A resume can reveal a lot about an applicant, such as their abilities, experience,
and so on. However, if you're interested in learning more, request a cover letter as
part of the application process. In addition to their writing abilities, you will gain
insight into the following aspects of the applicant:

- You might request that a candidate send in a cover letter that includes
information such as what excites them about your organization, their strengths,
their opinion of their current employer, how they can contribute to the team,
and so on. If an applicant fails to follow your directions in a cover letter, they
may struggle to follow instructions on the job.
- A cover letter is typically one or two pages long and allows the candidate to
express themselves. It will reveal how well-organized the candidate is, as well
as whether or not they value the recruiter's time.
- It reveals whether or not the candidate is witty.
- A cover letter should be tailored to the position. If it isn't, the candidate has
merely modified a template's name, date, and designation before sending it.

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Keep an eye out for the cover letter; it might provide you with further
information about the individual without the need for an interview.

3. Skill tests must be a priority:

A candidate’s resumes and covers letters can reveal a lot about them, but can
they tell you whether they are experts in the skills listed on their resume?
There isn't a clear answer to this. Many companies use a pre-determined exam
to assist them to decide whether an applicant is a suitable fit for the
organization. Depending on the HR policies, the test can be taken online from
the convenience of their own home or on the premises of the company. Skill
tests are a part of the screening process that help to narrow down the
candidates to the most qualified. You'll notice that taking this step saves
hundreds of hours that would otherwise be wasted on candidates who aren't
qualified for the position.

4. Interviews are the best way of screening:

The interview process begins once the candidates have been shortlisted based
on their resumes, cover letters, and skills tests. Interviewing candidates is
crucial to attracting the best candidates. The interview can be conducted over
the phone, via video conferencing, or in person. The most important step in the
candidate screening process is the interview.

You must take the following steps to ensure that your interview goes
– Plan ahead of time for the interview and have questions ready for the
information you seek.
– Be consistent in your approach and ask all of the questions that will assist
you in making an informed decision.
– Don't get sidetracked and lose sight of the interview's purpose.
– Pay attention to the candidate's response, as well as his or her body language
and presentation.
Interviews allow you to determine whether a candidate's resume and cover
letter are accurate.

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5. Referral Checks can be informative:

Based on their resumes, cover letters, skills tests, and interviews, you may have a
list of all the candidates who are a good fit for the job. However, you might be
surprised to learn that an old-school method of referral checks can be more
informative than you think. They're an important part of making a well-informed
decision about whether or not to hire a candidate. Is there anything that can tell
you more about a candidate than their previous job?

Make sure to double-check your references when you're doing a background


- Explain who you are and why you are calling the former employer.
- Be flexible with the time you devote to the call, as they are assisting you.
Allow enough time for them to respond and be patient. To learn more about
the candidate, ask the right questions and go into detail.

Referral checks are the most effective way to learn about a candidate's current and
previous employers.

6. Offer paid trial projects before you hire:

The most common issue that many businesses face is discovering that a
candidate has a great resume and performed well in the interview process, but
has failed to complete the task at hand. Offer paid trial projects instead of the
position to the most qualified candidate. You can assess their performance
based on the project and choose whether to hire them or not. The candidate not
only learns on the job but also demonstrates their ability to use the tools
available to complete the task.
The candidate selection process is the final step in the recruitment process
pyramid, and it allows a company to select the best candidate from a pool of
qualified candidates.

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What is Candidate Selection?

"Yes, I have identified the appropriate individual for the job," you don't merely browse
through a CV and announce. You go through several procedures, including writing the job
description, announcing the job, conducting interviews, and conducting background checks,
with the final step being the candidate selection process. It is critical for the organization's
success to choose the best applicant every time. Candidate selection is a step at the end of the
hiring process in which HR is tasked with selecting the best candidate for the job.

The most crucial duty that HR has to execute for the successful implementation of the role is
selecting the suitable candidate. Companies may even employ a thorough selection strategy
that considers numerous areas of human potential to ensure that the candidate can contribute
to the company's performance and success in novel ways.

