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The purpose of this emergency response plan is for orderly evacuation of our
employees in the event of any emergency arising out in our organization. The
emergency response plan is shall be applicable to all members of this plant.

Incident coordinator
The HSE officer is appointed as the incident co-ordinator during the time of
emergency. He shall inform the injuries and damage to project in-charge. If
required he will co-ordinate with administrative manager. HSE officer has the
responsibility to directing emergency personnel and requirements. Co-ordinating
off the area of damage. Ensure that all employees are familiar with location of
alarm system, extinguishers and evacuation routes.

Staffs & Employees

In case of emergency the staffs & employees must follow the provided
instructions, they shall not try to act on their own which may cause potential harm
or mislead others. When instructions are proceeded during emergency the
employees must be proceed to the emergency assembly point outside the plant and
report the head count to the in-charge. All staffs & employees shall remain in their
assembly are until they are notified to evacuate after all clear signal given by HSE

General Emergency Procedure

All emergencies are to be handled by the highest – ranking person present,
to be assisted by who may be available. The ranking person shall delegate
responsibility for making emergency phone call. The emergency numbers are to be
placed at the security room. The need of the ambulance or other emergency
equipment shall be determined by the highest-ranking person.
Emergency procedures to be used in the event of fire and accident are as follows
Fire Emergency

Make a safe attempt to extinguish the fire. At the same time notify the
safety officer or HSE in charge immediately. Security guards will be instructed in
the use of fire response equipment. Keep all employees away from the fire. The
ranking person in duty shall be responsible for making emergency phone call.

Serious injury accidents

Provide for necessary first aid to the victim if necessary. Call ambulance
immediately. Provide assistance to rescues personnel as requested. Barricade the
area and do not disturb the injured person. No not try to photograph the accident.

Property damage accidents

Notify the HSE officer at first availability. The HSE officer should
immediately notify or arrange notification to the management. Protect against
further damage whenever possible. Where the possibility of fire, electrical injury
or explosion exits take additional measures as necessary to protect. Keep
employees away from that zone.

Witness of the incident

Organization Appropriate action

Administration department
lead taken & case closed

Emergency response
HSE officer representative

Incident co-ordinator

Assembly point/head
Evacuation team First aid team Firefighting team
count team
Emergency Response Telephone Numbers
Concern person/place Phone no

Fire Station


Police Station

Blood Bank

Safety Officer

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