BBA Sem I Paper II English Question

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B.B.A. First Semester Examination
Paper II – English
Time – 3 Hrs. Total Marks - 80
Note :- All Question are Compulsary
Q.1 (A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles:- 05
i) I met him in -------- morning.
ii) Please wait --------- minute.
iii) This is ------- book I want.
iv) He can play -------- guitar very well.
v) He is ---------- honest man.
(B) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions :- 05
i) Are you interested -------- modern art?
ii) I only said it -------- fun.
iii) Children are fond ---------- sweets.
iv) She is good ---------- music.
v) He has great faith --------- God.
(C) Give antonyms for any five of the following :- 05
i) Accept ii) Bright iii) Cheap iv) Cruel
v) Expansion vi) Decent vii) Fact viii) Remember
(D) Give synonyms for any five of the following :- 05
i) Damage ii) Habit iii) False iv) Loyal
v) Quick vi) Recover vii) Occasion viii) Mute

Q2. Answer the following questions in about 75 words each.

i) Give a brief description of the tribal village school visited by 05
Sudha Murthy.
Is uncle podger accident - prone? give example.
ii) Describe Sudha Murty's first meeting with Thandappa. 05
What was Uncle Podger's wife's reaction to all the commotion?
iii) Describe the school Sudha Murty visited. 05
Describe how the whole family got involved in putting up the
(B) Answer the following question in one or two sentences each:- 05
i) Who introduced Sudha Murthy to the Tnandappa?
ii) What did Uncle Podger ask his wife not to worry about?
iii) Who are Thandas?
iv) When did Uncle Podger call all the others 'Fools'?
v) Where are the Sahyadri Hills situated?
Q.3 (A) Answer the following question in about 75 words each:- 05
i) Is the poem (where the mind is without fear) the song of
a Patriot? Give reasons for your answer.
Why did the speaker (the Poet) punish his son?
ii) What does Tagore say about Stagnation and decay of 05
the mind?
Why had the boy put out all of his toys?
iii) Give the brief summary of "Where the mind is without 05
What does the speaker learn from his experience as
a father?
(B) Answer the following question in one or two sentences 05
i) How can people achieve perfection?
ii) How does the poet describe the little boys eye's?
iii) What types of strength does the poet pray for?
iv) How was the little boy punished?
v) What does Tagore mean by "narrow domestic walls"?

Q.4 (A) Answer the following question in about 75 words :-
i) What are the responsibilities a wife has towards her 05
husband as implied in "Why I want a wife"?
How did the children feel when the selfish Gaint built
a high wall around thi garden?
ii) What is the code of conduct recommended for 05
wives when guests arrive?
How and when did spring return to the garden?
iii) What are the specific duties of a wife that be little her 05
freedom or individuality?
How did the selfish Gaint turn into a selfless one?
Q.4 (B) Answer the following question in one or two sentences 05
i) Give any two advantages of having a wife.
ii) How many years was the Giant away from his garden?
iii) What are the duties that a wife need to perform for the
sake of the children in the family?
iv) Why was the Giant really very sorry for?
v) Why did the Giant build a high wall around the garden?

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