The perfect hire is offered the position and welcomed into the organization after a series of
systematic selection processes. Most firms nowadays, however, seek assistance from
professionals such as, who, through their knowledge and software technology, make
the hiring process easier and assist in the selection of the best candidate for the job.

Limitation to candidate selection:

Unfortunately, many firms still use the traditional hiring procedure, which is antiquated and
makes the candidate selection process more complex and time-consuming. Companies must
adapt to the fast-paced nature of the globe. Some of the reasons why the hiring process does
not reflect the nature of the modern job market include technological improvements, the
increasing economy, and the changing attitudes of the youth.

The following are some of the most typical pitfalls in today's applicant selection process:

1. Poorly written job description:

A job description is a candidate's initial exposure to the open position. Many
organizations make the most common mistake of providing a brief description
that does not include all of the necessary information for the candidate to
make an informed decision. You may lose suitable candidates and be burdened
with a huge number of people who are not the proper fit for the post if you
provide a badly written description.

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2. Unstructured selection process:

Because many professionals rate a company based on its selection process, an
unstructured selection process can cost a company the perfect employee.
Candidates will regard the company as unprofessional and will decline the
offer. A sloppy hiring process gives the candidate an unfavorable impression
of the organization and its brand. Furthermore, an unstructured candidate
selection process might lead to HR uncertainty and stress.

3. A single process for all roles:

A one-size-fits-all selection method does not produce beneficial results. Every
profession is unique and necessitates a unique set of skills, personality traits,
and competencies to be successful. Using the same selection method all the
time can lead to a 'productivity loss.' It also results in an inefficient selection
process, which leads to the hiring of inept or overly competent individuals,
resulting in staff churn. Every role is unique, and each role necessitates a
unique selection procedure to properly locate the appropriate person for the
right job.

4. Fewer candidates to choose from:

'Having fewer prospects to pick from helps make the proper decision,'
according to one of the most misleading aspects of the hiring process. This
may cause you to overlook the ideal applicant. With only a few excellent
prospects, the choice procedure may be quick and simple; nevertheless, letting
go of one or more appropriate candidates may force you to redo the hiring
process if the selected individual does not accept the offer provided. Having
more applicants in the selection process takes longer and is more effort-
intensive, but the outcomes are worthwhile.

5. Ignoring Technology:
Another problem that the selection process falls into is adhering to manual
labor, such as advertising job openings on job boards, sifting through
mountains of resumes, and manually scheduling interviews by contacting each
candidate one by one or sending an invitation by mail. With the help of
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technology, these tiresome and time-consuming chores can be completed

quickly. By embracing technological advancements, you may save time and
energy while also making your life easier. Furthermore, prospects like to work
for a company that is growing at the same rate as technology.

6. A decision that is based on gut feeling:

You may occasionally find yourself in a situation where you must make a
judgment based on incomplete knowledge. Many people rely on their gut
instinct and make decisions based on it. You will succeed if your instincts are
correct. However, making judgments based on incomplete or incorrect
information can be a mistake that you will come to regret later. It not only
allows prejudice into the selection process but also leads to the wrong
individual being hired for the job. Instead of going with your instinct, look for
more proof or statistics to help you make your decision.

7. Neglecting candidate experience:

The majority of the time, a candidate's view of the organization is dependent
on their selection process experience. Many businesses overlook candidate
experience in favor of focusing on how to make the process as simple and
pleasant as possible. Candidates want feedback for their assessments and
interviews, and failure to provide it contributes to an unfavorable impression
in their thoughts. If you neglect applicant experience during the selection
process, you risk losing the best prospect.

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Job Portals for acquiring the most suitable candidate:

Gone are the days when job seekers would walk around with copies of their resumes, hoping
to be hired.

Today, there are a plethora of job portals where recruiters and companies post vacancies
using recruitment software, and candidates browse the requirements and apply for those that
match their qualifications and suitability.

The most significant advantage of this system is that job openings are open to a large number
of people rather than being limited to a small number of people. Regardless of their physical
location, anyone can apply for jobs.

Here are the top ten job portals you should know about if you're looking for work in India.
Let's have a look at what we've got.

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1. Naukri –

Naukri is one of India's most well-known and widely used job portals. Thousands
of job seekers visit the portal every day since it first launched in 1997. Daily job
postings from recruiters keep the site up to date. Job seekers can use it for free.
Certain Naukri FastForward Services, on the other hand, are chargeable. These
services include resume writing, where you can hire professionals to help you
craft a creative resume that highlights your skills and strengths. Recruiters usually
scan resumes for initial screening, so a well-written resume has a better chance of
catching their attention. The service can also assist you in creating visual resumes
so that you can impress a recruiter with an eye-catching resume in minutes.

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Recruiter connections, increased visibility, and priority application are some of the
other services available.

2. Monster India –

Monster is another well-known and well-established job search portal in India.

They have an extensive blog section where you can find useful tips for interviews
and job searches in addition to job postings. It has a search filter feature that can
help a job seeker focus his search. For those who like to apply for jobs on the go,
the site has a mobile app as well as a web version. Monster India offers a variety
of resume services in addition to standard features. The Xtreme Resume, for
example, may be useful if you are looking for a job in a specific location. They
also have a Right Resume service that gives you specific advice based on your
level. The third service is a Career Booster, which combines the Xtreme Resume
and Right Resume services. To automate payroll processing, look into the best
Payroll Software for your company.

3. Linkedin –

LinkedIn is a popular professional networking site that differs from traditional job
portals in that it is not a traditional job board. If you're looking for work, you
should be on LinkedIn because it allows you to showcase your work and express
your opinions. Because the majority of decision-makers and recruiters use
LinkedIn, reaching out to them directly becomes easier if you have a profile there.
However, before you can reap the benefits, you must invest time on this platform
and organically grow your network.

4. Shine –

Shine is a job portal run by HT Media Limited, a well-known newspaper

company. It is known as one of the innovative job sites that provides job seekers
with professional advice. The job portal's standard features include phone, email,
and live chat support, as well as being easy to navigate and having an app. Aside
from these, some key features for job seekers include an advanced job search
feature, job alert, resume builder, company review, and so on.

5. TimesJobs –

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TimesJobs is next on the list. The Times Group manages this portal, which has
over 25 million registered job seekers. This job portal's main feature is that it
suggests jobs and companies based on a candidate's profile. It also has a section
dedicated to government jobs. It also has a separate website
dedicated solely to IT jobs. Aside from that, you might be able to find work in
other fields.

6. Indeed –

Indeed is a job search engine based in the United States that has expanded to
include India. Aside from job postings, the site also includes company reviews
and ratings so that job seekers can get a better idea of the company to which they
are applying. The search filters are helpful and simple to use, making it simple to
narrow down job searches.

7. Glassdoor –

Glassdoor may appear to be a website where current and former employees leave
reviews and ratings for companies. This is a beneficial feature for job seekers
because it provides them with an unbiased and firsthand account of what it's like
to work in the company where they want to apply. The portal allows you to see
the work culture, how responsive management is to employee grievances, and
how employees rate management, among other things. Apart from this notable
feature, Glassdoor is a well-known job portal that is also free!

8. Freshersworld –

As the name implies, this website is for freshmen and recent graduates who have
little work experience and are just starting their job search. Aside from entry-level
jobs, the website also provides various upskilling courses for newcomers.

9. Upwork –

Upwork is a fantastic resource for finding part-time and remote work. Check out
this portal if you want to start a freelance career in writing, designing, coding, or
as a virtual assistant. Upwork is a global marketplace where people can bid on

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jobs. In India, there are numerous job sites where you can register and search for
your ideal job. The good news is that you can use all of these websites for free.
Create a standout resume and begin applying for jobs right away!

10. MNC Owned Job Sites –

Many MNCs have their dedicated career pages where they keep updating job
posts regularly. If you have a targeted organization or job role you want to work
in, do consider checking these job sites. Some of them include IBM, BCG,
KPMG, etc.

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Chapter 10: Internship Profile

The objective of the Chapter:

❖ Goals and Objectives:

• To get a brief understanding of the functions of HR Outsourcing.
• To understand how the procedures and functions of Outsourcing impact the
functioning of Digizura Technologies.
• To understand client demands better.
• To analyze client demands and deliver potential candidates.
• To make sure candidates are on board with the client company.

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Chapter 11: SWOC Analysis

Objectives of the chapter :

❖ Overview of SWOC Analysis

❖ SWOC analysis of Digizura Technologies

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SWOC represents Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges, thus a SWOC

examination is a procedure for evaluating these four parts of your business.

SWOC Analysis is an instrument that can assist you with investigating what your
organization truly does best at this moment, and to devise a fruitful technique for what's to
come. SWOC can likewise reveal regions of the business that are keeping you down, or that
your rivals could take advantage of on the off chance that you don't safeguard yourself.

A SWOC examination analyzes both inward and outer variables - that is, what the future
holds' external your association. So a portion of these variables will be inside your control
and some will not. Regardless, the most shrewd move you can make accordingly will become
more clear whenever you've found, recorded, and examined however many variables as you

SWOC appears to be straightforward, yet, whenever utilized cautiously and cooperatively, it

tends to be very uncovered. For instance, you might be very much aware of a portion of your
association's assets, yet until you record them close by shortcomings and challenges you
probably won't understand how temperamental those qualities are. Similarly, you probably
have sensible worries about a portion of your business shortcomings yet, by going through
the investigation deliberately, you could observe an open door, recently neglected, that could
more than redress.

• Strengths:

Qualities are things that your association truly does especially well, or in a way that
recognizes you from your rivals. Contemplate the benefits your association has over
different associations. These may be the inspiration of your staff, admittance to specific
materials, or a solid arrangement of assembling processes. Your assets are a fundamental
piece of your association, so contemplate what makes it "tick." What shows improvement
over any other individual? What values drive your business? What remarkable or most
minimal expense assets would you be able to draw upon that others can't? Distinguish and
investigate your association's Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and add this to the
Strengths area. Then, at that point, turn your viewpoint around and ask yourself what your
rivals could consider your assets. What variables imply that you advance beyond them?
Keep in mind, any part of your association is just a strength if it presents to you a
reasonable benefit. For instance, if each of your rivals gives great items, an excellent
creation process isn't a strength in your market: it's a need.

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• Weaknesses:

Weaknesses, similar to strengths, are innate elements of your association, so center

around your kin, assets, frameworks, and techniques. Contemplate what you could
improve, and such practices you ought to keep away from. By and by, envision (or
discover) how others in your market see you. Do they see weaknesses that you will
generally be oblivious to? Invest in some opportunity to analyze how and why your rivals
are showing improvement over you. What are you lacking? Be straightforward! A SWOC
investigation might be significant assuming you assemble all the data you want. Along
these lines, it's ideal to be sensible now, and face any unsavory realities at the earliest

• Opportunities:

Opportunities are openings or opportunities for something positive to occur, yet you'll
have to guarantee them for yourself! They for the most part emerge from circumstances
outside your association and require an eye to what exactly could occur from now on.
They could emerge as improvements in the market you serve, or in the innovation you
use. Having the option to recognize and take advantage of opportunities can have an
immense effect on your association's capacity to contend and start to lead the pack in your
market. Contemplate great opportunities that you can take advantage of right away. These
don't should be distinct advantages: even little benefits can build your association's
seriousness. What intriguing business sector patterns would you say you are mindful of,
enormous or little, which could have an effect? You ought to likewise keep an eye out for
changes in government strategy connected with your field. What's more changes in
friendly examples, populace profiles, and ways of life can all hurl fascinating

• Challenges: The dangers, or challenges, confronting your business while carrying out
a showcasing program are maybe the main elements of a SWOT investigation. You
could have a strong showcasing plan taken care of a reasonable and explicit
arrangement of strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, however on the off chance
that you don't consider the challenges in your industry, your arrangement could be
pointless. For example, assuming your innovation business presents a cell phone

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application that is like and unclear from another organization's application that right
now rules the market, your item's prosperity faces a danger. Knowing the challenges
you face assists your business with settling on educated and vital choices in regards to

SWOC Analysis at Digizura Technologies

Here is the SWOC Analysis of Digizura Technologies. It is an IT Consulting & Software

Solutions provider specializing in SAP.

• Strengths:
- Highly qualified employees who are recruited from various streams.
- Good relationships with the high-level executives of different companies give
strong brand loyalty.
- We partner with agencies to work on a project end-to-end, or as an extended
team to build their client's project successfully.
- The company offers solutions for Finance, Logistics, Transportation,
Consumer experience, Environment Health and Safety, Application
management services, etc.
• Weaknesses:
- Tough competition from big industry consultants as well as other knowledge
consulting agencies.
• Opportunities:
- Digizura could diversify from general strategy and venture into other areas of
business too.
• Challenges:
- Economic recession and strict government policies can reduce business.

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Objectives of the chapter

❖ Overview of pestle analysis

❖ PESTEL Analysis of IT Sector

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Overview of PESTLE Analysis:

A PESTEL examination is a system or instrument utilized by advertisers to break down

and screen the large-scale environmental (outside showcasing climate) factors that affect
an association, organization, or industry. It analyzes the Political, Economic, Social,
Technological, Environmental, and Legal variables in the outside climate. A PESTEL
investigation is utilized to distinguish challenges and weaknesses which are utilized in a
SWOC examination.

• Political elements incorporate government strategies, administration, and change;

unfamiliar exchange approaches; inner political issues and patterns; charge strategy;
guideline and de-guideline patterns.
• Economic variables incorporate current and projected economic development;
expansion and loan fees; work development and joblessness; work costs; effect of
globalization; discretionary cashflow of buyers and organizations; probable changes
in the economic climate.
• Social variables incorporate socioeconomics (age, orientation, race, family size);
shopper perspectives, assessments, and purchasing behaviors; populace development
rate and business designs; socio-social changes; ethnic and strict patterns;
expectations for everyday comforts.
• Technological elements influence showcasing in
(1) better approaches for creating labor and products;
(2) better approaches for disseminating labor and products;
(3) better approaches for speaking with target markets.
• Environmental variables are significant because of the expanding shortage of natural
substances; contamination targets; carrying on with work as a moral and reasonable
organization; carbon impression targets.
• Legal elements incorporate wellbeing and security; equivalent opportunities;
promoting principles; purchaser privileges and regulations; item naming and item

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PESTEL Analysis of IT Sector:

With the headway on schedule, the IT business has made incredible headway and new
advancements have been made in this industry. Practically each of the nations of the world
use web offices to have a close association with individuals furthermore the world. IT
innovation is utilized in practically terrifically significant offices and fields of life. The turn
of events and research work in the IT industry has impacted the existence of normal
individuals and new types of gear and instruments are utilized in IT innovation.

• Political Factors:

The political circumstance in any nation can influence the matter of the IT industry. The
public authority structures rules and guidelines for the IT business and make the strategies
to present the IT business in various branches of the public authority. It would also be
able to assist with developing the IT business in the private area. It is likewise vital for the
public authority to take on arrangements for the utilization of programming and web-
based media and keep it in good shape. The public authority can make its utilization great
and valuable for individuals and forestall to use for unacceptable purposes or violations.
The public authority shapes the tax collection strategy to carry out on this industry and it
can procure great income from the IT industry.

Political security in any nation can assist with developing this industry and it is utilized in
different divisions to make the work simple and speedy. It has brought the offices as a
whole and organizations closer along with the utilization of the web and individuals can
do a large portion of their works in a brief time frame. You can do different monetary
exchanges in a brief time frame and the government should make rules and guidelines for
appropriate utilization of web and various sites. The created nations have given the web
offices to the vast majority of individuals and they use the web and find support from
various locales to do their work. Presently IT is being instructed in practically all schools,
universities, and colleges.

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• Economic Factor:

IT industry has left a grave effect on the economies of the nations. Presently individuals
can know and recognize the economic downturn, contract accessibility, rivalry, and the
score of expense. Presently the nations set up their financial plans by gathering
information of their various offices through the utilization of the web and taking a look at
the economic circumstance. They can likewise pass judgment on the pay and cost of each
office and take a look at their functioning result to investigate the reasonableness of the
office. They can contrast their financial plan and their past financial plans and dissect
how much sum was spent on any office and what did they get from it. IT has made every
one of the works simple and fast currently individuals can save time and energy and they
can deal with their working or business well.

• Social Factors:

With the utilization of the web, individuals can be aware of their privileges in the working
environment or as a resident and they can impart their watchers to other people. They can
raise various issues on social media destinations and get the arrangements of their
concerns. They likewise utilize various locales to be aware of occupations and the
organizations, in which they can attempt to land the position. Individuals have abilities
and they can search for the most proper occupation as per their schooling and abilities.
They can chat with individuals of various nations in English and they are generally
certain to discuss their thoughts with them openly and certainly. Presently individuals can
be familiar with most popular trend plans, exercises in the city, about any items and
administrations and they, can involve it for internet shopping and some other web-based

• Technological Factors:

IT industry significantly affects the existence of individuals and the economy of the
country. Presently individuals have cell phones and they can connect. They can call, send
SMS and utilize web-based media organizations to contact others. The quantity of IT
clients is expanding step by step and they utilize advanced mobile phones for various
purposes. IT instruments and supplies are utilized in various organizations and it has
made work simple and you can do it in a brief time frame. The PC-supported plans in
engineering are fundamental for making plans of the structures for homegrown and

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business use. The product advancements acquired transformation all branches of life and
different new programming are accessible on the lookout and the clients try not to finish
their work with practically no pressure or trouble. Equipment and OS technology is
additionally accessible on the lookout and it is utilized in various fields of life. Presently
business exercises are completed rapidly and individuals can do it in a brief time frame.

• Environmental Factors:

There are various issues of environment and its insurance and they acquired unmistakable
quality. The expanding utilization of IT types of gear and apparatuses compromised the
environmental equilibrium and it is an extraordinary risk for the supportability of life and
nature. Cell phones are essentially cordless telephones and they get calls and SMS
through waves these waves are weighty and perilous for the soundness of individuals. The
cell phone working organizations have introduced the sign pinnacles, which gets and
sends the waves when the calls are made. The inordinate utilization of cell phones has
made life perilous and individuals are experienced various infections. It becomes risky to
place the advanced cell in the pocket as it can vibrate and its vibration can be a danger for
heart, stomach, and mental issues.

• Legal Factors:

The spread of the IT industry needs ramifications of a few vital standards and guidelines,
which can make its utilization normal and under regulation. The IT apparatuses are
utilized for various illegal exercises and psychological oppressors utilize different web-
based media locales to pass on their message and there was no appropriate plan to handle
their calls and messages. The illegal utilization of IT administration and various locales
ought to be prohibited under severe digital wrongdoing guidelines. In the greater part of
the non-industrial nations, IT innovation is utilized for different illegal exercises.
Nonetheless, different created nations have controlled the huge illegal utilization of
telephone and web and presently calls and SMS are followed. They presented rules and
guidelines against these digital wrongdoings and they additionally make mindfulness
among their kin against digital violations.

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Chapter 13: Learnings and Conclusion

An internship is sought after to acquire information concerning the specialized parts of the
field of interest of the person. Throughout the internship at Digizura, I was acquainted with
the HR Outsourcing process. It gave me an outline of the contributions of the Company and
the inward administration of the Organization. It likewise provided me with a short thought
of how every one of the divisions is connected and subordinate to one another.

Key Takeaways:

• Attention to detail is essential.

• Coordination amongst team members is required every time.
• The Client is ‘King’ and has to be given Topmost priority.
• Deadlines are to be met at all times.
• The Right attitude will help you succeed.
• All opportunities must be availed of to learn and grow.
• Developing and maintaining a network is very important for a Successful Professional
• The significance of acknowledging and observing Business Ethics maintains a stable
& professional work environment.
• This Internship also helped me gain in-depth knowledge of MS Excel.

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Chapter 14: Bibliography

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